Thorns of Emotions

By Writer_anonymous_98

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Six Bangladeshi men are detained in a lock-up without any evidence by the police of Mississauga, Canada. Feel... More

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2 0 0
By Writer_anonymous_98

Finally came the D-day. Zarif and Munif arrived at the bank at 8:45. Zarif saw the bank manager going to his room. He was keeping tabs on the security guards. After 20 minutes, in 9:05, Faiyaz and Nafiz arrived there. They went inside and sat down in the waiting place. Munif saw them and confirmed the time. Then at 9:16, Farhan and Salman arrived with their car. They came inside the bank, Munif saw them directly and confirmed their presence. They directly went to the manager's cabin. Farhan put his bag in the manager's table. The manager asked, "Excuse me gentlemen, is this some kind of a joke?" Farhan said, "Uhm, no. Actually, it's a robbery." The manager was about to get up from his seat, then Farhan pulled out his gun and said, "Forget it. (Speaking in Bangla:) If we succeed today, then at the most, you'll lose your job. If we're unsuccessful, then at the least, you'll lose your life. That's why, you please do your work quietly and let us do ours. (In English:) Got it? No? I'll translate real fast. If we pull this one off, if we pull this one off, at worst, you'll your job. If we don't, at best, you'll be shot. So, why don't you please shut your mouth, and continue doing your work and allow us to do ours. Then Salman asked, "Excuse me, can you please?" Then he sat in the manager's chair, and Farhan held the manager in gunpoint. Salman started everything. He was trying to decode the security cameras first, but the password was wrong, so the access was denying repeatedly. The others were watching out outside. Then Salman finally deactivated all the cameras, and broke the code of the vault. Then he signaled Farhan, and Farhan quickly hit behind the manager's head and made him unconscious. Then he came out of the room and signaled everyone, and everyone quickly pulled out and wore their masks. Then Munif and Zarif quickly hit behind the guards' head and made them unconscious. Then Zarif said, "Down, down, down. Everybody down. I said down, damn it!!" Then Munif quickly stood up in a table and shouted, "Down!!" Then he started shooting all the cameras and broke them. Everyone started shouting, and Faiyaz said, "Get down!!" Nafiz said, "Don't shout, anyone. Down!!" Then Farhan and Salman came out of the cabin, and they went inside the vaults. Munif shot a vault's door which was made of glass, and went inside the vault. Salman sighed and said, "You idiot, that wasn't necessary. I opened all the doors anyway." Zarif said, "Okay, let's go inside now." Faiyaz quickly went near the alarm spot, and cut the wires of the alarm. Farhan, Salman and Zarif quickly started to put the money inside the bags. The rest three were keeping tabs outside. A cashier was trying to move from his place. Munif said in Bangla, "Hey, don't move up. Keep your hands up. Hands up!!" Then the cashier was trying to move, then Munif shot him immediately. The three of them finished filling money in the bags. Then they came out of the vaults and gave two bags to the others. At 9:28, they came out of the bank successfully. Munif and Nafiz gave high five and started laughing. Zarif sighed out with a relief. Then they were shocked to see what was ahead of them. They saw that the whole place was surrounded by police. The ERT (Emergency Response Team; Canadian SWAT) also arrived there right away. All of them prepared themselves and took out their guns. Farhan signaled Zarif, Zarif nodded his head and took out s small remote from his pocket and pressed the button. Then two powerful blasts occurred, blowing off two of their cars, where they put bombs beneath their cars. The police started firing bullets at them. They went to a side, and Farhan shouted, "Fire!!" Then the six of them started firing at the police. A heavy shootout was taking place. Everyone was firing and starting to move slowly. Farhan started to move beside his car. He put his bag inside the car, then suddenly Faiyaz got hit by a bullet in his left shoulder. Farhan quickly changed his gun round, and went near Faiyaz. He shouted, "Faiyaz!! Come on, come on. Come on quick. Everyone, run quickly. In different directions. Go quickly. Go, go, go!!!" Then he put Faiyaz at the back seat and quickly started his car and went away. Zarif took a police bike and started quickly. Salman saw a big truck, he went near the truck and pulled the driver out. Then he went through the main road. Munif went through the bushes and quickly slided down the grasses beside the stairs and landed on the main road. Then he saw Detective Davison beside him, who was pointing a gun towards him.

Farhan and Faiyaz went to the warehouse. Farhan said, "Easy, easy. Relax. Steady, easy." Faiyaz said, "This pain will kill me." Farhan said, "This bullet will kill you before that. Now don't scream anymore, ok? Half of your life has perished due to screaming." Then Farhan took out a bottle of whiskey. Faiyaz asked, "Where did you get it?" Farhan said, "Picked it up from the way, to take your bullet out. If you have the strength to scream, then have the strength to bear the pain. It'll burn a little, ok?" Then Farhan put whisky in his knife and put it inside Faiyaz's shoulder. Farhan was screaming slowly. Farhan said, "Had you listened to me earlier, I also wouldn't have to scream." Faiyaz said, "I won't scream anymore." Farhan said, "Okay, steady." Then he extracted the bullet out of his shoulder. Farhan said, "Okay, relax now. It's okay." Faiyaz said, "Bhaiya, I'm feeling very scared." Farhan said, "Don't worry. You should feel a little scared. You've been really brave today. Feeling a little scared won't cause you any problem. Don't worry. Nothing will happen to you. I'll take you to the hospital as soon as the others arrive. Just rest for a while." Faiyaz said, "Promise me. Promise me, Bhaiya." Farhan said, "Yes, yes. I promise." Faiyaz asked, "What if I die before that?" Farhan said, "Then we'll bury you, not a problem." Both of them laughed a bit. Farhan said, "Hey, don't worry. Nothing will happen to you. Nothing." Then Nafiz came inside angrily and said, "It was a bloody trap. We all had been trapped. Hey, he is gone." Faiyaz said, "I'm still here." Nafiz said, "Don't worry, you'll go very soon." Farhan said, "Hey, keep quiet, quiet!" Nafiz asked, "Are you feeling too much pain?" Faiyaz said, "No, I'm feeling really ticklish, and I'm laughing." Nafiz said, "If you laugh, you'll suffer more, you idiot. Lie there quietly, you'll live a little." Farhan said, "Shut up. Rest, Faiyaz. Nothing will happen to you. Nafiz, come on, let's go over there. Come. Where are the rest?" Nafiz said, "Don't know." Farhan asked, "How did you come here?" Nafiz said, "Don't know, hijacked a lady's car midway. And came here." Farhan asked, "Which lady?" Nafiz said, "Don't know, released her before coming here, with a threat. One of us is a traitor." Farhan asked, "What?" He said, "Someone is included with the police." Farhan asked, "Do you think that one among us is a police informer?" Nafiz asked, "Don't you think it, you stupid, idiot?" Farhan said, "Hey, lay off. Next time you won't be alive." Nafiz said, "Don't have any regrets, still I'll say. Someone among us has spilled everything in front of the police. And if you don't think so, then you're out of your mind, and he's out of life." Farhan said, "Hey, shut up, keep quiet!!" Nafiz shouted said, "No, I won't keep quiet. You said that there won't be much security, didn't you?" Farhan said, "Yes, I said that there wouldn't be much security. Because there wasn't supposed to be any security." Nafiz asked, "Then how the hell did my in-laws get there along with the wedding guests and band party?" Farhan said, "It's possible that someone might've tipped off the police, and they ran way with the money at the last moment." Nafiz said, "Yes, it's possible." Farhan asked, "Where's the bag?" Nafiz asked, "What?" He said, "Your bag. Where's your bag?" Nafiz said, "It's there, maybe." Farhan asked, "Where there?" Nafiz said, "Here, somewhere there." Farhan asked, "Where somewhere there?" Nafiz asked, "Why should I tell you? Let the others come, then I'll tell you. 'Where's the bag'." Then he went near Faiyaz and asked, "Did you say anything to him?" Faiyaz said, "No." Farhan asked, "How did you get out of there?" Nafiz asked, "How did you?" Farhan said, "I asked first." Nafiz said, "I killed three of them, took their car, and stopped midway and then came here with the lady's car. What? Are you thinking that I've done all these?" Farhan said, "It's possible." Nafiz said, "It can be possible for you as well." Farhan said, "Maybe, possible." Nafiz said, "Hey, he's dead." Farhan said, "He's not." Nafiz said, "He is. Look, he's not moving or anything. See." Farhan said, "Just unconscious Come on, let's go over there. Come." Nafiz asked, "Why did I feel that he's gone? Tell me on thing, Farhan. If the police arrived there, then they can arrive here as well." Farhan said, "It's possible." Nafiz said, "Then we should get out of here quickly." Farhan asked, "And what about him?" Nafiz asked, "What about him?" Farhan said, "He can't come with us, he's wounded, injured." Nafiz said, "Then let's no go like that. First we kill him and then we'll go." Farhan said, "He's your friend, your friend." Nafiz asked, "So? There aren't any friends in business, only partners. He taught me this thing." [Nafiz told a small story to Bhaiya, how he and I met for the first time.] [Nafiz was running from two thieves, then he suddenly saw Faiyaz in an alley. He went near him and said, "Hey bro, save me, please. Those two are after me." Faiyaz asked, "Who are they?" Nafiz said, "Assume they're police." Faiyaz asked, "What's in your hand? How much is there?" Nafiz said, "Ten grand, that's it." Faiyaz said, "Five for you, five for me." Nafiz said, "Seven mine, three yours." Faiyaz said, "Five yours, five mine." Nafiz said, "Okay, six mine, four yours." Faiyaz said, "No, five equally between us." Nafiz said, "Okay, dear daddy. Five equally for us, let's go now, quick." Then they ran away by Faiyaz's car.] [Present time:] Nafiz said, "Had I been in his place today, he would've said the same thing. You both would've killed me and run away. He got shot, that's his luck, we didn't, that's our luck. The rascal is gonna be dead in a couple of hours anyways. Let's just kill him here and run away." Farhan shouted, "Shut up!! Just shut up!! Shut up!!" Nafiz said, "Okay, if you don't wanna come, don't. I'm going away." Farhan asked, "Where are you going? Nafiz. Hey, Nafiz!!" Then Nafiz pulled out his gun and was about to aim at Farhan, but Farhan caught his hand and took the gun and aimed at his head, and said, "This whole paranoid attitude of yours is even making you mad. Shut up. I've been hearing your nonsense for a very long time. You've been sick and tensed. Now I'm not been able to tolerate your nonsense anymore. Now before I knock your head off in the bonnet, tell me, where is the bag. Come on, where, is, the bag?" Then someone clapped from behind. In came Munif, and he said, "Well done, Bhaiya. Blow his head off. Even I want to see, whether he has brains inside it, or only peas. Go ahead." Farhan asked, "Hey, you're alive? I was thinking that you're dead." Munif asked, "Were you 'thinking', or were you 'wanting', Bhaiya?" Farhan asked, "What do you mean?" Munif said, "Nothing, nothing." Nafiz said, "It would've been better if someone knocked you off." Munif said, "Go ahead, you knock off. That's why the police released me, didn't they? For you." Farhan said, "Hey, relax. Where are Zarif and Salman?" Munif said, "Don't know." Nafiz said, "He's been acting as if nothing happened." Munif asked, "What happened?" Farhan said, "He's assuming that one of us is an informer of the cops." Munif asked, "What do you think, Bhaiya?" Farhan said, "It's possible." Nafiz said, "I'm not assuming, I know, for sure. Someone is surely the traitor." Munif asked, "What else do you know?" Nafiz asked, "What do you mean by 'what else do you know'? Someone is surely the informer." Munif said, "You are." Nafiz asked, "What?" Munif said, "You're the informer." Nafiz said, "Hey, stop talking nonsense." Munif said, "I'm not talking nonsense. I've proof with me". Nafiz said, "Hey, smarty, don't create a drama, or else." Munif asked, "Or else what?" Nafiz said, "I'll kill you, you lunatic. Mad." Munif said, "Yes, I'm going mad slowly and gradually." Then Munif started to walk towards Nafiz. Nafiz said, "Hey, don't move, or I'll shoot." Munif said, "Go ahead, shoot." Nafiz said, "I'm not joking, I'll shoot you, don't move." Munif shouted, "Go, shoot me!!" Nafiz said, "Don't come nearer, or I'll shoot." Then he pressed the trigger and saw no bullets came out. Munif started laughing and said, "Hey Mama, you're the bigger fool now, along with your brains. Where are the bullets?" Nafiz said, "T...T...They were here, I swear." Munif said, "T...T...They were here, I swear. Where are they now?" Farhan said, "Here they are, in my hands." Then Munif pulled out his revolver and said, "This one's fully loaded. Munif said, "I've seen you with a police officer many times." Nafiz asked, "Who has seen?" Munif said, "There's a man. He's coming now." Nafiz said, "Your man is talking nonsense." Munif said, "Now tell me. Since when are you fooling all of us?" Nafiz said, "Hey, I don't need to make you a fool, that you already are one." Munif asked, "You made the plan inside the jail with the police officers, didn't you" Nafiz said, "Hey, you can think whatever you want, but remove the gun first. Remove it, or the bullet will come out. Hey remove it, remove, heeeeeyyyy!!!!!!!" Munif started laughing and said, "Remove it, remove!!!!! Hahahaha. What a big chicken, coward. What a big coward he is, Bhaiya." Farhan asked, "What you said, over here, and there, what was that?" Munif said, "That I was joking, Bhaiya. There should be little joke sometimes, what say?" Farhan asked, "That one's been shot, he's about to die, Zarif and Salman are nowhere to be found, the police can arrive here anytime, and you're joking around?" Munif said, "Bhaiya, I was just..." Farhan asked, "What I was just?" Munif said, "I'm sorry, Bhaiya. But I was just joking a little bit." Farhan said, "I was also joking." Then they both started laughing, and Nafiz asked, "If you both are done with your love scene, then shall I say something?" Munif said, "Yes, say. What crap do you wanna blabber about?" Nafiz said, "I will blabber, and rightfully. We're just standing here like this, what if the cops arrive?" Munif said, "Let them then. We'll see and take care of them here as well." Nafiz said, "You can see. With full binoculars. I'm going." Munif asked, "Where?" Nafiz said, "Where I can stay alive. At least one has to stay alive to attend the funeral of you all." Then he opened the back door and Farhan shot near the door. Nafiz asked, "Have you gone mad? What are you doing?" Farhan said, "To let you know that you aren't going anywhere." Nafiz asked, "Tell me one thing, who are you to give us orders daily?" Munif said, "Your dear daddy, because he has the loaded gun with him at the moment." Nafiz asked, "So, what?" Munif said, "So, you're such a big coward, that only two or three bullets got fired, and you got tight? What? Hey chicken!! Hey coward, say!!" Nafiz started crying and asked, "Yes, I'm coward, so what? I'm coward. I have to remain coward to provide for everyone in my family in my village. My father, mother, sister, uncle, cousins. I've one cousin here as well. I've to provide for her as well." Munif asked, "So what do I do? Marry her?" Nafiz asked, "Will you marry her, you scoundrel? She's mentally sick since her birth. Will you marry her? I've to look after her as well. If you marry her, I'll be your slave forever. Will you marry her? Bloody, a very big plan, we'll be earning a lot of money. Because of you, only because of you, we got trapped in this mess." Farhan said, "He's right." Munif asked, "Bhaiya, you too?" Farhan said, "Hadn't you shot there madly, then this wouldn't have happened." Munif said, "I really can't understand you guys." Farhan asked, "Why, didn't you shoot that man?" Munif said, "He was trying to press the alarm, Bhaiya." Farhan shouted, "All the alarms were off. All of them were off!!" Munif said, "Then I forgot about that. I told him ten times, not to move. I even pointed a gun at his head, still he moved, that's why I knocked him off. It was a matter of my prestige, Bhaiya." Nafiz said, "You did the right thing. I wouldn't even compromise in terms of my prestige." Farhan asked, "Hey, what are you saying? You also killed four policemen over there." Nafiz asked, "So, what would I do? I'd have to save myself as well. You should also have killed two or three by your hands. It was a sweet chance, so many policemen and constables together, buzzing like bees." Farhan asked, "Did you take me for a fool? Because of the foolishness of you guys, I got trapped. This one, he came in between me. He took the bullet. The bullet was meant for me. Had he not been there, I'd have been finished. You stupid pricks, always goofing up this and that. Had I known you guys would mess this one up as well, I would've never picked this job." Munif asked, "Bhaiya, are you going to bark all day, or bite as well?" Farhan asked, "What did you say?" Munif asked, "Are you going to bark only, or bite as well?" Farhan asked, "Oh yeah? You want me to bite you, don't you? You bloody..." Then Zarif arrived and stopped Farhan and said, "Bhaiya, just leave him, Bhaiya, relax." Then Faiyaz shouted, "I'll pump so much iron inside you, the same pull you pull the trigger, the bullets will come out of somewhere else." Then Zarif pushed Farhan and held Munif. Munif asked, "What'll he do..." Then both of them started fighting. Then suddenly a bullet was fired. In came Salman and said, "If someone touches anybody now, then I'll shoot him right away." Munif asked, "Did you enjoy?" Zarif said, "Yes, I enjoyed." Farhan said, "Hey Zarif, leave him. He's crazy." Munif asked, "Bhaiya, you're taking his side?" Zarif said, "Go to hell, all of you. I only played along you guys, so that the work goes smoothly, we'll get money..." Munif said, "And you'll be flying with your little bird, I suppose." Munif and Nafiz started laughing. Salman said, "Shut up! Shut up! First tell me, how did the police arrive there?" Nafiz said, "By flying (he and Munif laughed); they were called." Salman asked, "By whom?" Nafiz said, "That's what I'm trying to say. Someone is the traitor amidst us." Zarif asked, "Who?" Munif asked, "You?" Zarif asked, "Why? Can't it be you?" Munif said, "We'll find it right now." Farhan asked, "How?" Munif said, "Come with me."

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