TalkQuickNotes with lauv

By Laureate_

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It can be really challenging to come up with ideas and plots, and giving them life by amazingly portraying th... More

TalkQuickNotes with lauv
@RavenKookv / SPRINGKV


128 9 21
By Laureate_

Hey, Lauv here. A warm welcome to the people who decided to take a peak at TalkQuickNotes.

People need to laugh everyday. Laughter is such a healing thing, and through laughter we find commonalities with each other. A book that's funny makes the information go down a lot easier and it makes it a lot more fun to read, easier to understand and often has strong grip on our heart. Today we have Sonia ( TaeNiaV  ) who has great sense of humour, mankind's greatest blessing.

Hello Nia, thank you so much for sparing your precious time for me and TalkQuickNotes. It's such a honour.

- Haha, don't say like that. It's not like I'm a celebrity or something haha.

You are. You are a celebrity in the world of taekook fanfictions.

- Awww, that's an honour now so Taenks ^-^

Pleasure is all mine <3

Can you tell me a little about yourself?

- Ummm... about myself... now that's gonna be boring because I'm boring lol. Well, I'm Sonia and I'm 23, a Bangladeshi. I'm a teacher so yeah I'm boring haha. I don't like to talk much and that's the reason why people find me moody -___- . I like have a chicken addiction lol. Idk what I'm saying. I'm gonna embarrase myself if you post the things I just wrote lmao. What else to add? Umm... I'm very shy I guess. Like others I'm more confident when I'm online. I like to read books specially romance, fantasy and mystery. I'm good at nothing so I can't either sing, dance or draw but I wish I could haha.

Teachers aren't really boring but they do have a ability to bore us.

*I'm joking btw*

[ Well not really ;) ]

And Who doesn't love chicken? I love you more already.

- Trust me, they are boring unless they are your favourite teacher xD

- Yessss! That's what I'm talking about! Chicken is life, chicken is luV

- T~T

[ As she said, chicken is everything, love. We had a pleasant talk about our love for chicken between our small talk, and it was nice to get to know my fellow chicken lover <3 ]

Well my favourite teacher... It might be you coz I don't have another one at moment.

- Well, I feel flattered. You won't feel bored by me then : )

That's great. You never bore me. Your jokes are my personal favourite *heart eyes* [ after Jin's dad jokes, of course ;) ]

- I actually forgot about my jokes lol. Wattpad feels like a foreign place now.

We miss you and your jokes so much. To be honest, I wasn't sure if i get to have a chat with you when I texted. Now I'm glad <3

And extremely happy.

- I literally opened this app after ages. Sorry for leaving the stories uncompleted, I'm so busy with my own studies n with my students T~T also Taenk you ♡

Don't be sorry. You have given us a lot to smile and adore for... We can understand, life isn't getting easy as years goes by. Focus on your studies and work, but if you have time come back for us, even you can't update, we will love to have a moment with you here and there.

- That's sweet of you ♡

Moving forward, when did you realise you wanted to be a writer?

- When I was in grade 8 I wrote a story in my diary but it was in my mother tongue, it was the first time that my inner writer came out lol. I never finished that story or even wrote a chapter other than the synopsis. Then BTS happened to me, wattpad wasn't avoidable anymore. Actually, I was watching yt when I stumbled upon a taekook ff, it got me hooked n from there I found out about both Taekook as a ship and wattpad. I began to read Taekook stories, I was obsessed but soon that obsession fed away as I realised those stories didn't have all the things that I wanted. I wanted something different so I tried writing one. But my first story was shit so I deleted it. N then I started writing a crackfic named The triplets Trouble, it wasn't a ship book. After reading some comments from some people that they like my humour, I focused on comedy n then it's all what I wrote lmao. This is how I ended up writing the Iconic rhyme of "Dominating the Alpha". Yup, I think that should answer your question.

Wow you started so young. And your humour is unavoidable. It spice up the story a lot more and have the ability to lift someone's mood better. Do you still have your first story with you?

- Though most of my humorous writing is cringe worthy but thanks for your words and nope, I don't have that anymore but I do remember the idea and I plan on writing that story but it needs a lots of research about lots of things

A joke is something that make you laugh, there's no inbetween so you are good to go.

- I guess ; )

And I would love to read that but I know things have changed a lot.

- Yup, through my years of fetus writing I've leaned a lot of things and now I'm conscious about what should I write as an author.

Just go with the flow... Listen to your heart and let your mind wander. I think it's the easiest way but I'm not sure tho.

What was the one of the most surprising things you learnt in creating your books?

- The first shocking thing was that I could actually write stories and people actually liked it (well, some of them). Actually before wattpad I didn't talk to much to people even online. So, I never knew it was in me to make something like comedy fics as I find myself blend and boring. So, that's a thing. Another hilarious surprising thing was I learnt meaning of words that has double-meaning. Let me give u an example. In my story "My sister's crush" , Taehyung says "I just want relief." As in he wants to get rid of worries but the comment section went dirty and thus I leant relief cab be used in other way. Like this, I'm learnt many surprising things haha. There is also an embarrassing one. Initially I thought writer block is something like wattpad blocks a writer from writing any further when they hit certain word limit So, when a fellow writer said to me that she had writer block, I replied "but I'm writing two stories while you are just one, why do you have writer's block?" God, now that ik what that is, I can understand how arrogant I sounded lmao

Don't say that your stories are amazing. It's paracetamol to my headache (worries) *don't throw pebbles at me, I'm fetus when it comes jokes, gimme your blessings*

And the story is hilarious. Wattpad really is another learning method. *Bowing down*

- Shooting blessing all the way from Bangladesh to wherever you are ^-^

- Ik! Wattpad is like a whole new world haha.

With some twists and turns, of course.

- Some dangerous dirty turns I may add ; )

Well i can't disagree there...

Talking with you is fun and really interesting. It's my first I'm having so much fun with a teacher. Your students are so lucky to have you.

- Awww, that's very sweet of you. Some of my students do say they like me but I'm not sure about the others ehh

They'll surely warm up to you soon because who wouldn't?

- I hope so haha

What in your opinion are the most important elements of good writing?

- Umm... I will list down the essentials.

1.plot. An organised plot that leaves behind questions but not any hole.

2. Actually personality of characters without being the clone of each other

3. Good pace. A story should not start with the morning activity of the main character nor does it need to describe how the weather is in every chapter or what the character wears. It should be more focused on the events.

4. Flaws of the characters. It makes them more relatable and real. Real life Gopi bahu doesn't exist lmao.

5. Character development is never a bad thing. It comes in handy to give more personality and liveliness to the character.

6. Writing style. Write less and express more. No need to look up the dictionary for synonyms for each words one writes, just make sure their story is written in the same style from the beginning to end. (Look who is talking)

Well i wasn't expecting Gopi Bahu jokes here. It's great that she doesn't exist otherwise my non existing lap top....

- Otherwise, I would have slapped some sense into her if she were in my life lmao

:):) I don't think slapping is enough to put sense in her.

- Kick it is then.

Kick will be enough, I guess

And thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us. It's great to see things in your point of view. Thank you.

- Well, thank you for asking I guess.

Moving to another question, how much world building takes place before you start writing?

- It's never constant. I'm actually not a very patient person so I start writing without even knowing what will happen in the second chapter or how I will end the story but after finishing all of my books this way, I, now, have faith that I can finish it off if I start it. Well, when I'm busy with work or when I'm just sleeping, my mind tends to think about weird stuffs that I can write and honestly that's how I choose what to write. So to answer your question, I think I never needed to build a different world for the stories, I just had to make space in the existing one. Do I even make sense? Lol

You do a lot, actually.

- That's a relief!

- Haha

Writing can be emotionally draining. How do you deal with emotional impact of a book ( on yourself ) as you are writing the story?

- As you may know, I write comedy most of the time so the books itself never gave me any emotional impact however, insecurity is a bitch so how the other people react to my books put some stress time to time as you know some people can be mean without any reason. Now, to others these stories may seem silly or whatever(don't worry, I'm with you on this) but still I did invest my time and dedication so it's not just mere words for me.

To be Frank, we need your books like a breather here. It's comedy, who wouldn't love to laugh? Books aren't silly even if it's humour or any other genre, it always gives something to grab on, our talent is to find that anchor. The one who found their anchor in your writing will always understand your dedication and hardwork. We can forget about the rest.

- You certainly have a way with your words ♡

Well, I have to live between talented humans like you, so I learned from the best ;)

- Ohh, u have got a flirt in you too, must be nice ; )

Wow that's a first. Thank you <3 ;)

- You are mosTae welcome ; )

- But with silly things I meant the excessive amount of cliche I used haha

Wattpad is godown of cliche... so you have nothing to worry.

What was your favourite part and least favourite part of the writing journey?

- The most favourite part has to be the part where I made so many good friends through my books. One of my readers has become one of my closest friends ever along with my two fellow writer friends. I have made a few big sisters here and they have always been so supportive to me like ashley big sis, Mimi big sis n many others. To be honest with you, I've never felt so much loved before. When someone left some warm texts, I always took ss to remind me later that I do have some people now who actually think that I matter. It's very overwhelming and heartwarming to me. I still have most of the ss with me ♡ And the least favourite part is that when people feel the need to comment that they are abandoning my story because there is no smut or they saying they feel betrayed because there is nothing sexual. I feel really irritated about it. I'm not gonna write intimidating scene for bunch of horny 13 years old ( not me blaming all the 13 years old but let's face it, it's mostly kids who are obsessed with smut I swear)

- Not that I don't have people that care about me. My family is very loving but it's very nice to feel cared about by others who need the feel to care about you because you somewhat make them happy with whatever crap you write ♡

It's so special when we start here without a plan and becomes a part of someone or something that we call friendship. Hold them close, those precious beans are hard to find. And you are really cute... I can understand how much those words means to you that you are keeping ss with you. Having people who understands and support us is a blessing.

Humans and their minds are scary. I'm sorry you had to go through such kind of experiences but haven't you heard what doesn't break us make us stronger? You have people who adore the way you write, that's all matters.

- You are right. Even if I ever leave wattpad, I will always carry these loving memories with me ♡

Don't leave us *puppy dog eyes* and you are right, beautiful memories of Wattpad will always 'Stay Alive'

[ Stream Stay Alive, I still haven't recovered from it. ]

- Or ever better "stay Gold"

Yes <3

Moving forward, what are the key challenges you faced when you started writing here?

- Most challenging thing was my own insecurity. So, when I first started writing, I started giving what readers wanted in the story but as I became more confident I learnt not to give in to the requests of others and look past my anxiety of what people would think about this certain chapter and started writing on my own. Nonetheless, it was a bit of challenging seeing I had no prior experience and I gained many readers all of a sudden, it had became thr main focus on my writing to please the readers. Honestly, when a writer can push back all these things, they will truly be satisfied with their stories. Sadly though just when I started to focus more on my organised thought and proceed on my accord with some serious stories rather than my usual comedy books, I don't have time anymore to write : ( Another thing, when I first started writing, suddenly I gained a huge number of readers in a short time and after that most of them stayed but then I began to value my work according to the readers response. When you get 800k reads in one book and hardly 90k in another, it's very normal to feel insecure and feel that something went wrong that made the readers lost interest. Well, I'm past caring about them now because a good book doesn't need a lots of read, it just has to be a good book according to you.

- Wow, I'm giving thicc ass answers lol

- You sure that u aren't bored? Haha

- If anyone happens to read my interview, they will certainly get bored

I want to say you shouldn't have feel that way but thinking from your side, I understand. Our mind is really complicated and it knows how to play with us. You are right a good book doesn't need lots of read, having someone who perceive the same way we deliver things are enough.

Your words shows how far you have come and it's not boring. To me it's a mature way of thoughts.

- Well, Now I don't. Having a few years of experience of writing here, I now know what to expect from myself : )

It's admirable, you are admirable <3

- That's very sweet of you. Taenks <3

How do you describe your book's ideal readers?

- Hmmm... honestly, whoever is respectful is an ideal reader or an ideal person in general. But if we are talking about my favourite kind of readers I would go for the readers who comment. Like every other writers out here, I like receiving comments and interacting with the readers. Honestly, a book with less comments seems boring to me. Sometimes I read my own story to read comments and laugh my ass off because some of them are hilarious xD

Yes comments are a huge part of every books. It give us the whole picture of how readers are taking it, enjoying it and frustrated about a particular character and some of the reasoning and funny comments makes day better

- Yeah

Inspiration comes from different kind of elements, what inspired you to write Wrong Lead?

I'm so glad u chose wrong lead for this question because this actually has an inspiration behind it. So, here is the story. My brother borrowed my sim card for some work but his phone was stolen. So, if the theif used the number for any wrong purposes, I would be thr one to blame. One evening when I was coming home from work I was thinking about the incident and then I had this idea to write a book on it. (A little spoiler for the story) So, my inspiration comes from real life event mostly. This is the similar case for "fm 88.2" but the story isn't related to me. I got inspiration from a radio show thus it's named fm 88.2. I'm going off topic as u asked me about wrong lead, ain't I? Even some of the character traits that my characters have are my own lol.

- I mean the mobile phone stealing part. If you have read wrong lead if might know what I mean.

Yes and the lazy Taehyung part too, I suppose.

- Haha yeah. I can be lazy time to time : )

Inspiration can strike as any time of the day related to any events. Wrong Lead was amazing book, made me laugh at Taehyung's quirks and brother hood and suspense part too, you wrote it well. It was such an amazing piece of art of yours.

- Taenk you ♡ I'm very happy to know that u liked it ^-^

Very much <3

Have you ever gotten reader's block?

- Ehh... yeah, most of the time. I'm not a patient person so it's very hard to stick my interest somewhere for long. Unless I really like something, I would abandon it before finishing.

Haha same. I'm kinda picky when it comes to reading, so reader's blocks are regular for me.

- Same. I'm also very picky myself when it comes to literally everything lmao

So moving forward, How do you handle writer's block?

- Honestly, I get writer's block because of my laziness so when I shake off that laziness like the legend Taylor swift has said to shake it off, I can make things up to go with the flow and when even it doesn't work, my mind likes to hit me with ideas when I'm to sleep. So, yeah keeping a note before sleep it is!

That's a cool way of dealing writer's block.

What's the most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite sex?

- To exactly capture their point of view and thought process. Now, I'm neither a male or a homosexual. All I've learnt from wattpad, you could tell by reading it. Writing from a male's perspective when I'm not close with any nor do I have clear idea how they should carry themselves gets a little difficult sometimes as they are somewhat different than females but I console myself saying they are my made up character anyway lol

Yeah it's understandable.

Has Writing books changed the way you see yourself?

- Certainly it has. It has make me confident enough to carry on, through these books I've found some friends who never forget to remind me to love myself like our boys do so it Certainly has a positive impact on my life. My English has also gotten better over the time so I feel much more confident now talking or writing in English.

What books or authors' have most influenced your own writing?

- At first, it was mainly some taekook authors, I actually don't remember their names sorry but I do absolutely love "Road Trip" and it inspired me to write even more. After a while though, I read a beautiful book here. It's not a fanfic. That book is so beautiful that it will always have a special place in my heart and that author has my utmost respect and I look up to her while I try to write emotional stuff because she knows how to deliver emotions. I wish someday I would also write like them ♡

Awww that sweet <3 idk about their writing but you did a great job.

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?

- Stop absorbing all that cliche and apply it in your own book, you stupid. Do proofread you lazy ass because if someone reads your older books, they will think you use Google translate to write them. Express emotions not events, make your characters realistic.

[ but we all fell in love there. ]

I could really relate to Taehyung's character in Wrong Lead to an extent, and I'm real : )

- You must be an exception then xD


Moving to our last question, Taekook and their pure bond has been inspiring a lot of people nowadays. What advice would you give a new writer. Someone just starting out?

- Plz don't go for the extreme. It's true that you are adding up your own imagination but you are still using their names so respect them. Don't wait for readers to count on your work if you really wanna continue. Just carry on. Do write unique things with different themes. You don't have to always go for cliche things. Idk what else to say....... I will just end it with good luck.

Thank you so much <3

And that bring us to the end of this small talk. Thank you so much Nia, I had a great time with you.

You too have a way with words that I can't keep up with.

- It was nice talking to you. Thank you for what you are doing and all the best for the same.

Thank you so much for the unforgettable memories <3


Nia is someone fun to be around. Our small Talk was Beautiful experience for me. She knows how to light up the things she touch, the chat was comfortable, funny and relaxing just like her stories. We hit right off, made a lot of jokes, shared our thoughts about things--- though I took almost her sleep, she was still polite and easy going, eager to reply, which made everything easier for me.

She was getting sleepy that we had to run through the rest of the interview fast at the end but still her responses were enthusiastic which I'm grateful for. I'd never forget our chat.

Thank you so much <3

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