Kumo No Naka Ni Atama

By Kumaraki_Ikeda

289 4 0

[A ShikamaruxOC love story]Kumaraki Uchiha, the black sheep of the Uchihas and younger sister of Obito, is re... More

Sunday Night Smoking
School Days
School Days (Shikamaru's POV)
Planning is Half the Fun
After Dinner Discussions
Birthday Traditions
It's My Party I'll Get High If I Want To
Dog Day Afternoon
Work Hard For It Honey
You Win Some You Lose Some
I Don't Give A Damn 'Bout My Bad Reputation
Boys Will Be Boys (Shikamaru's P.O.V.)
Momma's Got a Brand New Bag
Those Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer
The Jig Is Up, The News Is Out

Keep Your Eye on the Money

35 0 0
By Kumaraki_Ikeda

Ok so I know I've been on kinda a long break, but I promise I'm not abandoning this story!!  This chapter is extra-long and we get introduced to some new important original characters.  I hope you guys enjoy!


"So really it's simple. You just take the cosign of figure A and divide that by the-," Ms. Senju droned on and on. I hated upper-level math; I really did. Math was undeniably useful out in the real world but honestly, when was knowing that the square root of 'i' is negative one gonna come in handy? It would've helped if we at least had a cute student teacher telling us all this.

Whatever, I would just get Shikamaru to explain it to me later. I was supposed to be going over to his house after school this Friday for a study session anyway. First semester midterms were coming up and I needed some help. It was better to study with him if I actually wanted to learn anything. Every time the girls and I got together to study it always ended up with us gossiping, singing to music, and doing virtually anything but looking at our schoolbooks. Plus, I had to give him back the jacket he lent me.

I sighed as the bell rang, signaling the end of my current hell. I just wanted to survive the rest of the day. The girls and I were walking to the mall after school. Hinata had some kind of company party coming up that her family was expected to attend, and we were going to help her find a new dress for the event. I may or may not have also wanted to buy a new outfit suitable for an interview, hoping it would make me feel better about this job situation. It had only been a few days since my birthday but the sooner I took care of it the better. My grandfather wouldn't be patient for long, and I didn't even know if getting another job would get him off my back. I sighed as I put my head down on my desk, ignoring the bemused look on Shika's face while I waited for our next teacher to make their appearance.


I put the last of my books that'd I'd need for homework in my bag and shut my locker. I walked with the other three towards the front door of the school. It had taken enough time at our lockers that we now had to navigate the mass exodus that I did my best to avoid on a daily basis. As I pushed through the throngs of people, I became separated from the other girls. Just as I had crossed the threshold out into the courtyard, I noticed I was alone in managing to cross the sea of people. I rolled my eyes at the inconvenience but set myself to walking over to the left towards a bench to get out of the way of the crowd and snag my friends when they came by.

A few steps away from the bench I heard a familiar voice call out, "Uchiha!"

Since I saw neither my cousin nor the mob of squealing, giggling girls that usually followed in his wake, I assumed the voice was referring to me. When I turned my head to look, I was met by a messy brown mop of hair, piercing brown eyes, and those trademark pearly whites. Kiba had cornered me at last.

I smirked and crossed my arms, "Uchiha huh? What happened to Raki? Aren't we friends anymore?"

"I figured it would get your attention," He smiled back at me. "So how are you enjoying my birthday present?"

"Thoroughly. Definitely as good as I expected," I uncrossed my arms.

"Good enough to earn me that date?" he looked at my face, waiting for his answer.

I laughed, "You're persistent if anything, I'll give you that."

"I'd say I'm goal oriented," it was his turn to cross his arms.

"Oh, goal oriented," I snorted, "and just what is your goal?" I played dumb, wanting him to work for it.

"To get you to give me a chance," his voice softened and the look in his eyes changed. Kiba was one of the most popular athletes in the school, and stereotypically he was loud, brass, and constantly joking around. But not in this moment, I could see the sincerity in his eyes. It caught me off guard, but I wouldn't let him see that. It did help me make my decision though.

"Okay," I said softly.

"Now I know that I have a- wait, what did you say?" he stopped himself, clearly having expected me to say 'no'.

"I said okay. I'll give you a chance. We can hang out Sunday if that's cool with you," I pulled my hair over my shoulder as I looked around him. Sakura, Ino, and Hinata were standing by the stairs actively staring at the exchange between the two of us.

"Y-yeah! Sunday'd be great! I'll see you then," he bowed just the slightest bit before catching himself. It was enough to make me snort in laughter, but in all actuality, I found it charmingly awkward- traits I hadn't really known Kiba to have possessed. I watched, amused, as he sprinted over to Shino and began talking to him quite animatedly as they exited onto the street.

Ino and the others grinned as we met each other halfway. "He asked you out, didn't he?" Sakura nudged me with her elbow as we walked towards the street.

"We're hanging out on Sunday. I'm not expecting extravagance," I rolled my eyes.

"The only way this could get any better is if Kakashi found out. Is he going to be at your house this weekend?" Ino plotted as we waited for the light to change so we could cross the street.

"He is pretty much every other weekend. I don't see why this one would be any different. What's your plan?" I sighed.

"Dress up super cute for your date and when him or your brother asks where you're going, tell them," She giggled.

"And? Then what?" I cocked an eyebrow. She always went on these little tirades with such feeling in her voice, like all her schemes were just so outrageous.

"What do you mean 'then what?'. That's it. Just pay attention to his reaction. It should tell you all you need to know about how our plan is going," she shrugged her shoulders as if she was pointing out the obvious.

"Iiiiinnnooo!" I whined, "first of all, this is your plan, let's be clear about that. And it's not that great of one either. What's a cute outfit going to accomplish?"

"'Cause he'll be thinking of you out with another guy dressed like that! Depending on what he does and how he acts when and after he hears the news will tell us how the plan is going," she huffed.

"Do you ever hear yourself when you talk?" I asked playfully pushing her, the other girls laughing with me.


When we entered the mall we headed immediately to Haruki's, which was a clothing chain that catered to teens and girls in their twenties. We headed to their formal section and began combing through the racks of dresses. With the four of us looking, we had picked out about ten for Hinata to try on after only a few minutes. We herded her into one of the changing rooms and tossed the dresses in after her.

One by one she came out in each dress and did a little twirl to give us the full view. We made a pile of dresses-the ones we liked- and hung the others on a rack comprised of other dressing room rejects. By the time she had gone through all of them, we still hadn't unanimously decided on one we liked. Hinata herself hadn't really formed a strong opinion on any of them either. She huffed, frustrated looking at herself in the mirror in a pretty eggplant colored, empire waist, floor length dress.

"Well, what about that purple one?" Ino offered, "It looks pretty on you."

"I always wear purple. I wanted to try something new," Hinata sighed, picking up the skirt of the dress, taking a few practice steps.

"What about the white one? It looked pretty too," Sakura held it up in front of Hinata in the mirror.

"Yeah, but it looks a little too wedding dressy," I rested my chin in my palm. Having an idea, I jumped up, "Hang on a minute!"

I walked behind where Ino and Sakura were standing and over to a rack. I filed through the hangers until I came upon a light-yellow knee length dress. Walking back over to Hinata I handed it to her, "Here, try this on." She stared at it, hesitating to take the hanger.

I whispered quieter so the other girls wouldn't hear, "Naruto's going to be at the party too, isn't he? I want you to stand out, so he notices you." Her face turned beat red, and she looked like she would begin having a highspeed come-apart at any moment, "Just trust me girl."

She took the hanger and pulled the door closed behind her. When she stepped back out, Hinata literally dazzled. The halter top neckline showed off her petite shoulders and a bust that rivaled my own. The even lighter yellow lace applique laid over the soft material of the dress made it look even more delicate and the tiny sequin details spaced throughout caught the light in an almost magical way. As she turned, the skin from mid-calf to her toes peeked through the slit, the hem of the dress barely dragging the floor.

"Oh Nata, you look beautiful! What do you think? An updo and a pair of heels and you are the main attraction girl!" I gushed.

"Yellow is definitely your color. It looks so good with your hair," Ino looked almost shocked, like she was having a revelation.

"You guys are just saying that! Do you really think it looks good?" Hinata swayed back and forth in front of the mirror.

"Seriously Hinata, you're drop dead gorgeous. But what do you think? Do you like it?" I asked her.

"I've really never worn yellow before. The dress is beautiful. It makes me feel pretty, and if you guys say it looks good on me, I think this is the one," Hinata smiled.

She went back into the dressing room to change back into her school uniform. When she came out, she walked the dress up to the register and asked the cashier to hold it for her. While she was paying for the dress, I walked over to the casual section and began looking through shirts. I had flipped through the rack and settled on a white, long-sleeved button up with black pin stripes. I found a thin black suit jacket that was cut in a way that cinched my waist. I ending up pairing it with a black pencil skirt that had a tiny side slit with little button details.

The girls stood on the other side of the dressing door waiting for me to come out. I glanced at my reflection in the mirror. I looked like a fuckin flight attendant. To be honest, it was the most professional and adult I had ever looked. The skirt went down slightly below my knees, so my school stockings looked like tights. I could probably get away with wearing them instead of having to buy a new pair of pantyhose if I wore some closed-toed black heels. I pulled my hair into a messy pile on top of my head. 'Now I really look the part.' I sighed. I almost didn't recognize myself. Who was I? As a person...what was I going to do with my life? I wondered what Hinata was thinking to herself as she tried on that yellow dress. Wondered if she had the same worries as me. Wondered if she still recognized herself as she looked in the mirror and the reflection staring back, or if she struggled like I currently was. 'No. Surely not, not her.'

"Hey! You taking a nap in there?" I heard Ino's impatience through the door, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"I buttoned up the shirt wrong. Hang on, I'm coming," I gathered myself and straightened out the sides of the jacket before opening up the door and stepping out.

"Ok who are you and what have you done with Raki?" Sakura giggled, unintentionally reaffirming my feelings.

"Really though! You totally look like some badass corporate chick!" Ino pumped her fist in the air, forever my hype girl.

"Does it look ok?" I asked, particularly looking to Hinata for approval. She had practically grown up in the corporate world and had the most experience out of the four of us.

"Very professional. Reminds me of my dad's personal secretary," the aforementioned business fashion expert's opinion erased my uneasiness.

"Ok good! I'll get changed," I went back in and pulled my uniform back on after hanging the clothes back up on their hangers.

We walked up to the register so I could pay for my new clothes, feeling a small surge of confidence. While I swiped my card, Hinata collected her bag from a lady behind the counter. I looped my arm through the bag and turned to walk out with the others.

"That outfit really looked good Raki. I bet you get an offer really soon!" Sakura gave me a pep-talk.

"Now I just need to find an interview to wear it to," I had turned my head to look back at them as we walked out of the store.

When I turned my head forward again, I realized I was about to bump into a middle-aged woman in a suit. I stumbled back into the other girls.

"Sorry ma'am," I bowed apologetically. When I lifted my head, I noticed her expression was kinder than I was expecting it to be considering I almost bulldozed into her.

"Oh, aren't you pretty!" She said giving me a once over.

"Uh...thank you?" I said, unsure of where she was going with this conversation.

"You're exactly the type of girl we need to bring customers in! Tell me, how old are you? Are you looking for a job?" She clasped her hands together.

"I...I am actually," I stuttered surprised. 'Sakura's a witch.' I laughed in thought, "What kind of business is it?"

"Well, it's a nightclub. We're looking for cute waitresses to increase our number of customers. You'd be perfect! Here, tell you what, take my card. If you're interested, come to this address Saturday around noon," she fished around in her pocket a second, before producing a red and black folded-fan shaped business card.

She bowed as she handed the card over, "Yashida, Kanami. Nice to meet you!"

"Uchiha, Kumaraki. Nice to meet you too and thank you!" I kept the business card in between my fingers.

"No problem! Hopefully I'll see you Saturday," she began walking away.

I smiled as I turned around to the girls, "Well that was easier than I thought!"

"Let me see!" Ino grabbed the card as I handed it over. "Ooh it's called 'Kanpai' ! Sounds like a fun place to work."

"I guess I'll find out on Saturday," I grinned taking the card back from her and slipping it in my pocket now that the lady was out of sight. I walked with the girls to our next destination-the boba tea stall-feeling like a heavy weight had been temporarily lifted off my shoulders.


"Good afternoon, Auntie Yoshi! Shika up in his room?" I asked, pulling my shoes off in the foyer.

"Yes dear. Go on, and I'll bring some snacks up soon," Yoshino smiled and gestured towards the stairs.

I began ascending the staircase and with five steps left I came to a stop so I could begin creeping up the last few feet to the hallway. If I wasn't quiet enough coming up the steps, he would definitely hear me coming down the hallway towards his room. I crept silently, my sock feet not making any noise on the lush carpet of the rug running down the length of the passage. I had already spun my school bag behind me so it didn't bounce with each step, making unnecessary noise and ruining my antics.

I paused at his door and placed my hand in a ready position on the knob. I took a deep breath before twisting the knob and kicking the door open in the same moment.

"Hand's up Gold General!" I shouted as I busted in both hands formed into gun shapes.

He jumped and turned around with a surprised look on his face, "Hey! Don't you know how to knock?! Troublesome woman I could have been in my underwear or something!"

"Tch. At five in the afternoon? Not likely. Plus, I've seen you in your bathing suit, same thing," I laughed and strolled the rest of the way into the room.

"What a drag. You want to clear our minds a little before we study Silver?" he played along, indulging me in another one of our old childhood games, walking over to his drawer that held his stash.

"Your mom's bringing up snacks in a few minutes. We'll have to keep our minds cloudy a little longer," I sat my bag down on his bed and set myself up with my back up against the wall.

He rolled his eyes and began pulling books out of his bag, "I swear she's always so damn busy."

"You only think that cause you're so lazy. Besides, I'm grateful for food I don't have to cook, and your mom always makes good ass snacks," I laughed.

I began pulling papers and books out of my bag so that when Yoshino delivered out treats, we at least gave off the illusion that we were studying in earnest. Well, I guess I was...Shikamaru was just here to hold my hand and walk me through it.

"Okay so what do you want to try first?" I looked up after emptying my bag. I could see the stress on his face, looking at the amount of material I had pulled out of my bag.

He rubbed his face with his hand in exasperation, "Whatever you think is the hardest. We'll tackle that while your mind is fresh."

I tapped the side of my head, "Brilliant strategy Gold."

He laughed and rolled his eyes as I gathered up the calculus worksheets that Ms. Senju said would help us study for the midterms. We were definitely going to have to start with that. About the time he scooted up beside me and placed the sheet of paper in between us on the bed his mom walked in with a tray of little sandwiches and some chocolate daifuku.

I grinned, licked my lips, and clapped a few times as she set the tray down on the bed. She pulled two bottles of water out of her pockets and handed one to each of us. We both chorused a 'thank you' as she backed out of the room, intentionally leaving the door open.

As we snacked, he tried to explain limits and derivatives, displaying saint-like patience when at one point I broke down crying and threw my pencil across the room. We finished the snacks and the calculus worksheet at the same time. Shika got up and traded the food tray for his rolling tray. While he was rolling up a joint, I packed up the calculus stuff, making the pile of study materials scattered on the bed smaller.

He quietly shut the door and walked into his bathroom while lighting the end and taking the first puff. I followed him and turned the fan on as I walked in.

"So, there's a new development on Mission Independent Money," I smiled as I blew smoke from my mouth.

He snorted, "That what you're callin' your plan, Secret Agent Uchiha?"

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever. So the other day me and the girls were shopping at the mall, and I almost ran over this lady."

He grimaced, fighting to keep from unleashing a laugh.

"Not. A. Word," I glared, "Anyways, it turns out she was some kind of recruiter for a nightclub where they need waitresses. She thinks I'd be perfect for it. She told me I should come by Saturday around noon," I said while inhaling.

"A waitress? Really? You think you're gonna like that?" he squinted his eyes in doubt as he took the dwindling joint.

"Geez Skeptamaru. It'll be fine. How hard could it be? Plus, if I mess up, I'll just apologize and batt my eyelashes. That usually works," I stuck my tongue out.

"Way to take advantage of the 'Hot Girl' stereotype," he rolled his eyes.

"Says the 'Lazy Stoner'," I fired back, taking note that in a round-about way he had called me attractive. He had insinuated it a few times in the past, but they were few and far between.

"Speaking of 'lazy', we need to get back to studying. It's getting late, and I'm getting sleepy," he hoisted himself off the bathroom counter, effectively changing the subject.

"What a drag," I moaned with feigned annoyance. I giggled as he shot me a pointed look for using his frequently spoken phrase against him.


Saturday morning, I woke up around nine and slunk into the shower. I just was not a morning person. While I was waiting for my hair to towel dry a little, I grabbed the interview outfit hanging from the closet door and threw it on. I slipped on my school shoes and stuffed my black heels into a small backpack that I was using as a purse today. I couldn't risk Obito finding out, he'd figure out some reason to keep me from going, so I was going to have to walk there. It wasn't really a big deal, only a fifteen-minute walk-same as school-, but I wasn't going to walk there in heels. I would change into them before I walked in the club.

I finished putting on my makeup and drying my hair before throwing it up in a large silver bun on the top of my head. I tiptoed through the living room into the entryway only to discovered that Obito's shoes weren't even there. 'Probably at Kakashi or Rin's.' That was good. I was hoping to slip back in before he got home. Worse-case scenario, he sees me in these clothes, and I tell him I was at Ino's participating in one of her photoshoots.

I rode the elevator down, and trudged outside, beginning my long walk.


I turned onto the street that the club was located on at around 11:40 p.m. That gave me a nice window of time to duck into the bathroom of the convenient store two doors down and refresh myself from my walk.

I smiled at the young guy behind the counter before walking past to the restrooms. I locked the door behind me and turned to face the mirror. I sighed half embarrassed, several pieces of hair stuck out from my bun at odd angles due to the wind. I took it down and redid it making sure it was loose and big but also smooth. I retouched my eyeliner and lip gloss while I was in my backpack switching out school shoes for the black stiletto heels.

Satisfied with my appearance I pulled out my phone and took and mirror selfie and texted it to Shikamaru.


Ok this is the interview outfit the girls helped me

with...what do you think? It's not too much is it?

I waited for a few minutes waiting for a reply before I left the bathroom. I'm not sure why. Even if he said it was, it's not like I had any other clothes to change into, and no time to run back to my house and change before the interview.

I looked at the time on my phone. 11:50 p.m. My second opinion would have to wait. I exited the bathroom and walked up to the counter. I asked the kid behind the counter for a mango vape, sure I would need it to combat my stress after the interview. I thanked him and threw away the packaging as I walked out the doors. I took three puffs as I walked the few more feet to the club entrance. Putting it in my pocket with one hand, I opened the large black glittery door to the club.

The outside of the building was deceptively small compared to the inside. But it could have been the black walls and the floor-the same glittery black as the front doors-that gave off the illusion of a bigger space. The whole back wall was taken up by a stage with three catwalks of differing lengths that jutted into the large empty space in the middle of the room that served as a dance floor. A black curtain on either side of the stage concealed the entrances to the dressing rooms. On either side of the dance floor, fully stocked looking bars flanked the walls. There were black tables, red chairs and couches, and the hostess counter in the area closest to me.

Hanging lights were scattered throughout the entire room. They were on a white light setting right now, but I knew later this evening some would dim, some would strobe different colors, and some would fall to spotlight the dancers that would be on the catwalks. The empty chairs and couches would be filled with drunk men and women, and the now dim dance floor would light up and be teeming with people swaying to the music.

I was pulled out of my daydreaming by a young girl that looked to be a few years older than me. She came out of a side door somewhere between the stage and the bar on one side. Her shoulder length red hair bounced as she made her way over to me.

"Hi! Can I help you?" she smiled with a sweet tone. She kinda reminded me of an older Hinata. I wondered what she did here, picturing Hinata in various roles here, each vision ending with a blushing Hinata fainting.

"Oh hi. My name's Uchiha, Kumaraki. I'm looking for Ms. Yashida, I have an interview with her at noon for a waitress position," I bowed slightly, trying to be as professional as I could.

"Oh of course! I'm Matsubara, Ayane. I'm a dancer here so most people know me by my stage name, Ichigo," Strawberry. I smiled, it seemed fitting, "Have a seat and I'll go get Ms. Yashida." She gestured to one of the tables and turned to walk back through the door she had emerged from.

I pulled out one of the chairs and sat down, hanging one of my backpack straps on the back of the chair. I smoothed out my skirt and glanced out the tinted window to the street outside while I waited for the woman.

I didn't have to wait long, the woman from the mall, now in a different suit walked over to my table. I stood up and bowed making sure to bend down deeper than her, "It's good to see you Ms. Uchiha. I appreciate your promptness."

"You as well Ms. Yashida, thank you for this opportunity."

We sat down at the table, and she began asking me questions. Turns out she was familiar with my last name and had wondered why I would not be taking a position with my family's company. When I replied that I wanted to be independent and provide for myself instead of depending on my family's money her eyes gleamed a little. She asked me what hours I would be able to work and talked about the pay rate, ¥1050.00 an hour, which was a little better than the standard pay rate for waitresses. I informed her that since I was still in school and lived with my older brother that I would be able to work three nights a week-Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights.

She asked me if I would be able to stay until the club closed at 3:00 a.m. on Fridays and Saturdays and I agreed, she had told me that I would be able to leave at 10 p.m. on Thursdays since it was a school night. When I was asked if coming in at 7:00 p.m. would interfere with any after school activities or clubs I sheepishly told her that it wouldn't, thinking my lack of school participation would hurt my chances. She didn't seem to mind because right after that she pulled out a walkie talkie and asked someone named Kubo to bring her a medium waitress uniform.

Not two minutes later a tall, thin girl with black, boyishly short hair emerged holding a black cheongsam style dress with red seaming and toggle clasps. "This is Kubo, Momoka she's my assistant and helps me run the back of the house. Kubo, this is Uchiha, Kumaraki she's our new waitress." She said as she handed me the uniform and stood up while the tall girl gave me a wave hello. "That is, if she accepts the position."

I shot up out of my seat as I took the uniform, "Of course! Thank you so much!" I bowed my head multiple times in rapid succession in excitement. She told me that I would come in next Thursday evening for my first shift. I thanked her again and exited the club on cloud nine, only waiting until I got out of view of the front windows to stop and switch my shoes out on the sidewalk. I practically glided home.

When I came into the entryway, I noticed Obito's shoes still weren't present. 'Hell yeah! Success!' I had made it back without my brother any the wiser. After doing a little victory dance, I made my way into my room and quickly traded the interview outfit for a pair of soft red shorts and a white band t-shirt. I flopped onto my bed and pulled out my phone. I sucked my teeth in annoyance. Shikamaru had only returned my text a few minutes ago. 'Now he wants to text back.'


It's not too much. How did the interview go?


Phase two of Mission Independent Money complete! V(^_^)V


What the hell does that mean?


It means I got the job Pineapple Head.  My

first shift is this Thursday evening.

Pineapple Head:

(T_T)# What the hell are the other phases?


                            Well phase three is lasting long enough to

earn my first paycheck.  Phase four is stacking 

some cash without my brother knowing where

I'm working.

Pineapple Head:

So what are you going to tell him?


That I'm working at an all-night cafe.  There's 

literally one right next door to the club.  That

way, being in the area won't be suspicious if 

he gets curious.

Pineapple Head:

Good luck with that. Anyways, congratulations.


Thanks Shika.

I plugged my phone into the charger and settled down for what I thought was a well-deserved nap. I fell asleep hoping that Obito would bring something good home for dinner.


Alright everybody!  Our girl is officially employed.  What adventures will working in a night club bring?  You'll just have to wait and see.  Next chapter is Kumaraki's date with Kiba.  How do you think it'll go?

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