hearts & abilities enoch o'co...

By wandazdead

48.8K 798 75

COMPLETED: when jake and his sister enter a whole new world and time seems to run out what happens when promi... More

before we get started


2K 34 0
By wandazdead

Jake rushed around the room "It's getting dark, you won't be able to see their shadows. We have to stay inside, it's the only place we stand a chance"

Miss Avocet nodded "He's quite right. Now where does Miss Peregrine keep her weapons?"

Enoch pointed behind him "In there, let's go" him, Jake, Emma and Y/n all ran into the back room.

Miss Avocet nodded again "All right children, make sure all the doors are locked and all the windows are latched. Everything must be sealed up tight, quickly"

All the children dispersed listening to the woman. She nodded to herself "Y/n! Come here"

Y/n listened to the Ymbryne and ran back in to the Pralor "Yes?"

"Miss Peregrine told me once you and Jake left earlier that you are the Scarlette Witch. Find the book she gave you and look through the pages to do with Telechenisis and mind control, you need to learn now and you need to learn quickly. You must bs prepared"

The girl nodded at the woman and left the room, she ran upstairs to Emma's room and grabbed the book off the bed she had slept in the night before. Y/n ran back downstairs and into the Parlour taking a seat in the corner of the room whilst everyone got to work

She read through the pages and looked down at her dress, y/n knew she wouldn't be able to do what she had tok unless she wore more durable clothing. She put her book down and stood up, she hurried over to Miss Acocet "How long do we have?"

"8minutes tops"

Y/n nodded to herself and ran out of the Parlour and back up the stairs, she raced into Emma's room and shut the door behind her. The girl found her clothes from when she first entered the loop, the ones she brought from home back in Florida.

She quickly changed into her black denim jeans, purple vest top, throwing her leather jacket over the top and lacing up her black converse.

Y/n ran back down the stairs to see everyone standing in a huddle with different tools in hands, she quickly grabbed the book and put it on a cabinet near the door behind them. She then stood herself inbetween Enoch and Emma.

Miss Avocet stood infront of all of them with a crossbow "Now that you're all here, there's a few rules. Your primary job is to stay safe and leave the hollow to me. I don't want to see any heroics, now those of you with garden tools I must insist that you-"

She didn't get to finish her lecture because she was pulled back through the door. Jake ran forward and crouched to the floor, grabbing the crossbow.

Y/n stepped forward "Jake get up!" She watched as the hollow swallowed Miss Avocet's eyes and stepped into the room "Jake get the hell up right now!"

Jake listened to his sister and walked back to stand with the group.

The hollow smashed the wall behind it with a grown and a snarl.

Enoch ran forward and Y/n gasped "No, Enoch get back!"

The desk infront of him was thrown to the side and Encoh was picked up. Fiona let out a scream and Y/n looked down at her hands to see them glowing a dark red.

Y/n looked back up to see Jake aim the crossbow but the hollow started to thrash Enoch around into the wall.

Jake looked at the other kids "Go! Get to the attic! Y/n go with them"

The other kids all left the room and Y/n shook her head.

Jake fired the crossbow and the arrow it the Hollow, making it drop Enoch. Her hands stopped glowing so Y/n ran forward to help the boy up "Go! Get out!"

Both her and Jake pushed the boy through the door and after everyone else. Jake and Y/n climbed out after them and the three of them made their way up the stairs until Y/n stopped.

The boys turned to look at her and Enoch shook his head "Y/n what are you doing!?"

"The book! I need the book!"

She didn't listen to the boys calls, Y/n turned and rushed down the stairs.

The hollow was standing right infront of her.

"Y/n stop! Come on let's go!"

She ignore her brother and looked down to see her hands had started to glow again. She looked back up to stare at the hollow.

Y/n moved the energy in the palm of her hands and then lifted her left hand up, following her left hand the hollow flew up to lie flat against the ceiling.

No matter how much it thrashed around it couldn't move. Y/n kept her hand up and ran into the parlor, she grabbed the book with her right hand and rushed back to the stairs "Enoch! Catch!" She threw the book at him and he caught it.

Y/n turned back around to look up at the hollow she lifted her other hand to hold the hollow against the ceiling. Then she noticed the red flower on his suit, her jaw clenched and she threw her hands down with alot of force and stopped them from glowing.

Both her and the two boys started up the stairs again and caught up with the others.

Everyone was now standing in the attic, Enoch gave Y/n her book with a nod.

Jake looked around mumbling to himself before Jake opened the window "Crap! It's almost reset" he looked out and thought for a moment "Fiona is there anything you can do with that tree?"


"Okay, be careful"

The girl climbed out the window and slid down the tiles until the stopped and stood on a ledge.

Jake looked at everyone else "Were going through the windows let's go! Quickly!"

Jake went out, followed by Emma.

Fiona knelt on the edge if the roof ledge and held her hands out, she started getting the tree branch to grow towards the roof.

Hugh went next, but the door wasn't going to hold for much longer as the hollow kept trying to get through.

Enoch held on to the window ledge and held his hand out, Y/n passed Claire to him from inside.

The twins slid down to join Emma and Jake.

Millard and Bronwyn went together.

Planes started to fly overhead.

Enoch slid down and it was just Olive and Y/n left. But the door broke and the hollow came in.

"Olive go!"

The red head took the book from Y/n and slid down onto the ledge.

Y/n was quickly to follow as they both hurried over to everyone else at the tree.

Fiona led everyone across the branch and down the tree.

The hollow was now on the roof and the bomb was about to be dropped. Jake fired another arrow at the hollow and hit it's shoulder knocking it back but it didn't help much.

Y/n was the last to climb down the tree as both Emma and Jake were still standing on the roof ledge.

Emma quickly unbuckled her shoes and threw them down to land at Y/n's feet. The blonde grabbed onto Jake and pushed herself off the roof taking him with her. They quickly floated to the ground and grabbed Emma's shoes.

The bomb landed on the house and completely destroyed it, killing the hollow in the process.

As everyone had started to make their way away from the house, jake and emma watched the loop close.

Jake sighed "What was that?"

Emma gasped "The loop closing it's gone!"

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