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I heard I car pull up, I felt my breath slowly running away I heard a faint voice "LEAH" I turned my head to see Jj and John b running over to you before you passed out. You start having memories of you and the pouges but mostly Jj and John b how they cared for you and made sure you were safe, you started to whimper and calling John b and Jj, the last memories you saw was when you were surfing with Jj and was swimming with him before all of this shit happen, "Jj, John b" you were calling while the were rushing you to the hospital "we're here Leah, don't worry" Jj was saying while rubbing your back. About a day or two you finally woke up, "John b? Jj?" You started to panic, John b and Jj came running in "we're here Leah you fine ok" you nod and hug John b then Jj, you started to cry "I'm sorry I thought of killing myself I'm have nothing left to live for, people are calling me a slut" you started to rasie your voice and you got up ripping the needles out of you whimpering in pain, you finally ran out of the hospital, you ran straight for home wanting to change clothes, you felt a car come behind you "Leah get in the car" you look at the car and shake your head and kept running till you got to your house. You ran in and went straight to your room, you found some Demi shorts and a plaid crop top, I heard the front door open "LEAH GET OUT HERE NOW" I sighed and walked out "yes?" "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YEA?! YOU FUCKING JUST WALKED OUT OF THE HOSPITAL" I flinched when he started to yell, I started to back up and he kept coming closer "John b your drunk" he just chuckled "I'm not drunk" you back hit the wall and he kept coming closer "your scaring me" "Leah go just go! Before I do anything!!!" I instantly ran out whiling my tears ever few seconds. I walked for a little till I came by the beach I saw horses, I sat down then wild horses came running by galloping and neighing till one stopped I front of me "hello" I said not even startled, the horse just neighed back like he was saying hi to me. I got up and walked very slowly to the horse, the horse didn't even move it came closer to me "hello there buddy" I was rubbing his nose by now. I was walking away and the horse was following me "hm boy what should I name you?" We we're walking.
This is the horse

"Hm ok um nightmare?" He shook his head "ok um raven!" He shook his head again "there has to be a name you like, um midnight?" His head shook again, "I have the perfect name pepper!" He neighed like he was saying he loved it

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"Hm ok um nightmare?" He shook his head "ok um raven!" He shook his head again "there has to be a name you like, um midnight?" His head shook again, "I have the perfect name pepper!" He neighed like he was saying he loved it. "Ok pepper" I sighed "pepp go back to your herd I come back tomorrow same spot" he nodded and ran off, I started to walk home I kept have memories about home, and with my mom I started to shake with every step I took edging closer to becoming scared to death, he knew I hated when he drinks but after everything he still does it, THEY FUCKING KNOW, everything I wish they didn't come and just let me die, I hate them! I hate them so much that I want to leave, before I knew it I was at home standing at the door shaking like crazy, I open the door to see no one home "thank god" I walked into my room to see my dairy open on the page about stuff that happen, "what the fuck happen here" I started to pick my clothes up and hid my dairy again. I heard the door open and I instantly stopped and froze, my door then opened "Leah?" I knew it was John b, I just stood frozen "look I'm sorry I was just mad about everything" he came closer to me, I started to walk to the back of my room "Leah please say something" "what is there to say John b! You know I hate when you drink! DUDE I GROW UP WITH THAT FUCKING WOMAN BECAUSE OF IT! I came here to get away from it BUT NO MY LIFE HAD TO BECOME MORE COMCATED, I HAVE A FUCKING CRUSH ON JJ I HAVE ALMOST GOTTEN KILLED TWICE AND MY OWN FUCKING BROTHER WONT TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK HE HE DOING HALF OF THE TIME, LIKE YESTERDAY YOU CAME HOME AND JUST IGNORED ME FOR NO REASON SO WHAT, WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO FUCKING SAY, I'm done I can't handle this any longer" I was crying by now, he just looked guilty "Leah" "no don't Leah me I'm done I'll just live off of my job" I walked out to hit someone "sorry" I didn't look up I just kept walking "Leah where you going?" I turned into Jj chest and started crying, "Jj I want to leave, I want to leave this house, this toxic life!" He just sighed "why do you want to leave Leah?" He sat me down wiping my tears "John b is just being very secretive and he drinks like yall and I can't stand it" your voice started to rasie again "I WAS ALMOST FUCKING CHOCKED TO DEATHA ND HE SEAMS LIKE HE DOESN'T CARE! I just want to feel love Jj. It feels like no one loves me and I hate myself regardless" I was crying pouring out what I have kept in for awhile. "Leah shhhhh" John b walked out right when I said I was almost chocked to death "what do you mean you were almost choked to death!?" I didn't answer "Leah answer him" Jj looked down "t-topper and r-rafe j-jumped me when we were at the drive in movie" I looked down also "you didn't tell me?! Jj you didn't tell me either!?" Nobody answer "will someone say anything?" "Topper tried to choke me because Pope or Jj sunk his boat so he was trying to get back at them with me" I looked down I could feel the tears building up, he then hugged me "I'm so sorry John b, but I swear if your looking for the Royal Merchant!" I pulled away from the hug "dad died for that and I can't lose you two" he sighed "there's something I need to show you" you looked up at him and nodded. I followed him to his room, he picked up an object "I found dads compass at the ship reck" you looked shocked "w-what?" He sighed "you found our dads compass AND YOU NEVER THOUGHT TO TELL ME AFTER EVERYTHING, HELL MARRY I BET YOU FOUND THE ROYAL MERCHANT AND DIDNT TELL ME LIKE IT DIDINT MATTER TO ME ABOUT UR FATHER!" he stayed quiet

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