Falling Too Fast

By Lovesoreel

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Aqua is a Werewolf that has lived a lie for so long that she is finally cracking under everything she is tryi... More

Falling Too Fast: Chapter 1
Falling Too Fast: Chapter 2
Falling Too Fast: Chapter 3
Falling Too Fast: Chapter 4
Falling Too Fast: Chapter 5
Falling Too Fast: Chapter 6
Falling Too Fast: Chapter 7
Falling Too Fast: Chapter 8
Falling Too Fast: Chapter 9
Falling Too Fast: Chapter 10
Falling Too Fast: Chapter 11
Falling Too Fast: Chapter 12
Falling Too Fast: Chapter 13
Falling Too Fast: Chapter 14
Falling Too Fast: Chapter 15
Falling Too Fast: Chapter 16
Falling Too Fast: Chapter 17
Falling Too Fast: Chapter 18
Falling Too Fast: Chapter 19
Falling Too Fast: Chapter 20
Falling Too Fast: Chapter 21
Falling Too Fast: Chapter 22
Falling Too Fast: Chapter 23
Falling Too Fast: Chapter 24
Falling Too Fast: Chapter 25
Falling Too Fast: Chapter 27
Falling Too Fast: Chapter 28
New Story!
Falling Too Fast: Chapter 29
Falling Too Fast: Chapter 30 A.K.A. The Last Chapter(:
Thank you's<3

Falling Too Fast: Chapter 26

28.8K 628 18
By Lovesoreel

Chapter 26

Aquas POV

"Bailey?" My voice was hoarse from lack of water. He looked down. I could see his fists clenching. Oh god..

"Please..don't..." I pleaded. If I could only get him to open up to me...about Bailey..

"Why shouldn't I?! After all you deserve it for what you did to Bailey!" He spat. I rolled my eyes. He always did have a thing for dramatics.

"Why do you keep telling at me for doing something to Bailey?! I didn't do shit! She was my best friend! You dick!" I screamed at him. Letting all the emotions from the last few days out. He looked shocked then he sneered at me.

"Your a lying bitch!" He said with a slap to the face. I groaned at the pain.

"Please I swear...I didn't do anything to her.." I pleaded again. He actually acted like he cared for her.

"Don't lie!" He screamed. He looked pained. I could feel his pain too. My mate betrayed me and now my best friend.

"I-I didn't take her, ya know..." I said to end the silence.

Xanders POV

Why does she keep saying that?! It's making it harder for me to hate her when I know she is telling the truth! Geez! It wasn't until the second she told me that she didn't do it, that I realized she was telling the truth.

If she didn't take Bailey...then who did..?

I left her screaming at me to come back. I felt bad for everything I did to her, she doesn't know how bad.

I just need time to think about who could take her.

Nick! Dammit he did it! Fuck! I looked at the time, 4:00pm! We have 20 minutes until he comes back from wherever he goes.

I ran down the stairs to the basement.

I bursted through the door, startling Aqua. She whimpered at my entrance. I don't blame her.

"Shh.. Aqua it's ok. We are going to get out of here." She looked at me incredulously. I nodded my head as if saying 'yes way'.

I untied her and when I done untying her, she punched my right in the jaw. Ok I deserved that.

"Hell I guess I deserve that. But we have to go! Now!" I told her.

"Where are we?" She asked me. I sighed.

"Nevada. No one would think to look for you here. Sorry."

She nodded sadly and we ran up the stairs and I grabbed the keys to the truck and off we went.

Now I just hope I didn't sign Baileys death warrant.

Ryans POV

I woke up the next morning with a major hangover. Fuck...what did I do last night??

"Morning drunk, how's your hangover morning so far?" My head whipped over to Jordan who was sitting on the beanbag on her phone, smirking at me.

"I got drunk?" She nodded." Well that explains the bitch of a hangover."

Then I remembered what I'm like drunk and I looked over at Jordan, as if asking, 'Did I do something embarrassing?'

She nodded still smirking. "I didn't know you could sing. Mom didn't either." I groaned at that. Awh shit.

"Ya mom wasn't so happy but he understood. You should have seen her come in and yell at me for letting you sing at 3am in tbe morning, man was she was pissed. But then I explained what with Aqua and how she is..is missing... And she understood." I started to feel bad, man my mate was missing and I was getting drunk. Great.

I heard a car turn into our gravel driveway. That's strange who could that be?

I got up from my bed, not caring if I'm in just my PJ shorts and no shirt. I walked down the stairs and opened the front door to find someone I wasn't expecting.

At all.


Hehe I have always wanted to do that kind of cliffy(: hehe! I know it's short ad I have been doing ALOT of shorties and I'm thinking for the next chapter I will try for 4 pages or more...it's just hard to write when I'm super busy plus starting another story. So I'm gonna try to write more(:

So check out my new book, "Royalty"(:

Vote for it!

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