The Life We Left Behind

By FuzzyFowl

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Roni can't help it, she's just a sucker for blue eyes and a hot guy in a uniform. There had always been a cer... More

Detective Rogers
Are you asking me out on a date?
It's like I know you from a past life somehow
Happier together
Welcome back, Regina!
You're not that evil
Up for a road trip?
You need to stop living in the past!
We almost had it all
Catching up with an old boyfriend
It's all coming back to me
Do you get it now?
Welcome to Storybrooke!
You can stay at the mayor's mansion
The new Killian Jones
Settling in
I don't like it when my moms are fighting
The last Thanksgiving
Underneath the mistletoe... again
The truth about my feelings for Regina is...
The White Elephant
It's a date!
What if your happy ending is sitting right in front of you?
You drive me crazy, I want you so bad!
If you belong together - you belong together!
I love you, Regina
The morning after
I just want to be alone with you!
Meet me in the restroom... NOW!
Conversations with a gravestone
We have an announcement to make
Privacy? Not here...
Reunion with old friends
A tiny, shocking and impossible surprise
Operation Stork
The Christmas Miracle
Let's make a baby!
Too far away
Head over here for the sequel >>>

Almost there... and yet, so far

96 3 0
By FuzzyFowl

„And you're really sure about this, mate?", Killian released his seatbelt and got out of the passenger seat of his friend's car.

„I'm pretty positive! Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, my mom and I decked out the mansion for the holiday season. Every year. It's tradition! She will love this tree, I promise. It's absolutely perfect for the living room!"

With united forces they lifted the beautiful fir tree they had just logged in the forest off Henry's trailer, then he got back into his car.

„You're not coming in? I'm sure your mother would love to see you and have you help us decorate?"

He shook his head. „It's late, I need to get home to Ella and Lucy. And let's not forget: you're doing all this to win her heart, to show her how you feel about her, to help her tear down her walls. I don't think me third-wheeling along distracting her will do you any good."

„You may be right about that."

„Alright, then. Good luck, buddy! Talk to you tomorrow!"

After he had left, Killian went about pulling the massive tree through the front yard and up to the main entrance marked with the number 108, that was already adorned by a festive wreath. Bloody hell... Henry could have at least helped him bring this thing into the house, at least like that they'd had three hands, while he alone only had one and a hook that didn't do much else than ridding the poor tree of his needles.

Alerted by the noise outside, Regina looked out the window, frowned, then went to open the front door.

„Killian? What are you doing?"

„Hey, love!", he smiled somewhat sheepishly. Seeing her now for the first time since he had admitted his feelings for her to himself earlier today instantly set his heart aflame and he was seriously at risk of stumbling over his own feet and falling flat on his face. He stopped in his tracks for a few breaths in order to avoid this horrifying fate.

„Well, I heard decking the halls the Friday night after Thanksgiving is somewhat of a family tradition in the Mills mansion? Since Henry is now occupied with a family on his own and not living here anymore, I thought I could step in?"

He saw her eyes widen, and he didn't know whether that was a good or a bad sign. „Oh... oh, of course, I see..."

„What is it? Don't you like the tree?"

„No... I mean, yes! Yes, it's stunning! That's not it. It's just..."

By now, he had come close enough to be able to look behind her into the house where he could see the hallway already being beautifully decorated with Christmas garlands and holly wreaths, delicate ornaments, candy canes, apples – of course – as well as Christmas lights and candles, bathing everything in a warm, golden light. It was like a Christmas wonderland straight out of a fairytale.

„You... you already have a tree, don't you?"

She looked over her shoulder to the living room where it undoubtedly stood, biting her bottom lip. „I'm sorry, I didn't know... I thought since no one would be helping me this year, I'd just use..."

„... Magic. I see."

„Yes. But I can make it all disappear if you like?"

„No no! I'm sure it's beautiful."

„So is yours! Maybe we can put it up here in the front yard? That way everyone walking past would see it."

She smiled, then focused, waved her hand, and as if pulled by invisible ropes, the tree rose up into the air and came standing on the lawn behind the hedges.

„Now", she smiled, „Would you be a dear and fetch the decorations from the attic while I put on my coat?"


„Finally I get what that thing is good for." She smirked as she was lining up the Christimas ornaments and candy canes to dangle from his hook for easy access.

„The only reason you're not familiar with any other purpose is that I've made the conscious decision to spare your life and not rip out your throat with it."

She straight out burst into laughter at his comment.

„What's so funny?"

„Oh, I... I'm sorry, honey, I thought you were joking? Thinking you could best me?"

„I could if I wanted to!"

„Now now, let's not get ahead of ourselves and ruin the festive mood, shall we?"

With that, he decided to shut up. Indeed, he was supposed to flirt with her, to court her, not to provoke her and threaten to kill her! Even though that might just be the thing to give a kick to the former Evil Queen, what in the bloody hell was wrong with him? He could barely believe how nervous he was all of a sudden around her, her smile alone rendering him completely defenseless, like a lovestruck youngster who was clumsily trying to find his way around women for the very first time.

Piece by piece, they added the decorations to the tree, until only the centerpiece was left, a big star to grace the tip of the tree.

„Would you hold the ladder?", she asked, „I'll put it up."

With concern he looked down at her feet, dressed in her usual stiletto heeled boots. „Are you sure, love? Maybe I'd rather take this one."

She shook her head. „It's quite tricky to attach, you'd need two hands for it."

„Just use magic then?"

„No! We've done everything by hand. We'll finish it the right way. Don't get your knickers in a twist I've survived worse than a ladder climb."

She took the steps one by one, careful not to get her thin heels caught in them. When she had successfully completed her task, she had to catch her balance for a brief moment at the very top of the ladder, and Killian almost had a heart attack. „REGINA! Be careful!"

She lifted her hands to calm him down. „Alright, alright! Easy, I'm good. I'm coming down."

One step, two... three... and then it happened: her boot got caught in the stairs and her hands reached into thin air failing to catch a grip. With a gasp she landed safely in his waiting arms, instinctively clinging to his broad shoulders looking at him with surprise, fixating on his blue eyes that looked at her full of worry.

„I got you... Are you okay, are you hurt?"

„I'm okay. And the star, how is it?"

He was completely hypnotized by her gaze, her ruby lips almost black against her white skin in the soft porch light, her warm breath forming soft clouds in the cold winter air. Her face was so close to his that he could feel it tickle his skin.

„Beautiful", he whispered in awe.

„You didn't even look."

„I don't need to."

Her own heart was pounding inside her chest, her ears were ringing and she was quite relieved that he held her. What was going on? How was it that she could just never resist his beautiful blue eyes? No matter whether he was a policeman, a pirate or now a bartender and her roommate...

When she had the feeling that his lips were coming closer, she finally managed to get a hold of herself and cleared her throat. „Alright", she wriggled herself out of his embrace, „Good catch... thank you! Now all that's left to do is switch on the lights and we're done!"

For a split second he mourned the moment they had just had, an idle opportunity, but then again, he was a hunter and living for the chase.

When the final result of their work lit up with hundreds of twinkling lights, they watched in pride and awe, he wrapped his arm around her waist and instead of fighting it, she rested her head against this chest. All around them was calm and peaceful as she listened to his heartbeat, briefly paying tribute in her mind to the man it once belonged to, the man who had saved his life. She would forever be grateful and indebted to Rumple for his sacrifice. She just couldn't lose Killian. Not him, too! He was now, in this world, in this new life after the latest curse, her best friend. When something tickled her nose, she scrunched it up and shook her head, then looked up into the night sky, the dark grey clouds hanging low – it had begun to snow!

„The first snow of the season", he said with a smile, all of a sudden excited like a little child, possibly remembering this same time last year.

They had also been out, taking a walk along Seattle's waterfront, when the first snow fell. It had been so romantic! They had kissed under the soft snowfall, things between them getting so heated so quickly that they almost didn't make it home in time before eating each other alive. In the end, he had taken her on one of the tables in her bar, afterwards she had made them some mulled wine that they had enjoyed together before going for round two. Well she... Roni, that was.

When he realized that the mere memory of this magical night started to stir something inside his pants, he blushed and instantly pushed her away so she wouldn't feel it pressing against the back of her thigh. Bloody hell, he really was acting like a schoolboy. Or maybe he just really, really needed to get laid. He could probably easily hook up with a random wench at the bar if he wanted to, the single women of Storybrooke were quite shamelessly throwing themselves at him night after night, the dashing and devilishly handsome bachelor that he was, but he felt nauseous even thinking about being with anyone other than her. How curious, given his bustling past...

„Yes, the first snow of the season. Like last year..." Her voice pulled him out of his thoughts as he found back her eyes to look at her. „Do you know what that means? What we need right now?"

He cleared his throat. He wasn't sure what she was referring to. What I need right now, my love, he thought to himself, is rip open that blouse of yours, pull down your skirt and take you, feel you, kiss you, taste you, hold you, make love to you... like last year. Could she really be thinking the same? Was she missing him, was she yearning for him the same way he was for her? Was she suggesting...

„Mulled wine!", she said finally with a beaming smile.

He took a deep breath to calm his blood that had almost gotten to a boil by now. „Aye..."

And with that, she turned around and went back inside.


She came walking into the living room where he had been waiting, propped up on the couch by the fireplace, the wood crackling inside radiating warmth, admiring the beautiful Christmas tree she had conjured up while he had been out in the cold actually chopping one down.

She set two mugs of freshly made mulled wine down in front of them on the table and sat down next to him.

„It's beautiful!", he said, „The tree."

She looked over at it and smiled. „Thank you! Though I have to say, I think I prefer the one outside. The one we decorated together."

„Aye, some holding up of the Mills' holiday tradition after all."

They said their ‚Cheers', clinked their cups together and drank.

„Thank you though", she said, „It was a really sweet thought. I appreciate it."

He blushed a little and smiled, unable to come up with a seductive but gentlemanly enough response.

„Ugh", she exhaled, all of a sudden, leaning down unzipping her boots, „finally... These shoes have been killing me all day! Had I known how much I'd be up on my feet today, I'd have worn something else."

„I really don't know why you're doing this to yourself? Even just now, standing outside in the cold for all this time, climbing the ladder, they literally almost killed you!"

„Well, they're sexy though, aren't they?", she pulled them off her aching feet and started massaging them, „They look even better on me when I'm not wearing anything else to go along with them, I have to admit, but still..."

She shot him a smile over her shoulder as he was almost gasping for air. There was so much innocence in her eyes all of a sudden that he wasn't even quite sure whether she had actually said what he thought he'd just heard. Was she just teasing him in the most cruel way? Or, not cruel... evil?

He shook off the thought, and patted his thighs. „Come on, gimme your feet!"

She frowned. „Are you serious?"

„Aye, why wouldn't I be? While we're walking down memory lane with the mulled wine anyway..."

Back in the Heights, he had often given Roni a foot massage after a long night of standing and waiting tables at the bar. And still, right now she was being shy about it, hesitating.

„Come on, love, I'm quite familiar with those pretty little feet of yours. I know you want it! I know you must miss my exceptional dexterity that comes with having to get by with but one hand."

He managed a smirk. Finally, there it was! One of those witty, but saucy comments that had become his trademark but remained elusive so far this evening.

She raised an eyebrow, but complied, sitting up, leaning back against the couch, carefully placing her feet in his lap. The touch of his warm hand felt like a release as he started skillfully massaging her feet, one at a time.

„Bloody hell, they're ice cold! No wonder if all you're wearing all day outside in those boots are a pair of tights."

„Thanks for the lecture, mom! Don't you like my outfits though?"

„Aye, I do. I like your shoes, I like your dresses, your skirts, your blouses, your pantsuits and blazers... I like how they accentuate your body. They truly make you look... mayor-ly. Regal, like a modern day queen."

She smiled triumphantly. „That's the idea."

„Those things do look mighty uncomfortable though? I think the clothes Roni used to wear were much nicer."

„Those were much more your style, huh? The jeans and the tank tops and leather jackets?"

„Aye. You looked so sexy in those. I can't believe, in the end we never made it to that rock concert we wanted to go to."

„Mhmh", she murmured and looked away, swallowing down her tears, but he didn't notice.

„And I did like the curly hair, your natural hair. I think it suited you so well, made you look cool and kind and fun, and still so powerful and wild."

To that she didn't reply anything anymore, just finished her wine in one go, holding on to her mug and pulling her feet out of his lap.

„Well, what can I say... it's much easier to be cool and kind and fun when you're running bar than when the responsibility for an entire town – or kingdom is on your shoulders."

He was startled, all of a sudden. „I'm sorry, love, what... is everything alright? Did I hurt you, did I do something wrong? Was it something I said? I... I was just trying to make you a compliment? I said you're beautiful and sexy!"

„No", she said, standing in front of him now, shaking her head with a sad smile, „No, you did not. Quite the opposite, actually. But that's okay, you know? I don't really care. Take your mug back to the kitchen when you're done, will you? I'm going to bed. And thanks for the tree!"


Her words kept echoing in his head long after the fire had burned down. And long after he had finished the rest of the mulled wine all by himself. ‚I'm going to bed', there it was again. All of their encounters seemed to end like this, lately. Ironically for him, because those were exactly the words he'd want to hear from her, only it wasn't like she was going to be with him, she was going to bed by herself. Night after night. And whenever he felt like he was getting closer, breaking through to her, chopping away at that wall she had erected around her fragile heart, he felt further away than ever before by the end of the night.

If only he could figure out what had happened? He had massaged her feet, told her how much he adored her. That she was the most beautiful woman for him. As Roni or as Regina, he didn't even care. Well, not in those exact words, but... it had been pretty clear to understand, hadn't it?

No matter the clothes or shoes, no matter her hair... Her mesmerizing eyes were always the same. Her voice that drove him crazy each single time. Her smile that made him weak in the knees whenever he was lucky enough to catch one. Same as her breathtaking body, perfectly shaped in every way. How he was longing to touch her once more! And now... now, had he gotten closer to her or just even further away again? Was she just trying to confess her feelings for him too, perhaps, just as hopelessly trying to get through to him, afraid of what might happen, and failing? Messing up again and again in the process, wanting nothing more than to protect and comfort him, but only ending up hurting him more and more?

Maybe he should just stop this overthinking nonsense and go to her. Knock on her door, or... maybe not even. Just enter. Get into her bed, kiss her and show her how he felt. He had always been better with actions than with words. And if the woman upstairs weren't one of the most powerful sorceresses who had ever lived, he might even have done just that. But like this... even though he wanted to, he really, really wanted to, he'd rather not take the risk. And so he did the only thing that was left for him to do.

He went to bed.

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