TalkQuickNotes with lauv

By Laureate_

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It can be really challenging to come up with ideas and plots, and giving them life by amazingly portraying th... More

TalkQuickNotes with lauv
@RavenKookv / SPRINGKV


145 14 51
By Laureate_

Hey, lauv here. A warm welcome to the people who decided to take a peak at TalkQuickNotes.

Books give us insight into other people, other cultures, languages and so on. Understanding languages and cultures builds walls of knowledge, to protect and strengthen our growth steps by steps. Every story bring us to a new world of experience, emotions, calculations... Today we have Asma [ AsmaAtdl ] our beloved taekook author with us.

Hello Asma, thank you so much for sparing your precious time for me and TalkQuickNotes. It's such a honour.

- The honor is all mine ❤️ I'm super honored to be considered for this interview and thank you for thinking about me.


Can you tell me a little about yourself?

- Of course, I'm AsmaAtdl, a pseudonym composed from my name 'Asma' and my penname. I'm a 27 years old woman who's passionate for books and animé and gaming as much as I'm passionate about my writings and my teaching job ^__^

- I'm a proud Muslim, and African. My culture is something i identify with enermously since I was born in Tunisia, North Africa.

Just like your name, your are really precious <3 it's my pleasure to meet someone who has a huge interest in culture and history, and passionate when it comes to teaching and writing.

- Thank you, you're making me blush! I believe culture is something important in everyone's life and one should honor their roots and their origins. History is a source of wisdom and can teach us many things, which I believe could help us define our future.

You made me believe the same which I'm always grateful for <3

I have really small knowledge about Tunisia and I'd love to know more about your place and culture the way you gave us an opportunity to know more about Japanes culture through your writing.

- Oh my gosh, this is great praise! I'm indeed passionate about culture and history, especially Asian. It must be my passion for manga and anime hehe As for my country, Tunisia is a small country at north Africa, right in the middle. It was the haven of multiple civilizations: carthago, roman, Greek, Arab, Islam, ottoman ect. It has an array of different weather's from sunny, rainy, snowy and beautiful spring. It has also lots of topography:mountains, hills, forests, desert, beautiful beaches and ancient villages. Truly it's a sight for sore eyes.

In short, a heaven on earth.

- We also have the three monotheist religions :Islam is dominant but we have different churches and synagogues. Especially in the island of djerba: the biggest Jewish church in the world, El ghriba, is considered the second most important Jewish religious destination in the world, the first being Solomons temple in Jerusalem.

Wow, I'm learning a lot from you, just like any other time. Thank you so much for sharing with us <3 it's so fascinating.

- Thank you ^\\^ I try my best!

Yes, you do and we appreciate it very much.

- You're most welcome, my meager knowledge is at your service

Your meager knowledge is a like sea to people like me, with so much depth and new findings that I will always treasure.

- Oh my, thank you!! It's really an honor!

No mention, I'm just stating the facts.

When did you realise you wanted to be a writer?

- I think I realised I loved writing back at middle school. A teacher asked us to write a small story and I tried to portray a small fantasy love story à la 'Twilight' since it was all the rage back then. My teacher praised my little essay and I think I knew back then that I wanted to make people travel the world through my writings. My fascination with books began when I was a little toddler, so I hoped I could fascinate people with my own stories too.

You are definitely doing that. You are an amazing writer with sexy brain *I'm not drooling*

- *giggle * sexy brain is one of the best compliments I ever got, thank you!

*then I'm gonna spoil you with best compliments, be ready*

- Hehe I'm a sucker for compliments! So it's something good!

[ I'm finding people with same taste as me <3 we all do have praise kink ;) ]

What are the most surprising things you learnt in creating your books?

- Hum... I'd say I was surprised at how I got amazing response from people and learnt how to maintain that. I''ve always written for fun so once I started getting an audience, I had to double check for quality, for story telling flow and for the way to please my audience while being happy with what I write. So i' d say I learnt how to balance quality with readers' expectations.

As your reader, I'm saying you have done a incredible job with your writing and readers' expectations, your imagination walks a mile forward than us.

- Oh my, really?? That's really a relief and I'm grateful for all my readers❤️❤️❤️

Yes <3 i strongly believe so.

Moving forward, what in your opinion are the most important elements of good writing?

- Hum, gotta think about it a bit. I think keeping the flow of the story through attention to details is very important. A good built only comes through knowing how to give enough details: how can we speak about character development if we lose the details about the character's appearance and personality, sometimes even getting contradictory things? I think the writer needs to keep tabs about their world built, their characters and the flow of the story.

That's right. A proper detailed description of events, characters boost imagination of every readers when we are reading the story.

How much world building takes place before you start writing?

- I'd say I write down the general idea of the book first, then I build around it with additional ideas and inspiration. So I take around three days to map my entire story in the form of an essay, generally one to two pages in length. Then when I start writing the prologue I map down the story in more length and details. My world building gets done chapter by chapter according to the general detailed map of the book. Of course readers suggestions and requests can be included, depending on the general flow of the story.

Wow, this is how sexy brain works?

It's not easy, I suppose. Thank you so much for your hardwork and delivering such an amazing stories <3

- Hehe this is at least how my brain works ^\\\^ but of course every author has their own method ❤️

Yes they do and it's admirable <3

Writing and managing your life outside of watty isn't easy as you already have a job and studies which is sucking your energy out, taking almost your days and nights. writing isn't easy either, it can be emotionally draining at times. How do you deal with emotional impact of a book ( on yourself ) as you are writing the story?

- Ehhh true, it's hard managing my personal life, my professional life and writing. But writing was mostly the outlet of all the stress that both my studies and job are causing me

- So honestly, my writing is the way I deal with emotional drain and stress. Managing my time through a calendar is also the way I found to balance both my job, my studies and my writing

Wow, that's really a different way of seeing things. Hopefully you will continue to find solace in writing.

- Thank you so much, it really means a lot to me ❤️

No, thank you so much for giving us a chance to know such an amazing person throughout your stories and through this little talk <3 I was over the moon when you accepted my invite.

- I was super thrilled getting the invite, you're so sweet and it made me soooo happy ❤️❤️❤️❤️

[ This is too bad for my heart and my Prise kink has fed well. ]

Awww thank you so much <3 I'm glad you feel so.

What was your favourite part and least favourite part of the writing journey?

- My favorite part was discovering myself all again through doing what I love : with every word I was thinking deeply about what ifs and placing myself in the character's shoes. I learned so much about the value of forgiveness, about what true love really means: it isn't about unless affection as much as it is really about deep respect towards the loved one. I enjoyed learning through my characters eyes. My least favorite thing would be dealing with negative emotions while faced with an obligation to update and cheer up my audience. Don't get me wrong, I love my readers soooo much, but having to make them happy while sometimes feeling the worst on stressful days was a challenge that I had to overcome.

The feeling is magical that we could learn more things by writing and books. And discovering our own potential and self, well there's nothing more confusing and surprising.

And yeah I do get it where you are coming from. As an amazing author here pointed out before, patience is a must when you read or write a book, impatience will ruin it's beauty.

What are the key challenges you faced when you started writing here?

- I'd say the biggest challenge was how to get an audience xD and fear of negative response. I've always written for myself and only my little sister would read me or listen to me reading her some of my stories since they were meant for her in the first place. So writing for strangers felt like allowing them to see your bare soul, which was super terrifying! I wanted to reach out to people so I was faced with the challenge of getting this audience. My friend and lovely author blanktae was my first reader and her comments were very helpful and encouraging to me. I guess some of my first readers followed her commenting and voting and thus the challenge was conquered head on ^__^

It's not hard to walk forward when we have people who understands our passion and support with everything they are. I'm glad you found her and your frst readers to help you through that period of time.

How do you describe your book's ideal readers?

- In all honesty, all my readers are ideal: enough for me that they love me and are patient enough to vote and comment with their love! I'm lucky to have them ❤️

Awww that's so sweet of you <3

Inspiration comes from different kind of elements, what inspired you to write my Destiny ?

- Ahhh that's my favorite part! I was playing an otome game called samurai love ballad, on top of being a huuuuge Japanese culture nerd. The game got me thinking of writing a story set in sengoku Japan, so I tried setting taekook in such a time and scene. I've always been a huge sucker for princess x warrior type of forbidden love so I started composing around it.

It was one of the best taekook werewolf au I have ever read ❣️ and Japanese culture is a bonus with your excellent writing. Their food, dress, the era, emotions, characters--- so detailed and pretty amazing. But the only thing now is on my mind is Fundoshi *I swear I'm not a pervert*

- i'm super glad that "my Destiny" is so loved! i tried balancing my love of japanese culture with the werewolf AU elements and i'm glad it's making a good impact <3 and no blaming you for the Fundoshi, it's really intriguing and super sexy at the same time hehehe

It's making a very good impact, I must say. The emotional aspect of the story, angst and romance--- everything is well written. *I'm gonna sue you for making me cry a lot* and you are right, Fundoshi, it's really intriguing...

- *laugh* seeing my readers react so well to my book is one of my ultimate goals. so when i read comments about being in tears or laughing with the characters, it makes my heart really warm with happiness!

A incredible feeling, isn't it?

- it is indeed so incredible, sometimes i wonder if i'm in a dream!! thank you so much for your kind words!

Thank you so much for your hardwork <3 You do very much have the power over our emotions.

Moving forward, what's the most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite sex?

- i think the most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite sex is making them "possible" and "believable". It's a cliché, but women are indeed more empathic and sensitive than men, so writing a male character from a female perspective is hard: you have to consider how to think, how to see things, how the vision is different than the usual for yourself. A small exemple would be the famous "couple arguments": females tend to see and think through every detail, which can be baffeling for males and thus arguments happen. So if i am to write the male's point of view during an argument, I have to limit my own detailed vision in order to think and see things like a male. it's a small exemple and very stereotypical, but it's the only thing i can think of now xD so if i am to summarize: making characters of the opposite sex believable and easy to picture in real life, is the real challenge for me as an author

It might be a small example but it define the story. From those words I do understand how difficult it's for you. Thank you so much for putting lots of efforts to make it real and possible, even when it's not somewhere near easy.

- you're very welcome, it's an honor to be considered with so much love and encouragments <3

You deserve everything dear.

Has Writing books changed the way you see yourself?

- definetly! writing has always been a part of my heart and soul, it had always been an outlet. I write to be happy and to have a distraction. being introduced to fanfictions made me realise that i can live in the worlds i so love and desire to be true nd i can make a difference by writing my own intake on it. and now that i'm writing for a large's incredible and it gave me so much confidence. it changed the way i see myself because i felt so loved and so well surrounded by people who share my passion. I admit that publishing on wattpad and ao3 made me stronger and surer of myself. just thinking that i have the power to make people happy, sad, angry, and excited with the tip of my pen is enough to feel the most confident person ever!

- and i hope never to abuse such power. like it had been so rightfully said in the movie Spiderman "with great power, comes great responsibilities"!

Yes wise words. And I hope you can use that power to build something that no one ever dared.

Wattpad and ao3 really give us a chance to pursue our passion while taekook give us a wide imagination. We'd love to continue to be your confidence <3 and support to you forever.

- i really am thankful for those plateforms since it gave me such a great opportunity! it helped boost my creativity and i cannot wait to share all the wild stories i have in my mind with all of you <3

Now I can't wait to read your other wild creations... I'm sure they are going to be dope *fire emojies*

- *laugh* i really hope to never dissapoint, because i've got a looot of stories incoming! you just wait until i'm done with work and then it's gonna be surprise after surprise !

Oh I can't wait. I'm excited !

What books or authors' have most influenced your own writing?

- hum....when i started reading taekook i fell in love immediately ith the werewolf genre through some authors, mainly blanktae and her awesome writing <3 i then started actively looking for taekook werewolf AU and found NimraSajjad, the talented WillowStarlingBTS as well as the adorable adDICKTAEd. what sealed the deal for me to write my own book was the great book "Mad Love, Daddy's Lil' Monster, Suicide Squad" by the talented BloodLikeRoyalty. reading taekook as Harley and the Joker was what made me love the couple and want to write my own. My friend Blanktae encouraged me as well and here I am ! not that i'm copying their writing style but reading "Mateless Alpha" by aDICKTAEd, "Nicotine" by autumnawe, "Doll Shop" by jgkktae and "Obticeo" by hiraeseden made me realize that i want to make people get attached to my own writing and cry like i did while reading those books. they inspire me to work on my writing and be hopefully as good as them <3

Wow we do have a lots of talented authors here. I'm glad they inspired you to create your own world of fanfictions.

If you could tell your younger writing self anything what would it be?

- well, if there's anything i'd say to my younger self, it would be this. "dont ever look back, the road ahead is better than you would have ever imagined. God has a plan for you, and there's no need to shed tears over anyone who never knew your worth." oh and i'd also say "PICK UP YOUR DAMN PEN AND WRITE!!!! YOU'RE GOOD AT IT!!!"

Yes, that's the spirit <3

Coming to the last question, Taekook and their pure bond has been inspiring a lot of people nowadays. What advice would you give a new writer. Someone just starting out?

- My advice is to write for themselves first, never to seek people's approval. I came to realize I love my writing and it makes me happy, that's why I enjoy writing. But if one doesn't enjoy their own book, how can they make others enjoy it? Map out details and do your research very well, keep tabs on your characters in order to make them believable and real, and enjoy what you do before trying to seek others approval and lose yourself in the process.

Yes. If you can't love yourself the way you want others to love you, you don't deserve to be loved--- I think this quote really applicable in our creations too. We should be our first ever fans. Because that's the strongest love and support anyone ever could have.

- That's indeed the lesson I learned from BTS but also from my time on wattpad. Having amazing friends here, like the beautiful nellyverse, encouraging me to be myself and to see the positive impact of my books, helped me see myself in a different, better perspective ❤️

Yes, we learned a lot from our boys <3 and I'm glad you had her through the journey.

And that bring us to the end of this interview. Thank you so much Asma, I had a wonderful time with you.

- My thanks to you my dearest, I loved every moment spent with you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ it was so fun!

Awww thank you so much <3


My little chat with Asma was totally different experience. For one, I fell asleep in between our talk [ I know I'm such a horrible host ] and for second, it took almost 3 days to finish because of circumstances. Even so she was enthusiastic and forgive me without a second thought which I'm grateful for.

She's easy to talk. Has wide knowledge about cultures, which is attractive <3 Polite and easy going, mature yet childlike.

I learnt a lot from her, through her books and our little chat. It was such an amazing experience for me.

Thank you so much <3

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