Hold me; Lets Run Away! (Comp...

By Your_Hazel

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It's hard to love in the dark... But it's harder when I loved alone... More

I like him but He hates me!
He gave me wings to fly with him!
My life is precious cause I have him!
A Romance so Unreal!
Why did you leave me?
Need to Let go!
Back in Love
Author's Note!

Two stories of one moral; pain!

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By Your_Hazel

Yn: Yes, I am fine with it. Dad!
She said as her voice echoed in the large corridor...
Mrs Shen: Hmm... You can go back!
The middle aged woman sitting on the couch said in a calm yet fierce tone making the young girl immediately turn around and walk away from them...
Mr Shen: Yn??
Yn: Yes dad...?
Mr Shen: I don't want to hear anything, this time I won't listen Mr and Mrs Jung complimenting their child while me gazing down, you know it very well that I hate that feeling... So I want you to top this time, Am I clear??
Yn: Y.. Yes dad...
Mr Shen: Good... We are not pressuring you daughter... It's for your own good... Dont overwork yourself..
Yn: Yes dad...
                               Yn Perspective...
Huh?? What the fuck he wants. He warned me to be the best and then told me not to pressure myself... Is this man crazy, it's nothing new tho... My life is like this from start...!!
Opening the door, I entered my room gazing it or more likely admiring it... Seeing my favourite singers and dancers pics hanging on the wall with dim yellow light... It looks so good and more than that it feels so good to my heart... I sat on my bed and initially layed down keeping my arms on my eyes to relax a bit... It's covid time so the schools are closed nowadays but whatever, it's not like I have someone to see in school... Accept that gurrlll...!!! Okie... Now, I shall study or they will nag in it again..
                           Author's perspective
She sat on the table and started studying...

Well, this she is something that some people will pity and some people will be so done with her and majority will feel her boring and simple... Shen Yn, the only daughter of a rich and popular movie star... He once used to do the roles of heroes but now it's just side roles, still got more than enough... And her mother was a fashion designer...
Her parents wanted her to study, study and just study... Why? Cause with there EXPERIENCE they found out that they won't get happiness if their profession doesn't include bookish knowledge and thag pissed her off... She was desperate to become a dancer... She quit her dreams cause she truly loved his dad and so she made his dreams as her... She was sure that this world could think and do wrong to her but her father was always right for her. She doesn't think twice to whatever her father say. Just keep fulfilling it... But dont know how she feels inside, no one knows... She never tells...Nor to parents and neither to her best friend. She just keep it all in herself...
???: When will you understand son?? We are not asking much from you... We just want you to get passed in exams... Atleast pass the exams and I will be happy to give all my income to you, just for the sake of your dreams, to fulfill them.. I am ready to be on street. Please just get passed!!
Yoongi: Are you done or something else is remaining, old man??
Mr Min: I.. I am your father son..
The teen boy scoffed and mocked the man again who was standing near him while he was on computer chair playing online games. He removed his headphone and rested his head back saying?
Yoongi: A father can't see his child sad... But you can so why and who are you to call you a father?
Mr Min: Dear... I... Accept that I was selfish but..
Yoongi: But what old man? You did what made you happy and forgot my happiness??
Mr. Min: I am sorry son!
Yoongi: Save it cause she won't come back now so please!!
Mr Min hung his head low and went out of the room... That's when Yoongi couldn't take it and shed a few tears... In silent, no sobs were audible, only some low sniffs...
???: Hey Suga bro!! Come on!! They are coming..!!
A voice from headphones came, loud enough to draw Yoongi's attention...
Yoongi: Yeah!! Let's goo!!
He said hurriedly wiping of the tears and wearing the headphones shouting in it... Pretending to be cool and tough, avoiding every consoler!!
TIME SKIP           Yn perspective!
I woke up with a loud thud on the door and looked here and there founding myself sleeping on my study table...
Mrs: Yn wake up and come for breakfast!
Yn: Yes mom...
I checked the time before heading to the bathroom for a quick shower and brushing my teeth...
After taking a shower, I came to my closet picking one outfit to wear...

Going downstairs, I greeted my parents with a smile and they smiled back to me... More likely faked a smile to me... I sat near my dad and he patted my head saying.
Mr Shen: Yn, how was your sleep?
Yn: Ahh dad,  you know what? I slept on my study table again...
Mr Shen: You never study then how did you end up sleeping there?
That hurted me but I just pretended it didn't and smiled at him. In an instance... I ate my food and ran out. I wanted to avoid them... Cause I don't want my mood to be spoilt...I was heading to my favourite place library. Now don't ask me why... It's just feels right going there... After fer min I reached in library and waved at the lady on the counter... She knows me well, cause it's been years I am coming to library... But suddenly... I was captured in a hug or you can say crusher...
???: Hi my bitchhh!!!
Yn: Leave me gurlll...
Sol: Ops... Sorry sorry... It's just I missed you!
Yn: That's fine but from when a backbencher can be find in library??
Sol: From today...
Yn: God..!!
Sol: Yeah God, take her up...
Yn: Shut up!!
Sol: Hehe... I just wanted to see you so I came here... You know to meet you...
Yn: Ohh okie... But don't disturb me...
Sol: Common girl, I am here and you gonna study that stupid book of yours?
Yn: You know what? You are sounding like I got any option other than studying...
I said while rolling my eyes at her and she looked me with sad and pitying eyes...
Yn: I hate when someone pity on me so you better move your eye balls away or I will pull them out dumbo!!
Sol: Yeah yeah, whatever... Okie so since you will study let me find any romantic novel and get lost in it... Waiting for my prince Charming...
Pft.... Prince Charming?? This girl still dreams of those boys coming on a horse to take his prince... Such a dreamy best friend I got...
I was concentrating on my book when I saw a boy picking a book from humanity and nature section... Well that's rare... I don't think anyone get that books not even me... Then his eyes fell on me and he came to me... I thought he was furious with my fierce gaze at him so I looked into my book finding excuse to prove that I wasn't staring at him at all... But..
??? : Girl, can I sit here?
Just sit??? Thank god but why here??
Yn: Yeah sure!
??? : hmm...
Suddenly his phone buzzed as it was on silent mode, he picked up the call... AND!!!
A man shouted from the other side of the call making my ear drums give up on their jobs of listening....
Yoongi: What the hell old man??? Don't you know I am in fucking lib- ahm... On a date!!
Wait what date??? Then that Yoongi guy gestured me to keep quiet and I did what he said but still eavesdropping their conversation...
Mr min: Wait what?? Again a date...?? Why are you being a playboy son??
It was still audible to me!!
Yoongi: None of your business old man...
Mr min: It's too much now... Why can't you call me dad??????
Yoongi: Like I said, you don't deserve it...
He said cut the call while me left shook!! Did he really just to talk to his dad in this way...?
Yoongi: Looks like to someone my conversation was more interesting then their book...
Yn: I am sorry, but how can you talk to your dad like that???
Yoongi: Now, it's also none of your business...
Yn: Yeah, it's not but... What was your name? Ummm... Yeah Yoongi...
Yoongi: Don't call me that!!
He said or more likely yelled a little...
Yn: Then what shall I call you??? Baby Boy??
Yoongi: Not bad tho, but I will appreciate it if you call me Suga...
Yn: Sugar?? Tskkk... You aren't sweet at all and got a nickname like sugar...??
Yoongi: It's Suga not Sugar...
Yn: Whatever it is, it matches and thats what matters.... So you know you should resp-
He didn't heard any further and walked from my seat keeping the book on the shelf at the same time leaving the library... Tsk... Looks like I care??
                           Yoongi's Perspective...
That girl was for sure an headache... Can't even see that I was reading... My life sucks... Huff... I hope I never see her again...
I hopped on my bike and drive it to my best friends house... But when I reached their, I saw my father sitting on the couch talking to his parents... Suddenly, there attention goes to me... And I bowed to Mr and Mrs Jung.... Turning to my father, I passed him a cold glare...
Mr Jung: Ummm... If Hoseok can't tutor him then I have a girl who can tutor him... She is as intelligent as Hoseok, they both always compete tho it doesn't to me but she takes the first position of 1 place in almost half of the subject...
Mr Min: That will be so great of you... If you talk to them about it... Please...
Mr Jung: Sure, I will...
Yoongi: Can you tell me what are you talking about?
Just then hoseok came to me and dragged me to his room...
Hoseok: Buddy, come with me...
I went with him and we both got settled on his bed casually...
Hoseok: So your father came here because he want me to tutor you for this test but I am going to Paris to have a break... So my father offered another girl to tutor you to which your father agreed gladly...!!!
Yoongi: Arhhh what the fuck is wrong with that man, I said I don't want it... Can't he understand it...???
Hoseok: Calm down Yoongi, whatever he is doing it is for your own good...
Yoongi: I don't care... What matters is... I am not gonna join any tution...!!!
I didn't want any social way of knowledge... But my father...!!! I am so fed up with this man... But I know that if I deny he won't care about it at all so nothing can be done about this...
Hoseok: I don't think uncle will allow...
Yoongi: I know...
Mr Min: Son, come... Let's go!!
Hoseok: Okai bro, take care... Ohh by the way, your tutor's home... You should be present there....
Yoongi: Yeah yeah...
With that I went to my home... Thinking about that tutor... I cam home with my bike while my dad with his car... I just jumped on my bed as soon I entered my room... My room was all filled with thoughts and pics of Panlo Coelho...y favourite author... I love his writing... I also want to be an author and motivator... Soon I was all asleep...
I woke up with the beep sound of my phone... I looked up to see Mrs Jung calling me... I sighed and picked the call...
Yoongi:  Good morning Aunt...
Mrs Jung: Good morning... I wanted to inform about the tutor... You can come from today itself. In afternoon 2 pm to 5 pm...
Yoongi: Okie aunt...
I cut the call and looked at the clock it was 10 am in morning... Waking up I did my routine and wore my clothes... I don't really care what I wear...

Going down I see my so called reading newspaper... And a plate of breakfast kept in his front... I rolled my eyes and went to the door..
Mr Min: Son, Good morning... Eat the breakfast then go...
Yoongi: Old man, I told you not go cook for me...
Mr Min: Last time...
He said smiling.... This is the 1429th last time of  the man... Still it's not over... But food looks so good... Ummm... This is the last time I will eat his food... I nodded and ate the food before heading out... Going to the library...
                             Yn perspective!
I woke up soo late hehe.... And lazily walked to the bathroom taking a shower... Wearing something... I don't even know what!!

Heading downstairs, I as always greeted my parents... They smiled at me and as I did the same.... Eating my lunch... I was ready to head out when my father said...
Mr Shen: Where you heading to?
Yn:Umm... It's almost 12 pm so I am heading to library to study there...
Mr Shen: Well, I have hired a student for you..you have to tutor him...
Yn: But...
Mr Shen: You have a problem with that?
He saw sadness in his eyes and sighed shaking my head as no... Then he smiled and said...
Mr Shen: That's my Yn...
I went to my room studying till my so called student comes... After couple of hours... I heard a knock on my door...
Yn: Come...
Someone came in and I looked at him... But then my eyes widen a little seeing the person standing...
Yn/ Yoongi: Fuck!!
Yoongi: Ohh lord out of everyone in this world why this annoying ass??
Yn: Ohh lord out of of everyone in this world why this rude and cold jerk???
They both glared at each other!!
Yn/ Yoongi: Huff... Crack head!!!!!

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