
By VanessBoO

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Kelly has been forced to live with her crush for a year. But unfortunately, he doesn't turn out to be the typ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 2

207 24 9
By VanessBoO

My phone alarm rang at 5:00 a.m. and I woke up abruptly. I turned it off and set my timer for five more minutes. I did that until my second alarm rang for 5:30. I wake up at 5:30 every morning because I always sleep past my alarm I set for 5:00. I love to get ready and read in the morning so that is exactly what I do.

I took a nice bath, brushed my teeth, and turned on my iPad. I was currently reading Cinder from the lunar series. My hair was in a tight ponytail above my head. I never let my hair down unless I am fixing my ponytail. No one has seen my hair down before and I plan to keep it that way. My blonde hair stretches all of the way down to my waist.

I sat down on my bed and started reading. When I read, I get lost in my book. Sometimes you cannot stop me from reading until I am finished reading the section, chapter, or boo

An hour later, there was a knock at the door. "Come in!" The doorknob turned and Hannah stepped in. "Honey, it is your turn to shower." She saw me all dressed up and laughed. "Well I see you are already finished. We are going to be leaving for a business dinner with Marcus. Get ready because we are leaving in an hour." I looked down. "I am ready." She looked surprised. "Sweetheart. No. You are not going in that. We better get you ready".

Twenty minutes later and Hannah put me in a gorgeous scarlet dress and beautiful red pumps. I looked beautiful. My hair was still in a ponytail and thought it would remain that way until Hannah tapped me on the shoulder.

"Take out your scrunchy. I know how much you keep that in your hair. Your father told me. Take it out. I am going to spoil you if you are going to live in the same house with me". "But..." She put her fingers to her lips to shut me up and pulled the scrunchy out of my hair.

Who knew she was so fast with a curling iron? Probably because she was using a high quality curling iron. In fifteen minutes she was finished and I reluctantly looked in the mirror. I looked like myself but just with curly hair and makeup. I still didn't look like one of those models. I thanked her and hurried downstairs as fast as the red heels would take me. When I finished descending the stairs, Marcus came out of the kitchen.

"Oh. Look at you. You are beautiful." I smiled and bowed. He walked up the stairs and came back with a tie.

Ryan came out of the kitchen and started staring at me. His mouth dropped open but he caught himself and recovered quickly. He smiled. His smile looked devious but his eyes were thoughtful.

"Wow. Such an improvement. You still look like a troll". He walked away laughing. I bit my lip to stop the tears from coming out. It worked. I didn't want to destroy my makeup. I didn't know he was such a jerk.

We were five minutes early for the dinner and took our seats at the reserved table with their last names on it.

The place looked like something you would take out of the Cinderella story. It was beautiful and full of elegance. I took a seat next to Kevin. The other seats were taken and so Ryan had to sit next to me. I could already feel the electricity spreading through my body. I was still mad at what he said because I felt really hurt. He still made me blush and feel weird

While the adults were talking, I couldn't help but neglect my food. Don't get me wrong, I ordered a chicken salad and it was the best I have ever tasted. I didn't really have an appetite after what Ryan said to me but deep inside, I knew that already. I have always known I wasn't beautiful.

The night would have been fine if it wasn't for Ryan. I thought that I wouldn't have to worry about him for a while until he started kicking me under the table

"Stop" I tried my very best to whisper. He smirked and then pinched my thigh. I winced quietly in pain. "Please stop it hurts". His face got red but he kicked me one more time before stopping. "I wish you were pretty". I wished the exact same thing too.

It was finally time to go back to school. Winter break was finally over. I was awake really early. There was going to be a test for every subject today. If I just relaxed I would pass with no hesitation and maybe Ryan wouldn't call me stupid anymore. Ever since the dinner. he had been calling me stupid and ugly and so many other things when Hannah and Marcus weren't looking. I knew if I cried, he would still not be satisfied. Kevin didn't even pay attention to me unless Ryan was making fun of me. He would join in with Ryan even though I do not remember doing anything to either of them.

I walked into my first period class with the determination of passing and the motivation that Ryan might like me. I sat down and my teacher reviewed some things with us. I was paying full attention and she told me to answer a question that you would have to use a calculator for. "33.3 repeating is the answer Mrs. Bronso". She typed in the question into the calculator and beamed at me. "Correct". Usually I would have broke down under pressure when they randomly called on me but today I had a rush of adrenaline inside me. I felt unstoppable.

The test was really easy and so were the others. I can't believe that being under pressure could make me so dumb. Our scores would be posted on Friday. Hillary and I walked to her house together ranting about how easy the test was. She was so proud of me. We hugged and walked inside. I still didn't tell her that I was living with Ryan. I don't think I ever will.

I woke up at 5:30 and got ready like I usually did. There was a slight pounding in my head so I decided not to read today. I laid down on my bed and started thinking. I wasn't thinking about anything in particular but I let my thoughts flow out of my head. It felt really good to relax for a while and three minutes later I had drifted to sleep. There was a pounding at my door. It was at first quiet and then after a short pause, it got louder.

"Wake up! School starts in thirty minutes! Get your ugly self out of the bed!" It was Ryan. I guess his parents had already gone to work or he wouldn't be insulting me this early in the morning.

It felt great to rest a little more before school. My hair was already back in my signature look. (The Ponytail) I hoisted my one-handed book bag over my right shoulder and walked out of my bedroom. Ryan was leaning on my door and when I opened it, he abruptly pulled himself up. "Wow. Once a troll, always a troll". I walked past him and rolled my eyes. As I was opening the front door, I felt a strong hand grasp my shoulder. My body had suddenly gone tense.

"Wait! Hold up!" "What?" I hid my shock behind a mask of anger. His face had gone a little pale. "I'm sorry. I wanted to get your attention and I wasn't going to be nice because I didn't want to look weak. Can we start over?" The smile gave me hope that one day, I would be a Mrs. Selow. I smiled trying to hide the excitement in me. "Well it is a ten minute walk to school and we have an hour. I guess we could have breakfast". The awkwardness suddenly chilled the air causing me to shiver. The smile he gave me was devious but still gave me warmth. "I would like that".

We spent thirty minutes eating, talking, and laughing at past experiences. He was fun to talk to and I felt like I could tell him everything. I knew that the note I had written for him was in my book bag but it didn't feel right to give it to him or I would ruin the moment with awkwardness.

We arrived at school ten minutes earlier. Ryan started walking towards his friends. "Bye Ryan". He looked down and continued walking. I guess he didn't hear me. I walked up to him and the circle of people around him. "I said bye Ryan". My hands were now waving back and forth in front of his face.

His friends sneered. "Excuse me, do you need something?" He furrowed his brow and tried to look confused. "No I don't. Stop acting like that". "Look, if you are another girl trying to ask me out, I don't date trolls". His friends burst into laughter and I felt the blood rise to my cheeks. I turned my back on him and stomped towards Hillary. "What ha-" I glared at her. "I don't want to talk about it".

Thanks guys as I said, it would take longer for me to upload now.  I hoped you enjoyed. Byezzzz

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