Dream Of Me

By hotmessmomwrites

383K 6.3K 1.2K

"Please, fuck me, please!" I cried, tears spilling down my cheeks. "Only because you look so pretty when you... More

Author's Note


13.8K 222 105
By hotmessmomwrites


A RUMBLING NOISE woke me from my sleep.

I opened my eyes, still in Colton's bed but he was nowhere to be found. The rumbling grew louder and the floor shook. I sat up immediately and stood from the bed.

The ground quaked so violently it nearly knocked me over. I placed my hand on the night stand and steadied myself before sprinting to the bedroom door. I jerked it open and was greeted with a blast of heat as smoke started filing into the room. I covered my nose and mouth with my elbow and coughed, trying to clear the fumes from my lungs.

"Colt?" I ran down the hallway towards the guest bedroom and flung the door open.


I started to panic. My eyes stung from the smoke and I coughed each time I tried to inhale. I turned out of the bedroom and ran back down the hallway to the stairs. The smoke was so heavy I could hardly see. When I reached the bottom of the stairs I blinked rapidly, trying to alleviate the dryness of my eyes. The windows of the living room had been blown out and the entire downstairs of Colton's condo was engulfed in flames.

"Colt!" I screeched.

I still couldn't find him. I maneuvered my way through the blazing living room. Ashes flew onto my shirt and left tiny burn holes behind. I coughed again, my chest burning and desperate for oxygen. The smoke was incredibly thick, it engulfed everything in darkness. I couldn't find the front door. I got down on my hands and knees and crawled. My eyes burned so badly I couldn't open them but for a few seconds and had to feel the way to the door with my hands. I reached up and grabbed the handle. I swung the door open and crawled out to the hallway. It wasn't in much better shape than Colton's living room. It was still clouded with smoke and looking to the left of me I could see flames coming from the door of the condo next to us.

I grabbed the wall and helped myself to my feet as the building shuddered again. I pulled the neckline of my shirt up over my nose and mouth to try and soften the burning in my throat.

I kept my hand against the wall to help guide me to the staircase. Once I reached it, I mustered all of my strength and hauled ass to the first floor.

The building shook violently. I looked up and saw cracks beginning to form on the walls and ceiling. I ran as fast as I could to the front doors of the building. I pulled them open and tumbled onto the cement, gasping as I was finally able to fill my lungs with fresh air.

I forced open my burning eyes and looked down at my hands on the sidewalk. When I had fallen out of the building, I landed right on top of graffiti that was painted in green. I stood up to get a better look and my mouth fell open. It was the Irish mark. The fucking Irish did this.

I heard the building groan behind me and felt a pair of hands on my waist as they picked me up and ran with me to safety across the street. I watched in horror as the building collapsed and condensed to rubble. My legs gave out and the same set of strong hands kept me upright. I looked up and saw hazel eyes. I traced my fingers across Colt's face and silently thanked God he was okay.

I could see his lips move as he spoke to me but the only thing I could hear was the ringing in my ears. I turned around and desperately clung to his shirt, his arms wrapped around me and pulled me to his chest tightly.

In that moment I forgave him for everything. I would follow him to the end of the Earth if he asked me to.

The ringing in my ears started to fade and I could begin to hear muffled voices and screams. I looked back up at Colt who was shouting at someone on the phone.

"The Irish," I mumbled. Colt immediately put his phone down and grabbed my face in both of his hands.

"Darcy, what?"

"It was the Irish. I saw their mark. It was painted on the sidewalk in front of the building." I glanced back over at the concrete where the graffiti was only to see it was covered by rubble and debris. A tear slipped down my cheek and Colt wrapped me back up in his arms.

"Darcy, I am so sorry. I had to go to the office, I never would've left you alone if I knew-"

"Please don't leave me. Don't leave me ever again," I interrupted.

"Never. You have my word."

A black car screeched to a halt in front of us. Colton walked up to it and opened the back door. He placed his hand on the small of my back as he guided me inside. He slid in beside me and grabbed my hand. I glanced up front at the driver and saw that it was Luca Capano.

"They really fucked your place up, Bishop."

"It was the Irish."

"Are you sure?" Luca turned around to look at Colton.

"Positive," Colton said while nodding. "Darcy saw their mark painted on the concrete outside the building."

"Fuck," Luca grumbled as he typed furiously on his phone. Once he had sent his message he sped off.

"I will kill every last one of them," Colton growled as he squeezed my hand.

"I have a place you can stay in Redmond. It's on Lake Sammamish," Luca said.

"Thank you," I whispered quietly, my voice hoarse. Luca looked up into the rear-view mirror at me and gave a small smile.

"Before we go, we need to come up with a plan," Colt said while looking out of the car window at the plume of smoke rising from his home.

"We'll head back to my office and call an emergency meeting. We'll wipe the fuckers out for good," Replied Luca. The drive to Luca's hotel seemed to take forever. Everyone in the car was silent, lost in their own thoughts.

We arrived at the massive hotel. Luca parked out front and handed his keys to the valet. Colton and I followed in behind him. Luca led us to a conference room where a dozen other men already sat, waiting for us. He took a seat at the head of the table and cleared his throat.
    "We thought the Irish had left our city with their tail tucked between their legs, but we were wrong. Bishop's home was attacked today, and Darcy hardly made it out alive. Marco, I texted you on my way over here to do some digging. Did you find any information?"

Marco stood up as he spoke. "I reached out to one of my sources. They said the Irish have a schedule of attacks to make on higher ranking members of La Cosa Nostra. Unfortunately, Colt was the first on the list. Since Declan is now dead, his brother is calling the shots. His name is Conor Murphy. Murphy is hosting a masquerade at his mansion in Tacoma tomorrow night. My source assured me that the schedule of attacks is on his personal computer, located in his office on the second floor of his home. We need to get in there and get our hands on a copy of that schedule."

Luca leaned back in his chair and ran his hand across his jaw as he considered his options.

"We send Darcy in. She's smart and beautiful and the least recognizable out of all of us, especially in a mask," Luca stated.

Colton sat up straight. "No. No way in hell. She just had a hit out for her a few weeks ago."

"It's not a bad idea," Marco retorted. "Let her sweet talk Murphy, flash a little leg and he'll be putty in her hands."

"Marco, offense intended, that is the dumbest thing I've ever heard," Colton spat.

"I'll do it," I spoke up. Colton grabbed my wrist tightly.

"No, you will not."

"My life has been nothing but hell since I got mixed in with them. I want them to pay."

"Well, if you're going, I'm going too." Colt scoffed.

"Fine." Luca signed. "Hopefully you won't be recognized, Colton. Keep in mind you'll be in enemy territory. Not much we can do to protect you there. I'll have Marco get in touch with his informant. We'll assign you fake names and get you on the guest list."

Colton sat back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest. "I still don't like this idea," He said.

"We can send Marco with her instead, if you'd like," Luca teased.

Colton grabbed my hand and stood up. He pulled me towards the door and called over his shoulder, "We'll be there tomorrow."


Luca had a gown for me delivered. It was a beautiful cream-colored silk dress. The delicate spaghetti straps led down to a deep v neckline. The two slits in the skirt met the tops of my thighs, showing off both of my legs. I paired it with red strapless heels that matched my lipstick. My hair was pulled into a low messy ponytail so it wouldn't distract from the dress. I had a lace mask that matched the color of my gown. I leaned over the bathroom sink as I put it on and tied it behind my head. Colton walked into the bathroom and stood behind me, pressing his hips into my ass.

I could feel his erection through his pants. I looked up at him in the mirror and gave him a smirk. He looked mouthwatering. He wore a dark green suit jacket with a black dress shirt and tie. His pants and dress shoes were also black. He fumbled with a thin, simple black leather mask over his face.

"This mask makes me feel stupid as fuck," He said while adjusting the strings at the back of his head. I giggled as I leaned further towards the mirror to touch up my lipstick. Colton took another step closer to me, pressing his hard cock against my ass again.

"You're lucky we have somewhere to be, or I'd fuck the shit out of you right now."

My cheeks reddened and I could feel my wetness starting to soak through my panties. Colt opened a drawer on the bathroom vanity and pulled out a small black box. He put his hand on my upper back and bent me over further, my tits and face flush with the cold countertop. He bunched my dress up around my hips and gripped my ass firmly before giving it a playful smack.

I moaned and pushed my ass further into him, pressing his erection deeper into my thigh. He slid my lace panties to the side and drew a finger from my clit to my entrance.

"Always so fucking wet," He said with a smirk. He held his finger out towards me, and I took it into my mouth, sucking my sweet juices off of it. He pushed my face back to the countertop and I gasped as he pushed something into my pussy. He put my thong back into place and fixed my dress.

"What the hell was that?" I asked.

"You'll see," He said and placed a quick peck on my lips.

We loaded up into Colt's car and made the drive to Tacoma. It took us about forty-five minutes to get there and I squirmed in my seat the entire time. I could feel the heaviness of whatever toy he had put inside of me. When I would change the way I sat, I could feel a quick jolt of pleasure that would only leave my pussy dripping and craving more. We arrived at Conor's mansion and stopped in front of the guards to give our names.

"Liam and Maeve Daly." Colt told the guard. He began flipping through his papers and looking for our names on the guest list. Colton wrapped his arm around my waist and stuck his hand into his jacket pocket. All of a sudden, the toy inside of me came to life. I gasped loudly. The vibrations rippled through my sex, making me shudder with pleasure and causing my knees to buckle. Colt held me up with his arm around my waist. When the guard looked back to us, the vibrations stopped and left me panting.

"Enjoy the party, Mr. and Mrs. Daly," He said as he gestured towards the grand doors of the home.

"You're a fucking asshole," I hissed.

Colt flicked the remote again and I tripped over my own feet as the pleasure overwhelmed me. I gripped the sleeve of his suit and squeezed my eyes shut as I willed myself to stay upright. He turned the vibrator off once again and I whimpered.

"If I were you, I'd watch your tone with me for the rest of the night," Colt said and shot me a wink. My legs were shaky as we stepped into the foyer. The room was alive with music and the murmur of other guests. For such a shitty person, Conor did have a beautiful home.

Colt and I made our way to the bar. I sat down on a stool and Colton took a seat two stools down from me. He wanted to keep an eye on me but also didn't want to compromise our mission.

I asked the bartender for a glass of red wine. I took a sip as Colt said, "That's Conor at your six." Colton's voice hummed in my ear through the in-ear tactical headset he wired on me before we left. I turned around to see a handsome red-haired man standing about 5 yards behind me. He was looking directly at me. I gave a soft smile then turned around and took another sip of wine.

"He's approaching," Colt stated while looking straight ahead. I felt a brush against my shoulder and glanced to see Conor leaning over the bar to my right.

"Dead Rabbit whiskey. Neat," Conor said to the bartender. He turned towards me and gave me a grin. His eyes devoured me, scanning over my body from head to toe.

"I'm Conor Murphy. I don't think I've had the pleasure of meeting you yet," He said while extending a hand. I put my hand into his and felt a jolt of bliss as Colton flicked his remote and vibrations rammed through my cunt.

"Maeve Daly," I panted as he kissed my knuckles.

The vibrator slowed but didn't stop, still supplying constant pleasure but not enough to make me lose focus. I crossed my legs and squeezed my thighs together while trying to stifle a moan.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful woman," Conor stated as ran his thumb over the spot on my knuckles where he had planted his lips.

"Thank you," I gave him another small smile.

"Dance with me?"

I nodded and he helped me to my feet. Colt ramped up the toy again, the buzz of pleasure surged through my pussy and my knees buckled once again. Conor caught me by the elbow and cocked his eyebrow at me.

"I'm sorry, I must've had too much wine," I pressed my lips together to keep from moaning as the familiar pressure of an orgasm started building. Conor chuckled as he led me to the dance floor.

He placed both hands on my hips and I rested my hands against his shoulders. I could feel the wetness from my cunt beginning to coat my inner thigh. The toy was still very much alive, and perspiration began to form on the back of my neck.

As we swayed to the music, I caught a glance of Colton. He was still sitting at the bar, his eyes fixed on mine. I was alarmingly close to an orgasm. My legs shook and my lip quivered while I shot him a death glare from across the room. Colt lowered the setting, the vibrator still lightly buzzing in my cunt. I brought my eyes back to Conor who was looking down on me and smirking. He spun me so my back was now to Colton. Conor's hands ran down below my waist and settled on the top of my ass.

I could feel the vibrations increasing once again until I was buzzing with ecstasy. I closed my eyes and braced myself for my climax. The music died down and so did the toy. Conor dropped his hands from my ass and at the same time, Colt switched the vibrator off. I gave Colton the middle finger behind my back. I stood up on my toes and whispered into Conor's ear.

"Let's take this somewhere more private."

He gave me a wicked smirk and placed his hand on my lower back. He directed me towards the stairs and once we reached the second story of his home, I grabbed his hand. Following the directions Marco had given me to his office, I pulled him in front of the door, and he swiftly unlocked it. I stepped inside, silently scanning the room. I spotted his desk in the back right corner next to the giant window overlooking the pond in his backyard.

Conor stepped behind me and wrapped his arms around my torso. His hands wandered up to my breasts and he nuzzled his nose into my neck. I pushed my ass back into his groin as a distraction. I quickly grabbed the name plate off his desk and bashed him across the side of his head. Conor was immediately unconscious and fell to the ground.

I rushed to the other side of his desk and booted the computer. I put the flash drive into the USB port and transferred every file he had. I heard the doorknob rattling and I grabbed the name plate again, clutching it in my hands in case I needed to bash another creep on the head. The door opened and Colton quickly stepped in.

"I'm impressed." He chuckled when he saw Conor on the floor.

"Shut your mouth or you'll end up on the ground with him."

Colt chuckled again.

The transfer was complete, and I removed the flash drive from Conor's computer. I stepped over his unconscious body and grabbed Colton's hand. He pulled me out of the office and back down to the first story of the home. We made it back to the foyer and scurried out of the front doors. The valet pulled Colt's car around and the guard wished us a good evening. We drove off of Murphy's property and back on to public roads.

I removed my mask and Colton did the same. I reached up my dress, pushing my panties to the side and retrieved the toy that was buried in my cunt. Colton locked his eyes on mine as I took it into my mouth and cleaned my cum off of it before setting it into his hand.

"Fuck you and that goddamn vibrator."

Colt chuckled as he ran his hand up the slit of my dress and rested it on the top of my thigh.

"Did he touch you?"

I pondered for a moment before admitting,



"My tits."

Colt slammed on the brakes and pulled his car to the side of the road. He unbuckled his seat belt and leaned towards me and wrapped his fingers around my neck.

"You let him touch what's mine?" Colton hissed.

I nodded slowly.

He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a pocketknife. He flipped it open and grabbed the strap of my dress and cut it away from my body. He repeated the same to the other strap. My dress fell down around my waist, my naked breasts were on display and heaving with anticipation. He used the back of the blade to draw slow circles around my nipples. His fingers tightened around my throat.

"You belong to me. Do you understand?" He said through a wicked grin.

He took his knife and cut through the rest of the fabric on my dress. The scraps fell to the floorboard of his car, and I sat in the passenger seat in nothing but my underwear. He grabbed my legs and pulled me closer to him. My ass was propped up on the center console, leaving my soaked cunt pushed up towards him. One of my legs dangled behind his seat and the other across his lap.

"This pussy is mine." He said as he cut away my thong.

He ran the handle of his knife across my clit. I moaned and my back arched off the seat.

"There will never be another man who will make you come like I do," He ran the handle across my clit again and my hips bucked.

"Yes, sir."

"Good girl."

His mouth devoured my cunt as he held his blade to my stomach. His tongue expertly flicked my clit causing my back to arch once again. His blade pushed into my skin from the sudden movement I made. I noticed a tiny cut and a drop of blood began to form. He sucked and nibbled my swollen bud, and a whimper escaped my lips.

"Fuck, Colt," I moaned.

His tongue pressed against my entrance and my hand tangled in his hair, pulling him closer. He licked back up through my folds, pursed his lips and placed them over my clit giving it a strong suck, then he slammed two fingers inside of me.

"Please don't stop," I begged.

Colt curled his fingers and started working them in and out of me faster, his mouth still devouring my pussy. He added a third finger.

"I'm about to come. Whatever you do, don't fucking stop."

Colt's mouth continued its ruthless attack on my cunt, his fingers pumping in and out of me faster and faster. I screamed as I climaxed. My legs trembled and I grabbed the hair on the back of his head, keeping his mouth on my pussy until my orgasm subsided. He picked his head up from my sex to look at me with a devilish grin on his face. His beard glistened, soaked with my cum.

"Such a greedy whore," He grunted as he flipped me on my stomach. My belly pressed into the console, pushing my ass into the air. He lightly traced his knife from the back of my thigh, over my ass and up my back until the blade settled at my throat.

He smacked my rear hard. I could feel my ass cheek bounce as he groaned in content. He removed his belt and pulled down his pants with one hand. He ran the head of his cock through my slickness, and I let out a breathy moan.

"Do you want me to fuck you?"


"Not good enough," He said and pushed the knife harder into my throat.

"Please! Please fuck me until I come!"

He slammed his entire length inside of me. He kept his knife at my throat and jerked my head back by my hair. He pounded into me as I sobbed from intense pleasure.

"Does that feel good, whore?"

"Yes!" I screamed again.

He continued railing into me, the head of his length reached my womb with every stroke. The walls of my cunt fluttered as another orgasm neared.

"If you keep wrapping your tight little pussy around my cock like that, I'm gonna come inside you."

"Please come inside me!" I choked out as I climaxed.

"You feel so fucking good," Colt groaned.

His thrusts became inconsistent as he also neared his orgasm. He slowed and I could feel his cock pulse as he released inside of me. He removed the knife from my neck and flipped me over onto my back. He admired the cum leaking from my pussy and dripping down to the console.

"Beautiful," He said with a smirk.

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