Sister Figure ~JJ Maybank~

By Fictional_men_fl

191 2 2

You were good in school, only a year younger. They always saw u as ' Innocent sister' you hated it and wante... More

Getting to know


10 0 0
By Fictional_men_fl

When I got home I saw John b and the pouges drinking and smoking, I just sighed and went inside I heard a noise but ignored it and went to my room. I opened my door to see people kissing in there "WHAT THE FUCK GET OUT" A 17 year old yelled at me, I just sighed and walked to the dock "hey" I didn't look up "go away" the unidentified person sat next to me and hugged me. I looked up to see Jj "I can't even go in my room now ugh" I layed down on the hot wood and started to tear up "welp I guess that means we have to hang" I just looked at him then his lips for a second but back to his ocean blue eyes, I chuckled "I guess so". I got up and started to walk back "hey wait up!" I laughed "you gotta catch me first!" I started to run, he was starting to gang on me but kept running "LEAH GET BACK HERE" I heard him laughing, with that I started to slow down and he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me up "Jj put me down you asshole!" He just laughed and started running, I saw people looking at us in confusion. He finally stopped at the little river, "dude your heavy for a girl" I looked at him "are you calling me fat?!" He looked at me and laughed "no" I chuckled, "shit!" He looked at me confused "what?" "I have work can you drive me please I'm trying to make money so I can" I stopped before I said anything that I regreted "so you can what?" I sighed I guess I should tell him, "I want to buy a horse and they only cost 300 bucks so I got a job at the wreak" he sighed "sure come on I'll drive" I chuckled "ok let's goooo" he drove me to the wreak, I jumped off and ran inside "Leah you were almost late" "I'm so sorry sir" he nodded as I got to work, I worked for a couple hours before kie came. I forgot she worked here "hey Leah" I looked up "hey kie" I waved and went back to work "when did you start working here" "today" she nodded and we both went to to work. We worked for about 5 hours after that, kie left and I was closing when the door opened "we're close!" I yelled, I didn't hear footsteps or the door close when I was about to look up my mouth was covered and perverted me to scream "now sh you don't want to alarm people now do you?" I could feel his smirk rising at my shivering body. "W-why are y-you here?" "You should know why I'm here Leah" "r-rafe?" He nodded "w-why are y-you here" "I came to ask if you wanted to go to the drive in movie with me or" he held up a knife "or there dead" I nodded "fine I'll go now leave rafe I have to close up" he nodded and left I sighed "shit I told kie I would go with her and the boys" I took my phone out to see Jj calling me "hey jj what's up?" "You still coming?" "Um please don't tell kie b-but I have to go with Rafe instead" I started to tear up "fine go with the kook, see you there Leah" he hanged up, I broke down crying great. I closed up and went back home to get ready, I accidentally ran into someone "shit I'm sorry" I looked up to see Jj "Jj!" He looked angry to see me, he didn't say anything and walked off I sighed and walked into my room and thank god it was empty, I picked some blue Jean shorts and a blue crop top "LEAH COME ON WERE GONNA BE LATE" kie literally said in the kitchen "coming!" I ran out and got into the van, "hey pope" "what's up Leah?" We did our little handshake we came up with "nothing much" we all talked while kie was driving but Jj was staying quiet the hole time. We finally got there, we picked a spot and put our chairs down "y'all want anything?" "2 cokes please" we nodded and walked up there to the food stand, "four cokes please" the man nodded, I felt someone tap me on the shoulder, I turned around to see rafe "tell your boys we know what they did" he then grabbed my arm and pulled me over "dude with the fuck I was with my friends!" He chuckled "those aren't your friends, not anymore!" "You can't decide who my friends are! I didn't even want to date you, you psychopath!" He then grabbed my wrist and pulled me behind the movie "don't you dare call me that!" I started to back up until I bumped into people, I turned around to see topper and kalse "now now don't be afraid we won't hurt you unless he tells us to" topped them butted in "I want to hurt you now so Jj will suffer" "you won't touch me" I started to walk but got pushed back "let go you assholes!!" Topper then wrapped his arm tighter around my throat. I saw two fading figures come closer, I was about to pass out when I heard voices "let her go topper!" His grip got tighter "now why would I do that she deserves it" I heard one figure chuckle "she doesn't deserve any of this!" I then felt a stabbing pain in my stomach, I heard fighting, I fell to the ground and instantly blacked out to smoke and lack of air. I felt someone pick me up, I woke up on someone lap while pope was driving, "Jj?" He looked down "yeah Jj" he smiled at me and kissed my forehead "shhh go to sleep" I nodded and snuggled into his chest, "I love you Jj" I said quietly enough for only him to hear, he leaned to my ear "I love you to cupcake" my heart started to beat faster but soon calmed down when I fell asleep snuggling up into his chest. I wanted to kiss him right then and there, but I couldn't he was my brother best friend and a brother to me but I still loved him more then a brother I loved him so much I couldn't take it anymore, I woke up still in the van next to Jj, he looked so peaceful, he moved his head into the crock of my neck and whispered something "don't move cupcake, hm why do you smell so good" I think he finally realize what he said and turned around to face away from my face. I chuckled "you smell good to Jj" I then went back to sleep and felt two arms wrap around my waist and bring me closer as if he was scared to loss me, I woke up again to see Jj was gone I was still in the van I heard voices, I walked to the porch "my dad, his office" I looked confused and stepped closer, "he always kept it locked because he was scared if his competitors would steal it" "I have slept over like 600 times and never seen this door unlocked" I chuckled at his response, I walked up to the door to see all the pouges listening to John b explain something "what are you do in here" I still looked sleepy but I thought I would take action "uh Leah I thought yo were still asleep" "I was not anwser my question, why are y'all in here" I looked at Jj to see if I could get a anwser he looked down, John b was about to talk when we heard nosies outside. I decided to check it out, "hey do you need anything?!" I looked at Jj bag and stepped forward to get it "hey don't move little girl!!!" I scoffed "how old to I look!? 12 or something! Like seriously!" "We're just her for John b" "he's not here he's at work" the man nodded and went up to me even closer " do you know where his work is sweetheart" I laughed "don't call me sweetheart!" I then pushed the man and grabbed Jj bag "now would you mind getting off my property please and thank you" I smiled at them and went inside to see them drive away. I sighed and walked back to the group "here your bag Jj and guys what the hell did y'all do?!" "Nothing Leah, at least nothing for you to worry about" "John b people were just here asking for you! And you don't think I wanna know why!" I sighed "HELL YOU DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT I GO THROUGH AND YOU NOT TELLING ME, John b I could loss you, don't you care about that" I started to tear up and walked to my room and grabbed some wax "I'm going surfing" I went out and grabbed my board and ran to the beach. I didn't even surf I just cried, I could hear people walked but I didn't suspect anyone I knew, "Leah I'm sorry" "don't be it's not like you would care anyways" he just sighed "Leah what happen to you over the last couple months?" " to much for me to comprehend" I sighed "do you want me to tell you everything?" He nodded "it all started after we left y'all, mom she started to take drugs and was drinking a lot about a year after she was abusing me, that went on for about four years till I ran away and found you and dad, well about 2 months ago, s-she found me again and w-was abusing me, she then tried to bring me back to her home. About a week later rafe kidnapped me and made me be his girlfriend or he would kill all of y'all, it was a month after that when when my school bully raped me, Jj knew of almost all of this then at the drive in movie, topper was coming me, and before that rafe and topper were trying to drown me when me and Jj were going swimming and both of those times he saved me" I was crying by now "John b I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner" he just hugged me and I cried into his chest. An hour passed and I was still crying into John b "why didn't you tell me Leah" "I thought you would look down on me and I didn't want that" he sighed "I'm so sorry Leah but I have some Business to do before someone else tryed to hurt you" "wait John b don't!" I ran up to him, he kept walking "I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE JOHN B" he stopped in his tracks "what do you mean?" "I'm leaving OBX" "what" "I can't take all of this and some people think I'm a slut because he raped me but he said we had sex! Dude I'm literally a fucking joke here I need to leave and fine a new home, uh like with dad" he started to walk to me "are you thinking of killing your self Leah!" I flinched when he yelled at me I nodded and walked away, I walked into my room and found rope and put in my backpack. "I'm going on a walk" Jj and John b stepped in front of me "no your not Leah" "y'all can't tell me what to do" I pushed by them and ran to the little stream, I tied the rope to a branch, "I'll see you soon dad I love you, please tell John b and Jj I love them so much I wish I didn't have to do this" I started to cry and put on a dress, I put the rope around my neck and walked to the end of the stream, I was about to jump before I felt my stomach get wet I put my hand on it and saw blood, I turned around to see.........ward carmon "w-what?" I fell and crawled over to my bag and grabbed my phone and dieled Jj "hello?" "Jj come quick please I got shot" I was losing my breath "please" I then passed out "IM COMING LEAH"

Omg thank you all for reading and I'm sorry I haven't been posting. I have had a lot goin on and thank you for 63 readsssssss ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm so so so so happppppy I am going on a trip but I will be posting hopefully I will be writing tho I have like 3 other story ideas I want to do but I want to see how thsi goes first anyways thank you to everyone who is reading this!


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