{DISCONTINUED}My Darling Clow...

By Ashlie-San

670 21 0

You're a new mechanic with a dark secret at the new pizzaplex, your friend afton used to fantasise about this... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 1

89 3 0
By Ashlie-San


I opened the doors to the huge building in front of me, it was eight in the morning. And the smell of fizzyfazz and pizza already poisoned the air. I inhaled it deeply anyway, walking straight into a childs fantasy and an adults death trap. People looked my way as I strolled past, I had already gone through my interview, but I hadn't  given the place a once over, so this was the first time I got to see anything.  I couldn't believe my eyes, the height of this place, jesus christ a giant could fit in here. I searched the place, going everywhere but where I was supposed to. I found animatronics in some of the different rooms, but they were working perfectly fine so I didn't do any work on them.

Finally after all my stalling I went to my true destination. The daycare. I passed through the halls to see such beautiful pictures of animatronics, "A sun and a moon? Oh how cute these are.." I whispered quietly to myself, I soon came to the entrance of the daycare. I looked around, but to no avail was there another exit. "Just this stupid slide huh?" I said, glaring at the 'slide into fun!' sign, sure it was made for kids but how do they even leave the damn thing? I growled quietly, sat down on the slide, knees bent upwards arms holding onto the rim. "Okay, three... Two.. One. GoOOOAAAAAAA!" I screeched, knees flattened, arms at my side. Before I knew it I was in a ball pit. I dug myself out of the pit and looked around. "No kids huh? No animatronics either..." I muttered in suspicion, my head was throbbing but I tried to ignore it as I looked around at the stacked cylinders, climbing frames and such. 

With a small sigh and strange feeling of being watched I went over to the security office and picked up a camera, navigating the area in search of artificial life. However, the cameras picked up nothing and all that could be heard was the annoying music playing from the speakers. "God damn it... No checkup unless I have an animatronic to do it on.." I pressed the palm of my hand against my banging head and groaned. "I'll just clean up instead." I went towards the janitors closet and brought out supplies, I started with sweeping, then I mopped, humming a seemingly sweet lullaby. Once the mopping was done I moved to sanitising the ball pit, this was a painstaking task but it needed doing. "Probably should ask to get paid for this..." I whispered again, talking to myself had become a habit to say the least.

Once everything had been cleaned, tied up and organised I sat down at the security desk. "Lets see, what's the time.. Oh jee.. 11:30 already? Damn. I should go look for that animatronic." I stood up and started to walk towards the exit I discovered earlier until I knocked over the cylinders. I picked them up, then got confused. "Ah bollocks... Which way's up? Which way's down?" I panicked and scanned the room, somehow managing to sort the blocks out. "Okay, that's done. Hey, what's this?" I bent down to the bottom one, there was a small hole, held together with a single button. I pulled the two other cylinders off the top of the first, set them down next to it then sat down infront of it. "Lets see what we have here shall we?" I opened the button and dug my hand through it. I pulled out, and I kid you not, 12 bottles of full glitter glue in different colours, a golden sun plushie (Which I instantly pocketed because it was cute) and a "What the hell...?" A-a live rat in a clown costume. Its a mystery of how the hell it got into there, but for a living thing it was in great condition, it crawled out and sat infront of me.

I lay a hand out for it and it climbed on top of it. "This-this is actually kind of cute to be honest.." I took a long ribbon out of my pocket that had been on the floor whilst sweeping and carefully wrapped it around the rats collar. It jumped off my hand and I picked everything up sealed the cylinder, put the others back on top and walked away with 12 bottles of glitter glue in my bag, a plushie and a clown on a leash. I felt like a right idiot, as if someone had just left this here for me to find. I walked to the kitchens and fed the rat half of a small banana, chopped into small pieces. It enjoyed it thoroughly, and licked my hand as a sign of affection as I pocketed the rest of the banana in a sealed bag. 

Once it finished we left, I picked it up making sure that my backpack was closed first. I held it gently in my right hand as I walked, finding an area meant for employees only, then found a small sign which said 'Shortcut to SR' I wiggled my eyebrows in confusion "SR? What's that supposed to mean?" I questioned, the rat shook its head. I opened the door and climbed quite a lot of steps that led to a large tube. I put the rat on the back of my neck and kept my head low as I started to crawl through the twisty tunnel. I heard mechanical whirring noises the closer I got to the end, intrigue filled me up till I could explode. "Oh where is she where is she? Is she ok? Oh god I need to find her!" Said a panicky high pitched robot voice. I came out of the tunnel and placed the rat back down, standing up to dust myself off. I was in a messy room, there were pillows and blankets everywhere as well as children's drawings and a pretty big wardrobe. 

There was more in the room but I didn't get the chance to process it all, there up on a balcony was a tall animatronic, he looked like the sun one from the walls. His back was to me, that is until my rat let out a loud squeak. "Huh-" He whipped round, with a look of shock on hi face. "Ho-How did you- Uh H-hello new friend I mean!" I smiled at the nervous wreck infront of me. "Hi, I took the shortcut. I've been looking for you, I'll be working both with you and on you!" He looked a bit worried at my sudden proposal but smiled anyway and held out a pale hand. "Hi, I'm Sundrop, but you can call me Sunny or Sun for short!" I smiled and we shook hands. "So what's your name new friend?" He beamed, "Oh my!" I pulled my hand to my chest, embarrassed. "I'm so sorry! My name is Y/N, Y/n L/n if you like." He smiled more, "Don't worry about it friend! Your name is beautiful by the way!" I blushed and whispered 'a thank you' whilst looking down at the floor where my rat was, tugging on the green ribbon. 

Sun's eyes followed mine, and he squealed like a little child when he saw the cute clown rat. "What's its name? Why's it wearing that adorable outfit!?" I giggled a bit. "I haven't named it yet, I don't even know what it's gender is. I just found it in one of your cylinder thingys!" We looked back at eachother. "It was in that? Oh wow... And it lived.." I nodded. "Can I pet it?" He had stars in his eyes. "Of course, I'm sure it'd love that!" I bent down and picked the rat up, holding it out in two cupped hands. The two store at each other, eyes locked as he pet the rat. The rat shook its red wig off, leaned its head forward and got scratched behind its ears. The atmosphere was so relaxed, the only sounds to be heard were quiet mechanical whirrs, the occasional squeak and my quiet breathing.

After a while the rat backed away, seeming fed up, it then looked around for the wig, proceeding to jump down from my hands. I panicked and managed to stop it, biting my lip harshly. "Don't do that.." I whispered, putting it down safely and allowing it to look around. "You ok? You look really pale.." The animatronic said worriedly, I looked at him with dull e/c eyes. "I'm fine, it just gave me a bit of a scare is all." He still looked worried. "Are you sure? That can't be all.." I shook my head, he wouldn't understand if I gave him a full list of reasons why I was pale. He shook his head as well, sat down on the ledge that lead to the start of the balcony and pat the space besides him. I let out a sigh and tied the rats make shift leash to one of the  knobs of his wardrobe, the rat now had it's wig back on so I went to sit next to the animatronic, feeling really uncomfortable. "What's wrong y/n?" He said softly, I could feel his eyes on me, the atmosphere felt solemn, and the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

"H-honestly it's just the fact that the rat nearly committed suicide.." I stuttered a bit, playing with my sleeves. I felt a hand on knee and my head nearly snapped towards his direction I turned that fast. He gave a much lighter flinch than I had given, but his hand remained. "Look, I'll do anything I can to help you, just please tell me."  Tears pricked the corners of my eyes, and I turned away trying to hide it, blinking to try get rid of them. His hand moved to my shoulder. "Come on you can tell me, I'm your friend." He said in a soothing voice. "I-i-it's really nothing..." I twitched a bit, my vision was shaking and I felt faint. "I-I need to go--" I said panicking, I stood up and ran to the edge of the balcony. "H-hey wait what are yo-" I jumped off, aiming for the ball pit and surprisingly not missing it. He reached out for me as I fell and missed, then jumped down after me. "S-sunshine come back!" He called after me, I trudged through the ball pit, I was losing consciousness, I couldn't control or put it off any longer. I was well and truly screwed.

I coughed a bit, I could barely see, but I managed to just get out of the ball pit before I passed out. The very last thing that I heard was suns worried voice crying out, "Oh my god! Sunshine a-are you alright?"

*Sundrops POV*

'Oh dear god what do I do what do I do what do I do? She just passed out and looks as pale as snow! What if she dies!? I haven't had the chance to get to know her or figure out how the hell I can help her out!' My system was overheating and I had to take some deep breaths to try calm down a bit. I reached out and felt her wrists for a pulse and thankfully she had one in a nice steady state. But then she started to get up, her body contorting, I backed away, confused and scared. "Y-Y/n?" Her head literally snapped in my direction, the lights flickered and turned into a deep red. Her eyes were a deep purple. 'Oh god what happened to those pretty e/c eyes of hers? Why are they like that? Could it be- no it can't- can it? Sh-she-' My anxious thoughts were cut off by a terrifying laugh and the click of a switchblade. "Why hello there... Have we met before...?" Her voice was a mad, shrill voice. 

"Y-Y/n s-stop w-w-what's going on with you?" I stuttered, backing away like a coward. "Oh I'm not y/n, no not anymore... You can call  me vincent.. I'm an old friend of hers..." They laughed darkly, the purple eyes darkening with a life threatening shine in them. "S-stop it! STOP IT!!" Was all that I could physically yell as they drew nearer, I backed away, then jumped over the ball pit border and fucking legged it. There was no way I would stay near her, no to that- that thing that had taken over her body!  More maniac like laughter eroded her vocal cords and echoed over the red walls. "I haven't been able to kill a child in so long, to attack a robot in so long, it's so thrilling I CAN'T WAIT!!" They yelled, making a dash towards me. I made a jump out of the way, landing on top of the lowest part of the climbing frame, I jumped again and again till I was at the top. I couldn't let them get to me. My eyes scanned the area for a way to escape or possible just stop the madness altogether. "S-sUnNn... C-cOmE bAcKk... I dOn'T wAnT tO hUrT yOuUu..." Her voice was as contorted as her body as she climbed to the top of the frames after me. I was well and truly fucked.

But just as I thought I would meet my demise and be dismantled the lights started to flicker 'o-oh no! I-I don't w-want the l-lights t-to go off! n-not now!!' My anxiety grew, my system started to overheat again and then...She let out an ear piercing scream, just like I do.. Holding onto her head in pain, then she fell backwards. Even though it was dangerous  I lunged forward to grab her, and magically caught her. She had fainted again, but was regaining colour. I let out a relieved sigh and held her tight in one arm, then leaped off using the other for balance. I walked over to a pile of blankets and pillows that I had watched her sort as she cleaned. I lay her down and set a pillow underneath her head and a blanket over her. 

Despite being so kind to her after what happened I couldn't hide the fact that I was scared, no. I was terrified. I had to work with this person,  be in this persons hands, but what if all she did was destroy me, bring me to my possible demise?


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