Falling for the Order

RadioMitty2 tarafından

926 7 0

You remember burning. Orange flames growing wild as it devours the temple. Your peers and friends laying lif... Daha Fazla

Quick lil Hello
The Map
The Masked
The General
The Deal
The Assistant
The Captain
The Meeting
The Dispatcher
The Traced
The Crawler
The Lieutenant
The Stalker
The Staffs
The Supreme Leader
The Homocide
The Cruel
The Touch
The Moment
The Attempt
The Departure
The City

The Balosar

48 1 0
RadioMitty2 tarafından

There was a slight breeze brushing your face as you walked along the platform leading up to the side entrance of one of the many tall buildings of the city. It's practically night

You don't dare walk near the edge, your fear of heights evident in your every cautious steps and averted eyes - anywhere but down the five-hundred metre drop to the emptiness of Coruscant.

There was a railing lining the platform of course, but that gave you no comfort at all. You followed Kylo and Vi to the entrance, no stormtroopers trailing behind. Kylo's mask left on the ship.

You were here to talk, or threaten the person that supposedly was aware of the message sent to the transmitter that was death-threating Ren and Hux's lives.

They received a tip from a First Order ally, stating that Coruscant was where to find them. In finer detail, leading us here to an extremely tall building very few windows and a vast balcony stretching roof above.

Walking closer to the wall than the railing, you come to a halt as the others stop in front of you, facing a narrow black door. Vi walks up to if, knocking three times, the last knock coming purposefully delayed after the previous two.

You each stand outside, wait for your presence to be answered. What this building is, you couldn't say, but you swear you can here the faint sound of music coming from inside.

The door shortly slides open, a man with dark hair and terribly styled clothes, attached to the door handle.

His eyes go to Vi's first, her standing in front.

"Vi, how you doin?" He says, walking out into the platform with us, crossing his arms over his chest. "Twice in one week, since when did I get this lucky?" He smiles.

Not the kind of pleasant smile, but rather an untrustworthy one.

Vi smiles at her friend, giving him a pant on the back. "Good to see you Sint, is Rov in?"

Sint is quick to nod. "Yeah, he's in the back room with your our new friend."

You suppose he's talking about the person you came here to see, the one knowing about the transmission.

Sint steps aside, drawing back toward the door and beginning to walk in "Come on in."

Vi files in after him, Kylo having to turn his body and duck his head to fit through the door. You trail after them, immediately met with a narrow staircase and an eery haze trapped in the stale air.

You take the steps one at a time. Some side entrance this is. Still on a mission and needing to be discrete, you understand the precautions.

As you descend further into the building, the sound of music you heard earlier grows more loud the closer you get to the centre of the building.

Kylo's large fitting form crowds your vision in front of you, not able to see the room you come to until you've filed out of the stairway enough to stand in it.

The music is blaring through speakers all around, hovering in the air and lining the walls of the large room. Lights are flashing and spiralling around the room in every shade of bright.

A band plays on an elevated stage, the singer practically screaming into mic. People are sitting in booths and dancing on the floor every where you look. There's a bar situated on your right, pressed in against the wall, lines of people buying drinks and taking them back to their seats.

The air is humid and thick, smelling of warm bodies and smoke.

You continue to follow the others through the room, walking single file to avoid being trampled on across the dance floor. If you weren't here with the First Order on a mission, you wouldn't think twice about going to get a drink and enjoy the atmosphere.

You're lead through a dark purple door, off the wall beside the bar, Sint with his terrible style opening the door open for you all to file in.

Being the last to enter, he holds out his hand, making you pause in your tracks.
You look at him, brows raised. He spreads the ugliest smile across his face, looking down over your body in your uniform.

"And what's your name pretty face?" He asks, restlessly looking back to your face.

You look at him questionably, your brows scrunched in mockery. "The name's 'not interested', so don't bother wasting your time," you say as you push his hand out of the way and walk in through the door.

You realise now Kylo's stopped in the hall, his gaze not on you but on the guy behind.

You hear Sint chuckle aloud. "Man I love First Order women." He trails in behind, you having to give Kylo a little nudge on his forearm to make him turn and continue to walk forward.

"Next door on your right," he calls from behind.

Vi opens the door and files in, Kylo stops at the door, letting you enter before him. As you walk in you notice a man sitting at a desk in the back corner, your eyes soon finding the scene in the middle of the room.

Another sits in a chair situated at the centre of the small room. His mouth gagged with a piece of white material, the fabric wet form sitting between his lips. His hands are tied behind his back, his legs tied to the legs of the chair. He's a balosar, his two antennas sticking up from the top of his head.

His hooded gaze lifted from ground up to Vi as she walked in in front of you, his eyes then on you as you walked in. You watched has his grey eyes widened behind you when you heard Kylo's heavy footsteps walk into the small room that could barely fit all of you in.

The balosar began squirming in his seat, attempting to pull at the restraints around his wrist and ankles, his eyes glued in horror at Kylo as he came to stand right in front of him.

You stood off to the right side of the room, Vi in the left corner. She gave the man sitting at the desk in the back a quick nod of acknowledgement.

The guy at the desk made movement, his wide torso and short height standing up from his seat.

"Payment." He says simply, looking in Vi's direction without a follow up word.

She steps up toward the desk, placing a rectangular box she retrieved from her pocket and sliding it across the table.

"It's all there Rov." She says, as he greedily snatched the rectangular box from in front of him. An ugly grin crawled across his thin lips, placing it in his pocket, before taking a seat back behind the desk.

He must of been the ally that tipped the First Order about knowing of someone aware of the message sent to the transmitter. That person being the one gagged and tied to the chair in front of you.

You hear shifting behind you, Sint coming and standing in the doorway of the room. When he noticed your gaze on him, he winks. You roll your eyes and face forward, looking between the tied up balosar and Kylo towering over him.

Rov leans back in his chair, kicking his feet up onto the desktop. "This is our new friend Parkt, the one saying he knew about that message you've been talking about." His words were monotone, obviously not giving too shits about this whole situation. As long as he got his payment.

You watch as Kylo takes a step forward, his gloved hand reaching up behind Parkt's head and ripping off the material placed in his mouth.

Parkt flinches in his seat at the action, the sides of his mouth red from the tightness of the gag.

He immediately starts shaking his head, eyes pleading as he looks up at Kylo, still attempting to pull from his tied wrists and ankles. No use buddy, you ain't going nowhere.

Kylo bends down toward Parkt, coming close to eye level with him. Small, pathetic whimpers were escaping Parkt's lips, his body shaking from the closeness of the devil himself.

It was obvious he knew of Kylo and his reputation, knowing he wouldn't think for a second to rip out his insides if he didn't spill what He wanted.

"Speak." Kylo says, voice deep and stern.

The sound of his word even making you feel a little intimidated. You certainly wouldn't want to be in Parkt's position right now. His head shakes violently, slurs of pleading and entreating for Kylo not to do anything. 

Kylo abruptly grips the back of Parkt's head, fingers intertwined and pulling in his hair to may the balosar look to him.

"How do you know about the message?" Kylo questions, his voice low and haunting. You could see it in Parkt's eyes, that fear of the many things that could occur.

Kylo is not holding back. He wants answers and he wants them now.

Parkt continues to shake his head. "I don't know," he pleads erratic, obviously just saying anything to get this whole situation to discontinue.

Kylo brings his hand back form gripping his hair and strikes Parkt across the face with the back of his hand.

The sound of the blow pierces the room, everyone's eyes glued to the centre at the interrogation.

'Wrong answer' you think to yourself.

Parkt looks back up from retrieving himself from the momentum of the hit. Crimson blood beginning to drip out of his mouth and down his chin.

Kylo grips his chin, the blood coming from Parkt's mouth making it's way over Ren's glove. "Let me rephrase for you," he starts. "Who told you about the message?"

For a second you can see Parkt tense at this question, Kylo smart to ask an alternative of what information he wants. He's done his before.

Parkt begins to whine again, not words just noises of defeat. This man is fucking pathetic.

"Fine, have it your way." Kylo tells him. He rips his grip away and swings his fist into Parkt's jaw. Once...twice..three times. "Anything to say?" He asks between a hit.

You flinch at each blow, watching at Parkt's face becomes more beat. Blood flying from his mouth and beginning to seep from his head. Kylo releasing his anger through violence like he always does.

With one final hit, Kylo steps backward to take a breather, Parkt's head hanging low with his chin resting against his chest.  He coughs quietly, blood dribbling from his mouth as he does so, spitting it on the shirt he wears.

He huffs low in his throat, whispering nonsense to himself inaudible to anyone else in the room.

Ren's chest rises and falls, his jaw set in a firm hold, looking down on his next victim with fire in his eyes.

His jaw rolls as he steps forward again and wipes his bloody glove on Parkt's shirt and pulling his head up to look him in the eye.

Parkt continues to mutter multiple nothings, weakly pulling at the retrains as best he can in this state.

Kylo leans down. "What's that?" He questions quietly, tilting his head to the side and facing his ear in Parkt's face as if to listen to the muttering.  "Fine."

Kylo abruptly kicks the seat of the chair between Parkt's legs. The chair goes flying backward, hitting Rov's desk form the force. He strides toward him, punching with his right hook before alternating to his left hook.

Parkt's mutters louder between each blow. "...told me....to" he mumbles before receiving another punch. His face is covered with blood, raining from the fresh cuts and bruises Kylo's gifted. He speaks louder this time. "He told me.....he told me to say...."

You take a short step forward, trying to catch what Parkt's trying to say. Kylo's blows are awfully strong, his elbows swinging so far back before drawing them into Parkt's face.

"He told me to say..."


"I was told to say..."


You take another step forward. "Okay Ren, just hold off a second—"

Ren hits him again. Parkt practically unconscious.

"...I was told to say I knew!" Parkt cries.

You draw toward Ren who's standing over Parkt about to hit him again. You throw your hands in front of him.

"Okay, okay, calm your shit!" You tell him before he can swing his fist again. "We're not going to get any answers if you fucking kill him!"

Kylo takes a short step backward, his breathing coming in short waves with his eyes never leaving Parkt's.

His dark gaze flickers to you for a second, you holding your hands up toward him to calm him down. Kylo turns away, his shoulders rising and falling with each breath.

Ren needs a breather, so you step in.

You stand in front of Parkt, folding your arms over your chest as you look down at this poor man covered in blood.

"Who told you to say what?" You ask vaguely, as Parkt swings his head up to look at the new sub.

His body is shaken, his whimpering still coming and muttering random words to himself shaking his head. You huff aloud and roll your eyes.

"Will you cut the shit?! Stop being such a baby and just tell me." Your sternness used to mask your annoyance.

"He...I..." he stammers, spitting blood on the floor beside him, a tooth flying out as he does so. He continues.

"I was told to say I knew about the message," he finally lets out, his breathing beginning to come in short waves about to start pleading again. "I don't know anything, I promise. Pl...please—"

"Will you shut up," You cut him off, not wanting to hear him start freaking out again. "Who told you to say you knew about the message?"

You feel Kylo's presence return beside you. You don't look at him, remaining your gaze on Parkt. He looks up at you through a purple eye. "I don't know who it was. I was told I'd get sixty-thousand credits to say I new about some message sent to the First Order. I didn't know what the message said, but it was easy money," he shakes his head again, not out of plea but out of shame. "I didn't realise someone was going to tip the First Order to say I knew."

Your eyes flicker to Rov sitting at his desk, then back to the injured balosar.

"And did you get your payment Parkt?" You ask him, hands now on your hips. He shakes his head. "Right, well that's your first mistake. And I'm guessing you weren't supposed to tell us this?"

He shakes his head again. He obviously wasn't supposed to get caught first. And now that he is, he wasn't supposed to tell us that someone was going to pay him to say he new about the message sent. Probably by the sender.

You look up to Rov again lifting a brow. "Did you know about this?" You ask him.

He's quick to deny. "I didn't know it was a fake."

You huff. "And what about you—"

As you turn to ask Sint, you see that he's no longer in the room. Your brows furrow in confusion but you soon realise what's happened. He's fled.

You shoot your gaze towards Kylo for a split second before pushing past him and racing out the door of the room. You pace down the hallway toward the purple door you'd entered through.

The music is blaring as you stand in the open doorway, the bar and dance floor completely crowded with hundreds of people. You hastily scan the crowd, looking for any sign of Sint - who obviously new this was a set up. You begin to push through the crowd at a hurried pace looking over the faces you pass as well as the ones you see ahead of you.

You hear your name, 'Zero', being called from behind but you don't turn. You keep looking around, your gaze casting towards the stairway that lead you in here in the first place.

Just as you look up, you see Sint looking over his shoulder in your direction before escaping up the stairs taking them two at a time.

You begin to push through the crowd again to get to him when you feel a firm hand grip around your wrist making you halt. You didn't need to turn around to know it was Kylo. You look at him, snatching your wrist out his grip and doing the same to him.

"Come on!" You call over the music, gripping onto his wrist as you file through the crowd. You drop your hold when you come to the stairs racing up them the same way Sint did moments before. Kylo calls "Zero" again, but you don't listen.

Once you reach the door you swing it open, ducking just in time as a blaster shot comes flying your way and hitting the door where your head just was. You abruptly stand back in the stairway, holding yourself against the wall.

You hear Kylo call again, as he ascends the stairs. This time he doesn't call you Zero, but by your real name. This time you look toward him.

As you meet his gaze you watch as he throws something your way. Quick on your reflexes you catch the object, looking down at it in your hands you realise he's thrown you a blaster.


You nod in his direction as he still comes to reach where you are. You don't wait for him, exiting the stairway to the platform outside where the night air hits your face. The air clearer and no longer thick.

Another blaster bolt comes in your direction, you could feel it before it drew toward you - able to dodge it in time.

You raise the blaster Kylo gave you as you pace along the platform in the direction of where the shots came from.

You soon see Sint running along it at fast pace. You pull the trigger on your blaster three times. First and second missing from your out of practice, the third copping him in the leg and making him stumble.

You continue to draw toward him, shooting his hand that reaches out of the ground toward the blaster he dropped as he fell.

You cries out in pain, rolling onto his back and holding his shot hand in the other.

You can hear Kylo's footfalls behind you, drawing toward Sint on the ground. Another set of footsteps trails after as well, knowing it was Vi.

Kylo steps in front of you, crouching and gripping onto Sint's collar firmly pulling him up off the ground.

"Who do you work for?" He rasps harshly, tilting his head and looking him dead in the eyes.

A sinister smile crawls onto Sint's lips as he hooded eyed looks up at Kylo.

You stand still as you watch Sint's uninjured hand shoot up and draw toward his mouth. Your eyes widen in realisation, too slow to warn.

"No Kylo! Don't let him—"

Sint placed the pill in his mouth and bites down before any of us can do anything.

You each watch as Sint chokes on the chemicals of the pill, the sides of his mouth extruding foam while his body shakes before his eyes roll to the back of his head. Dead.

Your head drops, huffing in annoyance. Kylo drops his grip on Sint's collar before standing again.

His broad, tall shoulders rise and fall in short breaths. You know exactly what his face would look like if he turned around. Kylo is angry. You could tell just by his breathing.

You step forward, going to say something before you watch as he bends down again, grabbing Sint's collar and dragging him over to the side of the platform.

You're eyes widen as you realise what he's doing to do, but you don't dare say anything.

Kylo hoists Sint over the edge of the platform, his body falling five-hundred metres down to meet nothing but death.

Okumaya devam et

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