Lady Midnight

By chinesenerd

28.7K 706 297

It's been five years since the events of City of Heavenly Fire that brought the Shadowhunters to the brink of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 13

593 18 2
By chinesenerd

Jules P.O.V.

She stands in front of Jules. A sword in her hand, pointed at him. Emma's brown eyes were gone. Lifeless black pits have taken their place. There is no reasoning with her. She had the same expression as his father when he was Turned. She edged the blade closer to him. There was no reasoning with her. Julian had a knife in his hand. He could stop her advancing with the flick of his wrist, but he couldn't do it. It was the girl he loved.

" Emma. Please stop," Jules pleaded. She laughed and pulled back her sword to strike. It never came. Jules had sunk the blade into the place where her heart would be. Blood blossomed from the wound. The warm crimson liquid gushed onto his fingers. Jules looked into her eyes. They turned back to their usual brown, but the life left them. Her body slumped to the ground. Julian's vision turned black.

 Jules surged up from his bed. His sheets were messy and tangled. He had sweat beading off his forehead.

Jules couldn't shake the sight of Emma's lifeless body slumping to the ground and knowing that he had done that. It was one of his worst fears. His clock read 04:00. He wasn't used to reading English clocks, but he knew it meant 4 in the morning.

He was never going to get back to sleep. Not with those disturbing images in his head.

Around 7:00 in the morning, he decided to get out of bed and get ready to train. He quickly showered and slipped into his baggy training clothes. He looked in the mirror at his face. He looked like a raccoon from his lack of sleep.

He made his way to the dining room and ate his breakfast. While he was munching on a muffin, Ciara walked in.

She wore the same clothes as him, but her curly hair was tied into a ponytail. She grabbed a a muffin and quickly ate it.

When she was done, she said," ready?" Jules only nodded his head. They headed upstairs to the training room. It was about the same size as the Los Angeles one.

Ciara went over and picked up a crossbow. She handed Jules one. She said," let's see how good your aim is."

Jules smiled and shot at the target. It hit dead center. Ciara whistled behind him," that's really good."

They spent the next hour shooting their crossbows and throwing knives. Then they faced each other in the fighting ring.

They each had a shortsword in their hand. They lunged and parried at each other. The sound of metal scraping on metal echoed throughout the room. Finally, Jules able to knock Ciara's sword away from her. He poised his blade at her neck. She held her hands up in defeat.

" My sword fighting was never the best," she admitted. "Don't worry. My Parabatai loves sword fighting, so she makes me spar against her," he said.

"Emma?" Ciara said. Julian had told her about Emma last night. His mind goes directly to the nightmare he had just endured. He said, "yeah."

They finished training and showered. They met in the dining room for lunch. The twins were there already. " Hello," they said as Ciara and Jules came in. Julian could swear that they sounded exactly alike and have nothing that is obvious to tell them apart.

After lunch, Ciara showed Jules some sites around London. She showed him the Blackfriars bridge, Buckingham palace, London eye, etc. They took his breath away. Jules didn't go travelling much.

They went back to the Institute before dinner. After dinner, they went to the Institute's library. Julian liked books, but didn't have much time to read them. Ciara showed him her favorite book. He promised he would read some of it before bed.

They sat down in some chairs in the library. " So do you miss your siblings?" Ciara asked. " Yeah. My sister Dru has been in a coma for a few days," said Jules.

Ciara said," Oh my goodness. I really hope that she wakes up soon." Jules said, "thank you. I know that my Parabatai is watching her, so I know that she is in good hands."

Ciara said," I wonder how you girlfriend is doing while you're here." He never said he had a girlfriend.

" I don't have a girlfriend," said Jules.

"Oh, really?" Ciara turned away from him for a second. He couldn't see her expression.

She said,"well don't feel bad. I don't have a boyfriend. I guess we don't come into contact with other people our age that often in the shadowhunter world."

Julian said," It's getting pretty late. We should go to bed." Ciara nodded her head. She walked with him to his door.

Right when he was going to turn and go into his room, she grabbed his arm and turned him around. She pressed a quick kiss to his lips and whispered," good night."

Then, she skipped down the hall and out of sight. That was the most confusing moment ever in Julian's life. Ciara liked him? He thought about the kiss more while he got ready for bed.

When he jumped in bed and saw the picture of Emma he thought of her. What would she think?  How would she react?

Jules knew that they liked each other, but they weren't allowed to. He and Ciara could date and it would be perfectly fine. Julian was always protective of Emma and hurt any guy who broke her heart.

What if he was going to be one of those guys who broke her heart? 

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