Error's book of angst and flu...

By Leffee

165K 5K 3.3K

Please for goodness heavens, don't comment if you're really young, I had to delete enough of cringy comments... More

Rest [Error and Nightmare]
Cold [Error and Nightmare's gang]
An accident [Error and Cross]
Helpless love [Error and Ink]
His day [Error and Nightmare]
Sleep deprivation [Error and Dust]
Like the usual [Error and Ink]
In their free time [Error and Shattered!Dream]
A horror movie [Error and Horror]
A nice, warm bath [Error and Nightmare]
Happy for you [Error and Nightmare]
Waiting for you [Error and Reaper]
Just your cliche sick day [Error and Nightmare's gang]
Obsession [Error and Dream]
Growth [Error and Ink]
The big cleaning [Bad Sans Poly]
A new discovery [Bad Sans Poly]
Overcoming fear [Error and Fresh]
Online classes [Error and Nightmare]
Loving Outer...tale? [Error and Outer]
White panic [Error and Cross]
Glass of milk [Error and Nightmare]
"You've never been in Ikea before?" [Error and Killer]
The truth [Edit]
Stupid but lovable [Error and Fresh]
Cuddles [Error, Cross and Nightmare]
Depressive [Error and Cross]
Of the blankets and the pillows [Error and Dream]
One and only
A new method [Error, Dream and Blue]
Actually Important
Small moments [Error and Nightmare's gang]
Other type of confession [Error and Horror]
The system [Error and Nightmare]
The odd one out [Bad Sans Poly]
The end

Valentine's day [Bad Sans Poly]

1.7K 74 57
By Leffee

Most people wanted fluff so here you go, but I'll think about making some Valentine's themed angst as well.

Also I decided to add something that I call 'thought of the day'. Sometimes they will have to do something with the chapter and sometimes not at all. Either way you don't need to read them so feel free to just skip to the chapter.

Today's thought:
I have my own headcanons for the bad guys heights, without any actual measurement, butttt
Error is the shortest, because come on, he's my favourite, you knew that already
Dust is a tiny bit taller, because he's my second favourite and because I once saw an image of him being short and was like "oh hell yeah".
Killer is still on the short side, but visibly taller than Dust, because Killer.
Then there's Cross who is among the tall ones, because I once saw a headcanon of him being huge and immediately liked it. He's not huge, but still tall.
Second tallest is Horror, because there's only two types of people: ones who like him tiny, and ones who like him huge and I'm in the second group.
And of course our boi Nightmare who is the tallest, for similiar reasons to Horror.

And once again, these are just mine, so you probably have different ones and that's alright.


"I really should have just used bags instead."

Error put the last gift box next to the rest and fell onto his bed to catch his breath. For the last hour he has been trying his damn hardest to wrap the stupid boxes in decorative paper, using some instruction he had found on the internet, but unsurprisingly it was much harder then it looked. In the end the presents ended up looking decent enough, hopefully. 

And why was he doing all that? It was because today was Valentine's day – the day of celebrating love, or at least that's what Error overheard Cross saying. At first he just ignored it, but one day out of curiosity, he started reading about it and found out that it was sort of big deal to some, especially the ones who were in romantic relationships. He then started wondering if he should do something with that knowledge, after all he was in fact in a relationship like that. So he read some more and learned that there was an emphasis on giving gifts, as a sign of love and appreciation. And that resulted in this entire fiasco with wrapping.

Error learned about Valentine's at the beginning of February, so he didn't have a lot of time. Part of him wondered why none of his partners ever mentioned this apparently important occasion, but another part was focused on thinking what gifts he could arrange on such a short notice. Finally it hit him, he could just knit something for them. It's not that he hasn't before, however he never knitted them clothes.

He decided to go with something that everyone would like and that he had some experience with - sweaters. He started as soon as possible, barely finishing on the 13th, nonetheless he made it. In the end he had five different-colored jumpers, which also had a nickname of each of his lover.

And so there was a black sweater with "Rory" written on it for Horror, a purple one with "Kills" for Killer, white-colored one with "Dusty" for Dust, blue with "Oreo" for Cross and finally green with "Night" for Nightmare. Error would maybe think of a different color for the last one, but he knew that the goop will cover it anyway, so he didn't bother. He also kind of experimented with different than usual colors, so he hoped the others would like them.

After a little bit of resting he sat up slowly on his bed. He should probably go give his gifts now, but he was nervous. 

"What if they don't like them? Or dislike the colors?"

He didn’t give them any clothes before after all and even if he sometimes didn't want to admit it, he was still kind of insecure about being in this relationship. After all, Nightmare, Dust, Cross, Killer and Horror had all dated for 2 years before Error joined them, so they are definitely more comfortable in it than him, who has been dating them for around a year now. Still, he did want to show them his appreciation for all they have done for him.

"...Alright let's do it."

He sent a quick message to their group chat, a surprisingly useful thing, especially when you want to gather a group of 6 skeletons somewhere, to go to his room, because he had something important to show.

After that he just sat nervously on his bed, waiting for everyone's arrival. He didn't bother hiding the gifts, but he did push them closer to himself, within an arm reach.

Soon enough he heard his doors opening. It was Horror.

"What's up Ruru?" He greeted with a smile as he sat next to the black-boned skeleton and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek, making Error smile, but before he could answer Horror saw the presents. "Do those have something to do with the "important thing" you mentioned?"

"Maybe...?" Error said innocently, smiling a bit, still nervous. "But I want to wait for the others first."

"Aww, ok." Horror frowned in a joking manner.

They waited for a little longer, and after a while the rest of their partners gathered inside the room, also noticing the presents and some commenting on them.

"Ok, so umm, I wanted you all to come here because of these." Error started as he got up from his bed and pointed at the gifts.

"I think we all already know that." Nightmare, who was leaning on the desk chuckled. "But what's the occasion?"

They didn't know? Or did he mess something up? He had checked the date multiple times though.

"Well, today's Valentine's day, right? And you give gift on that day...?".

Hearing that the rest of the skeletons in the room let out a collective noise of understanding.

"It is, but have we not told you before?" Dust asked as he raised his brow at Error, making him do the same.

"Tell me what?"

"That we don't normally celebrate Valentine's day." Cross explained and Error felt his heart sink. 

"It's not that we think the concept is stupid." Killer added. "But the one day thing is. It's kind of weird. I mean, we love each other throughout the whole year, right? And it's a bit stupid to try that hard for some one, specific date."

"Plus if we want to give someone a gift we can just do it any other day, not just on this one." Horror remarked.

"Basically what we're trying to say is that we don't normally do anything for Valentine's, because it's uselessly pressuring." Nightmare finalized, however seeing Error's now grim expression he went closer to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, we didn't mean to make you feel bad, it's not that we aren't happy that you decided to give us something. We have just decided that we won't make a big deal out of this day, but I see that we forgot to tell you. I guess that's just what happens when you have so many datemates."

The other skeleton’ expression lit up as he giggled. "I guess it does." Others nodded in agreement.

"Sooo, can we see those gifts now?" Killer asked eagerly, pointing at the boxes.

"I mean, sure, I just feel kind of stupid now about giving you anything today." Error rubbed the back of his neck embarrassingly. 

"Don't be, it's nothing bad after all, quite the opposite actually and if you want to celebrate Valentine's day we can." Cross assured him.

Error thought for a while. "You know what? Let's leave it for later. I guess we should do something with these now." Error said referring to the gifts. "They're not the best, but…"

"I'm sure they're great." Dust objected. "Don't worry about it and show us what you got, cause I'm getting curious." He added smiling.

"Right, okay." With that Error started giving out the boxes to the right skele. "I hope they're at least decent."

Everyone started unpacking their gifts, while he observed them thoroughly. 

"Are those…sweaters?" Dust asked as he looked carefully at his one.

"Mhmm, I wanted to give you something hand-made that you can actually use." Error responded and heard Horror chuckle.

"Rory." He read and looked at others’ sweaters. "Did you sew on us all a nickname?"

"Yup." Error nodded. "Do you like them?"

He didn’t need to wait long for a positive answer, as Killer practically squeezed the life out of him.

"Of course, look at them, they’re great! I mean, look at Cross." Hearing that Error did indeed look at the said skeleton, who was actually already putting on the new piece of clothing, with little sparkles in his eyes. Now that he saw it, he remembered that Nightmare once told him that receiving gifts was one of Cross’ love languages. At first he thought that it indicated that he just liked materialistic stuff, but as Nightmare explained it actually meant that he liked when someone brought him something that reminded that person of Cross. Plus it didn’t have to be anything expensive, it could be just a rock found outside, but it was the thought that counts.

"Oh, right." Error smiled at that.

Seeing that, everyone else decided to put on the sweaters as well.

"I really love it. You had nothing to worry about." Horror said as he finished and came closer to hug the glitchy monster, who gladly returned the gesture.

Soon enough everyone else joined, now in their new attire and threw some more compliments at him.

"They look so good."

"And are really comfy."

"I’m going to wear it on ever mission now."

"Maybe you shouldn’t…"

Meanwhile Error’s soul was melting from happiness, as he leaned into his lovers. Turned out he didn’t need to worry. Phew.

Suddenly he felt himself being picked up as Horror spun him around, making them both laugh. 

"So about that whole Valentine’s day mess…" Error started with some remaining chuckles, as he now clung to Horror.

"Right. Listen, if you want to do something special, we can-." Nightmare didn’t finish, since Error showed him with his hand that he wanted to say something.

"Actually, now that I’ve thought about it for a while, I agree with you. Plus I did worry about these gifts not being done on time."

"If you say so. But still, we’re grateful."

"Mm, I’m glad." Error murmured as he leaned more into Horror’s shoulder,  looking away from the rest.

"…We’re going to do something for him as well, right?" Dust whispered to Nightmare, as he teleported next to him.

"Oh yes, yes we will."

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