Thorns of Emotions

By Writer_anonymous_98

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Six Bangladeshi men are detained in a lock-up without any evidence by the police of Mississauga, Canada. Feel... More

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By Writer_anonymous_98

Then Munif brought them beside a big box, and when he opened the box, everyone became shocked. Salman asked, "How did he get here?" Munif said, "I brought him here." Zarif asked, "Why?" Munif said, "Because he'll tell us who the traitor is amongst us." Nafiz asked, "Since when is he here?" Munif said, "Since I've put him here." Farhan asked, "Then why did you do so much drama over there? You should've directly brought here." Munif said, "Bhaiya, it's really fun when there is a twist in the plot." There was Detective Davison inside the box. All of them started laughing. Then Nafiz and Munif brought him out of the box and tied him with ropes in a chair. Munif asked, "He asked us a lot of questions, didn't he? Now it's our turn." Zarif said, "I don't like this, man. He's a bloody cop." Nafiz, "Hey, I like it. Because, he's a bloody cop." Farhan asked (in Bangla), "Mr. Davison, why am I feeling that you're about to tell me something very mysterious? Didn't I tell you? You have made a huge mistake by catching us. You s..." Munif said, "Bhaiya, hey Bhaiya, relax. Don't scare him that much. He'll die. Hey (telling Nafiz), can you speak English?" Nafiz said, "Of course, full first class. I can speak since birth." Zarif said, "Yeah, can speak since birth. But no one understands." Nafiz said, "He'll understand, not to worry." Munif said, "Okay, ask him, how the police reached there." Farhan said, "Not you, Nafiz. Salman, go ahead, ask him." Salman asked, "How were the cops there? How were the cops there?" Davison kept quiet. Munif asked, "Hey, why doesn't he say anything?" Nafiz said, "The cat got his tongue." Then Munif punched him hardly and said, "Hey, now ask." Salman asked, "How did you know that we were going to be there?" Munif asked, "What did you say?" Salman said, "I asked him, how he knew that we were gonna rob the bank." Munif asked, "Where did you say about the bank?" Salman said, "I only meant that..." Munif said, "You'll only say that, which I can understand." Farhan said, "He's saying that which you said earlier." Munif asked, "But Bhaiya, where did he tell about the bank?" Nafiz said, "No, he didn't say." Farhan asked, "Didn't? Tell me one thing honestly, Munif. Who gave you the passport to come here?" Munif said, "Mama's family. They used to work in the passport office since our birth." Then they laughed, and Zarif said, "You ask, just ask." Salman said, "Answer me." Munif asked, "What did you say?" Salman said, "Answer me." Munif said, "Answer me, you bloody scoundrel. Give." Nafiz said, "You learnt one English word by yourself. Give. That's good. Tell him to give answer." Then Munif punched him and said, "Give." Nafiz said, "Hey, me too. Give. Give!!" Salman said, "Hey, speak, or they'll kill you." Munif asked, "What did you ask now?" Salman got irritated and looked here and there. Munif asked, "Hey, what are you grumbling about? Tell me." Salman shouted, "Hey, don't get into my nerves. Tell someone else to ask him." Munif took out his gun and aimed at Salman, and said, "Hey, you'll ask only. If you ask, then he'll only answer, got it?" Then Davison said, "You guys are all dead. You're all dead." Munif asked, "What did he say?" Zarif said, "Nothing." Munif said, "He said something!! What did he say?" Nafiz said, "He said, we're all dead." Munif asked, "All means?" Nafiz said, "All means, all of us." Munif said, "I don't see anyone dead here. Who's dead?" Farhan said, "He said that we're all gonna die." Munif said, "Ohho, us all. (Pointing at Davison) Who'll kill us? Who?" Nafiz punched him and asked, "Who? Who? Tell us, who!!" Salman said, "Hey, these guys are maniacs. Speak, or they'll kill you. Tell us who's the rat amongst us." Munif asked, "Hey, what long are you asking now?" Farhan said, "Hey, He's asking, let him ask peacefully. If you want to learn, go learn the alphabets first." Munif said, "I want to know, Bhaiya. What these two are cooking up speaking in English." Farhan said, "Look, all of us are educated but you, we all can understand. Just relax. Let him finish." Munif said, "Oh! I completely forgot, you're all educated s..." Farhan said, "Hey, shut up!!" Munif said, "Hey, Salman, don't just stand there, ask him." Salman said, "Hey, if you wanna save your life, tell them what you know." Davison said, "One of you, one of you is an undercover cop." All of them became shocked. Munif asked, "Hey, what happened? Why are you all looking at each other's faces? What did he say? Bhaiya, what did he say? Hey Mama, tell me. Hey, tell me, Salman, what did he say?" Zarif said, "That, one of us is a police officer." Munif became shocked and said, "What the hell!!" All were looking at each other suspiciously. Davison said, "Special Task Operation. [Davison said to the undercover cop, "You'll have to go undercover. Live with them for a while, be like one of them, know them. Get their links, their contacts, everything, and keep informing us. His boss said, "You gotta get them. These damn Bangladeshis such spread shit here.] We knew everything about you. The guns, the cars, the bank, everything." Munif said (in Bangla), "Tell us, tell us who that man is. I'll only count upto three. 123 tell me..." Then Farhan shouted and said, "Hey, you useless!!! Just picking up the gun anytime." Munif asked, "What, Bhaiya? Are you the cop by any chance?" Farhan said, "Yes, I can be him. What'll you do, kill me? Come on, shoot me. Shoot me. Shoot me, you scoundrel." Munif said, "No, Bhaiya. You can't be." Farhan said, "Why? Why can't I be? Why can't?" Munif said, "Because this scoundrel will tell, come on..." Zarif asked, "Hey Munif, have you gone mad? Will you kill him? If you kill him, then the police will track you down and knock you off within a moment, like a mad dog." Nafiz said, "That we're knocked off here anyways. Because the scoundrel has seen all of us." Salman asked, "So what does it matter? Our job was to loot the bank, and take off our money and run away, that's it. The full money is here, and we all as well. Now take off your own shares and get out. No need to see each other's face after today." Munif said, "Wow!! No need to see each other's face after today. Pick up your shares and leave. And spare that rat who screwed all of us. No. Till I don't find and catch him, no one will go from here." Then Faiyaz said, "Munif is right. The most hurry is to be done by me to leave from here. Unless we find that scoundrel, no one will leave from here." Nafiz said, "I'm with Nafiz." Zarif said, "And so am I." Munif asked, "Bhaiya?" Farhan said, "Yes, okay." Salman said, "Ask me as well. Arrange a meeting, and conduct conference. We've been conducting conference since the time we met. Bloody, we've been set to rob the bank wearing suit and tie. C'mon, sit. Sit down." Farhan said, "Hey, Salman, cut it out. I'll tell what to do. First of all we collect all the bags of our money, then come and meet here, and then catch that scoundrel. What do you say?" Munif said, "That'll be fine." Farhan asked, "Where's your money?" Munif said, "I've kept it in the highway." Nafiz said, "Mine is in the car outside." Zarif said, "I've kept it in the midway." Munif asked, "Where's yours, Bhaiya?" Farhan said, "I'll bring it right away." Zarif said, "I'll bring the money...' Farhan said, "Hey!! Not alone, Zarif. Munif will go with you." Zarif asked, "Why? Don't you trust me?" Farhan asked, "What do we know? You can be the cop, I can be, he can be. So, two. Two will go together." Salman said, "I'll come with you, Bhaiya." Farhan said, "Okay, let's go." Nafiz asked, "What about me?" Munif asked, "Who'll handle him then? 'What about me'!!" Munif and Zarif went to the riverside. Zarif pulled out his bag from the water. The money didn't get drenched. Munif asked, "Hey Zarif, what do you think? Who's the rat amongst us?" Zarif said, "Look, Munif, I don't any discussions regarding this matter." Munif asked, "Why can't you? It's really an important matter. Tell me, what do you think, who the rat is." Zarif said, "Just leave it, let's go quickly." Munif said, "Okay, leave it. Tell me, how's your darling." Zarif said, "Don't even talk about her. And anyways, we've parted ways, there is nothing left between us now." Munif said, "That's good news for me then. Because I've had my eyes on your girl for many days. Let me make the move then." Then Zarif stopped, and he punched in Munif's face. Munif also started beating Zarif. Both of them fought for a long time. Then Munif said, "Hey, stop it, bro. Stop it. Your actions showed very clearly that you still love her very much. Why didn't you accept the fact that you can't forget her? Now listen to one thing. Let's go quickly, take your money, go to your girl, and go to another place and open a dance... (Zarif was about to punch, then he said,) school. School, not a bar, you idiot. Relax. I was just kidding, just to take out the feeling from your heart, and make you realize that you can never forget her. You still love her very much. Sorry, bro." Zarif said, "I'm sorry too." Munif said, "I just realized, that you can't be the informer. You're too good for it." Zarif said, "And you're a total baddie for it, you also can't be the informer." Munif asked, "So, friends?" Zarif said, "Friends." Then they shook hands and embraced each other. Zarif said, "Now the matter's been up, let's to the club once. Then we'll go back. I want to see her for once." Munif said, "No problem, let's go." Then they went to club 'Era'. The security guard said, "Whoa, whoa, Zarif, you can't go inside." Zarif said, "I've gotta see her, man. Please let me go inside." He said, "Hey hey, it's the boss's orders. You know how this works." Then Munif took out his revolver and asked, "(English) You know how this works, buddy? This is a 44 magnum with hollow point slugs in it. Goes in real small, comes out real big, causing a lot of damage. Can you handle the damage, buddy?" Zarif asked, "So you can speak English as well, eh?" Munif said, "Sometimes. Go and get your girl." Zarif said, "Munif, I've seen bigger smarties, but not bugger than you." Then Munif winked at Zarif, and Zarif went inside. Zarif's girlfriend saw him and went near him and hugged him. She said, "Zarif. I'm so happy to see you. I'm sorry. Please, take me away from here. I can't stay here anymore." Zarif said, "That's why I'm here. Listen to me carefully, Lina. Go to the airport at 2 pm, and book two tickets for London for the 7:30's flight. We'll go there first, and will think of our future, In Shaa Allah." Lina said, "Okay. I love you." Zarif said, " I love you too. Now get ready. I'll be there in time." Then the club owner came and asked, "Hey, hothead, how the hell did you come inside?" Zarif said, "Through the main door." He said, "Then get out through the main door. I already told you many times, sweety, this good-for-nothing fellow will give you nothing in life. Now go, get ready. You're in for a hot show now." Then Zarif pulled his gun and said, "No more shows, hothead. You go, Lina. I'll meet you at 2." The owner said, "Lina, you know the rules, darling. Once you leave the club, you can't come back." Zarif said, "She doesn't even want to come back. Shut up. Goodbye, take care yeah?" He said, "You hothead, I'll take care of you soon." At the main door, the guard and Munif were talking, the guard said, "I must tell you, this is a heavy piece, but what about Harry? That was better." Munif said, "Bro, that's an old piece now. This is one hot real babe, takes a man out in just one shot." He said, "I bet, this one's a heavy bitch, man." Munif asked, "Like the one with the big babes, man?" Then they laughed, and Zarif came out and asked, "Shall we go, British?" Munif said, "English, bro." Zarif asked, "Sorry, let's move?" Munif said, "Alright. Hey, take care man." The guard said, "Hey, here's your babe." Munif said, "I don't leave home without this, bro. Take care, okay?" Then they went away, and started for the warehouse.

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