The Assistant

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The stormtroopers unbound you from the chair. The satisfying clicking sound of the restraints being undone is music to your ears.

Kylo had you unbound the next day. Just to be a dick. One last day in the chair didn't matter if you knew you wouldn't be in it tomorrow.

The troopers slowly grab hold of you and help you walk. They take you out of the interrogation chamber straight to the ship's medical bay. That's nice of them.

A medical droid tends to you. You lay on a cold metal table as it inserts you with a vial of bacta. You feel the hot liquid under your skin as it finds its was into your blood stream. You shiver at the sensation, closing your eyes for the feeling to be over.

Within minutes you feel ten times better than you did moments ago. Your tiredness dries up, your blaster wound from Mug's shot closes as does the torn nerves and vessels from the interrogation chairs electro shock conduits.

You're led out of the med bay, walking slowly and are taken to another part of the ship. You walk down a corridor with two stormtroopers on your tail. They lead you to the outside of a white glossy door. Similar to the one that led into the meeting room where you met Hux, only different in colour.

Before entering the room behind this door, you cast your gaze down the end of the corridor. You see another door like the very one you stand in front of, only black in colour and bigger.

A storm trooper steps beside you and hits a button on the border of the door in front. It slides open and you walk in.

You turn to the sound of the stormtrooper hitting the button again.

"You will be collected early tomorrow morning for your first day of duty." The stormtrooper says before the door slides shut.

You stare at it for a moment, still partially in shock that you've been given an actual room to stay in instead of some tortuous metal chair. You turn on your heel to eye the room you find yourself in.

A residence.

The room is large with polished black floors and dark coloured walls. Barely any lighting to be seen. Mostly lit by the stars. A small sitting area is located in the middle of the room with an archway adjacent to the entry door leading into a small kitchen.

You draw further into the room, running your fingers over the material of the lounges. A small window is located on the right side of the room. Looking out into deep space and the rooms only light resource.

Another door sits at the opposite end of the dark room. You hit the button to the side of it and it slides open.

The bedroom.

The bed is covered with black sheets and covers. A connecting bathroom sits to the left of the bed.

You walk toward the bed. You can't help up smile at the sight of it. You've never been so happy to see a bed in your life.

Without hesitation you jump up and throw yourself on top of the covers. It's soft under your hand and face, the smell of fresh linen filling your senses. You could cry. If you close your eyes for long enough you could imagine it being your bed on Takodana.

You turn around on the bed to face the wall opposite the bathroom. You narrow your eyes at it, confused as to why it looks soft.

You get off the bed and stroll towards it. You reach out a hand and grip the wall in your hand. Curtains.

Drawing the curtains to the side, your overwhelmed by a floor to ceiling window looking out into the infinite stars of the galaxy. You pressed your hands against the glass, sucking it all in.

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