The return of the Older Sitri

By Jedisage

198K 2.5K 631

Satoshi Sitri was the oldest brother of the Sitri siblings also one of the top devil General in the devil arm... More

Bio (updated)
Peerage and servant (update/changed)
Harem (updated)
Harem #2 (updated)
Prologue (updated)
A/N: Quick question
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter Five
A/n: Fun facts about Satoshi
more servants/harem girls added
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Quick Random question
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
One more Maid for Satoshi
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
A/n: Satoshi and Tsukiumi son and Daughters
A/n: Satoshi's Apprentices/students
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
A/n Satoshi and Tsukiumi Last Daughter
A/n: Question

Chapter four

8.7K 125 41
By Jedisage

Satoshi Pov

It's been a few weeks  since I had gotten my first knight. Things where peaceful in the underworld while I was walking through the towns several of the people bowed when I walked by while I waved back at them. Several kids ran up to me and handed me and Lu Ming some fruit which we both took and ate. The kids ran off to go play ball

"Things are peaceful around here don't you agree?" I asked.

"Yes my lord they are. The people respect you because you are a leader and you show compassion to others." Lu Ming replied.

"I read in a book somewhere that in order to a wise ruler one must be Benevolent for the sake of the but to keep a empire and a country running you can't put a imbecile in power nor  have a imbecile to run free  or else that will make you lose face with the people." I said

"Well you have a point there sir." Garnet said jumping down from a roof top.

"Garnett how are you this morning?" I asked

"I'm good sir just doing my rounds and everything is doing okay." Garnet replied while the three of us continue our walk. Thinking to myself I think I might take a trip to the human world to see what the humans are up. I respected the human race they may be odd but still they had come far in the few years plus they do have some good reads.

"Something on your mind sir?" Garnet asked.

"A little I think I might take a trip to the human world just to pop in and see how they are doing." I replied

"Shall we company you?" Lu Ming asked.

"No I like to enjoy some time with myself besides I might find another peerage member while I'm at it." I replied in which both girls nodded in agreement.

"Be safe sir." Garnett said before I opened a portal and teleported to the human world. I was careful in where I popped up at. 

"So this is the human world not bad at all." I said while blending in with the humans trying no to draw any attention to myself. Thinking to myself I should by some gifts for my maids I'm sure they will like it. I walked around town until I found a nice little store that was selling jewelry which was perfect. Walking inside I was greeted by the shop owner.

"Welcome sir do you need any help finding anything?" The owner asked.

"Yes I'm looking to buy some gifts for a few of my friends all girls and I wanted if you have something they might like." I replied

"Yes sir we do please follow me." Said the Owner escorting me to the display case and showed me the different necklaces and rings.

"Any of these you like?" The owner asked.

"In fact this will will do nicely." I replied pointing to necklaces that where made of Larimar which is a rare blue variety of the silicate mineral pectolite found only in the Dominican Republic, in the Caribbean. Its coloration varies from white, light-blue, green-blue to deep blue.

"Wise choice sir." The owner said taking six of them out and placed each one in a white before placing them in a small bag while I payed for them.

"Thank come again." The owner said handing me the bag.

"No thank you." I said walking out of the store with the bag and made my way down the street when I walked passed a alleyway when I heard a group of guys laughing while pinning a women with long blonde hair to the wall.

"Unhand me you fiends." The women said

"My My she is a fighter but we can change all that can we boys?" The leader asked.

"Yeah boss I can't wait to have my way with her." The second thug said. 

"Hope your ready for a fun night with us babe." The third thug said before I kicked him in the face sending him flying into the dumpster where he belong.

"You know it's not very nice to try and rape a beautiful women." I said while the women blushed a little. 

"Who are you and where did you come from?" The forth thug asked.

"I don't care he's dead." The fifth thug said pulling out a knife and ran towards me but he was so slow that I side stepped his lunge and chopped the back of his neck knocking him out.

"Why you... get him men." The leader of the thugs said while the remaining thugs circled around me. I let out a sigh.

"Ah shit! Here we go again." I said while the thugs pulled out weapons and charged at me but I used my water magic to create several water geysers  that blasted the thugs sending them flying into the air before they all hit the ground hard moaning in pain.

"Pathetic." I said right before I here a loud thud and turned around to see the women had blasted a guy into the wall with a strong blast of water that had tried to sneak up on me.

"Thanks for the save but are you okay?" I asked

"I am fine but thank you." The women replied

"The name Satoshi what is your name?" I asked walking a bit closer to her.

"Tuskiumi" Tuskiumi replied.

"You have special powers a water user just like I am but it's best not to talk here. Would you like to get something to eat with me?" I asked politely.

"Thou is very kind and I would love to." Tuskiumi replied grabbing my arm while we walked out of the alleyway leaving the thugs still knocked out. The both of us decided to get something to eat at a nearby café. Pulling the  chair out for Tsukiumi while she sat door and pushed her closer to the table before I sat across from her. 

"So tell me Satoshi how thou was able to use manipulate water like that?" Tsukiumi asked

"Well to be fair I must tell you that I'm a devil and to answer you question I was born with the skill  and I also mastered ice magic as well." I replied surprising Tsukiumi who wanted to learn more about me so I told her everything to know about devils, the three factions and anything that came to mind while sharing a nice giant strawberry Sunday. After we finished off the dessert I paid for it before we decided to walk around the town getting to know each other a bit more buying clothes and listing to music and just having fun. 

"You know Tsukiumi  I really enjoyed this day with you. Your very beautiful and talent  and well skilled with water magic." I said while we stopped at the nearby park. The sun was setting  behind the trees.

"Thy had to admit I did enjoy this day with you and everything you told me about the three factions and peerage and how that you are a king of one makes me think I want -" Tsukiumi said right before I grabbed her and jumped out of the way of  light spear.

"Awe man I missed." Said a fallen angel flying toward us.

"A fallen angel?" Tsukiumi asked

"Yes he is." I replied

"It's not nice to talk about someone when there in front of you." The fallen angel said.

"Just what are you doing here fallen one?" I asked

"Just  having a little fun killing humans and what not." The fallen angel said with a laugh.

"You killed innocent humans just for fun have you no shame?" I asked

"Blah...Blah.....Blah like I give a damn what you say now die." The fallen angel said before he threw a light spear at us. Just when I was about to intercept it with one of my swords  Tsukiumi blocked it with her water magic.

"Thou has interrupted  our date and for that you will  die." Tsukiumi said

"Well bring it on I prefer a nice fight." The fallen angel said  before he flew towards Tsukiumi but that what's she wanted him to do.

"Water Dragon." Tsukiumi said while forming a a serpent out of water  while it rushed towards the fallen angel and hit him hard sending him flying into the ground

"Okay first what? The second the fuck?" The fallen angel asked

"I will not forgive you for attack me or thy husband I will make thou pay for ruin our date." Tsukiumi said leaving me a little confused.

"Did she just say I was her husband?" I asked

"Yes I did." Tsukiumi replied before she formed water around her hands forming a sword well blade of water and attacked the fallen angel.

The fallen was caught off guard from the sudden attack barley had  enough time to dodged as each hit did a lot of damage to him.

"Crap! Crap! Crap! Just who the hell is this women and how is she so fast?" The fallen angel asked.

"My wife." I replied appearing behind him and punching him in the face then kicked him in the stomach sending him flying.

"Water arrows." Tsukiumi said before she fired several arrows made out of water that collide wit the fallen angel before I followed up with some ice arrows and fired them at the fallen angel each one hitting his body while he screamed out in pain. 

"Water celebration!" Tsukiumi said launching a blast of water from her hand striking the fallen angel hard making him collide with a tree  before fallen to the ground beating.

"Damn...just who are?" The fallen angel asked

"Did you know who you where attacking?" I replied

"No." Replied the fallen angel

"Well then I tell you. My name Is Satoshi Sitri of The Sitri clan." I said making the fallen angel eyes widen.

"The Satoshi Sitri? The one that fought in both wars and and defeated both of the dragons?" The fallen angel asked while I nodded my head for he had fucked up.

"Forgive me my lord I didn't know please forgive me." The fallen angel begged for forgiveness.

"I will forgive you this time but if you so ever harm me or my queen or any human again I will hunt you down clear?" I asked.

"Yes sir." The fallen angel replied before staggering to his feet and flew away in fear.

"You did well husband." Tsukiumi said

"Same to you as well. Where you serious about me being your husband?" I asked before Tsukiumi  kissed me on the lips giving me her answer.

"Yes I was and I would be honored to be your queen." Tsukiumi replied.

I took a second to think on this. I mean she was strong and beautiful plus she was well skilled with water based attacks plus with my own water and ice magic I don't see the problem with it but still how would the others will react? Knowing my mother she'll be over joyed and say something that she was going to be a grandmother or something.

"Husband are you okay?" Tsukiumi asked knocking me out of my thoughts.

"Yes I'm fine and I will take you as my wife and queen." I said before taking out the queen chest peace as it glowed and floated towards Tsukiumi before it entered her body.

"How do you feel?" I asked.

"I don't know what to say my husband but it feels like ocean washing over me unlocking more of my powers." Tsukiumi replied

"I felt the same way the first time the king piece went into me." I said

"Shall we go I would very like to met my new mother-in-law." Tsukiumi said

"Very well but I know this isn't going to end well." I said before the both of us teleported back to the underworld and walked up to the front door of the Sitri mansion.

"Now I must warn you my mother can be a little over the top." I said opening the door to the mansion.

"I'm home." I said while the both of us walked inside and was greeted by Belfast.

"Welcome home master. Mother is waiting for you in the living room." Belfast said.

"She is?" I asked

"Yes my lord and may I ask who is that with you?" Belfast asked

"This is Tsukiumi my.... queen and wife." I replied surprising Belfast.

"Oh you already have a wife I'm sure Lady Sitri will be happy to hear this." Belfast said 

"Yeah." I said while Belfast escorted the both of us to the living room.

"Why do I sense a disturbance in the force coming form the other side of the door?" I asked right before Belfast opened the door to the living room and inside sat my mother and of course Serafall one of my younger sisters.

"ONIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-SAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!" Serafall shouted before she shot off the couch and gave me a giant hug which I dodged out of the way while she nearly tripped.

"Oh Onii-San why do you always have to be some mean to me?" Serafall asked with puff cheeks.

"This is going to be a long day." I said before the door to the living room closes behind us.

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