The Midnight Art Gallery | J...

By CupcakesFfs_

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"You See? Even If You want to end yourself, even after all the effort in trying to Make yourself Disappear. I... More



452 44 33
By CupcakesFfs_

He get Up from the bed as he got In front of the Glass wall which was there, dang. rich. As he reached the glass wall he saw the view, It was Early morning. The place definitely wasn't Seoul Neither Busan. Nor Korea.

"It's New York"

"Woah...But what am I doing here?"

"Try to find out. Search the place scan your phone to find out about your Position in this life"

Jungkook Thought she had a Point. So he get back to the bed and Open some Drawers and Check some places on Side table. He find a Paper..some things were written on it. He read them in mind.

9:30 Am Music Class.
11:50 Am Instrument Class.
1:40 Pm Lunch With bella and Yoongi.
5:30-6:30 Pm Dance Practice.
7:30 Pm At the Studio.

"I guess that's your schedule for today.."

Yeah Maybe- wait-

"I didn't said it out loud how did-"

"Here I can read your mind too. Alright that's it. I won't interrupt more. So all the best if you need any help just take my name in your mind I'll reply"

Jungkook Just didn't replied and Took the phone which was under the Pillow which he found while setting the bed. He quickly Turn it on with his Finger Print. He saw a dog's picture as his wallpaper.

Who's Dog is this...

Untill he hears a Bark. He flinched and jumped on the bed in flex. He screamed a Little in his Normal Voice then he saw. A Male Doberman Dog. Looking healthy in a way. Is big.. enough that someone will call that he's a Grown up but Jungkook can tell that he's still a baby. They Grow big earlier then their age. He shout again as the dog jumped along with Jungkook on the bed.

He Fell Down On the bed as the Bed slightly Creak, The dog started to lick Jungkook's Face as he was confusingly trying to calm the dog down. The dog bark maybe asking for food?
Jungkook tries to grab the dog while Hugging him from his neck and then rub his chest a little as the dog wiggled his tail. A smile came across Jungkook's face.

He did that again seeing the dog happy so he grab the dog's Side face and Play with him, Playing with His ears while the dog calmed down.

"Aigoo...You are so cute and I was thinking that you were gonna bite me" he mumbled as the dog can hear him but can't understand. So he just barked and Licked Jungkook's Chin this time as Jungkook back off while rising his chin and giggled. He wrap his hand around the dog's neck again and Opened the Phone with his Other Hand.

There was written down beside on the left corner.

Jeon Bam.

"Woah. Bam..So I have a Dog in this Life" Bam Barked hearing his name came from his Owner's Mouth. Jungkook Smiled and Get off from the bed to Call Bam with him to look around the Apartment.

After Visiting The washroom he came to Kitchen, Opened some Cabinets and all. Found a Pack of Dog good so he Feed Bam and then Found some Cereal and Milk In the Fridge so He feed himself too with Bam Sitting besides him on the ground while him on the Counter.

"Ay...You were Hungry I guess. You're eating Good" he smiled as Bam finished his Food, Jungkook did the same and then wash his Dish and pour Some Water on Bam's Bowl as he drank the water while Making Noises and Messing it around.

He Look at his wrist watch. It was a New one which he never saw in his life. Fifteen Minutes Left for it to be 9:30. He suddenly got a Call he Look at the caller ID.

Yoongi Hyung.

He doesn't Knows any Yoongi in his Actual Life. But he's living his Another life so he picked the call after clearing his Voice.



Jungkook Was Taken a Back. He Run his Mind then it Hit him.

"Yeah Yeah Hello, Yoongi Hyung"

"Hm, Better. Where Are You?"


"You haven't even Leave your place yet? When are you gonna arrive then?"

"Ah...I don't know..."

"Gosh- Are You still sleepy? Man Go grab your car keys and Rush to here at the Golden music!"

Ahh... that's the place.

"Alright ...Hyung"

He cut the call and Grabbed his Car keys. He looked back and saw Bam Looking up at him while sitting like a Good Boy After Making a mess on the ground. He Took his Tongue out Happily. Jungkook Laughed a Little and Squat down towards him and said while Patting his Head.

"I'll be back soon. I hope you won't make this place more messy"

Bam Barked at him like a Soldier and Jungkook Smiled at him Before Leaving the apartment.


As He Enters the Place he saw Many People There, seems like Students Cause they were Sitting In front of their Instruments. Ah...Piano.

He saw a Man who walks towards him, Tall But Not Taller then Jungkook But Perfect Height for him with his Lean Body with Pale Skin, His... walking style shows How Bored he is right now lol.

"Yah, where the hell were you? Everyone is here" he asked to Jungkook. Jungkook look at him but don't know who he is then he Noticed the I'd Card he had around his neck.

Min Yoongi.
Age ; 28
Born on ; 9th March 1993

"Ah..Sorry Yoongi Hyung. I woke up Late" Jungkook somehow Catch up with his Questions, Yoongi Just made a Face scrunching His nose and asked "The hell were you doing Last night alone with yourself in your house??" Jungkook Was Confused again.

"Ah...Same Thing I always do...?"

"I knew it! Can You Like Stop for once a Day?"

"Stop what?"


"What!? I didn't meant that-!"

Jungkook's Face slowly started to Take a shade of red, He felt his heart Beating Fast In Embarrassment. Then he heard Yn's Voice behind His head laughing.

"Bro! I didn't Expected This! You're definitely Having fun in this life alone by yourself"

She Continued Laughing Jungkook Pout but said a "Shut Up" in His Mind as he slowly stopped hearing her Voice.

"I Slept Late Cause...I was Watching a Series! Yes! Why the hell would that." He again Covered himself Yoongi Just Gave him a Gummy...Cat Type smirk but Laughed It off. He Put his Hand Around Jungkook's Shoulder and Took him Behind the Piano...Which was in front of everyone. The Big One.

Why is he taking me to this Particular Piano.

"Alright Students. Teacher Jeon Jungkook is here finally. My Student But y'all's teacher. Give him a Clap!" Yoongi announced Making Jungkook's Jaw drop.

Since when the hell did I started to play Piano!? And Directly become a teacher!?

The Claps stopped as Yoongi Muttered some words In Jungkook's ear.

"Don't Embarrass me or yourself. You were the one who was requesting me for this yesterday" Now Jungkook have a dead face. He don't know what to do. He Gave Yoongi a Awkward smile then sat down near the seat placed behind the Big Piano.

I'm doomed.


And yes he was Doomed. He got fucked up when he started to play, Play what?

✨Twinkle Twinkle Little stars✨

"The Hell was that?" Yoongi asked him as while driving the car as Jungkook was sat besides him on the passenger seat.
"I don't know Hyung. Don't ask me" he said while sulking and pushing his Body down on the seat while Having a Pout made by his lips and Looking outside of the window.

It's raining...

"Alright alright, Be glad that I saved our Asses. If I wasn't there to Cover up then we were doomed" Yoongi replied back to him. Jungkook Let out a small "Sorry" for him to hear. Yoongi shook his head But suddenly Burst Out laughing.

"No Bro I mean- Seriously?? Twinkle Twinkle Little stars??" He laughed more harder Making Jungkook more Embarrassed. He Hit Yoongi's Forearm with his Left palm then right palm then Left again just like a dog Rubbing his Master's legs Sulking.



Why am I here...

Jungkook asked himself in his mind. Sitting besides Yoongi in a restaurant. And Guess who's sitting in front of them?


The same Bella he had crush in his Highschool Days. He doesn't knows how to react now. Yoongi and her are talking well But Jungkook is sitting there Awkwardly. Yoongi noticed it and lean down towards him and whispered.

"Why are you so Awkward? You good?"

He asked him but their Both's Gaze fall on Bella who stand up and Excused herself for washroom. They both smiled and Nodded at her. She left so Jungkook replied to Yoongi.

"Hyung? Why am I here though?" Yoongi looked at him and Answered. " give me Company? I don't know she had called one of her friend too but she haven't Arrived yet"
Yoongi replied to him. Jungkook still not understand.

"But why are we here though?" Now Yoongi was Clearly Confused. "What do you Mean by that? We had decided this a week ago that you will come with me to give me Company on my Date?" Now Jungkook looked at him with wide eyes. "Date? With whom?" Yoongi Looked at him now Frustrated with his Behavior "Obviously Bella" Jungkook Now had no expressions. He let out a "oh Yeah.." And Dig down in his plate to Eat His food and not face him anymore.

Yoongi didn't said anything But asked him "So..After this. At The Same place?"


"The Only Korean Food place here, every year you takes me there. You Forgot today's Date?"

Jungkook looked at his Smart watch to see the date, He Pretend to Know what's the thing he was talking about so he just said.

"Ah..Yeah yeah, alright..."


He Chug down One more Shot of Soju. Jungkook looked At him with Concern. Yoongi did the same with him thinking why he isn't Drinking that Much.

"Hyung you will get drunk"

"Isn't that The Point... that you Every Year brings me here on this day?" Yoongi replied to him. Jungkook was done now so he asked him. "Hyung, I don't feel well...Can You Remind me why are we here again?"

Yoongi look up at him, sighing he replied to his Question. "every year, On this day you brings me here to give you company. And to take not get Hovered with Regret. Regret of...Not picking up the call that night" Jungkook got Curious now. He wait for him to continue Yoongi noticed this so he continued Awkwardly.

"Call...from Your Mother's Number. You were that blinded by the hate. Hate that why your parents never supported you in this field. Why they never were like other parents. Why they always wanted you to do what they wanted. started to Ignore them while living here. And this Day...some years ago when your mom were at the edge of death surviving hardly, she called you but you didn't picked her call. And the Regret of that one mistake Eats you Every Second"

Jungkook's Heart felt Heavy, Trying Not to run his mind further he asked "What do you mean Regret..where is she right now?" He asked with his trembling voice. How the whole environment changed Between them both. Yoongi fixed his Posture. "Jungkook... she's No more. Why are you Behaving like you don't know what happened that day?"

His Heart Fall down from his Chest. He felt a sting on his Chest. He doesn't knows how to react. In his root life his Parents were healthy enough. Even though they weren't Close to him but he was happy that they were living Healthily. But this shocking News in this life made him Regret why he had to see this, why Experience this Moment right now.

"Jungkook, That's Past Now. Don't blame it on yourself alright" Yoongi tried to Comfort him finding the Obvious Regret on his face.

Then Jungkook Feel It, Realized that he doesn't wants this life. Never ever he would want this to happen. His heart still hurting by the information, the Regret of choosing this life now Making his Mind a Little Blurry. He pass out.

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