You make my world wild- A Nik...

By Girlwithoutname9719

20.3K 574 1.3K

At the age of 20, Evangeline Martin aka "Evie" still lives with her mother who is a strong religious person a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69

Chapter 70

315 6 10
By Girlwithoutname9719


Play the song when I will point!

After 6 years... 2012...

"Mom? Can you help me find my toys?"  

Evie sees her youngest son, Raymond in her bedroom, with a pleading look.

"What toys?" Evie asks him and goes to him. 

"The collection of dinosaurs that Uncle Anthony gave me," says the boy with a sad look. 

Evie smiles as she remembers how her younger brother used to play with the toys he decided to give Raymond a few years ago.

"They must be somewhere, sweetie," she speaks calmly and puts a hand on his shoulder. "We will find them."

"Okay," the boy nods, his eyes trembling. His eyes have the shape of Evie, but her father's special color. He has dark brown hair like his mother. He has inherited the nose and the lips of his father. Raymond is a combination of his parents.  

He and his mother come out of the bedroom and start looking for the lost toys. But they can't find them. So they go downstairs. There they go to the kitchen. Almost the whole family is there. Nikki is looking for something in the fridge. Raelynn writes text messages to her boyfriend. Bryce eats at the table and Julia and Juniper both work on a high school project. 

Nikki is the first to see Evie and Raymond. With a muddled look, he stops looking in the fridge and asks:

"What happened?"

"Ray lost his dinosaur collection. Has anyone seen it?"

All children nod. So is Nikki. 

"Maybe it's in the living room," says Nikki.

"I'll look there too," Evie sighs. "Ray... stay here with your father and your siblings. I'll be right back."

Evie goes to the living room, but what she sees there will shock her. Her eldest son, Asher, is sitting on the couch with a girl. She's not just any girl. It's Skylar! Vince and Sharise's daughter! She knew that her son, who was at the University, was in the living room, but did not hear when Skylar came. But the biggest shock comes when Asher, who is looking so dearly at Skylar, pulls her towards him, kissing her on the lips. 

"Oh my!" Evie screams and quickly puts her hand to her mouth. 

The two young persons jump and look back and see Evie with a shocked face that suddenly changes into an embarrassed one.

"I'm so sorry," she smiles nervously and quickly leaves.

Asher and Skylar look confused at each other, he shrugs, smiling, and puts a hand on her face, which is a little red, and they intend to kiss again but are interrupted again by Evie who runs away to an armchair. She picks up the box from that armchair. That is Raymond's dinosaur collection, and she leaves quickly, shouting:

"Sorry again!" With a red face, Evie returns to the kitchen with the toy box in her hands. 

"You found them!" Raymond exclaims and quickly grabs the toys from his mother's hands.

"What happened?" Nikki looks at her strangely. "Your face is so red."

Suddenly, the children give up any activity they do and look curiously at their mother.

"Why didn't you tell me Skylar was here?" Evie asks, feeling her face get even hotter. "When I went to pick up the toys... Asher was with her on the couch and... and..."

"And?" Raelynn asks her mother suspiciously. 

"They kissed!" Evie exclaims. "Why didn't you tell me? If I knew they were there, I would have given them a little privacy."

Everyone there makes sounds of wonder and they start laughing. 

"I knew Asher always had a thing for Sklyar," Juniper chuckles.

"I'm happy for them," Raelynn shrugs and looks at her smartphone screen, typing again.

"I never liked Jennifer," Julia grimaces and rolls her eyes.

"Neither do I," Bryce says. "She was so annoying. I don't know how Asher could have been with her for so long."

Evie, slightly confounded, looks at Nikki who has a big smile on his face.

"Aren't you surprised though?" She asks him. "Do Vince and Sharise know about this? How would they react?"

"Honey," Nikki says softly and puts her hands on her shoulders. "Calm down. There's nothing wrong with that. And anyway... They're still very young... Their relationship can't be too serious."

After 5 years... 2017...

How much would Nikki be wrong. After 5 years his son, Asher marries Skylar, the daughter of his band mate Vince. 

The 4 parents allowed the relationship of their children. Vince and Sh arise, just like Nikki and Evie, thought it wouldn't be a long-term relationship because of their young age. But... They were also wrong.

Today, Asher and Sklylar got married, and all their families and friends were at the wedding. Asher's sisters and Tommy's and Heather's daughters were bridesmaids, and Asher's brothers were the best men, as were Tommy's two sons. 

The wedding was like a fairy tale. Everything was perfect. And at the reception... Asher and Skylar want to make an announcement that immediately catches the attention of their families.

"I'm pregnant!" Skylar shouts, smiling broadly, Asher holds her hand and smiling proudly. 

Their parents are shocked, but soon they are overjoyed to learn that they would be grandparents for the first time, and they go and hug and congratulate their children.

"We are getting old," jokes Evie and Nikki and Sklyar's parents laugh. 

Nikki takes her hand in his, squeezing it lightly and speaking in the softest voice Evie knows: 

"I didn't think I would live like this one day. Life is so beautiful..."

"Especially when we're together," Evie smiles fondly.

After 2 years... 2019...

Today marks 30 years of marriage between Evie and Nikki. 3 decades of love between them. They also had less pleasant memories, but together they overcame everything. They thought of having a party for their 30th wedding anniversary. What they did, now they are at a big restaurant with their whole family. 

"Grandpa! Grandma!" A one year-old boy is running towards them. 

Nikki leans over, takes him in his arms and says: 

"Hey, little man. What are you doing?" 

Evie is next to them and talking to her grandson: 

 "Were you a good boy? Where are mommy and daddy?"

Soon, Asher and Skylar approach them, Skylar is holding their newborn daughter, Chloe. It seems that not long after Aiden was born, Skylar became pregnant with little Chloe. Aiden's middle name is "Nikki" as a tribute to his grandfather. Nikki started to cry when Asher told him his son's name. Besides, Aidan looks a lot like his father. And of course that means he looks like his paternal grandfather.

"He runs faster than a rabbit," Asher jokes and takes Aiden in his arms, the little boy smiling.

"What is the little princess doing?" Evie asks, looking fondly at her granddaughter in her daughter-in-law's arms. 

"She's fine. She doesn't cry at all and sleeps at night." 

"That's great," Evie smiles and runs a hand through the blonde hair of her granddaughter who sleeps in her mother's arms. 

At a table, Raelynn sits next to her husband, whom she married last year. She is 6 months pregnant and will give birth to a baby girl. Nikki and Evie's third grandchild. Next to another table is Bryce with his girlfriend who seems to have an interested discussion with Evie's father, his grandfather. Elvis stepmother is also there with Anthony, who brought his wife and 3-year-old son. Juniper is with them at the table, looking so happy, talking to her brother, Raymond.

Nikki and Evie look melancholy at her children. They are between the ages of 29 and 18. How fast has time passed. How quickly time passed in 1985 when they first met at a party. A party Evie wouldn't want to come to. But if she didn't, she would lose the love of her love.

"Where's Julia?" Nikki asks.


Listen to the song!

Asher, Sklylar and their children are no longer with them. The lights turn off and a familiar music is heard. Evie and Nikki feel goosebumps on their arms at the sound of the song. 

They look at each other in amazement and their attention is taken by an even more familiar voice. On the stage in front of them, they look at their daughter, Julia, who smiles at them, holding a microphone in her hand. Their daughter chose to have a career in music a few years ago. But the song she chose that she wants to play now leaves them amazed. She and her siblings know about this song. It's their parents' song.

"This song is..." Nikki whispers, looking slightly confused at his wife.

"Yes," smiles Evie. "The song I sang at that karaoke club 34 years ago."

"The song you sang to me," Nikki grins and takes his wife's hand in his. "Do you give me this dance, my love?"

"Of course, honey," Evie smiles.

Nikki moves his hands around his wife's waist as Evie puts her hands on his shoulders, their eyes unable to detach, emotions into them. Their family is sitting at their tables and watching the couple smiling. 

"I can't believe we could have ended so well," Nikki smiles at his wife. "30 years of marriage, my dear... We've been together for a lifetime."

 "And it's been 34 years since we first met each other," Evie smiles. "The wildest years of my life," she chuckles.

"You made them wild, honey."

"No," she scoffs. "You know very well that you made them wild. But so many years have passed... We have aged... We are 55 and 60 years old now." 

"Shh, don't say that," her husband murmurs, his eyes getting lost in hers. "And what if we get older? You become even more beautiful with each passing year... It's beautiful... Look what good things we've accomplished in life. What perfect children, we have."

"And soon we will have 3 grandchildren. If each child gives us 2 children, we will have 12 grandchildren! Crazy, isn't it?" She giggles.

"A beautiful madness," Nikki smiles. "I want our house to be as full of grandchildren as it was full of children."

"I can't wait for that to happen," Evie smiles.

"I love you honey. I want to spend another 30 years together. Life is so beautiful with you."

"I love you so much too, honey. You made me the happiest woman in the world," Evie smiles and approaches her husband and kisses him passionately on the lips. 

Their family applauds them, and Julia continues to sing, looking at her parents, hoping that one day she will have as much love as her parents. 

The end...


So... I wrote this chapter crying. But there are of course tears of happiness. This was the longest story I've ever written. Honestly, when I started writing it, I didn't think it would have so many chapters. I love this story. I was very inspired to write it. I can't explain why. I wrote with great pleasure, every chapter, every word, every letter. 

 I hope you really enjoyed this story. And thank you all for all your support. For all your comments and votes. You brought a smile to my face when I saw them. 

I will add something that I think you will not like it unfortunately. I have ideas for other fan fictions, but I decided to take a break. I do this because I want to start writing a story and I really want to publish it. And I need a long time. So I won't be able to write fan fiction for a while. I hope you don't mind this. It's a pretty difficult decision for me too because I have a lot of ideas for many functions but unfortunately I don't have time. But I will edit my draft stories and repost them. But I don't know when I'll write another story. Sorry about that. But I will continue to be active on this app and I will continue to read your stories.

I love you so much and thank you again for all your support! ♥️♥️♥️

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