Always- A Zelink fanfic

By goldenunicorn9

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Link and Zelda, after 100 years, have defeated Calamity Ganon, and now they can finally reunite and start on... More

Chapter 1- Calamity defeated
Chapter 2: The Stable
Chapter 3: Journey to Kakariko
Chapter 3.5: Checking in
Chapter 4: Kakariko Village
Chapter 5: Impa
Chapter 6: The Memory
Chapter 7: To Hateno
Chapter 8: The Princess in the Yiga's Grasp
Chapter 9: The New Yiga Leader
Chapter 10: Hateno Village
Chapter 12: Stars
Chapter 13: Thoughts
Chapter 14: You
Chapter 15: Unexpected
Chapter 15.5: Link and Zelda Art
Chapter 16?: The Unknown Discovery

Chapter 11: Purah

195 8 2
By goldenunicorn9

-Zelda's POV-

"Rebuild Hyrule Castle? What's the point? We'd build something and all the Guardians around there would go blasty blasty and destroy it. Not to mention all the evil little monsters, and Calamity Ganon most of all!" Bolson said, astounded. 

"About that....." I say, and continue to tell him about my identity and the new state of Hyrule.

"Holy guacamole!!!" He exclaimed when I finished. "That's as wonderful as the Bolson Construction Dance! Okeydoo, so how are you planning on doing this, your majesty? 2 guys can't rebuild a whole castle and  it's surrounding town."

"Uh....." I bite my lip. "I was thinking we could visit the Zora, Gorons, Rito, and the Gerudo to help"

"That would be veeeery helpful!" 

"Zelda!" Link calls me from his house.


"I thought you wanted to see Purah?" He says as he steps outside.

"Oh yes! I forgot! We must head over there at once." I completely forgot about Purah!

"Well than let's go. She lives at the tech lab way up there" Link points up to a building with a huge telescope perched on top. "Let's just walk so the horses can rest."

I nod and join him as we walk towards the bridge together. I'm nervous to see Purah, but I don't show it. How will she react to me being gone 100 years? To me failing to save hundreds of thousands of lives? 

By the time me and Link have gotten up to the second sign marker up the path, I'm practically shaking. A million scenarios are going through my head. I keep thinking about all the "what if"s and it's killing me.

" ok?" Link asks me.

Now you realize that?! I hold back my retort. 

"Fine. I'm fine." I say, looking away from him.

"You sure? You seem a" 

You think?  I hold back another retort.

"Didn't I just say I was fine!" I say though gritted teeth. No! I didn't just say that! I put my hand over my mouth.

"S-sorry..." He says, sounding a bit hurt.

I sigh as we walk up the rest of the path without uttering a word.

When we finally get to the lab, Link opens the door for me.

"Check it!" A high-pitched voice calls from inside the lab. That can't be Purah.... it sounds like a child.... Purah's old now... right?

When I see her I gasp. Standing on a stool is a child, with the same glasses as the Purah I used to know...... that can't be Purah. Is it her daughter or something?

"H-hi..." I say, unsure of who this child is.

"Princess! So good to see ya after all this time! So is that stinky pig finally gone?" The child exclaims. "Gimme a good SNAP!" 

"What? Purah.... is that you?" I say, perplexed. 

"The one and only!" child Purah says while spinning around. 

"But it's been 100 years.... why do you look 20 years younger than I last saw you?"

"Let's just say one of my experiments didn't go as planned.... but at least I'm not as old as my sis! I can actually move!" She giggles. 

"I suppose" I can't help but a giggle too. "It's so good to see you after all this time."

"Ditto! Oh and also I want you to meet Symin! He's my assistant." She points at a Sheikah man looking at books. 

"Nice to meet you. And nice to see you again, Link." He says politely, and nods at Link when he says the last part. "Wait.... you must be Princess Zelda!"

I nod. Of course he knows Link.... Everyone  knows Link.

"Well than that must mean Calamity Ganon has been sealed away!"

I nod again.

"That is wonderful!" He exclaims.

"Exactly!" Purah jumps up and down. "I knew Zelly could do it!"

"Well, Link did most of the work...." I say, looking at the ground. I'd rather not compliment him but it's true. I....failed.

"She's just being modest." Link says to Purah. 

"N-no! If it wasn't for Link then I-"

"If it wasn't for you then I'd be dead." 

"If I had unlocked my power in the first place Calamity Ganon would have been sealed 100 years ago!"

"Okay guys! You both did brilliantly and whatever you say won't change that! Hey Zelly, I was just working on a new weapon, ya wanna help!" Purah says.

I want stay on track, but I haven't done research in such a long time and I let my excitement get the best of me. "Of course" I say with a forced smile.

"Linky, you wanna help?" Purah asks. Please no! I think.

"No, I think I'll go mining. I'm low on rupees." He responds. I'm secretly glad he's not attending. I'd probably snap at him again. After Link walks out of the lab Purah turns to me.

"Time to show you what I've been working on!" Purah walks over to a table a couple of feet away and grabs a blueprint. "Ultimate Sheikah Arms! They match your arms' movements for Ultimate destruction! Slashy slash!"

"Wow, Purah. Where are you going to get all the funds for this?"

"That's the main thing slowing us down. After that pig took over Hyrule Castle, funds have been hard  to come by. But now that pig went wee wee wee all the way home, funds might be possible! Even if we'll have to wait a few years."

"I see..." Hearing about how everyone struggled when Calamity Ganon took over makes me feel even more guilty of not being able to destroy it all those years ago.


For the rest of the day me and Purah worked on scavenging materials we found in the lab for the Ultimate Sheikah Arms. I even tweaked the design a bit to improve them. I'm quite proud of myself. After hours of work, I finally sit down to take a break.

"I really hope these will be successful Purah" I say.

"I'm positive they're gonna be brilliant!" She responds, as enthusiastic as ever.

I look through the window. It's already dark....

I'm going to have to go back to Link.....


"Um... Purah I gotta go. See you tomorrow"

By Zelly!

After that I slowly trudged out the door and towards Link's house, and back to what I've been putting off all day.

That's it for this chapter! Hope you liked it! I would have posted earlier but y'know, the Super Bowl kinda ate all my time. Also, I have a question I want you guys to answer in the comments! Where are y'all from? I'm really curious, so don't be afraid to tell me! Please vote, comment, and follow me to get updates! See ya next Sunday! Goldie, out!

Edit: this is the updated version of this chapter. I had to change a few things so yeah. bye!

Word count: 1006

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