(Glamrock Freddy x reader) A...

By luver1221

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Y/N is a 22 year old who just finally graduated college with a robotics engineering course and is now looking... More

Chapter 1 Finding a job
Chapter 2 the interview and first night
Chapter 3 what we are feeling
Chapter 4 The Party
Chapter 5 After Party/2 night
Chapter 6 Third Night
Chapter 7 The Incident
Chapter 8 Moving Procedure
Chapter 9 The Arrival
Chapter 10 Day 2
Chapter 11 The Park Part 1
Chapter 12 The Park Part 2
Chapter 13 The Park Final Part
Chapter 14 Time To Go
Chapter 15 Back to Work
Chapter 16 Meeting Moon
Valentine's Day Special
Chapter 18 Meeting Eclipse
Chapter 19 You Good? Part 1
Chapter 20 You Good? Part 2
Chapter 21 Intruder Alert
Chapter 22 White Rabbit Man?
Chapter 23 The Projects Approval
Chapter 24 Bonnie Day 1
Chapter 25 Hey Mom, hey Dad
Chapter 26 Hey Rockstar
Chapter 27 Foxy
Chapter 28 Where am I?
Chpater 29 The Raceway
Chapter 30 William Afton
Chapter 31 Recovery
Chapter 32 Fixing the animatronic's
Chapter 33 Their explanations
Chapter 34 Were Bored
Chapter 35 Our Party
Chapter 36 You What!?
Chapter 37 Foxy's Problem
Chapter 38 Time To Go
Chapter 39 Grand Re-Re-Opening

Chapter 17 Moon's Chip

160 7 4
By luver1221


"Hmmnn to early man." i groaned getting up from bed

"Hey y/n why you up so early?" Liam asked walking into your room

I looked at Liam yawned and stretched. "Hmm oh cause ima go to the plex and talk to Mr. Williams about Moon's chip to see if i can fix it since i promised Moon i would so naptime can come back and Moon can interact with children." i said

"Oh ok thats interesting so im guessing your going early so you can get started right away huh." Liam said

"Mhm thats exactly what imma do im planning to see if its ok that the daycare can close for today until im done and all." i said

"Well good luck cause i know damn well that parents are going to be mad as hell." Liam said

"Yea i know but they can keep their kids with them for one day they should be fine." i said "Well im going to shower can you pick up Gregory from Samantha's parents house pleass." I said

"Yes i can do that also whens the whole enrolling him to school thing going to happen ey." Liam said

"Well its only a Wednesday im doing it on Sunday maybe even Saturday i dont know i'll see but you think you can take him to buy things for school like supplies and all i'll buy the snacks and all tomorrow ok." i said going to the bathroom

"Fine but you owe me something cause thats a your problem he aint my brother." Liam said while you shut the door on him

"Yea yea i know ill take a shift for you one day so i can do all the work ok." i said and all i heard was him going yess awesome

After a while of you showering you got out and got some comfortable clothes on so if your boss did let you fix Moon's chip you can just get straight to work and just try to finish it within the day or maybe two since it shouldnt be too hard to do.

"Alright im leaving already remember dont forget Gregory and please take him to go get his supplies for him ok Liam." i said

"Yea i know dont worry about it i wont forget about it." Liam said

"Thanks Liam ill try not to take long and if i do ill see you later around 12 ok." i said and left

After a while of driving you stopped by a liquor store and got some snacks and a drink or two just in case and from there continued on to the plex you were hoping that your boss was going to let you work on Moon since he was really nice in a way, after a while you finally arrived at the plex. Once you entered the first thing you did was walk to his office.

*Knock *Knock *Knock "Hey boss it's me y/n can I come in?" I said

"Yea come in." Mr. Williams said "Hey l/n whatsup."

"Oh well I was wondering for the whole Moon thing I was wondering if I can fix his personality chip so he is less cranky with kids and so he doesnt scare them and also I plan on putting a song thing like for him to sing lullabies to the little ones if they cant sleep." I said hoping he says yes

"Huh I never thought of that I saw you wrote he is cranky and scary but yea you can try to fix his personality chip it's not hard really...here let me find Suns and Moons manual." he said rummaging through cabinets. "Aha here it is here that should say how to access it and how to add and delete things Sun and Moon have separate chips so it should be easier." he said handing you a thick book

"Wow thank you sir uh I was wondering if I can start right now so that way I can finishe faster you know unless there is to much kids in the daycare at the moment." I said

"No no it's fine let me tell the front desk to announce that the daycare is closing and to go pick up there kids and that sorry for the inconvenience so that way you can start ok." he said picking up the phone. "Alright that should do it now go on and enjoy your time fixing Moon l/n." he said smiling

"Oh um sir one last think did you talk to the head of corporate for the things I'm supposed to work on or still nothing yet." I said

"Well I'm trying but soon maybe in a couple months maybe even next year but soon I hope but like I said it will bring money to both the plex and company so they shouldn't turn it down but who knows I'll keep you updated ok l/n." he said

"Alright then yea no problem I'll get going now bye." I said waving at him and left to the daycare

You went to the daycare there wasnt kids inside anymore and it was only Sun cleaning up the messes the kids left behind.

"Hey Sunny boy how are you?" I said

"Ah oh deary me sorry you startled me there sunshine but how are you and what brings you here." he said happily

"Oh sorry I should've knocked or some but I'm actually here to work on Moons personality chip." I said helping him clean up

"Oh yes he was mentioning it a lot lately it kinda gets annoying." Sun laughed

"Well the lets finish this up and we can head over to parts and service ok " I said smiling

"Haha Moon desperately wants to get out right now so you can start on him." Sun laughed

"Well I don't know if he can hear me but Moony dont worry ok I'm just going to help Sunny here on cleaning up and we can get going ok." I giggled

"He said ok thank you ha finally peace and quiet." Sun said

After a while you and Sun finally finished cleaning all the big messes and you helped clean inside the play structure too which you hated cause you couldn't really fit but it was ok.

*Whew "That was a lot who knew kids can be this dirty" I laughed a bit

"Yea they are very messy but should we get going or how we do this." Sun said

"Well I can turn the lights off and from there I can take Moon down the utility tunnels and make it to parts and service like that." I said

"Oh yea we can do that just go shut the lights off then." Sun said and you nodded and went to turn them off

"Why hello there starlight how are you?" Moon asked

"Moony hey I've been good and you?" I asked

"Well what Sun said I was non stop talking about the whole chip thing so shall we get going." he said gesturing to where the tunnels were

"Yea let's go so we can get this done." I said

After like 15 to 20 minutes of walking through the utility tunnels you guys finally made it to the parts and service.

"Alright take a seat inside the cylinder Moony." I said

"Oh um I can't cause then Sun will come out since there is a bright light there." he said

"Well I mean the chip is still going to be there you know." I said

"Yea but I wanna see how the new things work out for me and I wanna test out the songs I put there heh." he said

"Well then that's fine with me Moon sit over there I'll be reading this so I make sure I dont mess anything up ok." I said grabbing the thick ass manual and Moon nodded

After like 20 to 30 minutes of reading the manual and Moon waiting patiently you finally decided to go ahead and start.

"Ok Moony if you dont mind I'm going to turn you off so that way nothing hurts ok and I promise you you'll be up in no time." I said smiling

"Ok starlight I trust you." he said and you nodded turning him off

"Ok operation Moon's personality chip is a go." I said cheerfully "Ok two buttons on the sides uh huh should hear a clicking noise and back of head should open up ok." I said. :uh where are the clicks huh ok let's try again *click* *click* oh yes now the back of the head should be open yes it is now the personality chips are separate ok Suns is closer to the top fan and Moon's closer to the bottom fan yup here we go." I sad but noticed another. "huh wait there is another chip but there is only two of you?" I said taking the chip out and putting it onto the computer "Huh ok lets see the other chip first." I said walking back to Moon.  oh it has a name on it Eclips huh ive never met them i wonder why Sun and Moon havent said anything." i said confused. "Also damn Moon got some anger issues man."

After like 5 hours of deleting unimportant things and adding important things to the chip is was finally done it would've taken you less time but Moon wanted certain lullabies added and certain inappropriate songs for when he's bored and when you added things like songs and personality other things would get deleted and you had to go back and get it and it was just a big ol mess of it but you managed and in total is was like 6 to almost 7 hours of work.

*whew* "I'm finally done damn Moony you better fucking love me now for doing this for you man and I hope nothing goes bad either." I said stretching. "Jeez though what time is it." I said checking my phone. "oh shit its 8:20 what time did I get here like 1 something well it did take me long to do and with the small breaks in between I guess it was long huh." I said putting the chip back to its place

"Hello who's down here it's almost closing time and also guest aren't allowed down here." a female's voice said but you didnt respond.

"Oh hey y/n it's just you what are you doing here you sont start till 12 and what are you doing with Moon?" Vanessa asked

"Oh hey it just you sorry uh its cause I promised Moon that I would fix his personality chip so he can interact with the kids again during naptime since the boss told me you know and well here I am and it took me 7 hours of work to do it haha I'm tired honestly." I said stretching

"Wow n/n you really gotta chill then well I guess you can stay till you leave at 6 if you want though you can help yourself to eat and maybe even sleep in one of the Glamrock's room maybe even ~Freddy's~." she said laughing

"H-huh w-wait how did you know about the whole wait um nothing." I said looking away

"Hahaha I knew something was up dont worry and plus they are good lookin for robots ok but I have someone special already and that's my pet cat bro." she said laughing

"Haha very funny dont tell anyone else cause I dont want people thinking it's weird or anything." I said

"I'm not that mean n/n dont worry and plus if someone thinks it's weird then that's on them ok not on you." Vanessa said

"Well I guess your right then well I'm just going to turn Moon on wanna see." I said and she nodded  I smiled and right away turned Moon on seeing his red beady eyes slowly come to life. "Hey there Moony how you feel huh?" I said

"I feel less cranky and less stressed and I can actually feel calm and not like mad." he said

"Oh good that's really good ok you think you can sing one of the lullabies I put and you put then the one you wanted ok." I said rolling my eyes

"Haha alright starlight." he said before he started singing. "Days seem sometimes as if they'll never end. Sun digs its heels to taunt you. But after sunlit days, one thing stays the same Rises the moon." he sang while me and Vanessa looked at him in awe "Days fade into a watercolour blur. Memories swim and haunt you. But look into the lake, shimmering like smoke Rises the moon." he continued and then stopped

Clapping was heard from both me and Vanessa.

"Wow Moon that was so fucking amazing you have such a low and soothing voice it's like ahhh and if I was like on a bed right now and if you were to sing that I would've been out huh Vanessa." I said and Vanessa nodded

"Heh really thanks starlight I would do the next song but I dont really want to." he said laughing

"Oh its fine dont worry how about next time I come and check up on you I'll bring the others so you can sing the songs you want ok." I said smiling and he nodded

"Wow n/n you really did it I'm amazed great job but you should start taking him back and talk to the boss ok tell him he's good now." Vanessa said

"Oh yes of course I'll show the boss." i said "Come on Moon let's take you back I'll go get my boss and we will see if naptime will be coming back ok." I said smiling and he just smiled back and nodded

You guys went back to the utility tunnels and after ankther 15 to 20 minutes you finally made it to the daycare.

"Wow they need to make those things smaller or some shit cause that's to much man." I said wiping away fake sweat

"Well that was nothing now go get your boss ok so we can get this naptime on the road." Moon said and you laughed and left the daycare

After leaving you ran all the way  to the bosses office and knocked on the door.

"Hey boss it's me y/n may I come in please?" I said

"Yes please come in." he said

"Hello sorry to bother you sir." I said

"No no l/n it's fine so how was the whole personality chip thing did you manage to fix it or like you know." he said

"Oh yes I believe it was a success sir only 7 hours of work and some breaks in between and I was done would you like to come to the daycare with me and see how he is cause Moon really wants to know about naptime since he really misses the kids." I said

"Heck yea let's go see him I wanna see the work you did." he smiled

You both went back to the daycare the whole walk there was awkward as it was since you never really talked to your boss much

"Ok um we are here." I said opening the doors to the daycare. "hey Moon I'm back the boss is here to see how the chip is working." I said

"Why hello there starlight Mr. Williams." Moon said

"Uh hello there Moon so how are you feeling huh?" Mr. Williams said

"Well all thanks to starlight here I feel more calm and relaxed and they also added lullabies so I can sing the kids to sleep." Moon said

"Is that so wow l/n you really outdid yourself ey I say you should get yourself a weeks worth of  vacation and no work you know you really help out a lot." Mr. Williams said

"Oh no sir that's ok really i promised Moon here that he can see the kids again just like Sun can so yea." I said

"Well amazing job then I should get going for it's already 9:00." Mr. Williams said

"Yea of course I plan on staying here till my shifts starts if that is ok sir." I said and he nodded and left the daycare "Eeeeee well Moony looks like you get to see kids during naptime soon ok." I said

"Thank you thank you starlight." Moon said hugging you and you hugged him back

"Ok well I'm pretty tired ok I'm gunna go to Freddy's room so i can sleep until 12 ok see you when naptime starts and all ok." I said waving at him and he just nodded and waved back

After you left you went to the kitchen to warm yourself a slice or two of pizza and ate while scrolling on your phone once you were done you walked all the way to rockstar row and went to Freddy's room you had your security badge so you just slid it and walked in.

"Hmm no ones here he's probably in the back charging." I said fixing the couch to my liking. "uh hey Freddy just letting you know I'm in your room imma sleep on your couch so dont bother me please." I said while closing the curtains and dimming the lights a bit

You found a Glamrock Freddy sweater on the couch so you just put it on and buried yourself in the plushies as a blanket and used the big one as a pillow and drifted off to sleep.

Freddy's POV

I was in the back charging when I heard what sounded like my sugarplum saying something about sleep and that to dont bother I didnt know if I was hearing things or my sugarplum was really there. After my charging cycle was completed I went back to my room to see the curtains closed and the lights dimmed I was confused until I saw my sugarplum sleeping peacefully on the couch. I looked at them for a moment before I lifted them up and placed them on top of me so they can lay on me and so they can use me as a blanket since i can warm myself up and I place my hands on them so they stayed warm. I stayed like like that for a good while seeing them sleep but seeing them was so peaceful really but I hated that once it hit 12 I would have to wake them up but at the same time I was confused on why they were here and not home and on how tired they looked too I didnt really mind for they were probably going to tell me anyway so I fell into rest mode until 12.

End of POV

"Hey sugarplum wake up please its almost 12 you still need to work." Freddy said 

"Hmmnn no i wanna sleep more you feel really nice." i said all sleepy

"I know you want to sleep but it is going to hit 12 soon and i believe Liam is already here." Freddy said 

"Can we just stay like this for a bit please only for a moment longer." i said hugging him 

"No sugarplum come on get up." Freddy said slowly getting up 

"Noooooo please go back to laying down pleaseeee." i said 

"Sugarplum no matter how much you whine im not letting you sleep again now tell me why are you here and so tired and how come you're not at home resting?" Freddy asked 

"Ugh fine fine i'll get up then and also im here cause remember the promise i made to Moony." i said 

"Yes i believe i do remember the promise about the personality chip right?" he said 

"Yep that one well i asked my boss and he said i can work on him so i started right away and didnt waste time it took me a good couple hours and with breaks too it was a lot but i managed." i said smiling 

"Well then way to go Superstar what did you add and delete on his chip." Freddy said with his ears doing the wiggles 

"Haha well i deleted most of like the anger issues i guess added some calm traits added some lullabies for him to sing the kids to sleep and he wanted some personal ones so i did too and i wanted to hear the other ones cause i feel like it would be hilarious but i wanted you and the others to hear it too." i said 

"Well if you dont mind me asking what do you mean by personal ones?" he said tilting his head 

"Well he wanted me to add personal songs like inappropriate ones hehe but they are pretty good but i feel you wouldnt like them but hey does it matter." i said 

"Well its his choice so i dont mind i guess did he like how it all turned out." Freddy said 

"Oh he loved it and im not going to lie the boss liked it too i can have a week worth of vacation but im not taking it just yet im going to wait for when i really need it." i said 

"Well then thats good to hear sugarplum now its 12 you better get go-." Freddy said but got interrupted by Liam bursting through the door

*boom* "Sup you sons of bitches!" Liam yelled 

"Hello Liam." me and Freddy said unamused 

"Haha ok well buttercup lets get going since you said you promised me that you will take tonights shift." Liam said 

"Now now Liam y/n was here all day working on Moon and his personality chip i say you both work tonight not just them." Freddy said 

"No no Freddy its fine i made him pick up Gregory and made him pick up supplies to get for him for school which you did do right Liam." i said 

"Yes i picked him up and yes i got him what he needs for school y/n." Liam said

"Alright then Liam I'll do your shift tonight." I said

"Haha awesome then imma be with Monty if you need me and also Freddy once y/n here finishes with you come by." he said with a wink

"Oh um ok why though?" Freddy said confused

"Remember what you asked me." Liam whispered to him and Freddy just nodded

"What was that what y'all hiding ey." I said

"Guys things you wouldn't know ok well bye remember buddy ok." Liam said and left

"Well then let's get started then." Freddy said

"Uh huh are you going to tell me what was all that just now." I said grabbing the tablet to scan him

"Oh dont worry my sugarplum it's nothing to worry about ok." Freddy said with a smile

"Mhm well give me your hat the magnet is loose again." I said

After scanning him and making sure he was working you left his room and went in to Roxy's.

"Hey Roxy it's me may I come in." I said

"Yea kid come in." she said

"Hey Roxy how are you today huh?" I said

"I'm good kid how bout you I saw you working on the computer today but I didnt say anything." Roxy said

"Wow you saw me working well it was just fixing Moons chip really it went well though so I'm good just tired and then Liam isnt going to help me today so yay." I said

"Well then just know I'm all good kid so dont stress out to much." Roxy said

"Well thanks Roxy and your correct nothing wrong want me to brush your hair and tail or no." I said

"No it's fine tomorrow you can though ok." she said and I nodded and left to Chica's room next

*knock* *knock* *knock* "Hey Chica may I come in." i said

The door flung open with Chica just standing there "Hey sweetpea you here for my check up I'm guessing." Chica said

"Ha yep I am and why are you so happy today huh?" I said

"Well today I had pizza hehe it tasted really yummy like always." she smiled

"And lemme guess I'm going to have to clean your beak to make sure nothing is stuck inside." I said

"Haha yup you do and where is Liam usually he checks me." she said tilting her head

"Ah well I told him to do a few things for me and in return I would take his shift tonight." I said grabbing the tablet off the vanity

"Well that explains a lot do you think you can watch me and Monty do a competition later on." Chica said

"Well what is it about then maybe I'll be there." I said scanning her

"Well do you know guitar hero well me and him like to compete on that to see who wins on the hard mode." she said happily

"Well then I would love to see that happen you better win though ok Chica and also nothings wrong other than cleaning your beak." I said

"Yes I promise I will try to win then." she said and I just laughed

After cleaning her beak you finally finished with her and headed over to Monty's room next.

"Hey Monty may I come in or you to busy." I said

No answer

"Huh weird but I hear someone inside though." I said in a low voice pressing my ear against the door

You heard three voices two being Monty's and Liam's and the third one being Freddy's they were talking about a upgrade for someone and Monty sounded surprised about it. "Huh what are they doing all here?" I said putting my hand to sustain myself but the door opened up making me fall face first to the ground. "Ughhh oww." I groaned

"Oh shit sorry sweet thang wait...sweet thang?! haha what are you doing here?" he said looking down to help you up while motioning Freddy to leave through the back

"Well I asked may I come in but you didnt answer and I heard talking so I wanted to know why you weren't answering." i said rubbing my face. "Huh I swear Freddy was in here where'd he go?" I said

"Uh Freddy wasnt here just me and Liam sweet thang right Liam." Monty said

"Yea buttercup just us two." Liam said

"Uh huh well what was it about an upgrade and all cause Monty sounded pretty surprised about it." I said

"Ha you mean about the upgrade you gave Moon hello remember." Liam said

"Oh yea huh I forgot i did that for a second oh well um i have to scan Monty if you dont mind." i said

"Oh no need i already did you can just go ahead and start scanning the bots ok y/n." liam said

"Oh um yea sure well see you later then you two bye." I said leaving and they just waved

You went to the third floor and started scanning bots but while scanning you felt like you were being watched not by someone but by something you looked around but nothing seemed to be around the feeling didnt really feel dangerous but it didnt feel safe at all either.


You heard bangs coming from somewhere and you saw a weird kinda tall figure turn the corner and limp run I guess away you weren't really a runner but you tried and ran to it but you only caught a glimpse of purple before it disappeared into the dark and the bangs weren't heard anymore.

*huff* * huff* "Shit man I gotta run more often but what the fuck was that just now." I said looking around when Freddy came from behind you

"Uh hey sugarplum you ok you seem startled?" Freddy said scanning you

"Huh oh um yea hey uh do you know anyone or anything here that looks purple?" I said forgetting that there used to be a legit purple bunnie before

"Uh well the only one I can surely think of is um B-bonnie." Freddy said sadly

"Huh and thats all right?" I asked

"Well yes that's all I can think of sugarplum." he said "Well if you don't mind me asking why do you need to know?"

"Its cause I heard bangs and then saw something peer from the corner and like limped but ran and I cant really run but I tried but only got to see purple." I said

"Huh well I think your just tired sugarplum are you done scanning the bots or not yet?" Freddy asked

"Uh no not yet sadly I still need less then half of the third floor and the 1 and 2 floor." I said sighing

"Well here I'll scan them for you while we walk and talk shall we." he said

"Really Freddy that would be awesome." I said hugging him and he hugged back

"No problem Superstar now let's start shall we and then we can go watch that competition Chica is bragging about since I saw her before coming here." he said letting go

"Oooo yes I almost forgot my bets are on her what about you Freddy who do you think will win." I said while you both walked and he scanned bots

"Well Chica is good at her electric guitar and Monty is really good on his bass so I'm not really sure about it." Freddy said

"Well I hope Chica wins and if she does we can all eat pizza and if Monty wins I am not sure what he'll want." I said 

"Well Monty likes it when we all play at his golf course so im guessing thats what he'll want since we really dont go there." Freddy said scanning the last bot on the third floor. "Well im done lets go to the second floor now." 

"Ok then...also i don't mind going to go play with Monty and the others at the golf course we can all compete." i said walking to the nearest elevator 

"After you sugarplum." Freddy said letting you enter the elevator first 

"Haha what a gentleman Freddy." i said smiling 

"Only for you sugarplum now how is it going with the whole Gregory and school thing?" Freddy asked 

"Well Liam went to get his supplies today and i just need to get like the snacks and all then enrolling him. Also if i'm being honest im pretty stressed with it too and then Liam said the rent is coming soon and then i need to visit my parents grave soon and then on top of that i work here at night then my boss has me doing something but he doesn't know if corporate will allow him to do it and if they do well i'm involved in it and he isn't telling my what it is." i said all frustrated and leaned back on the wall 

"You know y/n you over work yourself to much i mean you've been here what like a week or two and it can get pretty stressful i understand but try not to overthink it either ok love and if you ever feel like resting on one of your shifts don't bother on telling me ok i can scan the bots and ill let Liam scan us." Freddy said hugging you 

"How'd i get lucky with you, you big lovable teddy bear. But also i can't let you do that for me i need to work and all maybe just once that's all and never again you know and also i feel like the only way i can relax is when i'm with you " i said kissing him on the cheek 

"Well in that case how about when you feel like this again tell me and i can help you with your work and then maybe i can give you something you'll like." he said smirking and exiting the elevator 

"You know imma just pretend like i don't know what you mean by that and with that look on your face i feel like i know exactly what you mean." i said laughing and following him 

"Oh come on you know you'll like it, we've done it before remember in your room." he said laughing while he scanned bots 

"Oh whatever Freddy and plus i still need to recover ok so there in no changing my mind got it." i said rolling my eyes at him 

"I mean does it matter the wounds are almost done right." he said 

"Well one it does matter because then we cant go to the max of pleasure." i said smirking at him "Also because i don't wanna deal with the pain if i do something wrong or move a wrong way." i said 

"I-i um what do you mean we cant go to the m-max of p-pleasure hehe." he said fidgeting with the tablet 

"Hmm oh nothing Freddy im just saying you know so come on we still got this floor and first floor left to scan." i said grabbing the tablet and scanned bots 

You and Freddy took turns scanning bots and finished around 3:35 after that you and Freddy went to go meet with the others at the food court so you can all go to the arcade. 

"Hello everyone we are done with the work." i said sitting next to Liam 

"Why hello how did it feel to work for me today buttercup." Liam said smirking 

"Honestly good Liam i get to spend more time with Freddy here." i said pointing at him 

"Well that took a turn for you huh Liam." Roxy said

"What no i thought they were going to say it was to much." Liam said rolling his eyes 

"Oh dont worry lover boy that means more time for us too you know." Monty said nudging him 

"Well i guess you're right about that gator." Liam said smiling 

"Ok well enough chit chat everyone me and Monty have a competition on who wins on guitar hero." Chica said

"Alright alright but one question what happens if one or the other wins." I said 

"Well Chica said that we all have to cook her a pizza of our choosing if she won and then Monty said we all have to go hang out with him at his golf course and play golf with him." Roxy said 

"Yep what she said huh Monty." Chica smiled 

"Yep the wolf and chicken are correct." Monty said 

"Haha ok well i was wondering if we can invite Sun or Moon over." I said 

"Well you have to choose one sweet thang cause i don't think you can invite both." Monty said 

"No no I saw something when I was working on Moon today a third chip labeled Eclipse. any of you know what it is or who it might be?" I asked

"Uh sorry sweet thang but we've never heard of Eclipse or who they might be." Monty said

"Ugh ok uh you guys go on without me to the arcade ima go talk to Sunny and ask him ok I'll be quick." I said and ran to the daycare

"So buttercup is just gunna leave like that damn." Liam said and they all walked to the arcade

You ran taking breaks to catch your breath and also cause your stomach wound was starting to hurt a bit but you finally made it to the daycare and saw the lights on meaning that Sunny was out.

*boom* "Hey Sunny let's have a little chat." I said bursting through the door

"Ahhh sunlight what are you doing here shouldn't you be with your friends?" Sun said

"I'll go after I ask you something important." I said

"Oh um ok then ask away." he said smiling

"Ok well then whose Eclipse?" I asked

(A/n Hello there sorry for the cliffhanger but hey it makes it interesting right hehe anyways I hope you guys liked this chapter I'm working on the next chapter during my classes so I hope I finish it soon and also I'm publishing this chapter during class haha I havent got caught so yay anyways hope it wasnt boring see you in the next bye bye!!)

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Theresa Murphy, singer-songwriter and rising film star, best friends with Conan Gray and Olivia Rodrigo. Charles Leclerc, Formula 1 driver for Ferrar...
74.9K 2.9K 24
Noah always believed her and Lando were forever, but when he ended things with her to further his racing career it left her heartbroken and alone. I...