My Quirky Love

By Imisshoe

1.2M 55.1K 8.5K

This book can be read as a stand alone Greyson Blake Rosen-Hower Who doesn't know that name? Everyone with a... More

Chapter 1: The floor is lava
Chapter 2: Three idiots
Chapter 3: Loner
Chapter 4: Stranger Danger
Chapter 5: Mr. Hoodie
Chapter 6: cute dresses
Chapter 7: Popeyes
Chapter 8: Intelligence
Chapter 9: Adopted
Chapter 10: catch you
Chapter 11: Excessive
Chapter 12: Kung Fu Master
Chapter 13: isn't he in Star wars?
Chapter 14: Twin
Chapter 15: Stud
Chapter 16: Old man who sells Fried chicken
Chapter 17: Male pregnancy
Chapter 18: The Rosen-Howers
Chapter 19: hemorrhoids and cushion seats
Chapter 20: Are you rich?
Chapter 21: Cunning Mrs. Rosen- Hower
Chapter 22: Bouncy castle
Chapter 23: God help me
Chapter 24: Let's talk about Periods
Chapter 25: dimples
Chapter 26: English 101
Chapter 27: Gagged
Chapter 28: Alligator
Chapter 29: Mrs. Austin Power
Chapter 30: Operation first date
Chapter 31: Alfred the AI
Chapter 32: Who runs the world
Chapter 33: Junk
Chapter 35: Mr. Mute
Chapter 36: Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Chapter 37: snakes and ladder
Chapter 38: suspicious
Chapter 39: Elephant's trunk
Chapter 40:Pollination
Chapter 41: Extinction
Chapter 42: Cockroach and Mold
Chapter 43: Camping
Chapter 44: 911
Chapter 45: Chokehold
Chapter 46: Procreation
Chapter 47: Purple Unicorn Onesie
Chapter 48: kidnap
Chapter 49 Are You ready?
Chapter 50: The chaotic plan
Chapter 51: Sky is the limit
Chapter 52: K.O
Chapter 53: Five years
Chapter 54: Power

Chapter 34: Pesky Flies

19K 814 164
By Imisshoe

Greyson's POV

It was 3 days after our disastrous Christmas.

I am happy to announced that my daddy did not kill me. I surely thought he will, but he stops when he heard Gabriel begging Uncle Blake to bring him to Russia or Japan.

I don't know what was wrong with those two countries but daddy runs so fast that I can hear him scolding Gabriel within the inch of his life.

"Gabriel! Whatbthe fuck did I say about that atomic bomb project of yours?!'' Daddy shouts.

Atomic bomb?


I wake up extra early today.

Today is Sunshine and I's first date.

I don't know but I have a gut feeling that I'll get in trouble today.

I took a bath and wear my usual black shirt, pants and sneakers.

Albert already informed me that the bouquet that I ordered already arrived.

I got the Sunflower bouquet first from Albert before going back to my room to wake up Sunshine.
I made sure that the Sunflower was six pieces because six was Sunshine's favorite number. I don't know why.

I went to her side and kneel. I place the bouquet behind me so she can not immediately see it once she wakes up.

I lower down the blanket to reveal Sunshine's face. I always worried that she'll suffocate because she literally sleeps covered from head to toe under the blanket without any space for air.

I ask her why she sleeps like that and she said the sleep monster will get her if any part of her body was expose while sleeping.

Apparently she's safe if her whole body was inside the cocoon of her blanket.

Sunshine's sleeping face was so cute. Her hair was surprisingly still arrange, her mouth was slightly open and a drool was tempting to flow down her chin.

Not on my watch sucker!

I pull out two facial tissues from Sunshine's bedside table and gently dab her drool. I check the other side of her mouth and I made sure that I did not miss anything.

I caress her hair. "Precious. Wake up."

No response.

I call her louder this time. "Precious. Wake up."

No reaction.

I kiss her nose lightly and I pull back to see her reaction.

I saw her nose twitch.

Now I know what to do. Okay again.

I kiss her nose again lightly and this time Sunshine scrunch her nose.

I did it again expecting a light reaction from Sunshine but I was startled when Sunshine suddenly tried to swat the air narrowly missing my face.

Thank God for my fast reflex if not, I'll have a red hand print on my cheeks right now

"Oh my lordy! Why do pesky flies fly at this time disturbing my sleep!" Sunshine whined.

First I was a dog. Now, I am a pesky fly. In the long run of this relationship, I'll definitely develop a bad case of identity crisis.

"Precious wake up." I called again. Instead of waking up, Sunshine rolls down to the other side of the bed.

I run towards to my side of the bed and silently cursing myself for ordering a bigger bed. It took a while before I reach the other side.

Like Five seconds max.

Five seconds too long.

I decided to sit on the edge of the bed to prevent Sunshine from rolling down the floor.

I run my hand through Sunshine's red hair. I was so happy that her hair was soft and silky unlike before. I mentally pat my back for a job well done and also for meticulously choosing the right shampoo and conditioner that suits Sunshine's hair.

I did not try to wake up Sunshine anymore. I just settle on running my hands through her tresses. She must be really tired and here I am waking her up too early.

While I was running my hand through Sunshine's hair, I silently hope that our future children will get her gorgeous red hair.

If  anyone tease or call my children ginger they will meet their maker right then and there. Order shoot to kill is effective 24 fucking 7.

"Grey Grey." I was so deep into my dreamland that I did not notice that Sunshine was already awake.

"Goodmorning precious!" I greets. I was leaning down to kiss her but she push my face away.

"Noo. Morning breath! You'll die. It's really hazardous Grey Grey. Bad for your health." She said seriously.

I snorts. As if morning breath will stop me from kissing her.

"Precious. Morning breath is normal." I explained.

"Nu Ah! Not true. You don't have one."

I arch my eyebrow.

"How did you know that?" I ask curiously.

I have a feeling that I'll not like her answer.

"Of course I kiss you in the morning, during our afternoon nap and night night while you were sleeping."

What the heck? All this time she's kissing me and I am fucking asleep? Fuck that! From now on I will pretend that I am sleeping. I'll die before I miss another of those kisses.

"Precious let me inform you that you can kiss me whenever, wherever. So now let me give you some."

I lean down and kiss her whole face.
I did not stop peppering her face with kisses until she giggles and squirm.

I stop kissing Sunshine to let her breathe.
Once she was calm, I told her that we are going out so she needs to get ready.

Sunshine eyes widen and she scrambles out of bed. Her legs got tangled on our  blanket and she almost fell on the floor face first, if I did not catch her on time.

Once she untangled herself from our blanket, she stood up and walk, but after three steps she stops walking.

She pull something from her shorts and announced nonchalantly "Wedgie alert! Gosh I hate it when that happens."

After she solve her wedgie problem in front of me might I add, she skips towards the bathroom.

I got up and made our bed. I hide the bouquet that I neglected on the floor.

I sat on my bed while waiting for Sunshine.

My bathroom was also soundproof but I can hear Sunshine sings "wheels on the bus" on repeat. This is all mom's fault.

Sunshine went out of the bathroom wearing a blue long sleeved dress. I don't know how to describe her dress because I can't do any justice even if I tried. Sunshine doesn't need to show some skin to be attractive.
She already catches my attention even if she's wearing a ragged dress  and looking unkempt.

The saying was true that less is more but everyone are different. We have different ways to express ourselves. We don't need to conform to society's what was deem normal.

Fuck them.

If you want a rainbow colored hair then do it. As long as you are not hurting someone then it's fine.

"Grey Grey can you please tie my hair into a high ponytail?" Sunshine cutely requested.

"My pleasure." I replied.

I dry and style Sunshine's hair per her request.

I run back to my room to get the bouquet. I hand the flowers to Sunshine once she steps out of our bathroom.

Sunshine's eyes widen in surprise.
"For me??" She ask.

"Nope. For Gabriel." I teased.

"Wow! We will give Gabriel flowers? Why didn't you just buy for all of them? Or we can cut some flowers outside." She suggested.

Our flowers at the whole estate are all genetically modified so mommy will not have her allergic reactions even if she smells all the flowers she saw here. So no, I can't cut these flowers. Our gardener will have a heart attack.

My joke backfires.

"I'm joking precious. It's for you." I clarified.

Sunshine giggles. "Thank you! I love this flowers. They are bright and yellow!"

She tip toes to hug me. I bent down so she can hug me properly. Of course I tighten my arms around her body because I will not waste this opportunity to hug her.
I remove my arms when she whines that her flowers will get squished.

Fuck those flowers. I want my hug.

I can't believe I am getting jealous because of the flowers I gave to her.

"Do we have any vases Grey Grey? I want to place it on my side so I can see it every morning."

I am a Rosen-Hower. I am always prepared.

I brought out the Crysyal  vase that I requested to Albert yesterday.

"Let's go?"
Sunshine nodded and she automatically hold my hand.

Luckily on the way out, I did not see my parents and god forbid my siblings. I am happy that this is the day that Gabriel decided to sleep in.

We went out of the house and walks a short distance to the garage.

I decided to drive but I still have security coming with us.

Security is non-negotiable. Daddy will go ballistic if we went out without any protection.

I don't want to see daddy get angry. The saying is true that a person who's silent is the most scary when they got angry. Blood will be spilled literally.

We stop in front of the garage.

"Precious do you have any idea what are we going today?" I starts.

Sunshine furrow her eyebrows and narrow her eyes.

"Grey Grey if I know what will happen today do you think I'll tell you? Of course not! Where's the fun in that! And If I can see the future maybe I should buy some tarot cards to make me look legit. Wait. Does tarot cards have letters? That will be a problem then. Oh I know, magic ball that's much better. You know what? Just pretend that I did not say anything."

Apparently I ask a wrong question.

"Do you know what a date is."

"That I know. Month, day, year." She boast.

"Another kind of date." I clarified.

Sunshine eyes narrowed again.
She claps in excitement and shouts "The fruit!"

I shake my head no. "That is dates."
"The relationship kind of date precious."

"Oh that date! Why didn't you just told me in the beginning? You let me use my brain this early and I didn't even have my breakfast yet!" She scold.

I laugh.

Too cute.

"Do you have any idea what you do on dates?" I ask again.

"Yes Grey Grey I do." She said sarcastically. "Of course I don't! It's not like I went on dates."

"Thank the fuck for that." I murmur quietly.

"Did you say something?"

I shakes my head no.

"What do you do on dates?" She ask.

"Normally, they go to watch movies, eat or stroll?" I'm really not sure myself.

I search it on google and it gave me a different kind of answer it even says play a board game then have sex. What the hell? The people in google are drunks.

"I see. So what are we going to do?" Sunshine ask.

"It's up to you."

"What do you mean it was up to me Grey Grey?"

"For our first date. Everything you want we will do it. My answer is always YES."

Precious eyes glimmer and I can see a little glint shining in her eyes.

I don't think I want to continue this date anymore.

"To start, choose from number 1 to 35 to decide on what car we will use."

I open my phone and click the app to open our garage.

Once the door was fully open, precious entered the warehouse wide eyed.

She slowly walks inside and admire all our cars in display.

"Why do you need so much cars?" She ask in awe.

"Daddy wants to use a different car everyday." I simply explained.

These our are personal cars. Our daddy bought all of this. We have separate garage for the Black SUV that the MIB's use.

"1 to 35 choose precious." I ask again.

"I want 29!" She shouts.

I press 29 on the remote and a car near the back flash it's headlight.

Precious runs towards the car while I am following silently.

When I saw what car she chooses, I internally laugh.

Daddy will be pissed because I get to drive first his newly purchase Bugatti Chiron instead of him.

"Good choice precious!" I praised.

The MIB handed me the key and open the car for precious. I place my hand on top of her head because she might hit the frame of the door with her head.

I buckled her in and close the door. I went to the driver's side and starts the car. This car doesn't start until everyone is safely buckled in.

The door behind the car opened and I smoothly maneuver the car outside the estate into the highway.

"So precious, what's our first activity?" I ask.

"I want us to swim with the sharks!" She shouts excitedly.

Fuck shit.

A/N Wattpad deleted this whole chapter that I wrote for a whole day. Sorry for the incovinience guys!!

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