Quick lil Hello

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Hello my beautiful audience, nice to meet you. Just wanna say thanks for choosing to read my story xx

I hope you enjoy the story as much as I enjoyed writing it. This is my own take on a Kylo Ren/Star Wars fanfic and I'm so excited to share it with you all.

Enjoy escaping into a new world and give Kylo a kiss for me xx

Lots of Love
Radio Mitty



Here's just a little overview on your character for context...

You were born in a small village located on Naboo. Your mother was a Jedi that died when you were twelve years of age. She was a good friend of Leia Organa, hence the reason you were sent to Luke as part of his new generation of Jedi.

You were a fellow student of Ben Solo in Luke's class, and were lucky enough to escape when he burnt the temple down after becoming too corrupt due to Supreme Leader Snoke's manipulation.

After escaping you found yourself working for Maz Kanata on Takodana. Working as an elite member of Maz's close crew as well as being of close alliance to the Resistance.


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