Mafia Stepbrothers | BTS FF

By diya17072006

56K 1.2K 224

Mafia Stepbrothers BTS FF A girl named y/n is a cold girl who hides many secrets within herself! what will... More

Character Introduction
Chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
An Insight of me
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 (wedding day-part 1)
Chapter 11 (wedding day- part 2)
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 4

2.5K 71 27
By diya17072006

BTS'S pov

We all reached our home

As soon as we got inside, we saw our dad sitting on the couch like a king, legs crossed while sipping the tea from his cup, the way he was sitting was intimidating and gave dominant vibes.
The moment we entered, Dad turned his gaze to us, staring directly at our souls.
He signalled us to come to the meeting room after we've freshen ourselves.
Dad looked pretty serious so we thought that it must be something important.
We immediately went to our rooms, changing ourselves into comfy clothes and then heading towards the meeting room!

They all entered the meeting room and sat on their respective places. No one uttered a single word until someone decided to break the awkward silence.

Namjoon: Dad you ok? Is something bothering you?
(He asked his dad who was looking a bit nervous and hesitant to say something)

Mr.Kim (BTS'S Dad): Actually I wanted to tell you all something.
(He said sighing tensely)

Jin: Dad if there is something bothering you then please tell us....
(He said concerned)

Suga: Is there someone who is trying to mess up with us?
(He asked in a suspicious tone after seeing his dad nervous)

Mr.Kim: No No it's nothing like that!

J-hope: If everything is ok in our business then what's the thing that is bothering you?

Jimin: Dad please directly come to the point!
(He said getting irritated because his dad was beating around the bush)

Mr.Kim: ActuallyIhaveagirlfriendandIloveheralotandwanttomarryherandwantedyoualltomeether!
(He said in one breath)

Jin: WHAT?!......Dad please say in human language.
(He said after not understanding any single word from his father's mouth)

Mr.Kim: Actually I have a girlfriend and I want to marry her and because of which I wanted you all guys to meet her.
(He sighed in relief after completing his sentence)



No one was able to even utter a single word, everyone had mixed reactions to the situation. Some were calm but it was the calm before the storm, some were fuming in anger and some were totally disappointed.

Jungkook: why?
(He asked in a low and a hurt voice as everyone Turned their gazes to him)

Everyone knew that Jungkook is still so much hurt by the past events and was still not able to get over it, he was hurt and till now that incident haunts him in his life.

It's not like other BTS members didn't remember about the past, they remember it but the one who was the most hurt was Jungkook. All of them wanted to forget it as it was the most painful feeling from which they have gone through!

They all saw their world shattering infront of them and all they could do is just stare silently!

Jungkook: I asked why?........ why?........... WHY NO ONE IS  ANSWERING MY QUESTION?
(He screamed loudly and started crying miserably)

All his hyungs couldn't see him like this, They were in pain seeing how he was crying miserably and helplessly!
All his hyungs got up from their seats and hugged the shorter one, ultimately making a group hug!

Soon everyone broke the hug and looked towards their dad aka Mr.Kim.

Mr.Kim: Sons first liste-
(His sentence was cutted in between by Jungkook)

Jungkook: Dad I respect you and your decision but let me tell you my decision also and that is I'm never gonna accept that lady of yours as my mother!
(He said in a drop dead cold voice and left the meeting room)

Mr.Kim: sons please try to-

Taehyung/Jimin: Dad even I'm not going to accept her and don't even except it from me.
(They both said and made their ways out of the meeting room)

J-hope/namjoon: we are also with maknaes and Don't except anything from us too!
(They both said in a cold and Harsh tone and got out of the room together)

Now only Jin, suga and Mr.Kim were left in the meeting room, there was still silence in the room, no one wanted to talk, the boys were extremely hurt and furious at their dad. sons please just for once listen to me, I really love her and she actually changed my life.

The most elder ones hugged their father like there is no tomorrow! They didn't wanted to see their dad pleading like this!

Jin/suga: we'll meet her and Don't worry about them, we'll convince others. thank you so much sons.

Suga: we will meet her but if she doesn't come up to our expectations then don't expect us to say yes! ok ok sons, first just meet her and I am sure you will like her and btw I wanted to say something more that she has a daughter too so.................. You all are soon going to have a younger sister!

Jin/Suga: WHAT!!!!! A SISTER!?!!!
(they said totally shocked and surprised) umm yes sons, you all are soon going to have a sister too!

Jin/suga: uh-ok dad, we will adjust.
(They said trying to adjust with the situation) Thank you so much kids.
(He said happily)

They all came out of the meeting rooms and made ways to their respective rooms.



Y/n's pov

I woke up when I heard my mom screamingly telling me to get ready for the school.
Lazily getting up from my bed, I made my way to the washroom to get freshen up.
After almost 15 minutes I got ready and made my way downstairs towards the dining table for the breakfast.

I greeted my mom good morning and In return she greeted me back.
She served breakfast to both of us and we started eating, we were silently eating until mom decided to break the silence.

Mom: Darling, I've to say you something
(She said nervously)

Y/n: yes mom, say I'm listening!
(She looked up from her plate to meet her mother's eyes)

Mom: No no, not now, when you will come back from the school na then I will tell you.

Y/n: uh-umm ok

Y/n: Mom, my breakfast is finish and now I'm going to school.
Bye bye mom.
(She said getting up from the dining table and making her way to the main door)

Mom: ok bye baby and take care.

She went out of her house, Hopped onto her bike and made her way towards the school.


Y/n's pov

I entered in school and was going to my respective class untill someone stopped me from entering into the class.

Jackson: Hey! Remember we met yesterday!
(He said smiling)

Y/n: Hi and now bye. And no I don't remember that we met yesterday!
(She said while trying to avoid him)

Y/n went inside the class which was of maths, wow, what a nice way of starting your day!

Unfortunately, y/n's first period was of maths, and not only first but second period was also of maths.

It means that she has to bear this torture for two hours.

She sat on her respective seat and now was waiting for the teacher to come inside the class!
Someone sat besides her, and she being not giving a shit to people around her types, just ignored that person.

Jackson: Hey, why you ignored me?
(He said whining)

Y/n: when I did?
(She said getting annoyed by him)

Jackson: you are doing it now!

Y/n: I'm not ignoring you, I'm just being annoyed by you. And if you can't see it then let me tell you, I'M BEING ANNOYED BY YOU SO JUST GO AWAY AS I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU!
(She screamed a little in frustration)

Jackson: you are an ungrateful bitch!

Y/n: I know it.

Jackson got up from the seat which was besides y/n and went away to sit somewhere else.

Now somebody else came and sat beside her.

Jimin: hey!
(He said trying to take y/n's attention)

Y/n: bye.

Jimin gritted his teeth in anger and wanting to beat the shit out of her but immediately controlled his anger.

Jimin: come on y/n, don't be this rude now!


Jimin: hey are you ignoring me?

Y/n: oh happy realisation!
(She said sarcastically)

Jimin: see I'm sorry for the way I acted earlier, can you please forgive us?

Y/n: ok I forgave you. Now please mind your own work.

Now Jimin was secretly smirking thinking that his plan worked.

Jimin: no, actually I want to invite you at my house for the thing that I did earlier, so it would be a pleasure if you would come!

Y/n looked at him with a blank face but from inside she was shocked that Jimin was inviting her to his house and she didn't even took a second to figure out that something is fishy.

Jimin: hey y/n, you are spacing out....... What happened? Would you come or not?

Y/n: no

Jimin: but why not?!

Y/n: see Jimin, I'm telling you don't test my patien-

Teacher came inside the class taking everyone's attention on her, all the students greeted her and the teacher greeted back with a small smile.

Jimin: hey, would you come or not?

Y/n: I already said no, and now Don't disturb me as Miss is already in the class.

Jimin: but-

Y/n: just shut up for god's sake.

After that Jimin didn't said anything and both of them started focusing on the class.
Soon the class ended and now it was break.
Everyone went to cafeteria and Jimin too went to cafeteria without saying anything to y/n as he was beyond pissed now.
Y/n was glad that Jimin ignored her as she also didn't wanted to talk with that guy, she also went towards the cafeteria for lunch.


Y/n's pov

The moment y/n entered the cafeteria, she saw some girls screaming......

Girl 2: Jimin oppa

Girl 7: suga oppa

Girl 9: Jin oppa

Girl 16: j-hope oppa

Girl 20: Namjoon oppa

Girl 19: Date me oppa

Girl 24: fuck me oppa

After seeing those girls screaming like this y/n thought that those girls are just unbelievable, do they even have some self-respect or not, tsk tsk so desperate to get into their pants!!...

Y/n just ignored them all and went to take her food, after taking her food, she sat at one of the tables in cafeteria and started eating her food alone. Well she loves spending time with herself rather than being with someone.

She was eating her food peacefully until someone came and poured ice cold water on her!

She looked up and saw 1,2,3,4,5 girls

Y/n: who the fuck are you?
(She said trying to hold her anger)

Irene: oh well, we are the queenakas of the school! And we are red velvet!

Y/n: so?

Seulgi: well, we want to talk to you as you are trying to steal something which is OURS!!

Y/n: and what is that thing?

Yeri: you are trying to steal our oppas, I'm warning you to stay away from them!

Y/n: and what if I don't?

(She said taking everyone's attention on her)

Y/n: no I don't know, mind telling me?

Author's pov

Now red velvet was more than pissed now, they thought to teach her a lesson infront of the whole cafeteria.

Some people sitting in cafeteria felt pity for y/n as red velvet was the 2nd biggest bullies after BTS! And some people were feeling satisfied and were eager to see what happens next!

Irene came infront of y/n and was going to punch her but before she could do that y/n grabbed her hand and twisted it and pushed Irene on the ground!

Now joy came and was going to kick her on her stomach but y/n grabbed her legs, kicked on her stomach Making joy stumble and fall back while groaning in pain!

And this time yeri, Wendy and seulgi charged on her together.
Without giving y/n any chance, yeri went and grabbed both of y/n's hands from behind while seulgi came infront of y/n and was going to kick her but before that y/n quickly freed her hands from yeri and went behind yeri and ultimately that seulgi's kick which was for y/n instead landed on yeri.
Yeri landed on floor with a thud sound, when Wendy and seulgi were distracted by the situation, y/n took the advantage and grabbed both of her hairs harshly, y/n banged both of her heads and kicked both of them one after the other making the last two also land on ground!

All 5 of them were on the ground groaning in pain, while the others sitting in the cafeteria were shocked like they have seen some alien.

After the fight, y/n just took her phone and went out of the cafeteria.

BTS'S pov

We thought to eat lunch in cafeteria today but those annoying bitches started screaming our name again, we ignored them and sat at our table.

We all were eating peacefully until heard someone screaming, we turned our heads and saw Wendy screaming at y/n, all the attention went towards them, we were just sitting quietly thinking what would happen next.

But the next thing made us shocked as hell!!!!
A fight broke out but one by one y/n defeated all of them and in a split second all were on the ground.

We all had different reactions, some were amazed, some were shocked some were totally furious!

We saw y/n going out from the cafeteria, everyone on the table was still shocked until Suga made us come back to the reality!

Suga: all of you close your mouths right now!!
(He said Making everyone come out of their worlds)

Namjoon: This girl always surprises me!

J-hope: yeah, seriously, this girl is actually a different piece!

Jin: yeah she is amazing right! We should go and make friendship with her? what say?

Everyone turned their heads towards him in shock, they were surprised by the fact that Jin wants to become friends with someone.

Again Jin is not the type of person who would want to become friends with someone, he usually stays with himself or with his brothers and not with anybody else and Infact Jin hates when someone interrupts his private life.

Jungkook: hyung are you on your right mind?

Jin: pabo, yes obviously I'm on my right mind.

Jimin: unbelievable, you are not our hyung, Jin hyung was never like this, who are you and tell us where is our original hyung?!

Namjoon: just shut up Jimin
(He said while giving a smack on Jimin's head)

Jimin: oww hyung!!
(He said rubbing the back of his head)

Namjoon: hyung, will you please tell us what is your actual motive behind trying to make y/n your friend?

Jin: there is no motive as such, I was just thinking that we all can be good friends!

Everyone was beyond shocked now!

Suga: why beating around the bush hyung? Just tell them directly that y/n is soon going to be our stepsister and her mom is our soon going to be stepmother!
And that is why you wanna make all of us her friend so that we will have a good bonding with y/n.

Maknae line: WHAT!!!!!!!!!????????

Suga: oh god, don't scream in my ear, basically yesterday when you all went out from the meeting room, we talked with dad and he told us everything about his so called girlfriend and his girlfriend's daughter, and yeah we pretty much did a background check on them and got to know that y/n is the one who is soon going to be our stepsister!

Jin: so would you guys accept her as your sister?

Maknae line: NEVER!!!!!!

J-hope/namjoon: From our side also it is a NO!!

Jin: but what is the problem in accepting her as your sister?

Taehyung: Everything is a problem hyung, she herself is the biggest problem and you are here asking what's the problem?

Suga: see, we can't do anything now, you all have to adjust even if you don't want to!

Jungkook: But-

Jin: No ifs and buts. Eat and then go.

Maknae line: fine then if she comes in our house as our stepsister, but let us tell you all, we three will never let her live peacefully!

Maknae line said this and got up from the seat in anger and left the cafeteria without finishing their food.

Soon the break ended and everyone went to their respective classes.


Soon the last period for the day ended and everyone packed their bags and made ways to exit the school.

BTS also came out of the school and went home in their limousine.

Y/n packed her bag in class and was also now making her way to get out from the class but someone harshly pulled her back and pinned her to the nearby wall!!!

Y/n: what do you want now?huh? I already told you that I don't want to talk to you!!

That unknown person took a white secret card out of his pocket and showed it to y/n.

The moment y/n saw the card, she shivered in fear but immediately she gained her composure back.

???: Still you don't want to talk to me?
(He said smirking)

Y/n: how do you know?

???: That doesn't matter girl!! The thing that matters is just let's just do our work properly and we would be fine!

Y/n simply nodded and that unknown person moved back and freed y/n from his grip.
Y/n was still staring at that unknown person until that unknown person said her to stop staring and just go back to her house and prepare things according to the plan, y/n again nodded and went out of the class.

She made her way to the exit of the school, hopped onto her bike and rode back to her house still thinking about the shocking incident which happened with her just now in school.
Who is that unknown person? Why he pinned y/n? What plan was that unknown person talking about? Why y/n got shocked when she saw that white card? What is the meaning hidden in the white card and what is written on it?
😈 A cliffhanger 😈
I love giving you all cliffhangers, just wait and watch you all guys, how much mystery, thrill, anger and pain is waiting for you all!!

And yeah, there is a secret message hidden in the white card, let's see who can decode it first.

Let's see who is smart enough to know the meaning in that white card!!
Let's see whose comment will come first!

It's not that hard, just a little common sense and you will be able to decode it!
⚠️Author's note⚠️: Remember I don't hate red velvet infact I love them and support them as an idol.
I have just taken their names for the character of being a bully and that's it.
And the way I have shown them over here in this chapter, In reality they all are more sweet than this. They are the most beautiful thing in this world and actually they are my world!

Lmaoo I can't with this fandom-😂😂

Now some Inspiring words.........

So that's it for today
And now
Bye bye 👋👋❤️❤️

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