Sign For Love ((ON HOLD))

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Rosalie Hendrix can't speak, or hear. Anything at all. This is the result of a tragic accident 2 years ago, a... Více

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter Eleven

Chapter 10

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When I woke up the next morning, I was sprawled out across Harry, one leg slipped between his, my head resting on his chest. His chest was rising and falling slowly and evenly, so I knew that he was still asleep. Sitting on the ground next to the couch were our two mugs that we had had Ruhr tea in, and the tv was still on, so I presume we fell asleep during the movie.

I sat up slowly, easing my way off of him, careful not to wake him. All he did though was shift over slightly in his sleep, nuzzling his face into the couch, possibly talking, I couldn't tell. It looked like his mouth may have been moving but I wasn't certain.

I snagged the mugs off of the ground, taking them into the kitchen. Harry hadn't done the dishes from last night evidently, he had just tossed them in the sink. So I dragged myself over and as carefully as I could; so to not make noise and wake him up, I rinsed the dishes and loaded them up into the dishwasher. Next, I filled up the tea kettle, setting it on the top of the oven to boil. And then I started to rummage around in the cupboards to look for something to make for breakfast.

This was odd to me, waking up in somebody else's flat and making breakfast. I mean, before the accident I would always stay over at friends' houses, but after, I never really went out anywhere. Brandon was always with me too, and I was always pretty much waited upon.

That part bothered me. Yes; I wasn't able to speak or hear, but I wasn't an invalid, and I was capable of doing most things by myself.

Eventually, I settled for making eggs, toast, and bacon, all which I found in the refrigerator or the cupboards, I popped the bread into the toaster, letting that set while the eggs sizzled in a frying pan. I was just making them sunny side up, hoping Harry would like them. Most guys liked sunny side up eggs though, I could remember a few sleepovers with Tris I had had when we were dating, I used to love waking up and messing around in the kitchen, attempting to make breakfast.

I was I'm the middle of flipping over some bacon when I felt a pair of arms slip around my waist, a face being pressed into my neck. I gasped, surprised, although I knew it was Harry.

I felt guilty, figuring I had been too loud and woke him up, but then he reached around me, and moved the kettle off the burner, and I realized that the thing that spun around to let me know it was done was spinning, so that meant he had heard the shrill whistle.

Instead of kicking him out of the kitchen, he worked along side of me, getting two plates, cups for tea, and forks and jam and butter and whatever we would need to go along with breakfast. While he did that, I scooped the bacon and eggs onto a plate, carrying them to the table. Harry had gotten the toast out of the toaster, and poured the water for tea into the cups as I was finishing up with the cooking of breakfast.

I still felt bad for waking him up, but it was nice to have him helping me.

We moved comfortable around each other in the kitchen, not awkwardly standing around, it was nice. Things were the same way with Brandon.

My lips pursed as I thought of Brandon, he would be worried about me. I still couldn't bear the thought of him leaving me. It didn't seem right. He had been with me through all of this. And I just needed him now.

Don't get me wrong, I was so proud of him to get a job in the United States! But I was being selfish, and wanted to come up with some reason on why he had to stay with me.

As I carried the food to the table, Harry pulled my chair out for me. Quite the gentleman.

I was sitting at the end of the table, and Harry sat at the first seat to my left. It was oddly intimate, sitting in this cosy little kitchen with him. I found it slightly odd.

I only made one egg for myself, and was nibbling on a piece of bacon. I wasn't shy about eating or anything, but the food just wasn't settling in my stomach right, and I didn't want to like.... Eat really quickly and throw up or something.

It made me sad though, I wanted to talk to Harry. To make little chit chat or something. As cute as it was to sit here with him and have breakfast, it still wasn't able to be like a normal couple would.

While I was eating slowly, Harry was wolfing down his breakfast, as if somebody was going to take it from him. It was quite a sight to see, actually.

A small smile was on my lips as I took a sip of the tea. Peppermint tea actually. I hadn't been expecting that.

It was actually really good.

I happened to glance over at Harry, and saw his lips moving.

A sigh escaped my lips. I just wanted to hear his voice...


Harry scribbled down on a piece of paper that since I had made breakfast, he would clean up.

I argued this of course, I mean, yeah, I had made breakfast. But that meant that I had made the mess, and I felt guilty making it clean. Harry wouldn't have it any other way though. There was no room for arguing. So I was currently perched on the counter next to the sink, watching as Harry washed the dishes.

He had his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and he had bubbles from the soap on his forearms. I found myself admiring him, and it was a good thing he was too absorbed in his cleaning to notice me creeping on him.

He was quite an attractive man, I must admit that. His hair was a proper mess from sleeping on the couch, but the messy hair look was a good look for him. His cheeks were slightly flushed, but not like he was blushing or anything, they just had a nice rosy tint to them. And his lips were pulled up into a sexy smirk, like he knew something I didn't. And it had me achingly curious.

As Harry cleaned the dishes, I placed them into the dishwasher, which I was sitting above.

As he finished, and I was loading the last few dishes into the washer, Harry came around so that he was standing in front of me, his hands resting on the counter outside of my hips, his face mere inches from mine, eyes watching me curiously.

In the short time I had know Harry, I had learned something about him; he was quite bold. He wasn't shy in the slightest either. He just did whatever he felt like doing.

I watched him curiously in return, trying to figure out what he was doing to do next.

But to my surprise, he just.... Stared at me. Which actually didn't make me uncomfortable since I was staring at him in return.

His eyes probably had me the most mesmerized out of everything about him. They were so..... so green. I was envious of his eyes.

Harry stepped in closer to me, stepping in between my legs, running his hands up my legs, around to my back. His head dipped lower, so that his nose was brushing mine, and I could feel his breathing fanning warmly across my lips. I bit my lip, looking up at him, into those hypnotic eyes. I couldn't read the emotion in them though.

He leaned into me, gripping my sides in his hands, gliding his nose along the edge of my jawline. I could still feel his breath warming my skin as he went, a warm tingling feeling one skin.

And then to my surprise, his arms tightened around me, crushing me tightly but not painfully against him, and he kissed my neck. It wasn't a lustful kiss or anything like that. It was playful, and brought a smile up my lip.

He continued with the playful kisses up my neck, peppering them all over my face as well.

I pulled back, a smile on my face, holding his face in my hands.

He leaned in and kissed my nose, pressing his forehead against mine, holding me there. We just stood there, or sat there in my case.

I liked this. I liked how normal it seemed. Little moments like these made me happy. I was tired of feeling like I was a freak. I was tired of the weird looks. It was a good deal my fault that I got the odd stares though, because of the tattoos and whatnot. But they made me feel safer. I'd rather have tattoos covering my body than ugly scars.

No matter how good all of this felt, or seemed; he still had a girlfriend...

I liked this, but I wouldn't do anything until he wasn't with her.

I pulled my head back and shook my head "no" at him, reaching down and taking his hands away from my body, setting them once again on the counter away from me.

Harry watched me sadly, hurt evident in his eyes. I just wanted to grab him and kiss him and tell him how I felt but that wasn't working.

I slipped off of the counter, pushing past Harry to his bedroom to gather up my clothes I left on the floor. I could sense his presence behind me but I didn't look at him, I fumbled around in the pockets of the jumper I had borrowed from him, pulling my phone out and typing a message to him.

'Harry, I have to go back to Brandon right now. I have to get ready for work and then take you and the other boys out for the shopping trip or whatever.'

Once I had sent it, I continued gathering up my stuff, figuring I could just go home in what I was wearing now, and then change at home.

Harry's attention was focused on pecking away at his phone, no doubt responding to my message. I waltzed off to the bathroom, making sure to lock the door behind me; I didn't need Harry barging in on me.

All I did was splash some water on my face, and using a fluffy towel on the rack next to the shower, I scrubbed away the makeup on my face.

My phone vibrated in the middle of this process, but I just let it go, finishing the whole cleaning process was more important than checking a text at the moment.

When I had sufficiently scrubbed my face, I dried off my hands pulling my phone out of my pocket.

'Look... I don't understand why you're mad at me, and don't say you're leaving right now because you have to; because we both know that's bullshit, you can't just run away when you get upset with me.. I'll never know what's wrong then. It's not fair for me to have to deal with this.'

Anger flared up inside of me as I read that last sentence. That was crossing a line.

It wasn't fair for HIM?! HE had to deal with this?! No. He was choosing to try to be a part of this, but he wasn't being forced to deal with this like I was. He could wake up and decide to never speak to me, and wouldn't have the stress of figuring out how to communicate with me. I couldn't do that. I had to wake up every day knowing that my voice and my hearing won't return. Knowing that I am broken. That I am damaged. That I am no good. That I am-

My phone vibrated again in my hands, which actually startled me because I had expected to be able to respond to Harry before he decided to text me again.

'Wait, no. That sounds wrong, it didn't mean to come out like that. It's not that I have to deal with this, I know that. If I didn't want to be a part of this, I wouldn't even be trying Rose. It's just... It's hard. You know better than anyone how hard it is, but I need you to help me with this... To tell me when something is bugging you, or you're upset. Because it's really difficult to find out... I'm trying here Rosalie.. Please help me out a little.'

My eyes narrowed as I read that, anger bubbling in me. Not because he had done anything wrong. Because he said the RIGHT thing. Right when I was formulating an amazing response to his first text in my head, he just blew it all away with what he just sent me.

I sighed before typing out,

'I need to think. Because I've only just met you. And I feel this... This pull towards you. And it's got me all muddled. And I need to get things sorted with work and myself before I start anything with you. And you have to sort things with your girlfriend. But I really do need to get home and get ready for work. Because Brandon won't be happy that I chose to stay out all night. I promise though, I'll be round shortly to pick you up. Alright?'

Once I sent that, I gave myself one last once over in the mirror before stepping out of the bathroom.

Like I presumed, Harry was leaning against the door frame, enough that I could open the door, but that he could stop me if I had tried to run away or something like that. He was focusing on the text I had just sent him though when I stepped out.

Although the moment he saw the door open his attention returned to me.

I leaned over and kissed his lips softly, but quickly. His eyes widened in surprise, and just plan confusion when I pulled away from him.

I stroked the side of his face gently with my hand, looking into his eyes for a few minutes before turning to leave.

I liked Harry, quite a bit. But I had to leave it up to him where we stood relationship-wise. Because no matter what, I couldn't risk my job for him. And I certainly didn't want to cause any problems with Victoria. I didn't particularly LIKE his girlfriend, but I didn't want to be a home wrecker or anything.

Harry let me leave, which was a relief. I didn't know what I would have done if he put up some sort of fight to my leaving. So with a reluctant sigh, I walked out of the hotel room, making my way back to my apartment, to prepare myself for the day.


(A/N) oh my goodness. Guys. I haven't updated this story in sooooooo long and I am so sorry for that. There really is no excuse I can think of, except for a bit of writers block.

I promise, it WON'T take me months to update again like this.

Thank you though for the support, and the messages asking about the story. It's nice to know that there were people out there who missed it :p

I can't promise an update right away, but I'm already working on the next chapter for this, it'll start off in HARRY's POV though, just so you know(:

Again, thank you for the support with this<3 it truly means the world to me guys, you are the best fans I could have asked for<3


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