family // bnha

By elisimone_

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bnha x big sister!oc class 1a needs more adult support, let's be honest... AU where eli midoriya, pro-hero, a... More

an exciting (for me) update


6.5K 235 56
By elisimone_

***hi guys, small reminder that my characters are awkward despite their power lmao***

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When Eli woke up, she was fucking surrounded. 

Kota laid on her chest, curling up into a ball as one of her arms was wrapped around him. Izuku was to her right, curled up and holding her hand, and Shoto was on the other side with one of his hands holding a part of Eli's clothing. 

Katsuki was sprawled out towards the end of the bed with a blanket tossed over him and Himiko laid upside down with her head resting on Katsuki's legs. 

'Maybe I should move her, Katsuki isn't a peaceful sleeper,' Eli pondered. 

Hitoshi wasn't exempt from this either and was laying halfway on the bed literally holding on to Eli's leg like a koala. 

Peering over at the time, she looked to see it was 6:28 am. 

She had to get up and make breakfast and all that jazz. And of course, have like an hour of no children. 

So, with a sigh, Eli slowly removed herself from the crowd of children. First, she had to take her hand from Izuku, adjusting her hold on Kota, to slither out of his hold. She had to remove Shoto's hand from her shirt next, which wasn't too hard either. 

The hardest part was getting Hitoshi to let go of her leg, but somehow she managed that as well. She then huffed, standing up beside the bed, still holding Kota. She moved Himiko away from Katsuki's legs, putting her where she once laid, and then lastly tried to place Kota down. 

She froze when she heard the little boy groan. 

"Mama?" he called. 

Eli's entire body froze, her body going through a small fritz as she tried her best not to scream at the top of her lungs. 

'Did he just-' 

'No, no, no, he's half asleep, no need to do that,' her own thoughts interrupted. 

"Sh, sh, go back to sleep honey," she told him. 

His black eyes blinked up at her tiredly, and he nodded before he closed his eyes and was out like a light once again. She breathed a small sigh of relief and placed him down beside Himiko before she crept away and out of the room. 

When she got downstairs, she found 2 distinct individuals bickering over coffee. 

"Morning boys," she said with a small wave, going over to the fridge and looking inside to grab the sugar-free coffee creamer and decaf cold brew inside. 

"Morning E," Touya said as she walked over to where they were, sitting down on a stool in between them.

The 3 literally looked worn out. 

Despite all the good things that had happened, like the stuff with Endeavour being over, the judge/lawyer Takahashi Asami being willing to handle the divorce between Rei and Endeavour, all the kids being happy, and the semester almost over, that in no way meant they weren't tired. 

Touya, who was getting used to his skin not being as scared as it used to, was wearing a pair of black sweats and a black tank top. Keigo wore something similar, except his color scheme of choice was grey and a white cropped tank top. 

Eli had on a pair of brown sweats and a black cropped bandeau top that was tied in the back with criss-cross fabric strings.  

"I'm holding you to your promise E, just so you know," Touya said sipping his coffee, inching next to her just to irritate her. 

Eli rolled her eyes, pushing him away as she made herself a cup of iced coffee. 

"Yeah whatever," she said. 

"And what promise was this?" Keigo asked. 

Touya smirked. 

"Eli promised to let me give her a tattoo of my choice, anywhere I want," Touya answered. Keigo's eyes widened as he looked at  Eli with astounded eyes. 

"Have you lost your fucking mind?" he asked, sipping his cup of tea as he did. 

"What's another tattoo?" Eli said shrugging taking a sip of her coffee to see how she liked it before she nodded and decided it was fine. 

She got up to put the stuff away and grab an ice tray. 

"That's like saying 'what's another child'?" Keigo chided. 

Touya almost spits out his drink as he tried not to laugh too loudly at that. Eli was right behind him, hunched over, covering her mouth from spewing her drink all over them. 

She chuckled again, sitting in between them with her drink in hand, sipping casually from the straw. She shrugged again as she sighed. 

"Watch him tattoo his name on like my ass," Eli said, Keigo chuckling hard he thought about it. 

"He puts Dabi on one cheek, and Touya on the other," Keigo added, their laughs only increasing as Touya rolled his eyes. 

"I can't believe you two think so lowly of me," Touya said mocking his offense. 

"Oh please, you think lower of yourself than I ever could," Keigo shot at him, Eli completely losing herself in laughs and giggles, trying her hardest not to be too loud because all the kids were still asleep. 

"Looks like you two are getting close," Eli said chuckling, patting Keigo's back a bit. 

"Oh no, no, no, I saw that kiss you gave hot wings here. Looks like you two are the ones getting close," Touya shot back. 

Keigo blushed, but Eli just rolled her eyes. 

"What, you feeling left out, you want a kiss too?" Eli joked before she remembered a certain conversation they had. 

"On second thought don't answer that," Eli said, sipping her coffee. 

[2 days ago]

"So you want to tell me why you all of a sudden got so heartfelt in that bathroom?" Eli asked as she jumped and sat on the counter of the sink. 

They were in the bathroom again, the only difference being that it was around 2 in the morning. 

"Are you fucking stupid?" Touya asked, Eli's eyes widening a bit before she leaned against the mirror behind her. 

"Shit, maybe," she answered, making Touya huff as he wore a ghost of a smile. 

"E, riddle me this, how long have we known each other?" he asked. 

"I'd say almost 10 years now," Eli said. 

"You know typically when people have long-lasting friendships like this, feelings may arise, huh, huh are you picking up what I'm putting down?" Touya laid out as clearly as he possibly could. 

He didn't want to come out and say he'd been in love with her for roughly 5 years now and probably liked Keigo a little more than he should. In his head and at the end of the day, they were best friends, and nothing would ever change that. 

And he wasn't even sure if she felt the same. 

Part of the reason he was even telling her now is that he was fully aware that if she did like him the way he did her, it would take her much longer to realize it. 

I mean it took him 5 years, and another 5 to work up the balls to just tell her. 

Eli had kids, she called them her brothers and they referred to her as their big sister, but those were her kids, even Shoto. He didn't even know what Kota thought of her even though he was positive the little asshole was attached beyond belief. 

'What time could she even have for someone like me?' he thought. 

"Are you saying you like me, in like... that way?" Eli asked. 

Touya gave her a deadpanned look, and looking at his face, Eli could tell that was a yes. 

Eli flushed immediately, and her Quirk activated on accident making her hair float around nervously. Her eyes although remained green as she covered her mouth her hand in astonishment. 

"Why-why is that so surprising?" Touya said crossing his arms as he shook his head in frustration, his ears burning red at the small confession. 

Eli had a thought. 

"Wait, wait before we go on, how can you um... tell?" she asked, genuinely curious. 

'Do I like him too? Is that why this is so fucking embarrassing right now?' Eli asked herself, her mind borderline frantic. 

"What do you mean how can I tell?! Eli every time you look at me you have this like-- thing in your eyes and I get nervous and then all of sudden I have to throw up, and then--" Touya sighed, rubbing his face with his hands. 

Eli's eyes widened, her hair only rising higher, fully revealing her red, flustered eyes. 

"Is that what that is?" she muttered. 

Touya finally looked at her, seeing how she fidgeted a bit and how her eyes were red and embarrassed. 

"No fucking way..." he trailed off, a half-smile, half-gaping look growing on his mouth. 

"So you..." Touya pointed at her and then at himself. 

"I don't know! I just-- I know the feeling..." she trailed off, taking a peek at him, only for her eyes to burn brighter, forcing herself to look away. The small mental image of Keigo coming to mind didn't help her out either. 

Touya couldn't help but laugh a bit. 

'Her eyes always give it way don't they?' he pondered. 

He sighed, walking closer to her, stopping his feet when he was maybe a foot away. 

"I-I... I don't know if I have an answer right now, but I promise I'll have one before the meeting," Eli said, referring to Endeavour. 

For once, Touya didn't sneer at the mention of him, too focused on the woman in front of him. 

He couldn't help himself as he inched closer, feeling Eli stiffen as he stepped between her legs on the sink, softly putting his hands on her cheeks, his thumb rubbing one softly. 

Eli closed her eyes, too nervous to even look at him, and Touya melted a bit at the side of the woman that many outside the house they were in didn't see. 

They just saw a girl, a girl almost capable of everything, a girl only incapable of losing. But here she was flustered and nervous as the person she... felt things for told her he felt things for her too. 

Touya leaned forward and placed a small kiss on her forehead. 

"I would never expect an answer too soon, much less from you idiot," Touya chuckled removing one of his hands from her face to flick the place he'd just kissed. 

"But, since you promised, if you don't I get to give you a tattoo, anywhere I want of anything," he joked, only half-serious. 

Eli's eyes sprang open as she heard his laugh and she calmed down. 

She chuckled at the man in front of her before shrugging and nodding. 

She hopped from the ledge of the sink, standing right in front of him, but having to look up at him a bit since he was taller than her. 

She gave him a grateful smile before she wrapped her arms around him.

"You're on," 

They laughed into the hug, pulling away and doing a small handshake before they exited the bathroom. 

Although nothing really had been resolved, Touya was happy, happy that he'd gotten that off his chest, and happy that maybe, just maybe, he wasn't alone in his feelings. 


Eli and Touya looked to one another, only briefly. She smirked, and looked away, directing her attention back to her drink with a small smile still on her face. Touya's chest swelled with pride before he too turned away from her to walk towards the fridge. 

Keigo forced himself to pretend he hadn't seen it. 

 Hours later they were at work. Touya was of course in the main office. He wouldn't tell anyone other than Eli and maybe Keigo but he did kind of like his job in the main office, especially since Midnight would come in occasionally and gossip to him.

It was the highlight of his day. 

But, unfortunately, Nemuri aka Midnight couldn't be here to tell him who was sleeping with who or how her date with the Pro-Hero Ms.Joke went last week because today was the day before Final Exams. 

And according to Eli, they'd certainly be interesting. 

They were discussing the match-up between the students, Eli looking at the student diligently as possible. 

"Given the situation, I do not think it is a good idea to pair up any of the Midoriya's," Principal Nezu said firstly, small chuckles going around the room, even from Eli. 

"Eli?" Toshinori asked, for further elaboration. Eli sighed and shrugged with a small smile on her face.

"Well, they may have a bit of an advantage since they know each other so well," Eli said taking her brother's files out of the mix and pushing them forward. 

'That and the fact that they'd been creating their own tag-teaming moves since they were 13,' Eli thought. 

"Shoto hasn't though, so maybe he's a special case," Eli offered. 

"Shoto is generally doing good, but he typically relies on brute force, I'd planned on pairing him with Yaoyarozu, erase both their Quirks, and take advantage of their lacking in close combat," Shouta spoke up. 

Eli pursed her lips and said nothing, a knowing look dancing in Keigo's eyes as the two didn't dare to look at each other. 

Eli looked down at the files with a blank, content look on her face, her hand moving to Keigo's thigh to tap out the words 'DONT TELL' on his thigh in morse code. 

Keigo wrinkled his nose and coughed away a smug smile as the teachers began to talk. 

The students were under the impression that they'd be fighting the robots they did during the entrance exams, but due to safety issues, it'd change to the teachers. 

But then again, the teachers were also under the impression that the reason they were pairing up the students the way they were, was because of what they thought to be their student's weaknesses. 

It was completely rational on their part, but Eli had personally seen Momo bodyslam Ojiro during training last week at their house. Just like she'd seen Shoto land a punch on Hitoshi's cheek when they were sparring Quirkless. 

That was the only rule at Eli's house really when it came to training and when it came to others joining their training. 

Sparring was always Quirkless unless Eli said otherwise. 

Eli believed that it didn't matter what kind of hero you were trying to be, you had to know basic hand-to-hand combat because realistically speaking whoever you're fighting won't care that you're just a support hero. 

Plus, Momo came to her disappointed after the Sports Festival anyway, and they'd been working on her response time ever since. 

Keigo pats her thigh in agreement, and the 2 leaned back in their chairs as they watched the teachers pair the students up. And despite the original plan to not pair any of the Midoriya siblings up, the lineup was this. 

Katsuki and Izuku v All Might. 

'Terrible idea, but alright,' Eli thought. 

Tsu and Fumikage v Ectoplasm. 

Denki and Mino v Nezu.

'Hm, they studied really hard for exams, not to mention they trained really hard too, just maybe...' Eli pondered. 

Kirishima and Sato v Cementos.

'Oooohh, I wonder if Kiri will use what I taught him?' Eli thought. 

Tenya and Ojiro v Powerloader.

Shoto and Momo v Erasure.

Eli had to admit she was antsy for this one. 

Ochaco and Aoyama v Thirteen.

Koda and Jiro v Present Mic.

'This one is just mean,' Eli giggled in her mind. 

Hagakure and Mezo v Snipe.

Hitoshi and Hanta v Midnight.

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Now, here Eli stood in her hero suit among the teachers, Kota on her hip as she leaned on the back wall as the others explained to students how the exam would go. Opening her eyes, she saw how nervous they looked, so she stood up a little straighter and walked to stand beside Shouta. 

"Uhm, Eli-sensei?" Momo asked once the explanation is over, and behind her trailed a good 10 other students. 

"Do you think that I'll... that I'll even be able to-" Eli cut her off quickly. 

"Let's get one thing straight kiddos," Eli started with. 

"I don't help people that are lost causes, so clearly there's something in there that I saw, now do me a favor," Eli said, looking right at Momo as she said this. 

"Put Shouta on his ass for me," Eli whispered with a smirk. 

Momo giggled wildly, among the other students as well. 

"I'm serious because it appears they don't know about your training with me, so I left it that way," she told the students tossing them a wink. 

"Awesome Eli-sensei," Kirishima cheered, instantly turning to Sato as the two began animatedly talking about their final. 

Eli handled the approximate weights needs and other things needed for all the teachers and eventually left them to take their finals. There was nothing really she could do for them, and plus she did have an appointment today that would take place while they did this. 

She knew she didn't have to worry about any of them, especially not her own kids, and was excited to hear their stories at the dinner table tonight. 

So, here she stood in the parking lot of Miruko's Hero Agency with Kota, looking at the large building with wide eyes. 

"Hm, she's got style now," Eli muttered as she unstrapped Kota's car seat, and pulled a case from the car. She dropped the handle, letting it sit on the floor before she got Kota out. 

"You want to walk today?" she asked and Kota blushed a bit before he shook his head. 

Eli could only chuckle as she lifted him up on her hip and kisses his cheek, the small boy giggling as she locked the car up and continued on her way. 

"Eli, what are we doing here?" Kota whispered in her ear as they walked through the doors of the facility. 

'They could use better security,' Eli pondered. 

"I make hero suits, so that's what we're here to do," she told him with a small smile. 

"Can I help?!" Kota asked suddenly excited. Eli giggled and nodded.

"Kinetic?" a voice called through the lobby portion of the building making Eli look away from Kota to see Miruko standing with a large grin on her face, wearing her hero costume of course. 

"Miruko," Eli said wearing a small smile, bowing just a little. 

"No need for that, I should be the one bowing, you're the best hero suit maker out there, remember?" she asked. 

Eli and Miruko hadn't really spoken since she made her first suit, and since then Miruko had gone and became the no. 5 hero, which didn't really give either of them time to really talk to each other. The time in between gave the crush Eli had on her time to completely dissipate. 

Although, Eli only laughed with a shrug. 

"Maybe, maybe not," she replied wearing a smug grin. 

Liking the look on her face, Miruko grinned and looked at Kota curiously. 

"And who's this little guy?" she asked, placing her hands on her hips, prompting Kota to unsuccessfully hide a bit more into Eli. 

"Ah, this is my partner for today," Eli said, nuzzling her cheek against the shy Kota's, a small giggle coming from the small boy. 

Miruko, despite the tough woman she was, felt a little warm at the interaction. 

"Now, is there anywhere, in particular, you want to take your measurements and all that fun stuff," Eli asked. 

"Oh, yea, come on," Miruko said waving them over. 

"E-Eli, can I walk?" Kota whispered in her ear. 

Although confused, Eli obliged and placed him down, even more, surprised to see him take the rolling case from her and pull it himself. Eli giggled every so softly and pat his back. 

"You go, little man," Miruko told Kota as she saw the little guy pull the case in the room she was leading them. 

Miruko and Eli chuckled lightly together before getting on with it. 

"So how exactly does this work, I've heard from Edgeshot that your process is a little different now," Miruko voiced. 

The woman had been biting her tongue since she got here, because most people, usually corporations, would just send a stand-in for all the little stuff like measurement and little details. 

But luckily, Eli wasn't a corporation, she was just Eli. And Miruko knew this. In fact, she missed the pair of friends that they used to be. They'd met in a gym that was meant for heroes to work out, and became gym buddies since they both focused on upper and lower body muscle mass. 

"Put the case over there honey, thank you," Eli said before she looked at Miruko. 

"Really, he said that?" Eli asked as she waved over Kota, who scrambled back over to her, placing his hands on her legs as he watched the room around him with careful eyes. 

Eli only glanced at him as she reached down and pat his head before pulling her phone from her pocket.

"Yea, I think the specific word he used was unorthodox though," the fellow hero spoke up, looking at the case rather curiously.  

She watched as Eli pressed a couple of buttons, the case unfolding into a small(ish) studio-like workshop that had unnamable items on the walls that the case had folded into. 

"I guess that's a compliment coming from him, I know his name is Edgeshot, but that guy is beyond edgy," Eli said with a huff of laughter as she walked over to the small studio, pulling measuring tape and other things from it before turning back to a surprised Miruko. 

"Now, while I'm taking your new measurements, you want to tell me what you want out of the costume?" Eli suggested, giving a small bag to Kota before taking out her measuring tape. 

With wide eyes, Miruko almost stiffened, but look at Eli with a large grin before placing her hands on her hips. 

"Just call me Rumi, like you used to," the woman said. 

Surprised, Eli lifted her hair and smile back at the woman as well. 

"Then just call me Eli... like you used to," 

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"You should've seen the look on All Might's face when I hit the nerd with my Howitzer Impact," Katsuki laughed like the menace he is. 

Izuku laughed along with him, grinning wildly with bandages wrapped around his middle and chest. 

"I bruised up my arm punching All Might, but I didn't break it and I was going 20 FUCKING PERCENT!" Izuku said excitedly (ferally), but Eli could only laugh at his excitement. 

She would've thrown him a look for cursing around Kota, who was seated beside her at the dinner table, but she was very excited to hear about their exams. Eli didn't really like watching them fight, she actually liked to avoid seeing it ever because it took a lot out of her to not jump in the ring and pummel whoever laid a hand on them. 

The Sports Festival was an exception, because well... they were fighting each other. 

"Momo and I coordinated our attacks almost perfectly," Shoto spoke up, Hitoshi spitting out his water and looking at Shoto as if he'd grown a third head. 

"Please, Momo hit Aizawa-sensei so hard in his knee I thought his career was over for a minute," Hitoshi said playfully pushing Shoto's arm making the bi-colored boy laugh a bit, a genuine laugh that Eli and Touya couldn't help but soften at. 

"Nee-chan, Sero-kun used his tape and Hito used his scarf to overwhelm Midnight-sensei, kind of like when you and Aizawa-sensei team up," Izuku said with an excited grin. Beside his bowl of ramen, he had 'Hero Notebook No.15' which he told Eli he dedicated to class 1-A alone with the few additions of Touya, Keigo, Himiko, and herself. 

Eli laughed a little at that, choosing to say nothing so that they could get out all their excitement to make room for the excitement she was about to put on the table. 

"The whole class passed, so now all of us get to go to Training Camp!" Izuku beamed, earning a shove from Katsuki, who did so just because he felt like it. 

"Nee-chan, do I get to go, even though I'm not a hero?" Himiko asked her with a small pout. 

"Of course, you can, I don't see why not," Eli told her with a small smile, watching as the blonde girl cheered and hastily embraced Katsuki and Shoto, who she sat in the middle of. 

And one look from Eli kept Katsuki from lighting fireworks at the sudden affection. He huffed, accepting his fate. Shoto on the other hand didn't really react and kept eating his cold soba. 

"But-" Eli said, the table quieting at her suddenly serious tone. 

"We have some things to do before Training Camp," Eli told them. Touya coughed (laughed) under his breath because he knew what she was about to tell them, Keigo also placing a firm hand on his mouth to cover up a smile. 

Of course, she'd told them. She needed all the help she could get on their little vacation. It was one thing to have all of them at home, but another on an island. 

"What is it?" Hitoshi asked. 

Eli pulled an envelope that enclosed 9 tickets from her back pocket and 2 letters that sat atop of them all from David Shield, a dear friend of Eli's. One of the letters although was just for Katsuki. 

Katsuki got to the tickets first, hard red eyes staring at the letters. 

"They're inviting me to I-Island?" Katsuki breathed out, his face nothing but a mirror for disbelief as his eyes darted back and forth between the paper in hand and the people around them. 

"Perks of winning the Sports Festival firecracker," Eli said as she rounded the table and ruffled the explosive blonde hair. 

The table erupted in cheers at the news. 

"That's great news Kacchan!" Izuku said, Himiko right beside him in their excitement. 

"Yeah, Suki!" Himiko said shaking his semi-frozen shoulder.

"Seems all that anger paid off," Hitoshi said giving a hard pat on his back, wearing something of a lazy smile earning a small glare from Katsuki. 

Shoto nodded along encouragingly, throwing up a thumbs up, and wearing a proud smile directed towards Katsuki. Katsuki warmed, filled with pride, almost blushing from all the praise he was getting so the boy put on a cocky smile and allowed Eli to pat his head and rub his back as much as she wanted. 

"But, wait, there's more," Eli said with a grin, putting her hand out over the letter she'd received that sat on the table and sliding it across about a foot, revealing all the tickets. 

"We're all going!" Eli said. 

Cheers erupted louder than every before around the table. 

4491 words

forgive me, school is kicking my ass 

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