Picture This! (TMNT x reader)

By QillMhi

21.1K 450 476

Compilation of imagines/scenarios of your favorite TMNT! I do 2003, 2012, Bayverse and mostly ROTTMNT because... More

ROT!๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿข||Leo's Favorite Spot
ROT!๐Ÿงก๐Ÿข||Mikey's Special
2012!๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿข||I Love Being a Turtle!
ROT!๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿข||Bathed in Purple
ROT!๐Ÿงก๐Ÿข||Cheery Boy
2012!๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿข||Enter: New Rival!
ROT!๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿข||Pizza Burger?
๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿข||Donnie having a crush on you HC's
2003!โค/๐Ÿงก๐Ÿข||The Boys Reacting to You Having a Cruch on them HCs
2012!๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿข||Let Me Hear You
2012!๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿข||Enter: New Interest
2003!๐Ÿ’™/๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿข||The Boys Reacting to You Having a Cruch on them HCs
2012!๐Ÿงก๐Ÿข||My Daddy's got a gun!
2012!๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿข||Psst... I think he's gay
2012!๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿข||Just a headcannon

2012!๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿข||Enter: New Friend!

567 11 1
By QillMhi

Part 3

Life is great and you're forever thankful for all the blessings that you received. Not many people are fortunate enough to not worry about their next meal or where they're going to sleep. This made your heart soft for those people in need, which is why you regularly visit homeless shelters and donate toys and supplies to charities.

Today though is a special one.

You and your little group had been tasked to do a "community service" project, complete with documentation. As the assigned leader, you chose a local orphanage to help.

The day was set for planting seeds. I mean, what better help than teaching kids the importance of Agriculture, right? Of course you guys are supervised by adults, although there were playing mahjong in the distance.

The whole porject sounds doable too if not for one problem...

"My dude... I'm gonna be so late, man."

You bit your nail in worry. "How long do you think it'll take?"

There was a slight pause "I dunno? 30 minutes?" There were loud honks on the background "I'm really sorry man, I didn't know it would be this bad! I gotta go though I'll call again okay?" Click. The line went dead.

Your face paled "Oh no... this is bad..."

"(Y/n)? You okay? Where's Max?" April O'Neal, your other group mate saw you in distress. She's a nice girl. Smart and very helpful, albeit a bit clumsy at times.

You looked down on her blue eyes and tried to muster your best positive smile. "He's gonna be late or.. I don't think he'll make it." You scratched your head. Max was supposed to bring in the seeds and mascot costume for Mr. Carrot. Something the kids of this orphanage was looking forward to see.

You were already an hour behind schedule which made the kids extremely bored.

Children and boredom are never a good combination.

Her eyes went wide "What?! What are we gonna do?!" This wasn't going her way.

This was her moment to get close to you and ask you out on a date! But if the mood between you two were like this, then there is a low chance of her plan's succeeding!

Or wait...

Actually... if April could somehow get around this problem and show you that she's very capable, it might get your attention on her!

A bright smile crept up her face. Yes! She can do this! Just watch (Y/n)! You're gonna see just how awesome April O'Neal can be!

April remembered the first time she saw you.

It was after a week long worth of resting after a particularly nasty fight with the foot. She knew she had go get back to school or else she won't be seeing that sweet, sweet diploma in the future.

While everyone hated school, for April, it was a break from all the action. She loves her friends a lot, but she needs this. The sense of normalcy she rarely gets to experience.

So imagine her surprise when a crowd of girls and boys caught her peripheral vision. She was about to ignore them, but a bright melody of laugher reached her ears like angels singing.

Lots of people started parting ways like the red sea as the popular kids stolled down the hallway towards her. She never got to see so many people gathered like this, thinking it was an upcoming school election. Election candidates tend to sometimes give away snacks to advertise themselves instead of using posters, so it kinda caught her interest enough to go in for a quick peek.

And there you were.

The newest member of the popular league and my god, were you a gem to behold. People were drawn to your "fresh meat" aura, trying to coax you to join their group or club.

When you passed April, your eyes met for a brief moment.

It was as if the entire world had stopped and she was hit with a new wave of overwhelming feelings that made her knees buckle.

And at that moment she knew she's undeniably hooked.

"April?" She jolted when you waved your hand infront of her face. "You okay there?" You tilted your head in concern.

"Huh?! U-Uh yeah! Peachy! Just ah-" Damnit! Did she zoom out?! Did you catch her staring?! "I-I just need to make a phone call!" April took out her phone smiling awkwardly.

You nodded "Okay?" You gave her shoulder a light pat "I'll go see what I can do, alright?"


"Yeah!" April stiffly chirped "Sounds great!!" She swooned.

It's been a week since Donatello had followed his brother's advice in  'personally observing' you.

At first he was judging everything you did like a disappointed Asian dad. But after seeing you, the (Y/n) behind the perfect grades and perfect looks and angel-like persona... you were actually just an average human.

Donnie watched you study so late into the night. You were so exhausted and so sleep deprived that you poured cold water to cook your instant noodles. He saw you doing laundry outside, slipped and accidentally ripped your pants when you thought no one was looking. He once saw you plop on the couch then suddenly collapsed, holding your ass in pain. You didn't even hit anything?! Your dumbass sat on the remote didn't you?

It was a funny scene to be honest.

Heck, there was this time he once silently geeked out with you while you were enjoying a Sherlock marathon!

He manage to snap the unflattering pictures he so desperately wanted. He debated whether or not to use them as blackmail, but those ridiculous expressions on your face were just priceless so Donnie kept them to himself for now.

You didn't have a secret stash of porn in your laptop, or a ditty habit like smoking and doing drugs. If you had an addiction, it would be the unholy amount of coke and instant noodles you always eat. 

What sealed the deal to him was your sincerity. What he originally thought as a facade, was a genuine guy just spreading good.

Contrary who what Donatello previously believed in... maybe you aren't that bad of a guy.

The result of his research concluded that the only thing he disliked about you was the fact that April likes you. It made him feel guilty and childish for outright ostracizing you for something you had no control over.

Everyday he spent observing you felt like he was getting closer to you. He still wouldn't give up April, but he doesn't hate you as much as he did before.

Which leads to his concern.

Donnie sat on a rooftop overlooking an empty area with lots of children holding gardening tools and about three adults sitting under a tree playing mahjong. Donnie had headphones and a radio box next to him.

He can see April, the light of his life, and you, his love rival, biting your nail while looking at your phone.

You looked so distressed that Donnie was surprised you manage to kept yo4u cool.

He heard about everything in that phone call with his little spy gadget, he felt sorry for you and also worried how this project will affect April's grades.

"William! Don't run with that!"

The mutant looked down at the commotion. A small boy was running around chasing a little girl with shears.

"Haha! If I catch you I'll make you bald!" The little boy teased.

"AAAHHHHH!!!! Get away from me you stinky!!!!" The little girl shrieked. The boy continued to laugh like some super villain, snipping the shears for added asshole effect.

Then the boy tripped.

On reflex he let go of the shears to catch himself, only to end up falling straight for the blade.

What came next was a split second reaction.


You didn't waste time and ran towards the screaming, followed by April who also heard the screaming.

"Is everyone okay?!" You asked around, then coming face to face at what looked like a giant turtle with a wooden staff and.... a purple bandana?

"That was extremely dangerous!" The giant turtle said to the boy "Don't you know its bad to run with sharp objects?" William looked down in shame as the turtle held him on one hand, and the shears in the other.

"I'm s-sorry..." William, the boy, sniffed.

"William, come here." You called out to the boy. William obediently ran behind you.

Donnie sighed in relief when the boy moved away. Then it finally dawned on him that he had exposed himself. In daylight.

In front of all these humans!

"Brother (Y/n) look! A giant turtle!" A young child tugged your pants while pointing at him.

Donnie's face paled.

He needs to hide! Run away! But how can he when he's already exposed?!?

"Hey!" You waved at him "Thanks for catching William there. That could have been very bad." You beamed at the kneeling turtle.

Ugh. You're so handsome it makes him want to throw up.

"Donnie?!" April gasped. You glanced at April, seeing her blue eyes wide in pure panic.

"April!" Donnie looked at her in relief.

"You know him?" You asked.

April was sweating bullets. "H-He's uh... you see...!" She was trembling now.

Fuck this wasn't good. Why was Donnie here?! He's been seen!

"April?" You squinted your eyes at her. "Is he a trespasser?" You were starting to back off with the kids.

Knowing you, you'd surely put the kids' safety first and call the adults.

Oh no no no!

She needs an excuse! She needs to safely get Donnie out of here now! "You see he's--" Donnie cut her off.

"I'm--I'm Mr. T-Turtle..?" The giant turtle stuttered. He dusted himself off, placing the shears on the ground "Yes I am Mr. Turtle!" He said more confidently.

If he recalled the conversation from earlier, you guys were missing a mascot, right?

If he could just somehow play his cards correctly, he would get out of this without chaos ensuing.

"That's a lie!" Rosaline, the girl being chased before, objected "Mr. Turtle has a hat!" She pointed at his very un-hatted head. The other kids began to gather and agree.

Mr. Turtle cleared his throat "I am Mr. Turtle. But my hat got dirty so Mr. Carrot, he... helped me clean it!" He said.

The kids blinked. But they seem to have bought the excuse and started to crowd around him in no time trying to touch his shell.

"Mr. Turtle~!"

"Woah! His shell is so big!"

"Mr. Turtle when your hat gets cleaned, can I wear it?"

"Nu-uh! If you get it then you won't share it!"

"I-I'll share it!"

You nudged April "Friend of yours?"

"Yes!" The mascot tried to avoid the small hands trying to grab his staff "We are friends, right April?" He looked at her hopefully.

April quickly got the cue "Oh! Yes! He's a good friend of mine! That's his costume!" She stiffly said. "Isn't it uh.. realistic?" She internally cringed. But thankfully, you seem to buy it as well.

"Yeah it does look cool!" You agreed "We got our mascot now! This is great!"

Good god. Donnie is fucking dead when they get back to the lair.

"Actually--" Mr. Turtle walked towards you with his army of seven year olds "I have an idea about the seed problem."

You raised an eyebrow "How'd you know we don't have seeds?" You asked suspiciously. You were sure you haven't told anyone about it other than April.

"W-Well... April told me!" He looked at her "Right April?" The redhead saw this as an opportunity.

Donnie you fucking genius!

"Yeah! I called him here because of that!" She said. Completely taking credit.

"Okay...? You got a solution right? Let's hear it!" Honestly if there's anything that can save this day, you were willing to accept any suggestions.

You trust April O'Neal, and if this is a guy she called to help then it wouldn't hurt to trust him as well right?

Mr. Turtle tapped his chin "We could go to the kitchen and find seeds from he vegetables they're going to use for dinner? Oh and of they have potatoes, we can use those as well!." Your eyes sparkled.

Oh my God!

"That's a great idea!" You beamed at the mascot "We could ask the adults for those seeds! Why didn't I think of that?!" You lightly bumped his shoulder "No wonder April called for you! Thanks man!"

Mr. Turtle blushed at your praise. But he caught himself before it got too far. You were a good guy, but you're still his love rival nonetheless!

The rest of the day was saved thanks to Donnie's proposal. The kids enjoyed taking out the pumpkin seeds the most, it was messy, but it was fun and the guts ended up being good fertilizers.

April despite wanting to be with your the whole day, chose to stay close to Donnie. Often going for the look out for any suspicious looks and ready to bolt if things got ugly.

Donnie was delighted that April chose to be near him. He felt so proud and smug, but it would often get wiped away when April would shot down his advances. And because of the many mini humans trying to climb on him, he really couldn't get the chance to properly talk to her.

Thankfully the afternoon was going very smoothly.

Right now, you were helping Julie, who was falling behind because she insisted to say 'good night' to each of her seeds.

"Good night little seed!" She chirped and buried the seed with her mini shovel. "Water please!" You handed her the watering can.

"You're doing good, Julie!" You gave her a head pat "Do you think you can dig up the hole this time?"

She nodded cheerfully.

"Hey (Y/n)?" Someone tapped your shoulder. You looked up and saw April looking down at you.

"Oh hey April!" You dusted yourself off and stood up "You potato warriors doing okay? Need help?"

April laughed "Nah. We already finished up and thought I'd come say hi!" She said casually leaning closer to you, fluttering her big blue eyes. "Though I wanted to ask you something, if you're free next Saturday, maybe?" She shyly drew circles on the ground with her shoe.

Donnie himself didn't like what he's seeing. It hurt that April was avoiding any conversations he tried to make, but maybe that's because she was mad.

Sure, he was glad that she stayed near, but he knew she didn't want to be.

Even worse, right now she is very clearly making those 'lovey-dovey' eyes at you!

He wanted to match in there and straight up tell you to back off. But in doing so would definitely make April more upset.

While Donatello was having a mental battle, you thought about April's question. You didn't seem to have anything scheduled around Saturday morning. "Actually, I'm--"

"AAAHHHHH!!" Julie screamed and pointed on the dirt "It's a worm!"

The other kids started circling around the worm.

"Oh my gosh ew!!"

"Yuck! ts wiggling!!"

"Let's squash it!"

Oh no.

"I'll get back to you on that April." You walked off and ended the in coming slaughter "Hey there little buddies! Let's not do that okay?" You tried to calm the children down before someone kills the worm.

"But it's gross!"

"It's not gross!" Mr. Turtle intervened suddenly. He picked up the worm and held it preciously.

The children collectively had disgusted faces.

"Earth worms carry nutrients for plants to grow and provide better drainage in the soil." He explained. "They're very important to the environment and keeping it healthy!"

The kids didn't understand shit.

Julie, upset that there were worms with her sleepy seeds said "What if the worm wakes up the seeds! They won't grow into flowers!" She stomped on the ground.

Donnie looked at you. He knew for sure there weren't any flower seeds today.

You quickly shook your head 'She won't join unless you say its flowers.' He saw you mouthed.


Donnie knelt down to get eye contact with the children "If you sleep with lots of blankets and pillows, would you be able to breathe properly?"

The kids looked at each other questionably.

"No right? That's why uhm... Mrs. Wormy came to help us today! She will make sure the sleeping seeds will gets lots of air and don't get too much water." He said waving his hand at the tiny worm to prove his point.

By this time, the orphans were able to understand a bit. Their moods got noticeably brighter.

"And then will Mrs. Wormy become a butterfly?" Julie tugged in Donnie's mask. Copper eyes locked with yours when you started gesturing fanatically.

'Just go with it, please!'

He wanted to laugh. You were making those funny expressions again!

Donnie looked back at the children surrounding him with their adorable eyes excited for what knowledge Mr. Turtle will share. "U-Uhm.." He scratched the back of his head. "Yeah. Mrs. Wormy will become a pretty butterfly one day!"

Forgive me Stephen Hawkins!

The children cheered and some even started apologising to the earth worm.

You chuckled in relief at the display. "I guess Mr. Turtle saved the day again!" You watched as the mascot was tugged away to play "It's awesome that he's here. Or else this day would've been a disaster!"

April half heartedly agreed "Yeah."

You looked at her and noted her sad demeanor "You okay? You were going to say something earlier right? Sorry about that." You said.

April was quick to reply "Oh no! Don't mention it, it's fine!" She tucked a strain of her behind her ear. "I was just ah... worried you've been busy all week and was worried you aren't taking any rest days." She bashfully played with her pony tail.

Aww! How sweet!

"Is that so?" You have her a smile, which she absolutely melted into "Thanks for worrying about me April! I'm taking plenty of rest throughout the day, so no need to fret that pretty head of yours." Lord, this face is gonna kill her one day.

Wait a minute.

Oh my god...

Did he just call her pretty?!?!?

April's heart soared. Holy chalupa. Is this the moment she's been waiting for?!

"(Y-Y/n)!" If it is, there's no way she's letting this chance slip by.

April swallowed deeply and closed her eyes tight.

"I wanted to tell you that I-"

"Your friend's a chill dude!" You commented.

April stopped to look up at you, and saw your focus was directed at Donnie and the children playing.

"I've never seen such a realistic costume before. Maybe I should talk my uncle about it." You tapped your chin "Especially his eyes. I swear they're brown, but then they're also kinda red! How cool is that?!" You sounded so curious and excited at the same time "Is it his natural eye color?" You asked.

April wasn't sure what to say "Oh yeah it's his natural eye color."

"Hoho~?" You seem impressed "I see. What an interesting eye color." You turned your attention back to laughing kids running around making Mr. Turtle dizzy.

April glanced at Donnie and his eyes that captured your interest. She never really envied anything from him or the brothers. They were her bestest friends and they never made her feel any less special and always treated her as a sister.

But at that moment, the redhead suddenly became conscious of her blue eyes.

Donnie was in absolute shambles.

He got so caught up with pretending to be a regular guy in a mascot and saving that poor worm and preventing these kids on ending up as future entries in True Crimes Stories that he forgot to tell you to buzz off his woman!

"Mr. Turtle!" One of the kids tugged his bandana "Can you please carry me?" She asked, with her arms raised.

Oh gosh how was he gonna do this. He looked around anxiously "I-I'm sorry little girl, I can't--"

She hit him with those puppy dog eyes.

Damn it. 

"O-Okay..." He picked her up. "Only for a little bit." Curse him and his soft heart. The little girl giggled and continued to play with his bandana.

Donnie looked back at you two again. Whatever you two were talking about it looked like you two were finishing up, much to his relief.

Didn't stop him from sending a glare your way though.

And as if you could feel it, you glanced at Donnie and sent him a smile and a wave.

Donnie's face exploded bright red. He quickly turned around and pretended he couldn't see you.

This is the first time Donnie was in broad daylight with so many humans around. But it was also the first time seeing so many humans at ease with his apperance.

Granted, they thought it was just a costume but still...

Planting, playing and teaching kids?

It was fun. One of the best he ever had. Sure, he wasn't able to approach April himself, due to his little fans crowding him.

He sighed. Of course she wouldn't go to him. Why would she, when her crush is right there?

At times like this he wish you'd grow a pimple or trip.

God is unfair.

Once it was all over, he knew he couldn't stay. April would most likely turn him into turtle soup once she gets to him. Not to mention the punishment Splinter would befall on his shell.

Donnie ran behind the back of the school.

It was already late afternoon so this area was casted under a shadow.

Back to where he originally belongs.

Donnie sighed sadly. He's gonna be in so much trouble, but he didn't regret it. It was so nice being out in the sun, so nice not hiding or being scared of humans.

Donnie glanced down on his green, three fingers hands. "Some costume, huh?" He mocked himself "So... that's what it feels to be human?

"Hey!" Someone called him behind.

Donnie shrieked. Donatello turned his head, bo staff ready, only to see you standing by the light holding two Starbucks coffees and subway sandwiches on one hand, and a small flower pot on the other.

It was dramatic actually. You in the light, and him in the shadows.

"Don't that!" Donnie whined "You scared me!" He glared at you when you laughed. He cleared his throat. "Do you need something?"

Please just leave so he can go.

"Yeah, I do actually! Here." You handed him one of the drinks and a sandwich "Thanks a bunch for your help. You really saved us! You're super great with children hy the way." You laughed boyishly "We haven't formally met, right? I'm (Y/n)!" You held out your hand.

Donnie looked at it at first. Should he really be doing this? Getting close to his rival?

He took a while to react at first, but he soon returned your handshake "Donatello." He firmly said "I heard a lot about you through April." Unfortunately "She's right, you're pretty cool." He said, trying to be causal.

You couldn't help but feel embarrassed "Ah shucks, really? Its pretty sad that I don't hear about you though." You pondered for a second, then spoke again "Maybe next time, if we ever need a mascot, we could call for you again? Or maybe we can just hang out."

"Hang out?" Donnie blinked.

You shrugged "Ya know, without the costume." You really wished to get to know him more. Donatello seems very chill and pretty smart. Not to mention, his blabbing antics about science that tortured the orphans was pretty funny.

Donnie felt guilty. You were nothing but nice and welcoming from the time you two met. But he decided to shot down your efforts of possible friendship. Its not that he didn't like you completely, but he wasn't sure about accepting your friendship. He decided he needed to cut his ties with you now.

But seems like his mouth had a different opinion.

"Sure." He immediately wanted to swallow what he said.

Did he.... did he just accidentally agree?!??!?!

"Awesome!" You gave him a small slip of paper with your number "This is my personal number. Oh! And--" You handed him the pot full of dirt. Donnie looked at it suspiciously. "William asked me to help him plant it. I'm not sure what he planted, but he told me to give it to you as a 'Thank you'." You explained.

William? Oh! He forgot about that kid.

"Surely you wouldn't reject the sincerity of a child's efforts right?" You raised an eyebrow teasingly. Donnie huffed.

"I'm not that cruel." He accepted the pot. He wondered what that kid painted in here. "Thanks." He said, holding the piece of paper and flower pot close to his chest.

Both items were somehow feeling heavy but not uncomfortable. It made his cheeks feel warm.

Maybe today wasn't that bad?

There was a moment of silence between you two. It wasn't the awkward kind. It was actually pretty nice despite spending the peace with the boy he once vowed to turn into a frog.

The mutant preferring to stare down at the pot he received. He fiddled with the piece of paper between his fingers. He could feel the warmth of the sandwich and coffee reaching his skin.

"I should go now."

Donnie wanted to thank you, but the moment he locked eyes with those (e/c) eyes, his breath got caught in his throat.

The sun had changed it's hue to a warmer color giving you a heavenly glow. Your clear eyes, framed by those long lashes gave you the impression of tranquility, topped with a genuinely pure smile, and the breeze slightly swaying your hair like a gentle caress.

You looked like a sun-kissed prairie.

It left his heart racing and his mouth feeling dry.

Donatello knew you were handsome. But now without the pretense of finding error or being anxious about others, he finally got the moment to actually take a good look at you.


"I hope we meet again, Donatello!" You bid him one last smile and walked away from the awestruck mutant. But before you could disappear from his sight, you quickly turned around and gave him a quick wink "I'll be waiting for your call, 'kay~?"

The mutants heart started beating faster. "D-Don't say it like that!" He huffed.

You only laughed in return.

He wanted to sucker punch you for laughing at him like that!

"Grrr.... Curse that guy!" He groaned in irritation, but still ever so grateful for you reaching out.

Back at the sewers, Donnie tried his best to get back as fast as he could.

It was slightly difficult, carrying food and the flower pot. Your number was already saved in his T-phone, but for some reason, he couldn't part with the small piece of paper you gave him. So he kept it between the straps on his wrists.

Thankfully his brothers were all still asleep so he was able to get into his lab without anyone noticing.

Donnie sighed in relief once he closed the door. He thought it was all clear, but then he stopped mid track when he saw the redhead sitting on his desk.

"A-A-April!" Donnie jumped, barely managing to balance the heavy pot and food when the paper from his wrist bands slip and fell on the ground.

Donnie gulped when April walked up to him to pick the paper up, immediately recognising the owner of those digits.

"Donnie?" She eye'd the gifts in his arms "Can we talk?"

Uh oh....

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