Red Strings Entanglement

By axzery_moon

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Jewelry Grace Smith has two goals in life: finish college and find her dad. Her mother and brothers do not su... More



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By axzery_moon

"Spill the beans, girl."Sapphire said and wiggle her eyebrows. We were now at the dining area eating breakfast. The party starts at the afternoon 5 pm sharp, so we still have time to chill and get ready.

"What beans?"I asked, pretending to be confused. Oh I know what they are talking about. This is me and Jace. Again.

"Between you and Jace."Natasha said and I rolled my eyes.

"What do you mean 'between me and Jace'?"I asked, sounding dumb. They scoffed.

"We know that you got home very late last night. Don't deny that!"Sapphire said and I sighed.

"I wasn't gonna."

"So, where the two of you gone to?"Amber asked and I crossed my arms.

"How about you tell me where the six of you did when you left us at the boutique?"I asked using the reverse card.

"That's out of the question."Amber said and crossed her arms like mine.

"Oh. Is this just about me and Jace, then?"I asked, sarcastically.



"Jewel, did the two of you gone into a date night?"

"We did not."I said in a serious tone, because it was true. We didn't go on a date, we went on a birthday party.

"Oh, come on. Jewel!"they said in annoyance.

"We're enemies."

"Yeah, last time you told us that you both were enemies and can't stand each other and hate each other to the core."Amber said in a matter-of-fact tone and I agreed with her.

"And that has not changed."kibit-balikat kong sabi.

"Yeah, it wouldn't be a shock if you two got together."Amber continued and I scoffed.

"Then got married."Natasha nodded.

"And have little mix Jace and Jewel babies."I grimaced at what Sapphire said and they all laughed looking at my disgusted face.

"Gross."I shuddered."That's not gonna happen. Not in my vocabulary."

"Yeah, Jewel. Keep talking."

"It would all then turn upside down."Natasha said and winked and Sapphire nodded in agreement.

"Whatever."I rolled my eyes."I'm done."I said and stood up and grab my plate and put it at the sink. I then cleaned my hands and went upstairs, ignoring their teasing smirks at me.

When I head inside my room, I jumped at my bed and groaned. They still keep on insisting that we will get together, when it is clear that it will never happen. After all, we hate each other and are forced to get along by this 'security'.

I laid at my bed and decided that I should sleep since I didn't get enough sleep last night. I woke up by the aggresive knocking at the door. I groaned and stood up and opened the door.

Immediately, I was greeted by no other than Amber. She sighed, when I opened the door. She was already in her gown and had make up on. I couldn't helo but agape of how beautiful she is.

"Good, you're awake. I have been knocking at your door for minutes and still you didn't open it."Amber said and she sounded worried.

"We thought you were dead-aww!"Natasha was cut off by the nudge of Amber. Natasha was wearing her silver gown and she looks so sexy.

"We tried to open your door, but its locked so Sapphire then started finding the keys-"

"I found it!"Sapphire shouted.

"No need. She's already awake!"Amber shouted so that Sapphire can hear downstairs.

"What?!"Sapphire shouted in shock, I then heard her complaining downstairs of finding the keys. I don't blame her, though, it can be frustrating that you did all your effort to find something and then they will tell that you they don't need it.

Amber rolled her eyes and was about to say something, but I cut her off."Yes, I'll get ready."She nodded and they all go to their room. I sighed and closed the door and strip from my clothes and entered the bath room and started showering.

When I was done, I left the bathroom in a towel and grab the dress. I smiled of how beautiful it is and immediately I tried it on.

I then turned around while looking at the mirror, and I couldn't help but feel ecstatic.

I then grab the heels and tried it on and then grab the snowflake necklace and earrings. I couldn't help but admire myself in the mirror. I'm beautiful. D*mn right I am.

I am a f*cking jewel. Act like it.

I sighed and head down and saw tht they all downstairs already in their gowns. I smiled at how beautiful they look.

"Wow!Jewel, you look so pretty."Sapphire complimented and I smiled. She was wearing her sky blue gown and she looks like a beautiful snowflake.

"Come on."Amber grab me and made me sat down at the chair and they started doing their work. Amber was doing my make up, while Sapphire and Natasha were doing my hair.

When it was done, I couldn't even recognize myself. Still a jewel, my mother would say.

"You're so pretty, Jewel."Natasha said while squeezing my shoulders.

"A real life snow angel."Amber said and we all laughed. We stopped laughing, when we heard someone knocking at the door.

"That must be the boys."Sapphire happily said and opened the door. We saw Kaizer, Rigel, and August all in their best suits while holding a rose. It made me laugh a little while these 3 girls were blushing furiously heck even Amber was blushing!

They all gave their flowers to their partners and I was expecting Jace to be at their back, but to my dismay he wasn't there. It made me dissapointed, a little.

Maybe, got into traffic.

They complimented their partners of how pretty they look and it made me grimaced that maybe they'll start making out.

"Hey, single person here!Don't go doing PDA in front of me."I shouted and they all looked me and laughed.

"You're just bitter."Natasha said and I rolled my eyes.

"So, let's go?"Sapphire said. They started leaving the house and was confused when they notice I didn't follow. I just smiled at them. I'm still waiting for my enemy.

"Jewel?" Amber asked.

"I'm gonna wait for my date." I told them. They blinked their eyes as they registered the statement I have spoken to them. I know that they would figure out that I'm going on a date with Jace. No. Just an acquaintance.

"H-he's y-your-"

"Yup."I cut Amber off and she covered her mouth, not believing it.

"OMG!"Sapphire squealed. They were about to hugged me and continue to squeal but I stop them.

"Just leave."

"Alright then. "Natasha smirked at me. "We'll brandish you when you arrive at the school."

"Whatever."I rolled my eyes at them. They bid their goodbyes and left. I heard the sound of their cars starting and leaving. I sighed and waited for a couple of minutes before Jace arrived. I waited by the door, all ready and crossing my arms as he step out of his car and came to me. He wore a black tuxedo and a snowflake pin and there was a fresh tulip in his suit. My eyes widen when I saw the bouquet of tulips in his hand and I'm debating if its fake or not. It's quite impossible that there would be tulips in the Philippines, then that means it came from out of

He arrived in front of me. His hair is a bit messy, but I...kinda like it. I pinch myself to stop eyeing my enemy in a very different way.

"Hey."He said and combed his hair back, trying to put it in a neat position. His biceps flexed from his suit and I had to gulped. I really want to see that tattoo again.

"Hey."I said. He stared at me and I saw how his mouth opened a bit. A tint of crimson form in his cheeks. "Is that a real tulip?"I asked him and pointed the bouquet of tulips. He gave it to me, which I accepted. I smelled the tulips and it was refreshing. They are real, alright. Jace continued to stare at me as I smelled the flowers. A sudden beat of my heart interrupted me.

"Yeah. I apologize that I was late."

"I was about to leave and forget that I had a date."I crossed my arms at him, trying to be mad. But I couldn't. How I wish so.

He chuckled and rubbed his nape. "I'm still processing that you chose me as your date."

A scoff escaped my lips. "Don't get yourself too high. I only chose you, because you were my last option."He smirked at me.

"I'm not your last option, tresour. There are still many boys inside the campud."

"Well I do not feel being on a date with a complete stranger."

"So you resorted to being with your enemy instead?"he asked, quite teasingly.

"You could say that."I shrugged my shoulders. "Come on." I put my arm around his arm. Jace gaze went down to our arms and we started walking to the car. He opened the door for me and nudged me to get inside which I did. I sometimes forgot that this man has manners.

He entered inside his car and he drove off. It was not a very long drive, since malapit lang naman dito ang school namin. He parked his car and escorted me out of his car. I put my arms around him as we walked. I left the bouquet of tulips inside his car.

As we head inside the gymnasium, where the party would be held. I gasp of how enchanted it looks. The tables and chairs were designed by white sheets and sky blue sheets. There were snowflakes that danced around the room. A big chandelier in the top that reminds me of winter. The palette of the place were dark but also has white, blue, and sky blue that made you believe that you're in snow. There was even a big white piano that rested in front. My brows furrowed. Someone would be playing?

"You're so gorgeous."Jace whispered in my ears. My eyes widened and turned my attention to Jace as he stared at me with a lot of emotion dancing inside his eyes. Lights of the venue made him look like a faerie that is ready to capture me and take me to his land. And I would gladly do so. Wait what?

He smirked at me and I just realized that I haven't spoken to him. He must be thinking how I'm speechless of what he told me. I shouldn't be, but I am. I was about to open my mouth when I heard somebody calling our names. We turn our heads and there we saw our friends in a nearby table.

I pulled Jace towards them which he reluctantly followed.

"Hey Jewel!"Sapphire said and I took a seat beside her. Jace took the seat beside me and Kaizer was beside him.

"Jace." Kaizer called him and they started talking. I couldn't understand what they were saying because they were speaking in such hush voices.

"Tulips."Amber smirked at me. I glared at her. Of course, she knows my favorite flowers and clearly she told Natasha and Sapphire. "Ehem favorite flower ehem." She teased and I pointed the d*mn fork at her, which she giggled.

"Shut up." I hissed. I felt Jace's hand on my hand and made me put the fork down. I glared at him and he just gaze at me with no expression on his face. I put the fork down and he still didn't let go of my hand. I was shocked by his next move when he pulled my hand and kisses it.

"I'll be right back."He said and put my hand down, before standing up and leaving me wandering by my state of thoughts in madness. Did he just kiss my hand? Why did I let him? Why didn't I stab him with the fork?

And clearly I was not the only one who notices that because they were all gazing at me with teasing looks.

"Hand kisses."Sapphire pointed out and I rolled my eyes. I put my hand down. It was nothing. Just for show.

"Are you sure you haven't fallen inlove just yet, Miss Smith?"Amber teased.

"Not planning to."

Suddenly the program started and the mc started talking infront of us and introducing the dean with his family. Jace was even with them. My brows furrowed when I haven't notice Jace's family like his biological family. Even at the dean's party I haven't noticed them or I just don't know them.

"His nephew here will be playing a piece for us." "What would it be?"

"River flows in you by Yimura."

D*mn. That's my favorite piece. I always ask Kuya Jaydee to play it to me since she's the music prodigy. Which he would laughed and then started playing. And now, Jace knows it. And it's piercing my heart in a not so painful way, but comforting and loving. It's making me feel that I accept the arrow that pierced in my heart. What f*cking sorcery is this?!

Jace continued playing as his hands move around the keys in a gentle manner. He gaze at the piano, fully concentrated. His hair a bit messy, but I somehow love it that way. He continued playing and my heart started in rhythm with every tap on the piano. My eyes never left him and I have forgotten that a lot of people were still here. Suddenly all I know is that Jace is there and I'm also here. The only people inside this venue as the snowflakes danced in the ceiling and different lights roamed around us.

After he finish playing, a roar of applause form inside the venue and even our table. The biggest of them all. I can hear Kaizer screaming that "Jace was his friend" in such pride and boastfulness. While I didn't clap, suddenly I forgot how to. Suddenly Jace was looking at me. And I became deaf and blind from everyone around us. Bits of his hair danced in his forehead and I had this urge to wipe it away. He smirked and winked at me. And I was back. I was back to myself. I scoffed and he still wore that smirk which a lot enjoyed and applaud.

Not knowing that it was for me. It was given just for me. For me only.

"Jewel."I tore my gaze away from Jace to Natasha that kept on calling my name.


"CR muna ako."She said and stood up. Nakatayo na din si August sa tabi niya. And that was when I noticed that I was the only one in the table and all my friends are already walking towards the dancefloor with their partners.

I was definitely distracted.

"Ah oo." She smirked at me.

"Sige. Bumalik kana sa titig mo kay Jace." My eyes widened. Heck! Was I that f*cking obvious?!

"Hindi ah!"I sounded defensive.

"Stop fooling yourself." Natasha patted my shoulder, before leaving me. Jace is still playing in his piano with another song. I wanted to stay here and watch him play, but I also want a drink. So I stood up and passed the dancefloor and walked towards where the drinks are. No liquor. A shame. Just champagne. So I poured and took a drink. My gaze went to Jace who continued to play. Slowly, I drank my champagne.

I turned my attention to someone who bumped on me and apologize, before getting a drink. I turned to who it was and I immediately recognized him. It was Damon.


He turned his attention towards me and he stopped. His mouth agape. "Hey Jewel."He smiled at me. "Wow. You're so beautiful."

"You don't look so bad yourself."

"Jace really knows how to play the piano."He pointed his drink to Jace who continued playing the piano. I nodded and sipped on my drink. My attention lingered on Jace as he continued to play. His hands were fast and gentle as he navigate his fingers around the keys. His hair starting to go down his forehead and I can see the sweat that came down his face. But he still look unbothered by it. It made him look...attractive. I sipped on my wine.

"Jewel." I turned my attention to Damon as he called me.

"Hmm?" He chuckled.

"I have been calling you for a full minute."

"I'm sorry. I was distracted." I blinked my eyes. I took a quick glance to Jace, before giving my full attention to Damon. "What were you saying?"

"May I dance with you?" He asked. His tone sounding serious. He even lent out his hand for me.

I thought about Jace. He's still playing. It felt like a betrayal.

"How about your date?"

"She's dancing with Alex." He said and pointed a girl wearing a light blue dress as she twirled and giggled with her partner. I took a quick glance to Jace, who continued playing the piano. He still didn't notice me. He's busy. I should enjoy myself, at least. He wouldn't mind. He wouldn't be angry.

"Sure." I accepted his hand and he smiled. We walk towards the dancefloor, hand in hand. As we arrived at the center of the dancefloor, I put my arms around Drake's nape and he put his hand in my waist. I waited for that fluttering feeling, but it didn't come. All my thoughts were on Jace. I even want to feel Jace being infront of me as he put his arms around me as he flashes that smirk on me. Stop it. Damon is infront of me, so I should be only thinking of him. Not my enemy. Not the guy who continued to play the piano. Not the guy that I could hear the tune of the piano as it haunted my ears to stop me from dancing. When it didn't even started.

I accidentally bumped into someone and I turn my attention towards him. I let go of Damon.

"Carter." He was dancing with someone. She stood there, beside him, with a smile on her lips. Her cheeks were flushed, probably because of the dancing or by my dear friend's flirting skills.

"Hey Jewel."Carter smiled. He pulled the woman beside him closer."This is my date. Ellie."Her cheeks still red. "This is Jewel."

"Hey. Nice to meet you."She put her hand out, which I accepted with a smile on my lips.

"Don't make your partner wait."I said and I let go of her hand.

"See you, Jewel."Carter pulled her and he nodded to Damon, before they walked and danced once more. Damon pulled me closer so my attention turn towards his. I put my hands back to his nape and we started dancing. Damon kept on staring at me with a dreamy expression. He twirled me and pulled me closer.

"Sorry. I can't stop staring at you. You're just so beautiful."He said as we swayed by the music.

"You're making me blush."

"Have you danced with your partner yet?"He asked me. My eyes widen. Jace. I turn my attention towards infront and saw that he's still playing. The only difference is...he's gazing at me this time. His brows were furrowed. A look of betrayal. I wanted to speak. I wanted to shout at him and why should he give a f*ck. I wanted to...explain. How could he still pull me when I'm here and he's busy? How could he still concentrate on me, but still play melodically.

I turn my attention away from him and back to Damon. WE continued to sway by the sound and melody of the piano.

"Not yet, actually."I said. "He's still playing."

"Jace is your partner?"He sounded shock. I know why. We're enemies. "I wasn't expecting that."He chuckled and twirled me again. He pulled me and we sway to the music, once more.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Well, I had to. He's my last resort." My brows furrowed when I noticed a tiny stop and the resume of piano. But it wasn't gentle and melodic. Not like how he does it. I wanted to turn my attention to the piano, see what he's doing. But I couldn't. Damon keeps on twirling me and I couldn't take a glimpse of the piano. Just a blur.

The sound of his chuckle only hit my ears not down to my heart. Not like his. "Ouch. That must have hurt his feelings."

"Not really. He has a heart of steel."I said. Then, I felt the sudden raised of the back of my neck, like a warning. A predator is watching me.

"How easily you have dismiss my feelings, tresour. You have wound me. "When I heard Jace's voice, I stop dancing. I turned my attention to Jace as he stood infront of us. No expression on his face. I turn my attention to the piano infront and someone was already playing it. Someone different. Someone that is not Jace. Because Jace is here and standing infront of us.


"I would like my date back."He said to Damon. His words and tone were like cold, piercing, and sharp knives. I felt every insides of me shivered, while Damon looks unfazed. They stared at each other like winter and summer fighting for their dominance.

"Certainly."Damon smirked and let go of me. He kissed my hand and started walking away from us. I didn't gaze at him, not even a bit. Which could be counted as rude, but my eyes lingered on Jace. He gaze at Damon, before approaching me and putting his arms around me. He pulled me more closer than Damon had ever done. I felt my breath hitched when our lips were so close to..kiss. I put my hands around his nape and we started swaying from the melody.

"You have ruined my mood."he twirled me and whispered on my ears as I faced my back from him.

"Is that so?"I was twirled back and now we were facing each other. His dark eyes behind those glasses gazed at me with such emotion.

"I expected to be your first dance and your last."He sounded mad. "I do not like to share."

"You were still playing and I wanted to have some fun."

"Such excuses."he said. "Is this fun for you?"My breathe hitched when he pulled me closer. I can feel his warm hands in my waist.

"Jace."I warned him as we stared at each other intently. A smirk form in his lips.

"Do you enjoy it when he pulls you closer?"He said and pulls me even closer. We could feel each other's breaths. I can smell mint in him. "Twirls you around?"He said and suddenly twirled me around. "Stare intently to you?"

"That was nothing."

"I am your bodyguard, mon amour. It's my job to protect you from men that would do unspeakable things to my dear woman."A scoff escape my lips. My dear woman.

"I am not yours."I hissed.

"But I certainly am."My eyes widen. He didn't mean that...He couldn't possibly mean that. "I don't like that you were dancing quite happily with someone."

"Are you telling me that I should not be happy?"

"There are many ways to make you happy."


"Books."He said as his hands move up and down my waist. I can feel his warm hands as it moves with the silk I wore. I had to close my eyes. He got me. F*cking books."Music."He said and tucked a strand of my hair into my ear. My breath hitched when his face came closer to my neck and he whispered. "Many more that I would like to discover, just so you would stop talking to that man."I can feel my insides purring by this. Sh*t.

"Are you jealous?"I asked him as his eyes returned to my face.

"If I tell you that I am. Would you stop?"His eyes starting to darken. Jealousy. It's impossible. He hates me. I hate him. We f*cking hate each other.

I suddenly became flabbergasted. "You're not.." I didn't finish my statement when there was a noice to his phone. He reach out to his pockets and answered it. His lips pursed and he gazed at me, once more. He closed his eyes and cursed. I was about to ask what's wrong but he just reached out and kissed my cheeks.

"I'll be right back."

Then, he left me here standing in the dance floor. I watched as he left hurriedly without giving me a second glance. I touch my cheeks where he gave a kiss and I can feel myself heating by this.


You motherf*cker! How could you leave in the middle of the dance floor? I look like a fool waiting for you to come back! F*cking hell! Why am I even waiting for him?

A bolt of rage seeps inside me as I closed my hands. Curses forming inside my mind. I walked away from the dance floor, but I suddenly felt a hand stopping me. I turn my gaze and it was Carter. All the rage inside me instantly vanished. But still left some.

"Hey Jewel."

"Hey."I smiled at him. "Where's your date?"

"Tired feet."he said. "Want to dance?"he asked and I was about to say 'yes' when I suddenly hear Jace's voice inside my head.

"I don't like that you were dancing quite happily with someone."

Sh*t. I blinked as Carter continued to stare at me waiting for my answer with a smile on his lips.

"I'm also tired."I said. I saw how Carter's smile faltered and his eyes flickered with disappointment, but he immediately hide it away and return with a smile. I suddenly felt guilty but I don't feel like dancing anymore. Not after what Jace did.

"Do you want a drink?"

"Sure."I smiled at him. We went to get a drink and after that, we went back to the table and took a seat. Minutes later, I saw my friends going back to the table and they were all laughing and smiling. Kaizer sat beside me while holding a wine in his wine and took a gulp.

Carter bid his goodbyes because his mother was already calling him to come home. I heard that Cassidy was already looking for him.

"Where's Jace?"I asked Kaizer. He turned his gaze at me and put his drink down, before answering my question.

"An important meeting."I sighed and nodded. I hug myself as I felt cold with this gown. Luckily, I didn't choose the most revealing one, because if I did I would be shivering.

"You alright?"Kaizer asked.

"Yeah."I smiled at him.

"Uwi na tayo." Amber said. "Parang tapos na ang party eh. Wala na iyong dean."

I gazed at the stage and Amber was right. The dean was already gone, as well as Jace. I know that he's not gonna come back for me, just like how he promised. I clenched my fist.

Only the students were left here and dancing to the music. No one was playing the piano, but just loud music. Gusto ko na din umuwi. So we decided to go home. It was already 11pm and we don't have things to do here anymore.

When we arrived, I immediately went upstairs to take off this dress. I opened the door and my brows furrowed when I felt the hairs of the back of my neck starting to rise up. Something is definitely wrong. I fully open the door and went inside. My eyes widen when I saw a figure closed to my bed. He didn't turn his gaze as he held a photograph of me. Its a guy, and I don't know him. I immediately reach out to a close object that I could find.

A book. Literally my favorite book. But this is a life and death situation, so I'm going to use it. I tiptoed my way to him. He still didn't notice me as I approach him. I closed my eyes when I made a noise to the floor. It was not very loud, but he heard it. He turn his gaze towards me and I didn't waste that opportunity. I slap his face with the book, which made him grunt in pain. He wore a mask as he touch his face where I slap the book. I push him towards the bed and use my elbow to trap his neck. I put my bodyweight to him so he couldn't stand up. I breathe heavily as I gazed at him. But then I recognize him.

"Black?"I asked and he nodded. "What the f*ck are you doing here?"I asked still my elbow in his neck. He reach out to my desk and showed me the tulips. The bouquet of tulips Jace gave me. "What.."I let go of him and he breathe heavily. He touch his neck and coughed. Then, a chuckle escape his lips.

"James never told me that he trained you."

"He didn't."I said and sat at my bed. "I just felt like it was a rational thing in the moment."

"Now I know that you are not going to be easily kidnap."He said and touch his jaw and started moving it. "Ouch."He sarcastically said to me.

"Sorry. I didn't recognize you."

"Yeah. I'd noticed."He said as he put his arms at the back of his head using it as a pillow. "I know that you were approaching, but I didn't expect you to hit me."I turn my gaze towards the bouquet of tulips in my desk.

"Why do you have the tulips?"

"Jace gave it to me."he answered. "He said you left it at his car."

I scoffed. "I couldn't be possibly walking around with tulips in my hand at the party."I started taking off my necklace and earrings and put it in my desk. I sighed, frustratedly,as thoughts of Jace clouded my mind.

"You alright?"he asked as he sat up straight. His eyes gazed at me with worry. My brows furrowed by this. Its funny that half of his face is covered, but he showed great emotions using only his eyes. Only a great reader could decipher them.

"Should I not be?"

"You look...mad."He pointed out. "Is it by someone?"

"Its none of your business."I looked away. I felt him sit beside me. I turn my gaze towards him as his eyes wrinkled, meaning he's smiling at me now.

"Everything going around you is my business." A sarcastic laugh escape my lips. Reminds me of Jace.

"Don't use the 'I'm your bodygaurd' sh*ts."I hissed."I'm already fend up with that."

"Is it Jace?"My eyes widen as I gazed at him. Now, he can confirm that it was Jace.

How did he figure it out?

"How...No."I glance away.

"It seems to me that it is."He said and then he stood up. He gave me his hand."Come with me."he said and I gaze at him with my brows furrowed.

"Why?"I accepted his hand and he made me stand up.

"Let's cool that volcanic head of yours."He tap my head then we started walking towards the balcony. Why are we going here?

"I'm not mad."I said. He let go of my hand and put his hands in the railings and look down. My brows furrowed. Why is he doing this?

"I'm not bad at reading people, m'lady."he said. Yeah, he sure doesn't. "Come with me or I'll have to force you."

"I'm wearing a gown."

"That is never been a problem to me."

"How many girls have you made to do this?"I asked him. A hint of humor inside my tone.

"Just you."He said. I had to really look at him, trying to decipher if he's lying. But he isn't. He looks so serious as he says it. As he gaze at me and said it."You should be glad."he said and look outside. "Let's jump." My eyes widen. He can't be f*cking serious?!

"Excuse me?"

"I'll jump first. You follow."he said as he gazed at me. When he saw my panic state, he chuckled and said."Don't worry I'll catch you, m'lady."

"You have forgotten I'm wearing a gown."His eyes widen and gazed at my gown.

"Oh."he said and turn his gaze at the trees. "Let's use the trees."he said. My brows furrowed. This guy must be insane."Come here."he ordered and I did. He put his hands in the branches and climbed. He gave me his hand which I accepted. Immediately, he pulled me to him and I was hoisted to the air and towards the trees. His other hand immediately went to my waist, while the other is holding the branch. I shivered as his hands still encircled my waist. I should not be feeling like this. Its f*cking insane.

"Close your eyes, if you have to." He gazed down. Please, don't tell me we'll jump? His eyes turn towards me and I immediately knew. He doesn't have to say it. "And..please don't scream."He sounded begging. I rolled my eyes. I put my hands around his neck.

"That's going to be hard."He chuckled.

"I'll let go and I will immediately put my other hand to your legs, so you wouldn't fall. Got that?"he asked as his eyes displayed humor.

"Yeah."He smiled and then he let go of the branch. We immediately fall and I didn't have time to scream. He put his other hand to my legs like he's carrying me bridal style. I closed my eyes as I positioned my head to his neck. I heard his chuckle so I open my eyes. I look around and we were..okay. Still in place..and standing.

"No scream."he said and put me down. "That's good."He mess his hair a bit.

"That's because I didn't have time to."

"And would you want it in another way?" I didn't answer. He has a point. My brows furrowed when he walk towards a tree across the road and pulled something. My eyes widen when I saw a motorcycle.

"Your motorcycle?"I asked him and he nodded. He got on to his motorcycle and beckon me to follow. I hesitantly put my legs around it. I shivered when I felt the cold breeze seeped me through my skin. Black notices that and turned to me. He take off his jacket and gave it to me.

"It will be a long drive. Wear my jacket." he said and I followed. I put his jacket on and I felt warm.

"Where are we going?"I asked him. He said that it would be a long drive, so that means he's taking me somewhere far away.

"Have you seen the stars?"he asked. My brows furrowed. Why did he ask about stars?

"A couple."

"Then we're going to the stars."he said and made me put his hands around his waist. I can feel his hard abs as my arms encircled around his. I had to stop myself from gasping. I can feel my cheeks burning in heat.

"Figuratively or Literally?"

"Just the view."he said and started his motorcycle and we drove off. I had to close my eyes as I feel the cold breeze passing us. And silentlt praised Black as he didn't even felt cold as we continue to drive. He is wearing a black T-shirt for goodness sake! I would have shivered from the cold.

Minutes after, we arrived. I closed my eyes throughout the ride, because I couldn't handle the intense coldness. I opened my eyes when the motorcycle stops. I looked around and it was a villa. Big house in front. Not a mansion, but a two story building with glass walls. Surrounded by huge trees. This got to be a villa, because there is no house that I could see. It felt like I'm in Twilight.

I step out of his motorcycle and so did he. I put my hands around my shoulders and started rubbing myself to get rid of the coldness. Suddenly, I feel warm hands around my shoulders and started rubbing it to make me cold. I drop my hands in the process.

"Feeling cold?"

"Shouldn't I be asking to you?"I turned to him and I could see his eyes wrinkled.

"I'm good."he said and started walking towards the house. I followed him. He opened the door and I followed him inside. We walk until we arrived in the top floor of this house. There, I saw the view. I gasp when I saw many stars around the skies. The once black skies were filled of constellation of stars and lightly dust of violet and blue. This is impossible. This can't be real.

"What is this place?"I asked like a whisper, because I am still awe struck.

"My home." He said and put his arms in the railings as he stared at the nightly skies.

"You live here?"I had to urge to tell him 'take me with you'. I'd rather live here and not worry about my life. No noise. Just peace and quiet. My books and this beautiful stars. This would be the perfect home.

"Not exactly."he said. "Just a place to take my thoughts away."he continued. "It's been a long time since I went here."

"The stars are very visible here."

"Far away from light pollution."I nodded. Right. Light pollution. That is the reason that most stars are not visible.

"I can't believe something like this, exists here."I said and turned to him. He's already looking at me. His eyes wrinkled. "Thank you for taking me."

"Did that little volcano inside your head calmed down now?"I laughed.

"A bit."I tucked the strands of my hair at the back of my ear. "It didn't struck me that you like stars. "

"I'm not all black."he snorted. "Art and creativity still live inside me."he said and gazed at the stars. He looks..handsome."If I didn't, I would be so bland talking to you."he said. "Would you want that for a bodygaurd?"

"No."I laughed. "You're okay."I continued with a smile on my lips. "First time talking to one, but it's a great experience."

"The pleasure is all mine."he said and bowed to me like a knight swearing loyalty to his queen. It made my heart beat frantically like a mess that immediately went visible to my cheeks as I blushed. One question was on my mind and I am dying to know why it happened.

Did my heart just beat?


Jace or Black?

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