Why did you leave me?

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Yn: Here...
I handed the money to the driver of the taxi that I booked and hurriedly went in his home... A few days ago, I started living with Sol just because I didn't wanted to be troublesome... Me and Yoongi used to talk on calls as he said face times are cringe... But from day before yesterday night I am trying to contact him but he isn't responding to my calls not even Mr Min... So worries took the best of me and not waiting anymore I am here standing infront of his house...
Opening the door with a thud sound using the spare key, I looked around and a frown got stuck on my face...
Yn: Yoongi~ah!
I called him out in this empty house... Everything was gone, a few furnitures were there... On there placed, covered with a white piece of cloth... Tell me this isn't happening!
I ran to his room still having hopes... I cracked the door open... Nothing. There was not even a single belonging of his...
A pang was all my heart felt that moment and unknowingly I shed dozens of tears sitting there... Digging and scratching the door with my nails... Minutes passed but no presense can be noticed and finally my hopes broke... I stood up from there and walked all long to Sol... She was studying in her room as tomorrow our exams are starting while me..? I scoffed at myself and went to my room without making any sound. Hurriedly took a pair of clothes and went to take a shower to freshen up my mood... Maybe I will come back in few days? Or months would also do!

Wearing a comfy outfit I sat on my study table and revised my lesson but not gonna lie my mind couldn't concentrate right now

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Wearing a comfy outfit I sat on my study table and revised my lesson but not gonna lie my mind couldn't concentrate right now...
Yoongi please just once, just once... pick my call....
I walked out of the school... This big square hat over my head and a black coat wrapped over my body with a paper rolled up and tied in a red ribbon in my hand. Yes, I graduated but it wasn't fun at all... Even tho Sol was there and she took a lot of pictures of us... Someone promised to cheer the loudest during my graduation. Just thinking about that only brought thick tears in my eyes. With a lightening speed,  I took of everything and went HOME! Yeah, I know... But they should know about their own daughter's graduation marks. I am a little scared cause yeah, I did not get the highest... I infact wasn't even in the top 3. I came 4rth and I feel like crying thinking about their expression.
I entered the house with my face down while my eyes we're glossy. No, I am not ready to see that disappointed eyes...
Someone just burst a glitter bomb in front of me! And I closed my eyes but opening them almost in seconds... Seeing my parents standing there with a smiley face and a tint of sadness mixed too... I thought it to be for my results...
Yn: D... Dad, I am sorry...
I said looking down and shed my tears...
Mr Shen: No no-
Yn: I know I am a disappointment. I could see the sadness in ur eyes which you ar trying to cover up!
                               Author's perspective!
They both looked at each other and smiled...
Mrs Shen: I will set the food, you both can have a convo till then, right?
She said went to the kitchen living you and your dad... Instead of doing anything, he cupped her cheeks and wiped her tears...
Mr Shen: No yn! I am sorry... Don't cut me off and listen..
He took a deep breath and spoke...
Mr Shen: I am a bad dad.. I always thought I was the best and what I am doing is the best for you but no, it wasn't... Best for you was love, was easiness, was comfort, was understanding which I now know I couldn't give you... I didn't knew when my child cried. I didn't knew anything she went through just because I was being selfish... I.. I'm...
His breath became heavy and voice started to crack when I stopped him by hugging him... Sobbing lightly...
Yn: It's not fine dad... I know, I should forgive you but it's not that easy to just forgot about the pressure you gave on me... It hurted alot and I cried... I thought you are cruel and I still do... You would have to make it up...
I nodded aggressively...
Mr Shen: I understand... Now let's just not make these beautiful day emotional and have our dinner, what say kiddo?
I smiled and gave him a nod...
My life completely changed after the incident happened a few years ago... I got in a good terms with my parents and got an admission in a good college... My life was all good and I was going to graduate the next year... Trust me I would have said that it's perfect but it's not... I want him to make it perfect but now I have lost all my hopes to see him again... A weird scary theme in my mind... Was he just using me? Or playing with me? My mind says a brief yes but my heart is opposite. Maybe because it's too sensitive to admit it... Well, he won't come now... My college is in Seol so I came here for my further studies... Living in a rented apartment... Right now, I am sitting near the han river... When my phone buzzed making me look at it... It was my mom...
Yn: Eomma..
Mrs Shen: Yn... Did you eat daughter?
Yn: Hmm...
I could sense she was happy while talking, probably excited for my birthday which will be here in 20 mins or so!
Mrs Shen: Yn~ahh, you aren't upset right? Because we can't be there? We had our tickets booked, it's just that your dad is really sick...
Yn: Eommmaaa... I told you it's fine...
Mrs Shen: Sure?
Yn: Yes!
Mrs Shen: That's a relief...
Yn: Yes, I will see you later eomma...
Mrs Shen: Okk, good night...
With that I hung up and went back home...
In my way, flashbacks hover over me and I felt urge to visit that abandoned house of his. Like me. But I was too far from the place in order to grant my wish. Those happy giggles, I want to feel them, I want to go back to Daegu, in that house. I sighed at my stubborn self but I can't do anything, no one but I can gift myself a small gift for surviving this year can't I? Without thinking twice I ran back to the airport I ran back to the airport that I walked past a moment ago.
Yn: Any flight left to Daegu?
I asked while panting and catching my breathe...
Receptionist: Let me take a look! ........ Yes, there is one in 25 minutes but it ran late so I guess it will more than 30 minutes...
I thanked God internally and got myself a ticket, air transportation is expensive. I lost all my finance in order to visit my hometown. I don't think I am going to tell this to my parents and more of all I will return back here in 1 week...
It's 2 in the morning of my birthday and here I am getting soaked up in rain on the silent streets of Daegu.. Min Yoongi, I swear to God if If I have never met you I could have been the happiest person of the universe...
A smile crept on my face when I saw my home's home. But soon it faded when I saw the lights on of the kitchen. I couldn't control my tears when the thought of seeing him again flood in my mind... My knees started shaking as I rang the bell with trembling hands.. And after good 2 minutes, a young girl in her 30s but older then me opened the door with sleepy eyes but when she saw me her eyes widen..
??: Oh my, who are you? Why are you crying? What you are doing in rain? At this night? What's your name and who are you looking for?
I met her the first time but felt like I know her well through her kind and concern gestures. Still, Ignoring all her question, I asked...
Yn: Is M.. Mr Min and his son here?
Her expression changed and saddened abit making me noxious...
??: Mr Min is no more... And as per his son, he is here...
Hearing about Mr Min, I froze and shed silent tears while the lady just absorbed me...
Yn: Who who are you?
??: I.. I am his son's wife...
That made me doubt what I heard...
Yn: Y.. You are.. W.. What?
??: His...... Wife?
Not believing anything around me I took my steps backword slowly while looking at her with wide eyes... I slipped and fell but then eventually stand up still looking at her while thick tears rushed down my cheeks... No no no no no! This isn't true right? Please tell me!!!!! Thoughts like shits took up in my mind and that's when.... A man came with a baby boy in his hand asking..
?? Who is there Won-hi?
Ena: Oh, there is this girl-
Yoongi: Yn?
I lost it here! I thought to fight for him but I can't be that selfish to destroy such a happy family... I quickly turned around and ran with all speed and reach to the railway line sitting on a seat zoning out. The train still hasn't moved an inch from  past 13 minutes but still I got no signs that someone followed me. I guess I am stupid to hope for so! This life is not good, it's partial. I don't wanna live this but I don't wanna quit this too. I lost it. And the rain witnessed... I hope no one ever have this birthday in their entire lifetime.
Yn: Eommmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!
Mrs Shen: Oh shut up you brat!!!!! I don't know for how many years I am going to iron your clothes!!!!
Yn: Eh! Your so mean!
Mr Shen: Yn all the best for you first day my girl, fighting!
I smiled at both of my parents. Today was my first day in the Daegu Hospital,Green Health! I am now a side surgeon and still needs to work for promotion but more of all, I am kinda close to my dream job. I little  hardwork and boom!! For bbye, the trauma I was caught into years ago is still somewhere in my mind and heart but I don't let it overcome and bound my happiness after all I deserve to be happy too don't I?
I won't say like movies that I have moved on and all, there is nothing like move on. Once you loved someone you can't just take that and give it to other. If it was that easy then Shajahan would never have created Taj Mahal, you know!
Right now, I am going to my work place! This is my first day so I really need to have an impression on them...

Hold me; Lets Run Away! (Completed) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant