I Love You is a Horrible Thin...

By not_invisible

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Skyler grew up watching her father beat her mother senseless. She watched as her once beautiful mother become... More

Character Profile
Prologue/Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: A Tale of Two Mates
Chapter 3: Welcome to Hell High
Chapter 4: Why are you so mad?
Chapter 5: She's mine not yours?
Chapter 6: Feelings
Chapter 7: Caden Knows
Chapter 8: Safety
Chapter 10: Leaving
Chapter 11: Lost
Chapter 12: Alter Ego
Chapter 13: Plans
Chapter 14: Welcome Home
Chapter 15: Molly Miller
Chapter 16: I Love You Part 1
Chapter 16: I Love You Part 2
Chapter 17: Our Pain
Chapter 18: Abuse
Chapter 19: Floating
Chapter 20: Feeling
Chapter 21: The Return Home
Chapter 22: Letting Go.
Chapter 23: The Wedding
Chapter 24: Nothing
Chapter 25: The Basement
Chapter 26: Barbies
Chapter 27: The End and The Beginning

Chapter 9: Because of You

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By not_invisible

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Chapter 9: Because of you

Skyler’s POV:

I just sat there frozen, I could just feel the way his fingers felt as they brush softly and quickly against my cheek as he brushed my hair out of my face. I was in pure shock. I closed my eyes imagining the feeling of his skin against mine.

Leo’s POV:

I sat in my car unable to do anything, I had hurt her. I saw it in her eyes she felt betrayed, and it was my fault she felt that way. She must have had been hurt when her parents divorced, she must have thought her dad had abandoned her, betrayed her, lied to her. And I had just done that, I had betrayed her and lied to her. Justin had told me that Caden knew about werewolves and I had lied to Skyler about knowing anything about why her brother had been acting weird. It killed me when I saw the hurt in her eyes.

I needed to make it up to her, I needed to tell my mate, my love the truth. I needed to make her smile, I never wanted to see the sad look on her face again. I would make all the pain she had gone through seem irrelevant, I would make her happy. I would make her feel safe, like she can trust me. I would make her mine, it was time. I couldn’t hide it anymore, I needed her and deep down I know she needs me.

I smiled and sped off and got to work on my surprise for my Skylark.

Skyler’s POV:

I walked into 1st period in a daze Julie was sitting down in her seat giving me an odd look. Lately me and Julie have been pretty close, and with the rest of the guys I felt like I could be normal even for just a moment like I was a normal girl without worries and I liked to pretend I was a girl who was never beaten almost to death, like I was never raped by the guy who was supposed to have taken care of me and keep me safe. Like my father was never a bastard.

“Hey Sky, you okay? You look I don’t know out of it. If you came to school high you could have at least brought me something too!” she joked and laughed.

I smiled and shook all thoughts of her brother and said “Naw, just tired. No sleep.”

“Understandable, how’s my brother treating you? If he’s giving you a problem just come talk to me okay?” she said with a laugh.

“No problem.”

“Oh yea, my brother, well my other one Nick said he met you?” she asked.

“Oh yea, it was a while ago, he was at Maria’s Café with a bunch of people, but it wasn’t a big deal.” I said.

She gave me a funny look and nodded. “So anyways guess what?” she said with a laugh.

“What?” I asked.

“Kyler and I are going to the dance together!” she laughed.

I smiled and giggled, Kyler and Julie had a weird relationship that I had just found out about a few weeks ago. It was obvious they loved each other a great deal Kyler could never keep his eyes off Julie but they were so opposite it was hard for them to agree on absolutely anything leading to teasing and fighting constantly  and ending in Kyler begging for forgiveness. It was quite a cute relationship.

“He finally asked you? He’s only had I don’t know a week to! The dance is this Friday! Are you going to have time to get your dress?”

“Oh god, never thought about that!” she said, she thought about it for a minute then looked at me with sad eyes. “Oh well, I’ll have to go alone and pick out my dress, because it’s not like I have any girl friends to help me out. Oh my, what will I do! This is horrible! Why do all my friends have to be guys! Oh what a pity.” She mocked complained, while looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

“Fine, I’ll go with you!” I said.

She laughed and hugged me! “YES! Thank you thank you thank you! I love you so much! You are the best friend anyone could ever have!” she gushed.

Just then Miss. Header came in and started class immediately, but I wasn’t listening to what she was saying. Julie had just called me her best friend, and that gave me an odd feeling. I was happy, I never had a best friend or even a friend for that matter. But could I have a friend?

School went by in a flash, it wasn’t like I really paid attention to in class anyways. Julie said I would have to get a day off work tomorrow so we could go shopping and I agreed, I’ve never been dress shopping before, it wasn’t something I was used to but it seemed like a good experience.

During lunch detention Mr. Steel wasn’t there, I just sat there doing paper work trying not to think about why he hadn’t shown up like usual. Was it because of the hair thing that morning? Probably not, he must have thought my hair was distracting and since I wasn’t doing anything about it he felt like he had to do something about it. I was looking too much into this, to him I was just an annoyance, I yelled at myself for thinking anymore out of it.

I walked outside and sighed calculating how late I was going to be for work since I had to walk now. I stepped outside the school and immediately saw Leo’s car. I wanted to ignore it at first but I knew I was wrong so I had to apologize, I was just paranoid all the time. I walked slowly towards his car hesitantly trying to get my thought together before I saw his face.

I walked to the car and opened the door and sat down and said “I’m really sorry Leo, I was over reacting, it’s just it’s hard for me to trust people and for some reason I thought you would tell me the truth no matter what. So when I THOUGHT you were lying I blew up. But I know I was wrong, I just overreacted I’m so sorry.” I said quietly.

He didn’t say anything he didn’t look at me, he just started the car and drove off. I just sighed, he was mad at me and I deserved it. I was completely wrong this time. I just stared at the window fighting me pathetic tears. It would kill me if Leo would never talk to me again. In some odd way Leo was the first person other than my family that I cared about. I know I would have never admitted it but I really cared about Leo a lot. He always made me laugh and smile, which before I came here only Caden could do that. Before I met Leo I was like a doll, lifeless, but now I have begun to open up to the people around me. I opened my mouth to say something else when I noticed I didn’t recognize where we were. “Leo where are we?” I asked scared, I looked in his eyes he had a look of determination on his face.

He ignored me at first but after a minute he said “I’m going to tell you the truth Skylark, about me about this stupid town. I don’t want you to be in the dark anymore.” He said.

I looked at him stunned and said “What do you mean? In the dark? Leo! What is going on? Tell me now!” he didn’t say anything he just drove faster, “LEO! STOP THE DAMN CAR!” I screamed.

“Please Skylark calm down for just a minute. Please just sit quietly you’ll know everything soon. Oh by the way, I told Maria you wouldn’t be working today so don’t worry about that.” He said.

Like that was the last thing I was worried about! “Leo I don’t care about that! Does this have something to do about why Caden is acting weird?” I asked.

He didn’t say a word, instead he continued to drive staring straight ahead. I looked towards windshield and noticed we were at the park where I had first met Leo. I looked at him he was smiling. I noticed that there was a path lit with Christmas lights, leading to an unknown place. He parked the car and got out, I was just staring ahead, uncertain of everything. He opened my door and motioned for me get out. When I didn’t he sighed and picked me up princess style and started to walk towards the marked trail. “Where are we going Leo?” I asked. “and let me down!” I complained.

“Just hold on a moment Skylark!” he said and tightened his grip on me.

“Don’t call me Skylark!” I complained.

“Why not? To me you are Skylark.” I didn’t say a thing I just looked at the path we were, or he was walking and sighed. I was so confused I didn’t even know what to do at the moment. He kept walking till he brought me to a small opening, about ten feet wide and long. There was a little picnic setting with candle and food placed nicely, with flowers in the middle. The trees there were large enough to cover the sun so it looked dark, like night. But light was coming through the trees shining thought small parts making everything look so magical. He set me down and smiled at me making me smile along with him.

“So Skylark, how is this?” he asked motioning to the food and the setting making me smiled wider.

“It’s so pretty. Did you do this?” I asked feeling stupid the moment I said it.

“No, Edward Cullen did it!” he said sarcastically, “Of course it was me you dummy.” He said fondly.

I smiled at him and said “So my apology was accepted?”

“Nothing to forgive.”

I smiled as I stared into his eyes, feeling comfortable looking into his green eyes. “Thanks Leo.” I said quietly.

He smiled and opened the picnic basket and pulled out two containers of pasta with different sauces on them, it looked like marinara and alfredo, my mouth was watering already. Next there was a container of salad and a bottle of ranch dressing and then a bottle of dr. pepper. I smiled, he knew I loved pasta! “So here that’s what we got, I know you like noodles and your mom said you never could decide which sauce you like better so I made both.” He said while laying a plate in front of me. He started to place a bit of each type of pasta on my plate with the different sauces and then got a glass out and poured my drink. I smiled brightly as I watched him do the same for himself. He then placed a smaller plate in front of me and put the salad on it and poured the dressing for me. He then reached back inside the basket and handed me a fork and said “Dig in!”

I did what I was told and ate, it taste amazing. I just kept eating until I noticed he was just looked at me, his food untouched. “Hey you okay?” I asked.

“Yea, just thinking about how you’ll take this?”

Oh yea the secret. I tensed up a bit and said “Are you going to tell me now?”

“Wouldn’t you like to eat first?” he asked looking at me nervously.

“No I want to know now.” I said setting the plate down and staring at me.

He looked at me with serious eyes and got up. I watched him with wide eyes as he said slowly “This town isn’t what it seems Skyler. Everyone here is normally much different then what you are seeing now. They are on good behavior because of your presence.  It’s unfair that they all keep this from you.” He said. What? “I’m telling you this because I care about you, a lot.” With his back turned to me he slowly took off his shirt, he stepped slowly into a beam of light and turned his head to looked at me, his green eyes looking sharper, more magnetic, almost predatory. “Nothing is ever as it seems Skyler. Don’t run.” He said as he body began to shake. What the hell was going on? His back hunched slightly as his body began to change.

I started to get up slowly as I watched his whole being change right before my eyes, oh god. What the hell had I gotten into? 

Justin’s POV:

I felt my body start to shake, my emotions turned quicker then I could think why. I was suddenly nervous and scared. I was confused until I realized I was channeling Skyler’s feelings. I felt uneasy as I left the school, her emotions still scared, it was so overwhelming I felt like I was in a horror movie being chased by the killer. I looked around and noticed no one was around so I shifted and began to look for Skyler. Her feelings were completely on overdrive, I knew she was running. Why would she be running? I picked up my pace and ran through the woods trying to pick up her sent, but I could find it. I closed my eyes concentrating on her, her feelings, I opened my eyes and saw through hers a park. She was by the old park, why was she there, I closed and opened my eyes once more and ran towards the pack as fast as I could. Suddenly I felt such a bad pain I let out a cry. What was going on?

I finally reached the park and saw her on the ground crying, with Leo hovering over her. I was going to kill that bastard.  

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