Gods & Angels | Sinners of Sa...

By writeriz

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A ruthless god. A sinful angel. And the princess between them. My life is perfect. My life is planned. My lif... More

Before You Read
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
What's Next?

Chapter Eleven

168 9 0
By writeriz

By Monday, I'd fallen back into the same old routine at the Callahan Estate.

I'd spent most holidays with them since I'd started at Saint Benedicts. All but the majority of Summer and some of Christmas. It was like a second home. I supposed it was to get me used to it. Keep an eye on me. Like a modern day hostage situation; bring the girl up in her intended's kingdom.

I was heading down the stairs, on the phone to my mother, who was checking in as she actually did relatively often. During term time it was mostly email and text, as we both had busy schedules. And, by that, I meant that she wasn't usually free between four and seven in the evening when I was.

"You still haven't sent me a decent picture of your ring," she accused, but good-naturedly.

"I'm sure I did," I told her with a wry smile.

"You didn't. I'm looking through the..." She paused. "Oh, no. There it is. Why didn't I see that earlier?"

I wasn't going to tell her it was because she'd never bothered to learn technology properly. I wasn't going to say anything even remotely derogatory to or about her, because she didn't have to be good at that stuff and I loved her.

My father might have been organising my future wedding for the sake of a business contract, and it might be normal for him because that was how his marriage came about, but my mother was me...just twenty-odd years older. She knew and understood my situation intimately and, though we'd never directly, outwardly spoken about it, I knew she was in my corner and I had to appreciate that.

"At least it sounds like you had a good birthday. Did you and Florence do anything?" she asked.

I nodded, despite knowing she couldn't see me. "She made me a cake and snuck a three-litre bottle of 'Elle and Lui' in for us."

Mum chuckled, managing to tinge it with a touch of disapproval. "Well, I'm sure I did worse at your age," she said.

I opened my mouth to reply, but froze when I saw three men striding purposefully across the foyer in the direction of Archer's office. My blood ran cold, and I nearly lost my hold on my phone. Valen was following two other men. Two other Kincaids.

Ahead was Cillian Kincaid. Patriarch of the Kincaid Family. Though, family was perhaps a misnomer. Blood was less important than loyalty to the Family - the capital 'F' type. It just helped that most of the Family were in fact blood relations.

He was a big man. Tall and wide, with ash brown hair and an ugly scar running down his cheek and disappearing into his shirt collar. He wore a suit, like they always did. The goal was to fit in. Shame then about the light splattering of blood contrasting the pristine whiteness of his shirt. That wasn't going to stand up in polite society.

Next to him, a step behind, was Kane Kincaid. If his father hadn't put ice in my veins, Kane would have. At twenty-six, he wasn't quite as tall as his younger brother or his father, but he was big enough. Where Valen was dark hair and pale eyes, Kane was light hair and dark eyes; ash blonde hair and piercing green eyes. He always watched me for a moment too long. He didn't just strike the fear of God into me like a good Kincaid was wont to do, he also gave me a creepy shiver up my spine.

His eye caught mine with an unsettling wink as the three of them stalked across the marbled floor and I was so busy proving he didn't bother me that I almost glossed over Valen. But as soon as I turned my eyes to the youngest Kincaid, they weren't in any danger of leaving.

His suit was ripped. The blood splattering Cillian was nothing compared to what covered Valen. He looked like someone had Carrie-d him; pouring a whole bucket of blood right over his head. I couldn't tell if he was injured under it. I didn't know if it was his blood or not.

My heart jolted painfully and my hand gripped the banister harder. He was watching me and I saw his tongue dart out to lick his lip, heedless of whether he was licking blood or not. He lifted a finger and pressed it to his lips with a dark warning in his eyes.

"Harlow?" I heard Mum's voice crackle through the static in my head.

The three men disappeared into Archer's office and I finally breathed again.

"Sorry," I said with a nervous chuckle. "Spaced. What were you saying?"

"Nothing important," Mum said and I heard the smile in her voice. "I'd better let you get back to Apollo. Say hello to him for me, won't you?"

I nodded. "Of course."

"And tell him I'm waiting on a chat."

I rolled my eyes, glad she couldn't see me. "Will do."

"Love you, Harlow."

"Love you, too, Mum. Say hi to Dad."

"I will."

She hung up and I breathed out heavily.

I would have got back to Apollo, but I didn't know where he was. If three Kincaids were arriving covered in blood, then bets were he was with Archer in his office. The holidays were a great time for Apollo and me to just exist away from expectant eyes, but it was stupid to think they weren't also a time for Apollo - and Valen - to be learning the tools and tricks of his father's trade.

Apollo was Archer's only child. One day he would rule the Callahan empire with an iron fist to match his father's. Another day, further away, my son would take the reins. And if I didn't have a son? Archer would be furious. And my daughter would be married off to whatever family's heir wasn't already promised to someone else. I'd already considered just adopting a boy and getting rid of all the pressure that weighed down the edges of my mind.

I had no idea how long a debrief lasted these days. It probably depended on the job Archer had employed the Kincaids for. So I decided to just head to the kitchen and see what flavours of ice cream were left over after two days of me stress binging.

As I passed Archer's office door, I can't say I didn't pause. Half thinking of trying to see what was going on behind it. My hand even inched towards the doorknob. But I wasn't that kind of girl. I didn't know anything about espionage and creeping around, and remaining undetected. Knowing my luck, I'd just end up falling through the door and everyone would look at me expectantly, waiting to laugh at me when I'd left.

No. Better to keep moving and not even think about trying.

Just as I took a step to keep going, a large body barrelled out of the office door and rammed right into me. I lost my footing and fell to my butt, sliding a little on the smooth floor.

I looked up and saw Kane Kincaid looking down at me.

"Little princess," he said, a sinister tilt to his lips.

I couldn't have got up if I'd wanted to. Kane's gaze pinned me with nothing pleasant. I swallowed hard and just hoped he was going to go back into the office and leave me be. My skin got a creeping, crawling sensation. I knew the Kincaids were dangerous people, but Kane was the only one around whom I felt actually in danger.

"Harlow," I heard Apollo say as he hurried over to me.

Even with my intended, my intended's father, and his own father watching on, Kane didn't back off. Like he was waiting. Always like he was waiting. My heart thudded in my chest and my breath came short.

"You know what they say about eavesdroppers," Kane said.

"Nothing compared to murderers," I said, far less impressively than I'd intended, but at least I'd said it loud enough for everyone to hear.

Kane's eyes flashed with something that made me wish I'd kept my mouth shut.

"The little princess seems to be growing a backbone," Cillian boomed in his thick Scottish accent. "Perhaps she'll make a decent bride after all, Archer."

"Harlow has many admirable qualities," Archer said smoothly. Somehow, he sounded like a proud father figure at the same time as the only admirable thing he cared about was the functionality of my ovaries.

I felt my cheeks flush and let Apollo cradle me against him as he helped me stand.

I couldn't look at Valen. I wouldn't. I refused to even think of looking for comfort anywhere but where I was supposed to. And that was with Apollo.

"Why don't you head back to your room?" Apollo whispered encouragingly in my ear. "I'll find you later."

I nodded against him. "Okay."

He kissed my cheek and nudged me in the direction of the stairs.

"Kane, get your fucking useless arse out of here," Cillian called.

"Apollo," Archer said carefully.

It was all done as though everyone was keeping me in the dark about their true nature. Like I couldn't see the blood on their clothes. Like I couldn't guess that Archer had paid the Kincaids to kill someone - multiple someones even.



I didn't care what it was. I wouldn't be my mother and I wouldn't be Frenella. I wouldn't stay powerless.

But, I turned and I went back to my room as Kane left and Archer's office door closed behind me. Now wasn't the time to fight, but it was coming. I wasn't going to be the princess locked in the tower forever. No prince was coming to save me. My prince had more interest in keeping me locked away, even if he didn't realise that's what he was doing. I had to save myself. I just had to wait for the dragon - or, wolf - to fall asleep and drop its guard.

When I got to my bedroom door, I didn't go into it. I didn't feel like it after all. Instead, I headed out the back of the estate. I found the winding gardens and wandered along the paths, my hands skimming the leaves as I went. The sun was almost set and it was getting chilly, but I didn't mind so much. I knew I didn't have much longer before I had to go in and change for dinner. It was nothing big, just a few clients of Archer's coming over and we all had to dress up and play nice. Dressing up and playing nice was my life, it seemed.

Still, as used to it as I was, I lingered in the garden.

Suddenly, there was a hand on my arm and the owner was pulling me to face them. I reacted on instinct, my other hand raising to hit them away. He caught my wrist well before I made contact and glared at me with icy hatred in the depths of his grey eyes.

"What are you doing?"

I looked at my still-raised hand. "How was I supposed to know it was you."

"If he'd come back, you think that would have stopped him?"

I blinked and looked back into his eyes. "What? If who came back?"

Valen growled. "Apollo's looking for you."

I wasn't going to be distracted. "If who came back, Valk?"

He took a step forward, forcing me to take a step back. "You shouldn't have provoked him. What the fuck possessed you?"

I still didn't know what he was talking about. "Who? When?"

He raised his hand like he was going to put it over my throat again, but just ended up cupping my jaw. "Just keeping being the good little princess you're supposed to be, and we won't have any problems," he said scathingly.

"And what if I don't want to be anymore?"

A touch of humour lit his eyes. "I know I'm good, princess, but I didn't realise I was that good. Beg me nicely and I'll let you have my cock one more time."

I shoved him away from me. For once, he took a step back.

"You think you were that good?" I scoffed.

His head twitched like he was keeping his choice words at bay. "I know I was that good."

"The only one I see desperate here is you, Valk," I told him. "Still wanting the one thing you can't have."

"And, yet, I had it."

"And the knowledge you'll never have it again will eat you up inside," I snarled.

The corner of his lip twitched into a momentary half-smirk. "I'm fine just walking away, princess. Can you say the same?"

"Yes," I said, turning away to do just that.

But he took my hand and drew me back to him. My traitorous body went utterly willingly to melt against him.

"You can lie to Apollo, but you can't lie to me."

"Who's lying to who now, Valen?" I asked, feeling him hard against my hip. "You couldn't walk away for all the Callahan fortune."

His lips twitched again, but it was a snarl this time. "Maybe not," he conceded begrudgingly. "But neither could you."

I forced myself to smile. "I don't need the Callahan fortune, Valen. I have the Vanguard fortune."

And, as rich and powerful as the Callahans were, the Vanguards were older, richer and more powerful. We just didn't like to throw our power about quite so obviously as Archer. We were subtle. Practised. There was old money and new money, then there was older money. Callahans might have been old money, but Vanguards were much, much older.

"Admit it," he plead.

"Admit what?" I asked, not liking him turning the tables on me.

"Admit you still want my cock in you."

I set my jaw before answering. "So, what if I do?"

He leant his face to mine. "Then take it."

I smiled widely. "Unlike you, I have some restraint."

He scoffed. "You think you have restraint?"

I nodded. "Yes. I do."

"And you think I don't?"

"Yes." I nodded again. "I do."

His face hardened. "We'll see whose restraint is better than whose."

I pushed away from him. "Yes. We will."

He didn't try to stop me and he didn't follow me as I headed for my room to get changed. The name of the game now seemed to be make Valen regret his words. I'd show him exactly what he could be having, what I was withholding. I'd break his famous restraint if it was the last thing I did. And I had the perfect dress for it.

I think I probably had more clothes at the Callahan Estate than I did at my parents' house. Most of my purchases were made in or around Bieityn or online and shipped to the Callahans'.

I was dressed and ready in record time. Seeing no one on my way to my room or the way back down, I knew I was running late. But dinners like this always started with drinks and discussion, so late was relative.

As I walked towards the Parlour, I felt a hand on my arm and found myself pulled into the side hall.

Valen boxed me in against the wall. He was changed, but in a long-sleeved tee and jeans, not being needed at the dinner.

"What do you think you're doing?" he growled.

I blinked, playing happily naïve. "I don't know what you're talking about."

He ran his hand up my exposed thigh as he leant into me. "This dress."

"What about this dress?" I asked.

The dress I'd chosen specifically to tease him. To tantalise him. To show him what he was missing out on. It was a deep blue two-piece. The top was a low-cut sweetheart, skimming the fullness of my breasts and making them look perkier than usual. It was cropped, showing off my waist. The skirt started at my belly button and draped elegantly to the floor, all but the thigh-high slit up my right side. It was classy and sexy. Something I'd never actively tried before.

He looked up like he was praying for patience and leant forward to whisper in my ear, "Do you think you're clever?"

I smirked. "Something the matter, Valk?"

His fist crashed into the wall by my head as he pulled back to look at me. He was scowling bloody thunder. I could feel his body almost humming with barely contained anger and restraint.

He splayed his hand on my arse cheek and squeezed. The groan that escaped his throat was barely loud enough for me to hear, and I knew I wasn't supposed to.

"Who let you come down here like this?"

I pretended to look around. "It seems like you're the only one with the problem here, Valen."

He took my hand and lay it over the very firm bulge in his pants. "I have a problem with it all right."

I reached up and nipped his earlobe playfully. "I could take it off?" I suggested.

He slammed me back against the wall, leaning his nose against mine. The was a shimmering haze of lust surrounding us. I didn't care that I was supposed to be entertaining Archer's clients and showing off the perfect future in-law. I didn't care that Valen was supposed to be in his room and out of the way, being little more than hired help when it came down to it. I was in danger of falling for my own ruse, but right then I'd fall happily.

He ran his fingers over my clit teasingly, so softly that I came alive but would never be satisfied without more. And, by the humour in his eyes, that was the exact point. My hips rolled all of their own accord and the corner of his lip twitched victoriously.

"I told you once wouldn't be enough," he said as he rubbed me. "But if you want more, you'll have to beg for it."

I pushed his hand away. "You'll be the one begging, Valk."

The twitch at the corner of his lips this time was less humoured. "I will never bow to you."

I took a step towards him, getting into his space for once. "The only place you'll ever want to be is on your knees at my feet."

His hand went to my throat gently. "Not before I have you on your knees at mine."

"Take your hand off me," I warned him.

"Please?" he teased.

"I won't tell you twice."

A flash of desire lit his eyes at my defiance. A flash that I felt in my clit. I wanted him to throw me against this wall and show me exactly how bad I was being. He wanted that, too.

"I'll find her," I heard Apollo's voice and panic gripped my heart.

Valen growled in annoyance and pushed away from me. He stalked off in the opposite direction, in no rush to not be seen with me, but still avoiding Apollo finding us together.

"What are you-?"

I turned to Apollo and found him with his arm out and his mouth agape.

"What?" I asked, not really taking in the look on his face.

"You..." he breathed as I walked towards him.

"I what?" I asked.

His hands went to my waist as I stopped in front of him and he looked me over. I saw him lick his lip slowly. Finally, his eyes found my face again and he smiled.

"You look gorgeous."

He took my hand and pulled me towards the Parlour.

"Thanks," I told him.

Just before the door, his arm went to my back and he indicated I precede him. Ever the gentleman.

As Apollo led me through the room, I realised his hand was lower than usual. Appropriate. Still very appropriate, but a whole hand's width lower. When we got to the bar - smaller than the one in the ballroom - his other hand slid over the gap of bare skin at my waist sensually.

"This new?" he asked.

"My stomach?" I joked.

He laughed and leant his nose to my ear. "No. The dress."

"It is. You like it?"

With the safety of the bar behind us, his hand slid down to cup my arse cheek. "Very much. You look good."

"Drink, Mr Callahan?" the bartender asked.

Apollo's attention was off me and on the bartender like flipping a switch, all hands back to where they were supposed to be. Apollo's face was suave and calm, not at all like a man who's just had his hands on his girlfriend's arse. She says like she'd know what that was like.

After that, we were drawn into the politics of appearances and there was little time or space to really even think about what had just happened. But I had to wonder if, in trying to get one boy's attention, I'd accidentally secured another's.

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