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After an hour you stopped crying you fell asleep listening to the wind, there was a storm coming. You felt someone pick you up and start walking before you went into deep sleep. You woke up to two hands around your waistline, huh what happen last night, oh it's probably just John b or JJ. I got up put some running shoes and shorts on and walked out, I ran for about an hour into I saw my favorite creek. "Uh hi dad, remember when you used to take me here every week? I do, uh I can never tell them the would freak and" I started to tear up "I don't want them to get hurt more then the have to" after this I was already sobbing. I could feel someone hugging me but I didn't buge, I turned to see who it was............rafe. "W-w-why are y-y-you here?" He could see that I was scared, he smirked "oh don't ack like you don't know what your brother and your 'boyfriend' did" I looked at him confused. He picked me up and knocked me out, the next thing I remember was waking up to see my hands and feet tied to a chair "HELP ANYONE PLEASE HELP HELLO!?!?!" No response, I tried for about 10 minutes then gave up. "I'll make you feel what they made me feel now where should I start?"

Right ok I'm sorry but
He walked over to me and slapped me on the cheek, "tell why did they do it huh?" He pulled my head up by my hair "I-I dont k-k-know what your t-t-talking about!" I was tearing up, he let go and punched me in ribs i whimper "shut up now or I WILL KILL THEM" "no please don't there my only family left" I was sobbing by now. He pulled a gun to my head, "tell me now or die" "please I'll do anything please I don't know what they did the keep everything away from me please!" I sobbing like crazy. He pulled it down and made me look at him, he smirked "anything huh?" "Y-yes" "well then I guess we have a deal" "huh what?" I looked at him with a confused expression, "you will be my girlfriend and if not I'll kill everyone that you love and maybe even you" "w-what please don't kill them i-I'll do it" at the point I regretted what I said, but I need to save my family from him and this is the only way I could. Huh when I said I wanted to change I didn't mean like this now I have to lie to them and and JJ will never trust me again. I just wanted to feel like a normal girl but not like this now I have to pretend to like him HE PULLED A FUCKING GUN TO MY HEAD.


~JJ pov~
I woke up and didn't see Leah, I sighed and tried to remember what happen last night. "God John b! Wake up you sleepy head!" I heard him groaning but I didn't care, I looked around to maybe see Leah but nothing no note or anything "yo dude do you know where Leah is?" "No I haven't been awake idiot. Why?" "Well because she's not here and usually she leaves a note like when she runs" he got up and looked at me. "Maybe she's working or something, who knows" I looked at him with a look 'like really' "what?" "Huh nothing I got work I'll see you later John b" "Kay see ya later" he waved to me when I drove away. I saw Leah and RAFE!? WTH why is she with him come on let's go over there "Leah omg I was worried sick about you" "oh uh yea I-I'm fine" "ok good well John b wanted me to take you home if I saw you" she looked at rafe and nodded "ok thanks, see ya rafe" "bye babe" she looked down but I felt her arms around me. "Leah is everything alright? And why did he call you 'babe'" "stop here. Come I'll tell you everything and please don't get mad" "ok" I stoped and we down to the creek. "JJ rafe h-he kidnaped me and and" she was sobbing so hard, I hugged her and she started calm down alittle more "tell me ok I'm here to listen" she slightly smiled and continued "he making me be his girlfriend or he would of killed everyone kie,pope,John b, and you jj I couldn't let that happen" she was crying in my cheats as I rubbed her back "shhhhh everything is going to be ok" "JJ YOU CANT DO ANYTHING IF HE FINES OUT THAT J TOLD YOU HE WILL KILL ME AND YOU" I looked at her and nodded, sorry Leah but can't make any promises about that

~Leah pov~
I felt safe in his arms, I just cried my eyes out when I stopped I saw his shirt was soaked "jj I'm so sorry I didn't know I cried that much" he looked sympathetic "it's fine Leah now come on let's go home before John b gets worried" I nodded and go on his bike. We got back and I opened the door to arms wrapping around me, "John b John b I'm fine ok nothing happen I'm fine" I wimpers slightly but quietly enough for him not to hear, I unwrapped his arms and went to my room. I heard jj talking before I came out so I listened, "dude you have to tell her before she fines out she's a smart girl you know" "Jj I can't tell her it would brake her" "fine if you I will" "you won't ok it will be me not you" "fine I won't". I walked out to see them drinking "really already it's like 12" "your point lee-bee?" Uh and he's already drunk and probably high, maybe I could sneak one and said it was root beer yea let's try that. "I'm going to get a root beer want anything?" The both shake there heads "k bye oh I'm gonna walk so if I'm not back in" checks watch "20 minutes come looking" the both nod again. I put my shoes on and walked out, ok I buy a root beer and a beer,drink the root beer but fill it with the beer maybe they won't notice it, my thoughts were stopped by someone hugging my waist "ugh go away rafe I don't want to talk" he made me turn to face him "oh but I do" he pulled me into a car. "What do you want ok I'm here getting a drink, do you need anything?" "No just wanted to see my 'girlfriend'" I rolled my eyes, "don't roll your eyes at me" he slapped me and I flinched "can I go get my drink now?" "Mhm" I got out of the car and went into the store, nevermind about the plan let's just get ice and a root beer. I picked up an ice pack and a root beer, I waited in line to check out. "Hello miss is this all?" "Yes sir" I put the items on the counter and checked out "thank you sir have a good rest of your day" "you miss" I smiled and walked out. I opened the bottle and took a sip, after I went and put the ice pack on my cheek, uh I hate this I hate liying well John b never ask and he would kill rafe for this but mostly uh I don't even know anymore, again my thoughts were stopped again by see the house. I walked in with the ice pack on my cheek not even noticing I still had it on "Leah what happen?" I looked over to see John b worried, "oh I fell while um walking there" I gulped and felt hands around waist "jj get off of my sister now" I chuckled and moves out of his grip. "I'll be in my room if you need me I need to start reading my summer book for a report" they looked like they were about to laugh, "awww my good-for-good sister" I chuckled and went to my room. After a little reading I fell asleep, I felt someone squirm into the bed and say goodnight, I knew it was jj, I woke up from a thunder and screamed. I felt him move and sit up "are you ok Leah!" I was shaking and crying "I'm scared of thunder Jj" he sighed and hugged me, I felt safe but was still crying. We fell asleep wafted awhile of him rubbing my back. The door open and John b came in "ugh I guess I'll need to have a talk with him about this" he walked out and accidentally slammed the door waking me up. I looked over to see Jj arms around me and smiling in his sleep, I chuckled and unwrapped his arms he rolled over and yawned "oh sorry Jj I didn't mean to wake you" "it's fine Leah come on I think John b needs us" we both got up and went outside. "Wow Agatha did some work huh?" "Yes she did jj" John b said while walking over to our boat and pulling sticks off.

Sister Figure ~JJ Maybank~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt