You make my world wild- A Nik...

By Girlwithoutname9719

20.3K 574 1.3K

At the age of 20, Evangeline Martin aka "Evie" still lives with her mother who is a strong religious person a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 66

135 7 32
By Girlwithoutname9719

After 2 months...

In a few days, it's the big day when Nikki will return home from rehab. Evie couldn't wait. So are the children. They ask her daily questions about their father. Fortunately, Nikki calls them and talks to them every day.  But she and the children can't wait to see him in front of them.

Those 3 months without him were awful, but in a few days Nikki will be reunited with his family. All this will happen in a few days. 

Now she is at the clinic because she has an appointment. She walks inside and almost reaches the office when a pregnant woman comes out, followed by a technician. The woman is holding onto the wall, and she can barely walk, her other hand is under her baby bump. 

Evie gasps in surprise when she notices that is Jenna. Patrick's wife. What happened to her? She doesn't look good at all. Evie doesn't wait to ask herself more questions and goes toJenna, asking: 

"What happened?"

Jenna looks up at Evie, her mouth half open, only then she sees her. She has a very scared look.

The technician is the one who answers to Evie, given the fact that Jenna is too dismayed:

"She was going to have an ultra-sound. Her last ultra-sound before giving birth, but it seems that her water has broken and it seems that her contractions have already started to be frequent."

"Oh, then you have to go to the hospital!" Evie exclaims worriedly at Jenna. "Where's Patrick?"

"He... He's not in town... Ouch!" She cry, closing her eyes, a contraction coming.

"I'll take you to the hospital!" Evie says firmly.

Soon, they arrive at the hospital, and Evie helps Jenna out of the car and enters with her. There she is taken to the delivery room, being already dilated. But before she gets there Evie speaks calmly to her:

"Everything will be alright. Don't worry. Your husband will come soon and you will hold your baby soon."

Jenna, still in pain, smiles weakly at her.

An hour passes and the baby is not yet born. Evie forgot about her appointment. She will reappointment another day.

She really didn't expect that to happen today. Although she is not friends with Jenna, she feels sorry for her because she is alone and does not have her husband with her at this time.

Fortunately, Patrick arrives with a panicked look at his wife. Jenna, with a sweaty face, smiles at him.

"Babe... I came," he says, and goes to his wife and takes her hand.

"Now I'll leave you alone," Evie smiles and leaves before Patrick reacts in any way.

The brunette walks down the hall, passes the reception and leaves the hospital.

When she almost reaches the car, her cell phone rings. She takes it out of her pocket and answers:


???: Can you come home sooner? Please! These kids are killing me!

Evie chuckles. She's talking to her brother Anthony. He came to visit her after coming from the University and offered to stay with the children, saying that he should spend more time with his nephews and nieces. In the background, the voices of her children can be heard screaming and seeming to run through the house.

Evie doesn't even know how fast time has passed. When she first saw Anthony he was only 3 years old and now he is 19. 16 years. It's been 16 years since she also met Nikki.

"I'll be home right away, okay?" She smiles. "You will survive until then."

Anthony: "Oh, please come as soon as possible! Juniper and Julia threw toys in the toilet. Then Bryce comes and flushed the water. Fortunately the toilet didn't get clogged. I was about to take the toys out, but Rexx came to take the toys out. But then he started running with the toys around the house and the children ran after him."

"Oh, God," Evie sighs, but also smiles, amused by her children. "I'll be home soon! Don't worry!" She says and hungs up and gets in the car.

After a half-hour drive, she arrives in front of the house, parks the car and gets off. She enters her property and opens the door and sees her brother arguing with the youngest children, telling them not to run anymore.

His face lights up when he sees his sister arriving, walking over to her and saying:

"Oh, good thing you came! These little demons killed me!"

"Oh, you're exaggerating," Evie smiles and goes to the living room with Anthony.

The older children, Asher and Raelynn, are sitting on the couch watching TV. The other three younger siblings jump on them. Julia wants to take the remote control from her older brother and shouts:

"I want to watch The Powerpuff Girls!"

"That show sucks!" Asher says, gesturing in disgust. "I want to keep looking at Ed, Edd n Eddy!"

"No!" Juniper also growls. "I don't like it!"

Anthony sighs, nods, and looks at her sister wearily, and says:

"I don't know why you didn't lose your mind with them. And think you have another one on the way."

"I'm used to it," Evie chuckles. "They also have moments when they are very close to each other. And maybe they seem to always argue but they really love each other a lot. When you will have kids, you will see..."

"I don't think I'll ever want children again after today," Anthony sighs tiredly.

Evie laughs and says:

"This reminds me of the day Nikki babysat you when you were 3 years old. You gave him big headaches that day."

"I still remember how I hit him in the head with that book," Anthony giggles, remembering what happened many years ago.

"Do you still remember? You were so young."

"I don't have many memories at that age, but I can't forget something like that," Anthony laughs.

After 2 days...

Evie spends time with her children before the big day. The day Nikki comes home and their life returns to normal. All 5 are sitting on the couch and watching a movie after having a lot of discussion and agreed to watch one.

Her children are standing next to her when she hears a car parked near the house. Evie, curious, gets up and goes to the foayer, but not before telling the children that she will be back immediately.

She meets an housekeeper in the hallway who tells her:

"Mrs. Sixx ... Someone came to visit you."

"Who?" Evie asks, her heart pounding because she thinks this is Nikki who surprises her and comes earlier.

"A gentleman named ... Cohen."

Evie's face falls. Patrick ?! What does he want from her to come here? She didn't expect him to be here.

"Okay..." Evie's expression on her face and her voice are fading, "you can call him in to see what he wants."

The woman nods and does exactly that. Patrick enters the foyer where his eyes stick to Evie's.

"Hello, Evie," he smiles as he walks ​toward her.

"Hello, Patrick," she's trying to smile even though she wants him out of there as soon as possible. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to thank you for taking Jenna to the hospital when she went into labor."

"Oh," Evie's brown eyes twinkle because she had forgotten about it. "I hope she and the baby are fine."

"They are," Patrick smiles. "Our son is healthy."

"I'm glad to hear that," Evie smiles sincerely. "I did the right thing when I saw that your wife needed help."

"How can I thank you?" Patrick asks her and gets closer to her.

Evie takes a step back with an alarmed look but tries to stay calm and says:

"You don't have to thank me in any way. I'm glad your wife and son are fine."

Patrick stares into her eyes, Evie feeling strange. Patrick looks like he's planning something. She wants to ask him to leave, but Patrick moves faster than she does and takes her in his arms, bringing her closer to his body. Evie is dumbfounded by his gesture, not waiting for it.

After a few moments, she pushes Patrick lightly, he looks a little confused at her after he smiles and says:

"I think I should go. Once again... Evie... Thanks for your gesture. I will never forget."

"No problem," Evie smiles firmly, nervous that Patrick is so close to her that she can feel his breath.

Patrick finally leaves, and Evie breathes a sigh of relief, finally feeling calmer.

"Ann!" She shouts at the housekeeper as she came out of the foyer, the woman coming immediately. "Next time when Mr. Cohen comes here, tell him he's not welcomed anymore."

The woman nods and leaves, while Evie returns to the living room.

The next day...

Evie and her children organized a welcome party for Nikki, put lots of balloons and decorations in the living room, and even prepared a cake for him.

Everything is ready and everyone is waiting for Nikki to come home after 3 months away from him.

His car is heard. Evie smiles because she knows it's Nikki this time. She looks at her children and puts a finger to her lips, gesturing to be quiet. The children listen to their mother and in a short time they can hear the door at the entrance opening.

Evie and the children are waiting to hear Nikki's footsteps in the living room. Which they hear right away. In a few moments, Nikki arrives in the living room and Evie and the children jump, with their hands in the air and shout:

"Welcome home, Daddy!"

Nikki is shocked at first, seeing his family but he smiles broadly and all the children run towards him. He kneels and takes them all in his arms, kissing them on the forehead.

"We missed you so much, Daddy," little Juniper says.

"Are you all right now, Daddy?" Bryce asks. "Mommy said you were sick."

Nikki looks up at his smiling wife and then looks at all 5 children and says:

"Yes, my dears. I am fine now. I missed you so much."

"Promise you don't leave again!" Raelynn says to her father.

"Yes!" Adds Asher. "We don't want you to be away from us anymore."

"Please, Daddy," little Julia begs him with her eyes of different colors.

"It won't happen again, my dears," their father says softly.

After Nikki spends time with the children, Evie comes to him and hugs him tightly.

"I hope you don't kiss now," Asher mutters.

Evie and Nikki look at each other amused and laugh, agreeing to fulfill their children's wish.

After a few hours, the whole family celebrated Nikki's return. Evie goes and puts each child to bed, it's evening now.

Feeeling extremely happy, Evie descends the stairs and reaches the kitchen where her husband is drinking a glass of water. She, grinning slyly, slipps behind him, wrapping her hands around his waist and whispering in his ear:

"Welcome home, honey."

He winces slightly because he didn't hear Evie coming, but he calms down immediately and put the glass of water on the kitchen counter and turned to his wife. Evie smiles lovingly at him and wants to kiss him, but Nikki steps aside.

Shocked, she looks into his eyes. They look cold, as if there is no life in them. Nikki doesn't smile and seems to hide something.

"What happened?" Evie asks.

"Kids..." he says in a throaty voice. "Last night when I spoke to them on the phone, they told me... They told me that a man had come to our house and that you had hugged him. Who was he?" He asks with a sharp look.

Evie takes a step back with her mouth ajar. Damn Patrick! He creates problems for her, again! And the children saw everything! She felt it was not good that he came home yesterday.

"Evie..." Nikki sighs for a long time. "Please... tell me who he was,/ he says, his voice trembling.

"It was... It was... Patrick..." Evie says, trying to keep as calm as possible.

Nikki's eyes widen in unexpected at her response. It was Patrick again! He starts to get mad and asks his wife for an explanation:

"Why he was here?!"

"He..." Evie sighs, knowing that an argument is coming. "When I had an ultra-sound appointment... his wife was there at the clinic. She went into labor and I took her to the hospital. After... he came yesterday, here to thank me for what I did. This is what happened."

"What did she at the same clinic where you are signed up?" Nikki asks, looking unconvinced.

"She... She was signed up in the same clinic as me..."

"Wait! Did you know that? Did you know that his wife was there? Have you ever met her before that day?"

"Yes..." Evie whispers, with a unassuming look.

"And you've seen Patrick there before, right?" Nikki's eyes are wet and his whole body is shaking with rage.

"Yes..." Evie answers and sighs and lowers her hand on her baby bump.

"Why didn't you tell me anything?!"

"Why would I have told you?" Evie starts to get angry too, staring into Nikki's eyes. "We only met there twice! I didn't know his wife was registered there! I didn't want to tell you because I know you would get angry. What you doing now!"

"Is that why you were so cold with me?" Nikki scofs. "I cant believe it! While I was in rehab you were with Patrick!" Nikki accuses her. "After he hugged you, have you been with him in the bedroom? In our bedroom? Did you fuck with him in our fucking bed?!"

'What the fuck!? Are you serious? How can you imagine that, Nikki? You know very well that this was not the reason for my cold towards you. I was doing it to make you aspire to succeed in defeating your addiction! I can't believe that... that you think Patrick and I would have an affair or what the hell do you think! I didn't know he was coming in our home anyway! There will be no next time he comes here! But I swear nothing happened between us! My mind and heart was always with you! I can't couldn't wait for you to come home! How can you accuse me of such a thing?" The last question, Evie asks it with tears in her eyes.

Nikki doesn't say a word. He just stays still and stares at her without any expression on his face.

"You do not believe me?!" She blurts out. "I can't believe it! I just can't believe it! You've always been jealous of Patrick... But this time there's no reason!"

Evie walks away from him, totally stunned and with a tired face. She feels the baby moving in her tummy. She caresses it, feeling that this stress is not good for him either.

Nikki notices how Evie gets her hands on the baby bump and starts to worry and asks her:

"Are you okay? Is the baby ok?"

"I'm fine!" She growls suddenly and inhales, trying to calm down.

There are a few quiet moments until Evie can't help it and shouts at Nikki:

"I'm surprised you don't question also the paternity of this child!" Evie snorts and leaves the kitchen, this time leaving Nikki speechless for a few moments.

"Evie! Wait!" He yells at her but too late as Evie runs away and goes to the nearest bathroom where she enters, closes the door and sits down crying.

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