
By Sydney916569

1.1M 33.3K 13.2K

Leonardo Giovanni became a father at the age of twenty. The new mafia Don was a closed off cold man that left... More

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twenty - three

20.6K 641 204
By Sydney916569

My leg is bouncing up and down at a ridiculous pace. It's bouncing fast enough to power a fucking city. I sit in my seat in history class, anxiety coursing through my body making me feel really fucking cold.

Someone in this class took that photo of me. Someone in this class is working for Roan. Either Roan or his mafia yet either way they are still a fucking threat.

"Are you okay Trouble? You've been anxious all day?" I whip my head around hearing the soothing, yet worried voice of my girlfriend.

"Yep! Great!" I attempt to hide my nervousness. She furrows her eyebrows obviously not believing me. I just look away watching the classroom door. I made her get here early because I wanted to watch every single person enter to see if they look threatening. Of course I didn't tell Logan the real reason why.

She seems to drop it while keeping a close eye on me. I shake her concern off watching as kids start walking through the doors.

None of them make eye contact with me. They just lazily make their way to their desks probably exhausted from going to bed at three in the morning. I can't do that. I tried it once and was bitchy all day. Nardo thought it was hilarious.

I feel way better knowing that we are on good terms. I am still going to try my hardest to be good for him and not do stupid shit. But now I have another issue at hand. It's no longer just me knowing that someone out there is hunting me down. Now they are close by and taking photos of me.

I have body guards now stationed all around the school watching every single person who enters the school with a close eye. The only place where I am not around the clock covered by guards is when I am in the four walls of the school.

The guards still have to look inconspicuous.

The class has mostly filled up by now, only a few stragglers entering the room. The second periods final bell goes off and my teacher starts taking attendance. However he is interrupted when the door slams back open and I meet the haunting eyes that I have become so acquainted with.

My mind immediately rushes to Roan. His eyes are that same petrifying icy blue that do not look warm and welcoming but rather cold and deadly. The eyes of Roan. Yet this isn't him. This is the same boy that Logan and I bumped into on my first week of school. I had insulted him and couldn't shake the familiarity behind his scary eyes.

"Mr. Rudenko why are you late?" My teacher questions the clearly older boy.

Oh my god. My blood runs cold at the boys name. Rudenko. Roan Rudenko. The icy blue eyes, the same last name, the picture taken in this class.

I go to school with someone related to Roan. My heavy breathing increases as I try to look away from his piercing stare. The stare that is directed towards me. He answers the teacher yet all I can hear is a muffles. I watch as the boy who I never realized was in this class take a seat in the row behind me two desks to my left. That's the angle the photo was taken from.

As soon as he sits down I can't help it when I push my chair out missing the loud screech it makes against the floor tiles. Grabbing my back pack I sprint out of the classroom ignoring the teacher calling me.

My head is spinning and my mind is getting fuzzy. I stumble through the halls with only one thought on my mind: He knows where I am.

The statement repeats over and over again like it is on a loop. Like those five words are the only ones I know.

The feeling of absolute terror runs through my veins. There was only one time I felt this sort of fear, yet even then it wasn't nearly as bad as now. That time being when Mama was high on her drugs and Roan was completely sober making him even more thorough with his torture.

I don't even realize that I am hunched over in one of the bathroom stalls puking my guts out. The only thing that brings me back to reality is the feeling of somebody brushing my hair out of my face.

"You're okay Maggie. Just get it all out." The soothing voice of my beautiful girlfriend lets me know it isn't some random person helping me out.

Sobs are the only thing heard in between my heaving and puking. It feels like it is going on forever. My body is overheating making me feel like I was thrown into a furnace. My head is pounding and my throat burns from my stomach acid.

"C-ca-ll m-my d-ad." I stutter out like an idiot in between my heaves. All that was left in my stomach was acid but the actual puking seemed to slow down. I hear Logan shuffling around pulling my phone out before the sound of the phone ringing pierces through the air.

I still sob as the terror of my situation settles in even more.

I need to get out of here. I need to leave. Oh god I need to leave.

"Mr. Giovanni- Hi its Logan, Maggie's friend. She's having an anxiety attack-" Logan speaks to my father over the phone. It's only been twelve hours since we made up and although I am cautious with my actions and bothering him, I really need him right now. "Okay I'll put you on speaker."

"Maggie baby what's wrong?" He asks me over the phone. I can't answer and instead a sobs leaves my mouth. "Hey kiddo, let's do the breathing thing Yeah? Come on, I want to hear you take deep breaths with me."

"I can't." I manage to choke out moving away from the toilet falling back onto Logan who wraps her arms around me trying her best to comfort me.

"Yes you can baby. Come on, all three of us do big deep breaths. Follow Logan." They start breathing and me not wanting to frustrate either of them try to copy their breaths. Slowly, very slowly I manage to get a regular breath rythym where I can get enough oxygen where I won't pass out.

"Good Maggie." Logan strokes my hair as she pushes my head into her chest. Hearing her heartbeat helps me calm down as well.

"Maggie, I am on my way to pick you up right now. We can just hang out and chill for the rest of the day. Yeah?"

"Ok-okay. Bye dad."

"Bye baby." He hangs up as I hear him open his car door. Logan moves shuffling around in my bag for my water bottle.

"Here drink this." She holds the bottle up to my lips and I slowly drink the refreshing liquid. It soothes my burning throat and helps me cool down a bit. "Just relax Maggie, here we can just cuddle until your dad gets here."

She curls me up so I am in her embrace. My head is resting on her boobs. I wish my boobs were as big as hers.

"You have nice boobs." I mumble sniffling a bit. Her chest rumbles as she laughs at my comment.

"You have nice boobs too Trouble."

"My boobs are too small. Yours are perfect."

"All boobs are beautiful." She settles and I nod my head agreeing, I continue to listen to the slow paced thumping of her heart.

She smoothes my hair and rests her chin on the top of my head. Just then, a second later my phone pings. It's my dad. I only know that because I gave him a really obnoxious ringtone.

"Your dads here Mags. I'll walk you to the parking lot." I nod listening to her as she helps me stand looping her arm around my back for more stability.

Slowly we make our way down to the first floor and the doors to the parking lot. There I see my father pacing next to his Porsche, the thing he calls his 'second child'. Once he sees us he immediately makes his way over to me dropping down infront of me so he seems less intimidating and pulls me into his safe arms.

"You're okay." He flattens my hair as he kisses my cheek. "Come on, let's go."

I nod leaning into him. "Bye Maggie, feel better." Logan says to me making me turn around to give her a hug.

"Thank you." I mumble to her. She didn't have to leave class to help me, but she did, and for that I am thankful.

"Don't thank me." She whispers letting go and handing my father my backpack.

"Thank you for taking care of her Logan, it is so nice to finally meet you." He greets her, shaking her hand.

"You aswell Mr. Giovanni. Also it's no problem that's what friends are for." If he couldn't see my face right now I would be smirking.


If only he knew.

"Call me Leo, a friend of hers is a friend of mine." Oh god I am so over this formal conversation. I tug his sleeve letting him know I want to go.

We say our goodbyes before he leads me to the car helping me into the front seat. He grabs me a spare blanket that he keeps for me in the trunk before wrapping me up like a mummy.

When I am anxious I prefer to either be hugged or tightly wrapped up in something. So now, every time I am anxious and he can't hug me, instead he wraps a blanket around me.

"I have to go back to work baby, will you be okay if I bring you with me? Your uncle and grandfather will be there." I give him a small smile and nod as he mentions Marco and Gramps.

The car ride is silent only with soft instrumental music playing in the background. Instrumental music is underrated, especially instrumental songs from soundtracks. Those are just god sent. I mean How To Train Your Dragon soundtrack is the most elite one out there.

I don't even realize that we are at his warehouses until I see him pull up to warehouse twelve. That's the one he likes to work out of because less drugs and weapons are around meaning less workers meaning more quiet and peaceful time for him.

He lifts me out of the car seat grabbing my backpack for me. My whole body feels heavy from the exhaustion. I feel like I can't move. Thank god he's carrying me because I think if I tried to walk I would eat shit on the ground.

The guards let him in bowing their heads calling him Capo. They then greet me and I send them a quick peace sign letting them know they are swag.

I doubt that's what they got from my action but whatever.

Nardo kicks his office door open and lays me down on the couch. "Do you need anything my baby?" He tucks a strand of hair away from my face.

"Grandpa?" I ask. If Nardo still has to do his work the next best option for hugs is Grandpa. Then it would be Marco but he is too fidgety.

"Already here la mia farfalla." He says from the door crouching down in front of me. "What happened?"

"The kid who took the photo."

"Who is it baby?" Dad asks me, squeezing my hand.

"His last name is Rudenko. He's either Roans son or his brother. I freaked because he gave me the same look that Roan used to give me before he would beat me." I tear up sharing my story. I don't want to deal with this anymore. I just want it all to be over.

"We will deal with him love. How about you get some rest?" Grandpa says moving my head that was on a pillow to now laying on his lap. "Just rest for now. We will be here when you wake up."

I look over to my dad who looks livid yet he still has a comforting smile on his face. Love clearly shining through his eyes.

Seeing his reassurance, I let my eyes close, feeling safe and sound. For now at least.


Thank you all for the birthday wishes!

I'm in love with the next chapter so I will try to get it up soon but I need to catch up on writing some more chapters.

If you want anything to happen in the book or have any chapter ideas reach out to me! I would happily consider any options and I will try to incorporate it if it works.

Lots of love like always,


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