No One Has To Know

By straight_up_geek_

34.5K 522 2.1K

Heather Kaneko Wilson -a senior at The University of Toronto- is on the path to graduate with a Bachelor's de... More



3.3K 37 145
By straight_up_geek_

Song: August
Artist: Taylor Swift


Heather woke up to the sound of high-pitched ringing. The alarm had never sounded so obnoxious to her until today. She got up and stretched, then looked at her clothes hanging from her door- a white tank top with a yellow miniskirt and black wedges. She picked out her clothes the night before because her outfit was the most important aspect of starting a new day at school. Her cat, Bruiser, leaped onto her pink comforter. "I know, I'm awake," Heather laughed, scratching behind the feline's ears. It was routine for Bruiser to wake her every morning for school or work. She kissed the cat's head and carefully pulled the blankets off herself so Bruiser wouldn't go flying.

Bruiser mewled and followed his owner to the kitchen. Heather made herself a hot cup of coffee and then sat at her marble bar table. The moment she turned eighteen, her parents bought a nice apartment near the University of Toronto. She was relieved to get away from the memories of her childhood and start fresh. Now, almost four years later, Heather had only contacted her family three times, and she wouldn't have it any other way. She enjoyed her life alone because she was able to focus solely on her studies without any distractions. After she graduated with a Bachelor's in Nursing this year, she was heading to med school to receive her Master's.

Heather finished her coffee and got dressed for the day. She meticulously applied her coral pink lipstick when she was done with the rest of her makeup. "Perfect," she said to herself in the bathroom mirror. Heather went back into the kitchen and grabbed a bag of paw print treats. "Bruiser!" She called, shaking the bag.

The cat scurried into the room, meowing with excitement. Heather took two treats out and let Bruiser eat from the palm of her hand. "Good boy," she cooed. "I'll be back at 4:00."

Heather stepped out of her apartment and locked the door as she always did. She was on the fourth floor -the highest floor- so she walked down the stairs and made her way to her hot red convertible, again, provided by her parents.

She drove about five miles to her bus stop. Heather hated taking the bus, but she was willing to give the luxury of walking to the school up for having a regular apartment by herself. She took out her phone and started scrolling through FaceJournal.

A scrawny figure came running from Heather's left. "Did ya see my status update?!" Cody was grinning from ear to ear, his crooked teeth slightly jutting past his lower lip.

Heather sighed. "No, why?" Cody was Heather's only friend. They had started hanging out during their junior year of High School, and Heather never understood why Cody even bothered. She was hardly ever genuinely nice to him, but he kept following her around. She figured it was just because she was his only protection from his stalker, Sierra. And Sierra was a whole other story.

"My relationship status says it's complicated!" Cody answered.

Heather raised an eyebrow. "And—how exactly is that good?"

"Because it's finally off single!" He squealed.

"Why is it complicated?" Heather crossed her arms with a smirk. There is no way he's changing his status because of Sierra. He can not stoop that low, she thought.

"Because Gwen said hi to me first!"

"Are you serious?" Heather replied. "Cody, you've been chasing after Gwen for almost six years. It may have been cute back in high school; maybe even creepy, but now, it's just sad and pathetic."

"Oh, come on, Heather," Cody said. "Do you think I at least stand a 1% chance?"


"Why not?"

"Because!" Heather snapped, "Gwen has dated Trent and Duncan. You think her standards could get any lower than Duncan?"

Cody blinked. "I—wow, Heather. Tell me how you really feel."

"Oh, please, go cry to DJ if you want to be lied to. Or better yet, Sierra," Heather replied, pursing her lips in annoyance. "You'll be genuinely praised then."

Cody gulped. "Nothing could ever make me willingly run to that woman."

"Then stop complaining. Find some way to get rid of Sierra, then find another girl or get a hobby. I can't be your personal bodyguard for the rest of my life."

Cody chuckled, looking embarrassed. "Well, Heather, I don't need a bodyguard. I just like talking with you." The big green and white bus pulled up and stopped with a screech.

"Sure." Heather stepped away to board the bus, and Cody sprinted after her like a frightened rabbit.

"I'm serious," Cody continued as they walked towards the back rows. "I'm a grown man. I can handle myself—" he was cut off when he tripped over a guy's backpack, landing face first.

"You seem like you're handling yourself pretty well," Heather commented. She reluctantly stopped with an eye roll and held out her hand. Cody grabbed on and stood up. 

"Sorry, man," a tan guy waved at Cody but didn't move his backpack.

"Pfft, freshmen," Cody muttered.

"Brody's a senior, just like us," Heather said.

"Oh. Well, stupid tall, tan surfer dudes!"

Heather laughed, sitting down at the seat by the window. "Just face it, Cody. You can't handle yourself."

"I live without my parents," he told her as he sat next to her.

"You live with Harold and Trent. And they're both major simps."

"How does Harold have better luck than me in the dating world?" Cody groaned.

"That is a good question," said Heather. "I genuinely wonder that too."


"No, of course not, dweeb. It's obvious why. Harold may be disgusting, but he isn't a creep like you." Heather grabbed her Bluetooth earbuds from the top zipper in her black backpack.

"Aw, Heather, please don't ignore me!" Whined Cody.

"I'm not in the mood for talking about your girl problems."

"Ok, ok, I'll stop," he said.

Heather paused when the earbuds were nearly in her ears. "Promise?"

"Pinky swear." Cody held up his pinky.

"No. No way I'm doing that. This isn't middle school."

"Fine," he sighed in defeat. "But yeah, I promise I'll stop talking about it. Today."

Heather laughed. "I wasn't expecting you to stop completely. We both know that's impossible."

"He, yeah."


Heather said goodbye to Cody before walking toward the building for her first class. "Biochemistry. Two hours long," she said to herself. "Fantastic."

A loud screeching voice made her halt in her tracks. She snapped her head around to see a couple fighting on the sidewalk. "I told you to bring your laptop, Duncan! Now we can't study together!" Courtney yelled.

"Relax, I can just use yours," Duncan said.

"Are you kidding me?! We are not sharing my laptop again! Especially after—"

Heather scowled. Courtney and Duncan were an on-and-off again couple since high school. They had broken up and gotten back together more times than Heather could count. Most of the breakups were because they couldn't agree on anything, but there was one time during senior year when Duncan cheated on Courtney with Gwen. Heather felt bad for Courtney, so she comforted her and talked to her more than she usually did. They grew apart after they started college, and before Heather knew it, Courtney was back with Duncan. It sounded like quite a headache to her.

Heather walked inside, bickering to herself about Courtney and Duncan. "Great, now my morning is ruined."

Heather went through her first two classes, hardly paying attention. The first couple of days were always about going over the syllabus and getting to know everyone in the class, and it bored Heather to death.

During her lunch break, she sat at the tables near the campus sandwich restaurant. She had ordered a turkey and cheese sub with sour cream and onion chips.

Cody slid into the chair next to her. "What's up? I got a sandwich too!"

Heather grimaced. "Ew, and barbecue chips! That is disgusting!"

"Mmm, I love barbecue." He munched down on his chips, getting crumbs everywhere.

"Can you manage to eat like an adult?"

"I can't help it. So good!" Cody spoke with his mouth full.

"And you wonder why you can't get any girls," Heather muttered.

"Hey! I never eat like this in front of Gwen," said Cody.

"Then it's all the other things about you."

"I've tried to change them, but chicks still stay away from me."

Heather snorted. "Your personality. It sucks."

Cody scoffed. "Look who's talking!"

"Cody, shut up," Heather smirked playfully, hitting him in the arm.

Cody laughed. "So, what's your next class?"

"The next class is my last class every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday thankfully," Heather answered. "It's Psychology and Mental Health."

"Sounds super-duper fun!" Cody chirped sarcastically.

"I know all we're gonna do is talk about ourselves and what we should expect for the class this semester."

"Hey, you're lucky. I have two classes after this."

"I'm glad I'm not you," Heather simpered.


Heather sat in the third row once she got to her last class. Her face fell flat when Courtney sat next to her. "There are plenty of other spots in the room," she retorted.

"The third column in the third row is where I learn best. You just happen to be sitting next to it," Courtney replied smugly.

Heather growled under her breath. "Well, I learn sitting anywhere in a classroom. But I do learn better when a bitch isn't seated next to me."

Courtney's jaw dropped. "I know you didn't just say that!"

"I did. What are you going to do about it?" Heather leaned back at her desk.

"Just you wait, Heather," she glared. "I know lots of people who could make your life miserable."

"I could also make your life miserable, but I don't have to rely on other people for that," Heather grinned devilishly.

"Oh, shut up," said Courtney. "You're full of garbage. You're all talk!"

Heather opened her mouth to retaliate when a man strode into the room. One look at him made her heart skip a beat. He's—not bad looking, she thought. "Hello?" Courtney's nagging voice brought her out of her "mini" trance.

"What?!" Heather replied irately.

"It looked like you were going to say something. Come on, say it!" She hissed.

"Buenas tardes, class!" The man said. Heather's face dropped when she realized that the man she was just ogling was none other than the professor.

Courtney turned her attention to the professor, and she magically forgot about her and Heather's argument. "Wow..." she whispered in awe. Heather furrowed her eyebrows. She looked around, and almost the entire class was doing the same thing.

The instructor was tall, and he had dark, bronzed skin. He walked to his desk with the utmost confidence. His emerald eyes examined the room before he spoke, "Hola, my name is Alejandro. You can call me Señor Alejandro, or just Professor Alejandro. I prefer to use first names because I don't want to intimidate any of you," he laughed smoothly.

Heather was speechless. There is no way he's our professor. He's too—handsome! She got out her pink laptop. Her eyes narrowed with suspicion. He has to be impersonating a teacher. There is absolutely no way in hell.

"This is my first year lecturing, so go easy on me, por favor," Alejandro said with a chuckle.

Heather could already hear the whispers and giggles from the desks behind her. She recognized those voices anywhere- Katie and Sadie, the inseparable best friends. Heather clenched her jaw. Maybe I should switch seats, she bitterly thought.

Alejandro used the small black remote to pull down the projector screen. "In case some of you are wondering whether you are in the right class, this is Psychology and Mental Health. We'll be studying how personality, behavior, and social factors are involved in one's mental health. Are there any psychology majors in here?" He asked. Half the room raised their hands. "Bueno, bueno," he nodded, walking across the room. "Any future social workers?" Courtney raised her hand along with a few others.

Heather scoffed silently. Courtney as a social worker? In what world?! "Are there any nursing majors?" Asked Alejandro. Heather raised her hand with two others. Alejandro glanced at her. Who is she? He was intrigued by her raven hair and silver eyes. He had never seen another woman quite like her. No, Alejandro. You are not attracted to your student, he scolded himself. That is a big no-no.

"Great!" Alejandro carried on, not too bothered. He was used to passing an attractive woman from time to time, so he didn't think much of it. "Now, I am sure you are all tired of hearing the same boring rundown of the syllabus, so I've decided to just begin with the first lecture. The schedule and class expectations will be available online for you, so there is no need to go over them."

Heather let out a relieved sigh. "Thank God," she mumbled.

"Fair warning, this class will be hard, so I wouldn't waste my breath waiting until the last minute to do the homework," Alejandro said. Heather noticed a hint of cockiness in his tone.

"Yes!" Courtney cheered quietly. Heather rolled her eyes at her. She hoped Courtney wouldn't persuade the teacher to add extra homework assignments as she did in high school. College was already hard enough.

"I am going to have you guys pass around a sign-in sheet with the desk order on it. You will write your first names in the spot you're seated at, and I will hopefully get to know all of your names by tomorrow if you stay in the same spot," Alejandro said.

"Excuse me, Professor Alejandro!" A giggling Sadie raised her hand. Oh no, this can't be good, Heather thought.

Alejandro looked in her direction. "Yes?"

"How—" she cut herself off with more giggles. "How old are you?" Heather groaned, facepalming.

"Ma'am, May I ask your name?" Alejandro replied.

"Yes, of course! It's Sadie!" She squealed.

"Alright, Sadie. I am twenty-seven years old. You are lucky I am at an age where I'm still comfortable answering," he laughed charmingly. "But for next time, that is not the most appropriate question to ask your professor."

"Oh, I know. You just looked—super young," Sadie replied.

"Gracias," Alejandro nodded. He handed out the sign-in sheet. "Now, to begin the lesson, I would like for all of you to open your laptops and find the PowerPoint under the primera semana file. That means the first week if you didn't know."

"Oh, I love his Spanish accent," Katie swooned.

"Me too," Sadie agreed.

Heather spun around, glaring at them. "Would you two shut up?! I'm trying to pass a class, here!"

Alejandro heard Heather's sharp voice and averted his eyes from his desktop. "Miss, is there a problem?"

Heather's eyes widened. She quickly turned back around. "Um, no! Not at all!"

"Good. We wouldn't want you to have any distractions from the lesson," he said.

Heather gritted her teeth when she heard Courtney snicker under her breath. If I could just—ugh! That annoying, uptight—

"Here you go." Courtney practically shoved the sign-in paper in Heather's face. She ripped it from Courtney's hands and signed her name in cursive with a heart attached to the 'r'. Heather had always signed her name that way since she was just six years old. It made her feel unique in a way that her mom never made her feel.

When class was over, Heather placed her laptop back in her backpack. She got up while grabbing onto the shoulder straps, and her foot got caught behind the left front leg of her desk. With a short scream, she fell to the tiled floor and landed on her knees. "Fuck," she angrily grunted.

"Miss! Are you ok?" Alejandro rushed to her aid, bending over and picking up her phone for her.

"Shit! Is it broken?!" Heather immediately looked at the screen. To her relief, there was no damage. She heaved herself off the floor.

"Are you alright?" Alejandro asked once more.

"I'm fine," she replied curtly, dusting off her skirt.

Alejandro happened to have the sign-in sheet in his hands. He briefly looked through it. "It's Heather, right?"

"You know, for someone who doesn't teach a Spanish class, you love to speak the language a lot," Heather grumbled.

"I grew up in Spain. I love mixing my native language with yours. Moving across the world is truly an eye-opening experience," said Alejandro.

Heather's eyes narrowed. He thinks he's so cool! Ugh, it's annoying! "Well, señor Pablo, I never asked about your heritage."

"It's Alejandro, Miss," he corrected.

"—Alexandrio—whatever. Point is, I know you think your class is probably impossible for anyone to pass, but I'll be passing it with an A+," Heather said.

Alejandro took a deep breath to contain himself. "We shall see, señorita. We shall see."

"Don't call me any Spanish names!" Heather demanded.

"It only means Miss, señorita."

Heather balled her fists. "What did I just say not to do?!"

"Ok, I will stop," Alejandro smirked. "As long as you lose the attitude."

Heather scoffed. "I can act however I want!"

"Fantastic. And I salute you for that. However, this isn't your classroom. If you don't like it here, you are free to drop out. After all, I don't blame you for feeling intimidated in here on your first day." Alejandro went back to grab his papers. There was an unmistakable condescending tone in his voice and an assertiveness in his stride.

"I-I'm not dropping out!" She cleared her throat. "I need this class to graduate next semester." Heather wasn't used to people like him, and although she'd never admit to it, she was far too intrigued to drop out.

"Glad to hear. You seem like an intelligent young woman," said Alejandro.

"—I am." Heather's cheeks went hot. Why does he have to be so damn good-looking?!

He nodded as he walked towards the door. "I will see you on Wednesday, Heather."

Heather felt her heart temporarily stop at the way her name left his lips. That handsome, cocky jerk! She frustratedly shook her head before leaving the room herself.

A/n- Ahhhh, finally this book is out! I can't wait to share more with you!😉😏

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