All The Right Cues

By Thebootles

21.8K 627 689

"If I win, I get her" He points at me "What no way! George that's way out of li-" In conclusion: fuck it ~~~... More

Part 1 - How it Started
Part 2 - Smoking Habits
Part 3 - Playing a Losing Game
Part 4 - The Back Alley
Part 5 - Nervous Records
Part 6 - The First Cue
Part 7 - The First Cue .2
Part 8 - Dont Say No Just Yet
Part 9 - The Second Cue
Part 10 - The Second Cue .2
Part 11 - I Dig Love
Part 12 - His Home
Part 13 - What She Means To Me
Part 14 - He's Leaving Home
Part 16 - A Work Visit
Part 17 - Out Of The Blue
Part 18 - He's On His Way Home
Part 19 - Birthday
Part 20 - A Memorable Party
Part 21 - The After Party
Part 22 - Another Day
Part 23 - I'd Have You Anytime
Part 24 - Honey Pie
Part 25 - Rehearsal Dinner
Part 26 - Silence Ensues
Part 27 - Don't Worry Baby
Part 28 - The Good Ol' Days
Part 29 - A Box
Part 30 - Without End
Part 31 - Wedding Bells
Part 32 - Wedding Bells .2
Part 33 1/3 - Beautiful Girl
Part 34 - Warm Welcome
Part 35 - Flat Out
Part 36 - Working Hard
Part 37 - Hardly Working
Part 38 - Interrupted Call
Part 39 - Garments
Part 40 - Goodnight
Part 41 - No, It Can't Be
Part 42 - Out Of Control
Part 43 - Wait a Minute, Wait a Minute
Part 44 - G Chord
Part 45 - Exhibitionist
Part 46 - Suspicion Arises
Part 47 - Lose Control
Part 48 - What The F*ck.
Part 49 - Isn't It A Pity
Part 50 - And In The...
Author's Note

Part 15 - The First Day Away

410 11 2
By Thebootles

It's been about 5-8 hours since George left to go out of town for work. I didn't ask him once to stay, I know what his job entails and how I've got to cope with it. The only thing that scares me is, what happened if he sees a better person?
C'mon now, you know exactly what I'm on about... Everyone knows who and what George Harrison has gotten up to, his ex-WIFE even has said it. Someone he was supposedly, committed to. It will always play in the back of my mind. I can't help that, I think if anyone has been through it before it's always going to be a reminder how how humans can treat one another.

There's not much I can do to distract myself, I'm still working whilst he's away because I believe I can't (and don't want to) rely on him and his wealth. I'm not into him for that.

Something I have done today whilst working, reset the music in the box. I took some of the older Beatles songs and replaced them with music that the guys will enjoy. Bob Dylan, Cream, Plastic Ono band, Rolling Stones, Fleetwood Mac. And many others. Just stuff that the lads could know or relate to, I guess. 'George would definitely be proud of the Bob Dylan display' I say proudly to myself.

Eric was in tonight as usual, he knows George is out of town cause he told me:
"In case you didn't know" to quote him.

He has a few mates with him. Nothing special. They chat for a bit, ask for a game, I decline. Not really in the mood tonight, I just want to get this shift done and get back to George's. Tonight really was slow and boring. Clapton trying to make conversation but I couldn't be bothered. It's reached around 11 after I've stood around doing nothing, messing with music and stock taking, as I said, slow. Clapton comes up to the bar,
"What's up with you love? You've been quiet all night! Not like you" he puts his hand on mine.

"Eh, just boring. Not you! Just been a low day today" I give the excuse. I lift my hand up that's he's resting his on, start to wipe the bar down.

"Right.... You not missing George are you?" He gives me a suspicious look, raising his eyebrows.
"What? No of course not." I try to defend.
"Good, he taken you out yet? Or did he lay the whole routine on you after the other night?" He says flirting.

"Nothing happened, I closed up and chucked him out" I say somewhat coldly.
"He must of been angry?"
"Nah, I think he enjoys the chase..." I trail off, this isn't a lie.

"Your not wrong love, he probs just picked up another girl somewhere to work on, you know how he is.." Clapton's trying to get a ride out of me. I won't let him see me get annoyed.
"Fair enough, he's his own man. Nothing I can do" I say as I try to make myself busy. "Can I get you a drink?"

"Brandy... y'know I wouldn't do that to you. If I did win, and I DID. I would treat you proper, y'know?"
"Okay, but sadly you didn't" if George heard this conversation...

"Sadly?" He questioned.
Fuck wrong word choice there. "C'mon, let me take you out. George won't know! He's not here. He doesn't need to know" he offers. I don't like this conversation, he's coming off as a seedy creep right now.

"Nah I'm alright, but thank you for the offer Clapton, and I'm pretty sure your engaged? You wouldn't want to ruin that would you?" I give him a look. I start to make his brandy.
"What they don't know won't hurt them..." he's quite clearly pissed.

"Sure..." I hand him his drink.
"Cheers doll" grim.
"We're closing in half hour" I say to him. He ignores it and walks to his table, or tries to without falling over. Jesus.
Don't worry Harrison, I won't betray you. Let's hope you wouldn't either...

George's POV:

The first day away is always the hardest, I can tell you this from experience. Whenever I had a girl back home when I was touring with the lads, the pain that was young horny George couldn't help himself. I know that sounds soo bad, but I was young and very reckless. I was never in for long relationships, just a quick fix. I can admit this cause it was a mistake. And I wouldn't ever do it again. I swear!
With meeting after meeting, today felt like it was the longest ever. I want to be in me pub, with my girl. Watching from afar as I always did. Making sure no bloke had a problem with her, she never recognised that I did this. I'm glad she didn't. She doesn't have the protection of me, fuck. Clapton better not fucking start. As karma and the universe would have it, Layla by Cream started to play in the lobby of the hotel I'm staying at. What a fucking coincidence, the universe can be funny at times. This makes my suspicions stronger. I need to call her. I make my way to my room that I checked in to before I had my meetings earlier this morning, unlock the door, chuck my coat and things on my bed and dialled the pubs number. I know she was still working as it was only about 11:15. It rang out for a few seconds, then a bloke picked up. "Hello?"
"Yea hi is Daisy in?"
"Why? What's it to do with you pal?" Must of been one of the older staff, he had a low voice and seemed confused.
"I'm her brother, it's a family matter" I make an excuse on the spot.
"I didn't know she had a brother?"
"Yea well she does" I respond quickly. "Could you just get her on please?"
"Alright mate calm it..."   "Hello?" It was the most familiar voice.
"Hiya love, sorry to call you at work but I wanted to hear your voice"
"Oh hi, you alright? You sound worried?"
"Yea yea I'm fine now. Everything alright at work? Is Eric in? He's not messing with you is he? If he is I will fucking ki-"
Daisy cuts me off. "What?! Your talking too fast. Calm down, everything's fine, your so dramatic" she laughs. Her laughs calm my anxiety. "I can't talk long as my colleague is a dick. Give me 30 mins and call your house phone alright?"
"Yea okay, speak to you soon, get home safe" the line ends.
Hmm, still not sure. I pace my room. Thinking over the conversation. I might've come on strong.
I wait until 12. She will be home by now, in the protection of my house.....

Daisy's POV:

I put the phone down to my colleague, so he won't realise what's going on.
"Everything alright? Your bro said it was a family matter.." He asks.
" brothers lost his cat again" I go along with the lie.

That's stu by the way, he's built like a brick house. Plays rugby. Rarely works, but he fills in for people when they can't make it. He's an alright bloke.

"I told him not to call again about it whilst we work, that's why I was laughing. We don't live together."
"Sure thing" he doesn't care.
I don't have a brother, or a sister. I don't see my family really at all.

After 15 minutes, stu kicks out the patrons and I get to work on closing.
"Go on, get home Daisy. Gotta go look for a cat!" Stu jokes.
"Thanks for the reminder, see ya. Cheers mate!"

I exit my work and call a cab. It's about quarter to 12. As I'm arriving to George's place I tell the driver to stop wherever, pay him and go up to his building.
I wave to the chauffeur, being nice. Getting my key out of my bag, jumping in the lift.
I can't wait to get up and out of work clothes. I need to hear his voice.

Getting to his door, unlocking it. I step in and there's a large bouquet of roses on the table...
That's definitely one way to tell a girl you like her...
And next to it is a red rotary dial phone. A card attached to the flowers. 'Plug it in where it can be used the most' I can't imagine the person that had to write this...

Obviously has to be the bedroom. That's what he's hinting at. So I run upstairs to connect it to the house. Just on his bedside.
I run back down to put the flowers on the kitchen island where they will look better. I take one with me upstairs. Waiting for his call. I peel off my jeans and shirt, they're too uncomfortable to sit in.

In a matter of no time, it rings.
I pick up, "hello!"
"Hiya babe, got my present then?"
"Fuck yea, your too nice! Good colour!"
"Well thank you, I had to get something that would look good if it's gonna be used a lot...." He flirts. "...where did you plug it in?" He asks.
"The bathroom George.. where do you think?" I laugh.
"To be honest, calling you whilst in the bath ain't too bad of an idea! I should get a phone for each room, I can always talk to you that way..."
"I don't think so, your gonna be too obsessed with me. I know I'm irresistible but that's too far even for me" I kid.
"Oh wow I didn't think you noticed, truly you are my darling."
"That's what I call sarcasm." He laughs at the joke.
"Well, tell me about work, I know I was flustered. Me not being there to make sure my mate Clapton behaves is killing me." He says with urgency.

I'm not sure if I should tell him, he might worry...
"Honestly it was fine! Nothing I couldn't handle"
"What's that supposed to mean?" His voice getting tougher. I can tell just by his tone that he's getting worried. I should've just said nothing. I need to tell him.
"He just came onto me a bit, honestly it's nothing! He just asked me out that's al-"
"WHAT! he must be out of his God damn head! How fuckin' dare he! What a fucking bastard.."

What. The. Fuck.

"Woah! George you can't explode like that! Calm down!"
"Calm down? CALM DOWN?" I pull the phone away from my ear, fuck he's loud. I don't like how he's reacting.
"If you don't stop, I will end the call. Your not a little boy who's broke his toys. Stop."
Silence fell over the speaker.
"Sorry.." he mutters.
I just told off George Harrison. I shake my head in disbelief.
"Instead of getting overprotective, tell me why your angry" why am I talking to him like a councillor?
"I'm pissed that my mate would come onto my bird, he's talking the bloody piss, I'm not even been gone 24 hours and he's starting already. He's always done it" he explains.
"Well I said I handled it, didn't I? I'm not hopeless or defenceless. I can stick up for myself..."
"I know but I still feel it's out of my control! I fucking hate business trips."
"There's not much we can do, just get through the next couple days. We will see each other soon enough George." I tell him.
"I know... I know."
I pick up the flower that I carried upstairs with me.
Smelling it, the scent filling my senses.
"Thank you for the flowers" I break the silence.
"It's perfectly alright, I wanted to treat you. I still haven't taken you out properly since I won you."
"You won me?" I flirt
"And deservedly so, Clapton got very lucky. I normally do win."
"I wouldn't know, I win every time"
"I know you do, maybe you should teach me sometime? Then Clapton wouldn't have a choice but to shut up..."
"Is it always a game between you two?" I ask.
"Most of the time, it's a joke mostly. But when a bird is involved it can break our friendship."

"Don't worry, you've got me now, no more competition."
"I know I do. I was always going to have you"
"Hmmm sure thing Harrison"
He groans at my answer, he loves it secretly when I call him that.
I run the bud of the flower up and down my bare legs. Causing a tingling sensation.
There's a comfortable silence where we only hear each other breathing.
"I want to be with you.." George moans.
"I know, sounds like your having some fun.."
"I can't deny what you do to me babe" he calls.
"And what might that be?" Being inquisitive.
"I think you know.." he manages to speak.
"Do I though? How could I possibly know?" Mocking a innocent voice.
"Don't...act know. Fuck" he must really be enjoying himself.
"I'm totally innocent! There's not one bone in my body that isn't."
He scoffs at this remark, "you're a dirty girl, and we both" he breathes.
"You know me too well... if you were here I would show you how much I am"
"Tell me now" he orders. I know he won't last too long, he finds me too much. That's not me being big headed. He gets hard just off the look or thought of me alone. He's told me this himself.
"I would take you, all of you"
"I would take your erect cock, and I would pleasure you in every way.."
"Would you take me in your mouth?" He moans again.
"All of you at once, gagging on your length"
I know this is very graphic, but my George needs to relax. I can't wait for him to get home.
"Good girl."
"I would use my hands and mouth to suck you off until you came in my mouth..."
"That's it!.... Come on, give me more baby!" He calls out.
"I want to taste you, claim me George" I tease.
"Fuck....." all I hear is his breath getting deeper.
"Claim me!"
"Your fucking mine!" He groans, climaxing.
"I know" I whisper.
I give him a second to adjust.
"Fuck....give me a sec love." I hear him putting the phone on the side. I'm guessing to wash his hands and clean up. I'm proud of myself.
He returns.
"I told you not to worry, I'm yours. No one else's" I tell him.
"I know that now. I knew before but I couldn't stop myself... you fucking know what to say don't you! I love that your so dirty."
"I know you do.."

I feel myself closing my eyes.
"Daisy? Hello? You still there?" He calls out.
"Sorry, it's late. I should probably sleep."
"Of course. It's good to know your in my bed baby."
"Goodnight George"
"Goodnight love.."
I put the receiver back to its holder, setting down the phone. I get under the covers. I smell him on the sheets.
The first day done...

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