Game of Pride | Liskook

By CilleneWrites_

5.1K 185 114

Jungkook never thought the same bitch who oath to claim him really became the wife he dread to have. "You sho... More

I. Infatuation
II. Reunion
III. Troublesome
IV. Game Over

V. Not Over

1.3K 46 46
By CilleneWrites_

First Day...

"Thank you, officer."

Jungkook almost wanted to vomit seeing the bitch now smiling sweetly at the leaving officer after the problem was finally settled. Her smile too contrasting to how she irritatingly acted all to bitchy towards him earlier. He shook his head before turning to leave as well. His time was wasted for this shit.

"Wait." She suddenly called him in his language making him halt before he could get to his car. For a look of pure Thai, her fluent Korean still left him in wonder. It was one of the reasons why their argument lasted longer than expected. He happened to complain and curse her in his language out of frustration thinking she wouldn't understand a word, which she actually did, that led the simple argument pertaining to the cars turn to something deep.

"What?" He dropped as he turned and raised a brow at her.

"Well... I was just thinking that now we're finally settled, ...would you mind if I ask for your number?"

Jungkook was astounded. Imagine such casual words suddenly coming out from the same venomous mouth which not a minute ago were accusing him of nonsense to stand her ground.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Your Phone Number." She stressed each word.

"What for?"

"Well, don't you think I at least deserve to have it for eventually accepting the blame like that even though we know it wasn't entirely my fault?"

He furrowed his brows at her for a moment in confusion. And upon seeing the same glint of amusement shine in her eyes again, realization finally dawned him.

"Ah..." he drawled almost laughingly. His tongue poked his inner cheek as his eyes met her confident ones, looking at her in pure disbelief and judgement. Seriously, just how funnier could this woman get?

"But why would you want it though?" He added with a tone quite daring now knowing where this conversation is going.

"Because you're the very first man I angered to death. And it was actually fun, you know? If only you could have seen how hot and amusing you were when you furrow those brows and grit your teeth. It makes me want to keep you." She replied with a smirk, the amusement in her eyes more prominent.

He wanted to scoff. So it turns out this cocky bitch is attracted to him. And now she wants his contact. But after all this trouble she caused him? "Sorry, but no."

And he left.

The Next Day...

"Greetings, Mr. Jeon. What a pleasure to finally meet the young successor of Jeon Corporation. I still feel bad I wasn't able to go to Korea myself to meet you."

There greeted one of the most influential Thai-Korean businessman whom Jungkook had been wanting to meet. The man was that significant for him to fly all the way here in Thailand to personally meet him for business purposes.

Although he never expected their meeting to turn out like this.

"I-It's more of my pleasure to finally meet you, Mr. Manoban." He greeted back, failing to keep his composure -which is so not him. Why? Because he could very well feel the strong gaze of the secretary the man brought along.

The secretary which fucking happened to be the same bitch he had crossed path with yesterday. What a damn coincidence, right? "And please don't feel bad. I had long been wishing to visit this country too actually. I uhm.. even came here two days earlier to enjoy the place." He added with a smile.

Although he wasn't giving the girl beside the man any single glance, he knows the same smirk was dancing on her lips. He could fucking feel it. One thing he just don't understand here is how a secretary could dress that 'elegant' in this kind of situation.

"Oh really? That's nice. By the way I forgot. This is my daughter, Lalisa Manoban--"

"Your daughter?!" His reaction was rather by impulse. Even he was surprised and got quite embarassed seeing Mr. Manoban's reaction. "I uhm..."

Shit. Now he remembered one of the surnames they exchanged with the officer during the settlement yesterday. And now he just realized why it sounded familiar. What a damn coincidence indeed.

It was when he finally laid his eyes on her that he saw the real sight of the smirk on her bloody red lips. "Hi, Mr. Jeon. It's nice to meet you AGAIN."

The way she emphasized the word made him narrow his eyes at her. He doesn't want to acknowledge it-

"Oh, you two met each other already?"

"Uh, not exactly--"

"Yes, Dad. You know I got involved to an accident yesterday, right? His car was actually the one I accidently bumped into."

Shit. She don't really intend to go through the details, is she?

"And guess what, Dad. He took the blame even if it was actually my fault. He was such a gentleman when he even asked me if I was alright."

Now what? Jungkook was left flabbergasted.

"Oh really?" Mr. Manoban turned to him. Almost catching him dumbfounded.


"Yes, Daddy. That was actually why I badly wanted to come with you right now knowing you'd be meeting a guy named Jeon Jungkook. I still think I haven't thanked him enough so I'm planning on taking him for a TREAT later." She sweetly smiled at him.

With that single word emphasized, Jungkook already know what she's up to. He couldn't help but narrow his eyes at her, making the amusement shine more brightly in her eyes.

The way her sweet smile turn to a haughty smirk only explained, 'what she wants, she gets'.

The Next Day...

"Why hello, Mr. Jeon." Lisa smoothly greeted through the phone. She was on her way out of the mall when Jungkook finally decided to call her.

"Where are you?" He asked. The coldness in his voice could freeze her ears.

With an amused smirk, she told him every detail of her current location, which he simply replied with "I'm nearby. Just wait for me outside for a few minutes."

She couldn't help but smile. "And here I thought that clever excuse of saying -'it would be my pleasure to go out with your daughter, Sir, but I'm afraid I'd be busy later'- was a sign of rejection yesterday."

She heard the guy sighed frustratedly on the other line. "I did ask for your number so I could call you when I'm free, didn't I?"

She smirked triumphantly. "Which is ironic, right? You ended up the one to ask for my number." She chuckled.

"Do you think I had a choice?"

"Sadly no." She said faking a sound of sadness. "Because your deal with my father is way too significant to leave him with bad impressions. Am I right, Mr. Jeon?"

"Yeah. And I could say you're way too good at using it to your advantage."

And with that she laughed. Her melodious laugh sounding too wicked in his ears making him grit his teeth and drop the call. He angrily got inside his car as he recalled the location she mentioned earlier. And as he imagined meeting her there with that same haughty smirk on her face, he couldn't help but sigh heavily like the biggest loser.

He doesn't know why but he feels like the girl already 'owned' him.

Two Months Later...

"We are gathered here today, as we stood before these witnesses to recognize the beauty of your love and to declare your intent to commit your lives to each other through marriage."

Were the words of the judge as the ceremony started.

This is it. The day Lisa had been desperately waiting for so long now. To have to face and hold the hands of the great Jeon Jungkook in front of the judge that would finally legalize her claim of him.

She had never felt this happy and satisfied of finally having something she had desperately wanted. That even though it was almost very obvious on the face of her soon to be husband that he felt the opposite, nothing could wipe off the winning smirk on her face.

After all, they've been playing this game of chase for quite a while now. And nothing could be more satisfying than seeing his face on the losing game now.

"Will you, Lalisa Manoban, honor this man, cherish him, have him, hold him with patience and understanding, in sickness and in health, through good times and sad times, side by side, till death do you part?"

Staring up at each other this whole time, Lisa could tell Jungkook's cold eyes searched hers throughout those significant words delivered. And the way she ever so smoothly let out the words "I do" like how someone would carelessly choose out a random item in a mall, Lisa could no longer measure the amount of hatred in Jungkook's eyes.

The guy could only foresee 'nonsense' in the future of this damn marriage.

Ten Months Later...
Bangkok, Thailand

Gasp. "Look, girl." Whispered an employee to another upon seeing the entrance of a handsome Korean guy. His presence catching most of the employees' attention present in KM's building lobby. "Don't you think it's..."

The other gasped as well. "I thought they were divorced?"

The same question circulated at each gossips in the vicinity.

"But wait. I kinda don't think it's--"

"Sshhh" the other shushed her as everyone else also weirdly quieted down the moment the guy approached the receptionist. Their ears perked up.

"Good afternoon, Sir. How may I help you?" Greeted the receptionist.

"Good afternoon. I'm here to meet Miss Lisa Manoban. Does she happen to be present in this building right now?"

"Oh, I believe she is, Sir. Her office is at the 11th floor. You can take the elevator right there." The receptionist instructed with a polite smile.

"Thank you." The guy flashed his captivating smile before heading to the said elevator.

As soon as he was out of sight, they all turned to each other, including the receptionist, with a knowing look. A new talk is definitely going to circulate inside the building for days.


"Uhm, Director?"

Lisa looked up from the paperworks to see Minnie --one of the PR, standing by the door. She must have been too caught up in her work to notice the girl coming in.

"Hm." She simply responded as she casually goes back to her paperworks.

"Uhm, there's this foreigner outside and he's looking for you."

Lisa furrowed her brows. "Foreigner?" She don't remember having appointment with one.

"Yes, Director. He looks like a Korean and though he didn't inform his name, he assured you know each oth--"

"What did you just say?"

The director's sudden tensed voice and attentive look made Minnie speechless for a moment. And before her lips could curve to a knowing smile, she pressed them together to restrain it.

She cleared her throat. "I said you have a visitor outside, Director Manoban. He's Korean and seriously good looking. Everyone who saw him outside are now all in a fuss thinking he's your ex-husband. I myself am feeling it inappropriate to keep him waiting so... should I let him in?"

You gotta have to be kidding me. Lisa thought as she felt her heart could leap out of her chest in too much emotions outweighed by panic.

But no. She don't think it could be him. It's way too impossible. Like it's been two months already since the divorce and though she had no idea how he's doing right now, she's sure he's living his life now to the fullest. A life without you would be fantastic as fuck. Those were clearly the last words she heard from him. Surely, he would never want anything to do with her anymore.

"Miss Manoban?"

Looking up to see the confused or rather observing look on the girl's eyes, she had no choice but to get back to her composure.

"Uh y-yes! You could let him in." She said despite her hesitance. There's just that one fucking question bothering her agitated mind.

What if it's him?

"As you wish, Director." Minnie smiled before opening the door slightly. Lisa could see her smile politely to someone outside then opened the door wider to make way for him inside.

Lisa swallowed the big lump in her throat. She doesn't see him yet her heart is already beating so hard in anticipation.

But all the chaotic feelings and thoughts vanished in an instant as the said visitor finally made it's appearance. He waited until the other girl left before he turned to her and flashed her with his alluring smile.

"Missed me, babe?" Hanbin teasingly greeted her as he approached her table.

Though relieved, Lisa felt like throwing her sandals straight to his face to wipe off that irritating smirk. "You fucking bastard!" She exclaimed as she threw him her pen instead. Then held her temple afterwards like she had just gone through great stress.

The guy just chuckled as he casually sat on the chair across her table. "Why? You were expecting someone else?"

"Of course not!" She strongly denied and glared at him.

Well, of course she did but she would never admit that to his face. It would be plain stupid of her to expect that great ex-husband of hers would bother to come find her. Surely, Hanbin would end up laughing at her like a lunatic.

The guy laughingly raised both hands in surrender. "Okay, okay. Whatever you say, Director." He stressed the word teasingly making Lisa roll her eyes muttering 'shut up'.

Yeah right, it's just in. The once notorious Pranpriya Lalisa Manoban is now working under the company of her father. Sure everyone in Bangkok who knew her as a spoiled cunning bitch were surprised. Even her father himself was surprised when she suddenly asked him for a position in his company, knowing how much she hated it. Like who would even expect that from a spoiled daughter who always prefered clubbing, drinking and drag racing anyway? She had brought too much trouble to her Dad already that if he just didn't love her that much, he would've long ago disowned her.

But perhaps it was because she's desperate to distract herself from the heartbreak that she wanted to occupy herself by working. And her father understood that's why there was no hesitance on giving her what she wanted -as what he always does. Though unknowingly, she had unexpectedly contributed to the company very well that she didn't think she'd actually come to enjoy it.

So this is how it feels like to be having a great responsibility, huh? Scratch that. This is how it feels like to be a good girl now. Funny how she realized she needed that heartbreak for a change like this. Maybe it was really meant to happen after all.

"Wait, what brought you all the way here, anyway? Thought you've been busy?" She finally decided to ask as she goes back to working on the papers.

"You're the one who's been busy. You seldom answer to my calls lately." He replied as he eyed her work.

Since that day she actually left Korea, he was the only one she had a remaining connection with in the country. He had already done many things for her -not only did he accompany her during that tough time but also took care of everything she left and was even one of the people who processed the divorce papers. Let alone the one who personally asked Jungkook to sign it himself. To say they had grown more acquainted to each other because of that is an understatement. It was something more.

"So you're saying you're here just because of that?" She jokingly asked.

"Of course not. I told you I'll only come here if my intention is valuable enough."

"Oh? Now I wonder how valuable it might be to really have you flying all the way here though." She playfully said as she leaned on her palm to face him with a teasing smile.

He couldn't help but smile amusedly before leaning in to pinch her cheeks. "It's more than valuable, dolly, because I am finally going to meet your father and ask for his blessing to marry you."

His words made Lisa's teasing smile falter. Though she doesn't really look surprised at all. She had expected it.

He smiled with that glint of affection in his eyes. "I already told you, didn't I?"

Oh he sure did.

'If I fly all the way there, get ready to fly back here with me.' Were his confusing words that she eventually figured out.

Lisa playfully scrunched her nose. "But I thought it was a joke?"

He only chuckled. "Whatever you think, it doesn't matter anymore because I'm here now. And I mean what I say."

She scoffed. "Quite confident, huh? We're not even together yet but you're going straight to marrying me. Seriously, Hanbin?" She sassily asked though she doesn't really have any problem with it. It hasn't been long when she figured her Dad is planning to arrange her to someone anyway. So she thought marrying Hanbin would be better than marry her off to someone she doesn't know. Hanbin is a good man though. A typical husband perhaps. If they work out or not, it wont matter to her anymore. The love in marriage was never relevant in this lifestyle anyway. At least to her, never again.

Hanbin only smirked. "You know that common way doesn't exist in our world, babe. At least I'm letting you know first before the wedding is already planned. As far as I know, you did much worse than that."

She just rolled her eyes at him. "Shut up. I'm over that. Stop reminding me."

He laughed before his face eventually looked determined. "But you know, I could actually do that too in case you disagree with the marriage."

She smirked. "But my Dad would still be your problem. Just so you know he's not easy to please."

"Oh yeah? If Jungkook did, why do you think I couldn't?"

She scoffed. "Don't try competing with him because he never needed to please anyone. I was the one after him, remember? And you know my father spoils me by giving me anything I want. Fortunately, Jungkook happens to be a perfect son-in-law my Dad also wanted. Young successor, intellegent, manly and--"

"And you think I'm not? Ouch. That's quite offending, dolly."

She shrugged as she goes back to her work again. "Well I'm not actually saying that but didn't you also say that no one and not even you could keep up with a guy like him? That guy's almost.. incredibly perfect that it was beyond impossible to reach him. Especially now that this bitch of a wife is finally out of his life, for sure, he's now way more on the top of his game."

She praised him rather proudly but the bitter tone and sadness in her eyes were too evident for Hanbin to see. Though he felt quite jealous and frustrated to the obvious fact that she's still not over him, recalling the words she just said was enough to provoke the smile to remain on his face. For some reason, he found it funny.

On top of his game, huh?

"Oh he sure is." He smirked.

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