One shooting star... A millio...

By ToniTamarAnFace

22K 1.1K 121

Is Babyface really dead, or was it all a plan to save Toni&the boys from more harm Well let's find out More

A year without Kenny
A second chance
I object
Defending what's mine
No sex rule
Meeting&Greeting some Tigers
Zeak's toy car
Doctor, am I pregnant?
I want another baby
Somethings cooking in the oven
Shopping with ma
Could it be his falling in love
Family reunion
Baby gender
Happy bithday Diezel
2Months earlier
Am home
Dinner with Denim's friend
You say what now?
Me&My bestfriend
Happy anniversary
What my fans want
You did what now?!!!!!!
Do you know what could happen?!
Let's do it
Not while your there!
Shocking revelation
The shocking news
Lets sweat it out!!
Sex on the beach
The G Word
Part 3 was released

The end!!!

492 17 4
By ToniTamarAnFace

That's the end of my fantasy story

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