His Aquablue Earphones

By dazz_stories

293 24 12

Dazz- A introvert school going girl,was always teased for her chubbiness. One day she broke into tears and ra... More

Sunny side Part - 1
Sunny Side Part - 2
Knowing him
Just Friends
Knowing Me
Art contest
First time to my house
Did you had a sleepover?

Feel His Comfort

20 1 0
By dazz_stories

Lee did not attend the class for few days. But would wait for me at our usual place. I surprised him with my completed painting for art contest.

“Wo…wow…” he said almost popping his eyes out.
“If I were to judge this contest I would have given you first prize.” He said smiling wide.

I smiled at his words. I looked up to see him starring at me. I raised my eyebrow as if asking ‘what?’.

“ Huh!!...nothing.” shaking his head he replied.

“Ah! Noona,  let’s go to eat ttebokki” he said in a exciting voice.

“Okay. But, I will be paying for it.” I said making it sound like condition.

After hesitation “ okay, as you wish.” he said bowing to me slightly.

We reached ‘ttebokki house’. This time the place looked warm welcoming than the last time. It gave different vibe. More comfortable one. Lee ordered and his uncle served us the food. He asked about my well being and finally he said

“Thank you for saving young master and taking care of him the other day.” sounding grateful.

“It was nothing, Uncle. I would have helped anyone in that kind of situation too.”

Smiling and again thanking me his uncle gestures to have our ttebokki.
As I start eating.

“Noona, I want to tell you something.” Lee said in serious tone.

I looked up at him and he continued.

“You can not take strangers to your house when you are alone like other day.”

“l know, and you are not stranger to me.” I replied in jiffy.

“Ye..yeah..” he said

There was awkward silence. We emptied our bowl of food. Unwillingly Lee’s uncle take the cash from my hands. Lee walked me back home. We said goodbye to each other.

Being tired sitting on study table, I noticed there is no much time left  for examination. As I was focused with art contest, my room was  messed with paint tubes and other tools fallen scattered. I completely ignored my studies too. I could not imagine what will be the consequences when mom finds out.

“I need to focus on studies now.” I said to myself as I clear the mess in hurry.

One week remaining for exam, I just focused on studying. I did not hangout with Lee more often. As day came closer and closer, I stressed up in studying more. Finally the day of exam arrived. Exams went like a roller coaster to me. Most of the questions were hard to answer. I wanted to be placed in top fifty in class. I look forward for short vacation. Lee and I had decided to meet at our usual place after exam was over. As I walk through the tree path.


I got startled. Seeing my shocked scared face, he started to laugh. I really felt like to punch him and shout at him. But his addictive laugh did not allow me to rant out any words and actions. I took  a deep breathe and I sigh out. I continued to walk.

“Hey Noona” he came running behind me.

“What’s the matter? Why is your head hanging low?” he said lifting my chin up sideways.

Lowering my head again, I drop my bag on a bench like stone structure and flop down. Lee sits besides me. Breaking silence I said in a low voice,

“I did not do well in the exam.” He turned aside and gave a small laugh.

“Who told you? Home teacher?”

Shaking my head I say “ Myself.” He let a laugh again.

“Hey, you should not think that way. You will definitely get good marks.”

“ My mom always wanted me to focus on studies and never let to do any other things.” I continued to blabber in low voice.
“Painting…I took up as my hobby when mom was not around, to cut down my lone time. I can’t imagine…what will be the…consequence when mom learns about the reason behind the low grades.”

After few seconds of silence, he let a sigh and said,

“I am hungry. Lets go and have something to eat.” I did not move.

“Come ooon.” He said taking my bag and pulling me to stand up. I walk dragging my leg along with him. We reached the convenience store. He placed his bag and made me sit at the place provided in the store.

“Wait for me here.” He said as if I was a small child.

After sometimes, he loaded the table with two cans of orange juice and few packets of snacks. I look at him in questioning stares. Handing over me the can of orange juice he said pouting 

“ I am hungry. If you don’t want I will eat them all. You need to have this and relax first.”

Looking at his expression made me smile. ‘Cute’ I said to myself. I took a deep breath and sipped the juice.

“Do you want to hear a song?” he said in a soft voice.

I nodded my head with agreement. He handed over one side of his unique earphone – Aqua blue.

“I hope this song comforts you.” He said as he plays the song.

Your small shoulders, your small hands
Become my cozy blanket at the end of a tiring day
You did a good job today, you  worked so hard
I hope my shoulders and my thick hands
Will become cozy comfort
For the end of your tiring day as well

The song was smoothing and comforting. I felt myself relaxed. I watched over Lee - sitting relaxed, into the song, looking out to the busy street and sipping his orange juice. The song was coming to end and the climate out began to be dark and cloudy. Noticing it Lee –

“We need to go back home now.”

He said as he collected all the packet and tossed it into a carrying bag. I get ready to leave too.

We walk silently through the lanes. Almost reaching my house he spoke,

“Noona, Are you busy with anything tomorrow?"

"No” I said shaking my head.

“Would you like to look around the city?” he asked

Its been few months mom got transferred and we shifted here. I never went around the city side as there was no one to accompany me. This would be a good opportunity  to be guided around the city. I think for a while and said


With a broad smile in his face he walks backward saying-

“I’ll be here to pick you up tomorrow morning then.” And ran towards his home.

As soon as I entered my room, it starts raining. Standing besides the window of my room, I look out to the downpour of the rain.

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