all my bad decisions | kinnpo...

由 ChocoVanLate

37.3K 1K 104

Porsche knew he shouldn't have helped that guy. He screamed trouble. But he did. And now he was working for h... 更多



3.8K 115 5
由 ChocoVanLate

After he accidentally listened to Kinn’s talk with his father, Porsche couldn’t shake off what Boss Korn said. Somehow Porsche was connected to the Theerapanyakuls. This itself made his skin crawl, but the fact that he had no idea how was he connected to them made him almost paranoid. Suddenly everyone had their eyes on him and he felt like bodyguards surrounding Kinn were glaring at him more than usual. Of course, he knew that they hated him a little bit. He heard some of the trainees whispering about how he slipped into the training with close to no effort when others had to be interrogated and then put through trials to even get to training. And he was just picked up by Kinn in his very own apartment. Well, Kinn’s apartment since the bastard bought the entire building.

Porsche just finished his sparring session with Best, one of the bodyguards who were in Boss Korn’s inner circle, when New came with a black bag and worried expression on his face. Best looked at him surprised and stepped out of the mat, nodding at the younger one.

“I thought Boss said you were going out to secure the packages from the outer members?” he asked, taking off the tape from his fingers and knuckles.

Porsche carried on cleaning the surrounding area and then taking off the tape from his hands. He hissed slightly, seeing a little blood under them. He quickly grabbed his clothes from the locker and walked out to the showers. He didn’t want to listen to any other conversations that didn’t involve him directly.

“Boss Kinn asked for the trainee to be ready at seven. He will be accompanying him to the event,” New said with eyes darting after Porsche. “He won’t be going as a bodyguard.” He added with a sigh.

Best sharply inhaled air and shook his head. The middle Theerapanyakul was a little bit hot-headed, especially when it came to something new. Porsche was a special case, everyone inside the mansion could see that the boy had some sort of power over the family members. Or at least over Kinn and Korn.

New nodded and placed the bag at the bench, taking out his cigarettes and giving one to Best. Both lit them and looked around the gym. Other trainees had much potential, some were very observant, some had strength like no other, but both knew that only three or four had both. Of course, when it came to Porsche they had to add martial art training and survival instinct. Most of the candidates came from families that were connected to either major or minor families, they were second or third sons, who were not main heirs to their families and needed to either prove themselves or didn’t want to be looked upon.

Both calmly finished their smoke. New picked up the bag and headed to the showers, nodding at some of the trainers that noticed his presence inside. He knocked loudly at one of the cabins, where water was running.

“Porsche. Boss Kinn has an assignment for you,” he said loudly. The water stopped and Porsche’s head appeared from behind the door. “You wear the clothes that are inside,” he pointed at the bag that was hung on the hanger next to showers. “And meet me before the main hall in fifteen.”

Porsche quickly finished his cleaning and applied cream for the cuts on his hands. With a sigh, he picked up the bag and took out the clothes that were inside. Black trousers, a black shirt, a black jacket, and a black tie. He frowned as he looked at them. They looked different from what all bodyguards wore, they somehow looked more expensive and more fitting. Hearing voices of other trainees, he took the clothes and quickly changed, placing his clothes inside the bag. He passed four of the candidates while walking out, all of them stopped when they saw what he was wearing. After all, it was a rule that they were given the uniform when Boss Korn approved of their finished training and skills.

“Why do I feel it’s not a uniform?” Porsche muttered, catching the end of his tie between his thumb and pointing finger. He checked his phone and quickly texted Porsché that he would be home later than usual and left.

New was waiting for him along with Aek and Gin, all three already had earpieces and Porsche could see the outline of two guns hidden beneath their shirts on the back. He swallowed and nodded at them, trying not to snap, when Aek snickered. Gin just sighed and turned around, making a small movement with his head that Porsche knew meant follow me. They passed Khun, who somehow got hockey sticks and was playing with old CDs as a puck. Porsche knew better so he did not say a word when ten bodyguards ran after the eldest Theerapanyakul.

They silently entered the elevator and Gin pressed the button to Kinn’s floor. Porsche thanked whoever decided to not play any music inside the elevator, he hated those. The ride was quick, as no one was using the elevator beside them. When they left, Gin turned to Porsche with a frown on his face.

“Porsche listen now,” Gin looked around as if to see if anyone was around. “I know that you and Boss Kinn don’t exactly see eye to eye. I get it. But tonight control yourself, alright? We’re going to a place no one is to be trusted. Only us. And Boss Kinn will meet people that can hold grudges for a very long time.” He sighed and looked directly into Porsche’s eyes. “You’re training is not yet finished, so we were trying to make him leave you out from this one, but he wants you. And tonight you’re not a bodyguard, not in a name. You will go as a fake partner of Boss Kinn.”

At first, Porsche wanted to laugh. Directly into Gin’s face. Kinn’s what now?

“What the fuck are you talking about?” He gritted out.

“Minor family is making others rebel against Boss Korn. Boss Kinn will meet tonight with some of the heads of other families to remind them of their place. We won’t be able to go with him, you will. No one has ever seen you, you are in training but also saved Boss Kinn once. If anything goes awry, you will be the only protection he will have besides himself.”

Porsche blinked and suddenly was hit that he could die tonight. And he didn’t talk to Porsché since yesterday. His heartbeat picked and he loosened his collar a little bit. Gin noticed his change of humor and clasped his hand on Porsche’s left shoulder.

“Listen to me. Both of you will have vests. We will be just outside the door. It’ll be fine.”

Gin’s words kept ringing in Porsche’s head when Kinn emerged and scanned Porsche’s figure. Kinn was wearing his usual smirk of overly confident asshole Porsche knew he was. They were given vests that were thin but apparently strong enough to handle most of the bullets available on the market. The entire ride to the other side of the city, Kinn kept stealing looks at Porsche with a frown on his face.

Porsche was aware that it was quite unusual for him to be so quiet and obedient, especially to Kinn with whom he was having a pissing contest almost all the time.

“Leave us,” Kinn said when they stopped. New and Gin exchanged looks but left. “No matter what, do not go with anyone, do not take anything from anyone, even if it’s for me. And do not leave my side, am I clear?” Kinn is suddenly far closer than he was seconds ago. His dark eyes focused on Porsche’s face.

“Of course,” Porsche replied coldly, eyes glaring.

Kinn smirked widely and left, appearing soon on the other side of the car to help Porsche out. The latter looked at him confused but noticed Kinn quickly looking to his side. There were people around who were watching. And he was supposed to pose as Kinn’s partner for tonight. He clenched his hand quickly and walked out, immediately being dragged to Kinn’s side by the latter’s arm around his waist.

There were whispers around as they passed, some even bolder than others who spoke loudly. All surprised to see Kinn with someone. Porsche instantly remembered rumors that surrounded middle Theerapanyakul; about his one-night-only rule, contracts with escorts, sex parties, and no preferences when it came to the gender of his partner. He swallowed and looked at the building they were heading to. He saw it several times on the news, the owner was some newly made millionaire. And was apparently connected to the biggest mafia family in Bangkok. Lovely.

They were escorted to the large room at the end of the building, where people already started to mingle. Porsche was looking at all of them, trying to decide if any was a potential danger to Kinn. Most looked like they were overly rich people, who wanted to be even richer. Typical businessmen and businesswomen. Kinn’s entrance was noticed right away. Three women, who were standing close to the bar looked furious at Porsche’s presence next to him. Perhaps they were expecting Kinn to leave with one of them. Or all.

“Mr. Theerapanyakul. Here I thought you forgot about tonight.” A woman in a long silver suit walked to them and reached out to shake hands with Kinn, her eyes sharp and lips stretched in a business smile.

“How could I? You always make such lavish gatherings Ms. Utumpon.” Kinn was smiling politely but Porsche could see that he all but wanted this meeting to end soon.

“I did not know if you would be able to come or not. Forgive my lack of tact to not reach out to you sooner. I do admit though, I have hoped to meet with both you and your father tonight.”

The red light inside Porsche’s head went out and he focused more on the woman.

“Father was needed elsewhere I’m afraid. He sends his regards.”

Kinn dragged Porsche away towards the bar.

"Flacia Utumpon is a cruel and direct woman, never offend her or trust her,” Kinn whispered to him, his eyes focused on the assortment of the alcohol before them.

The bartender quickly filled their glasses, although Porsche was only holding his. He hated the taste of scotch. Kinn made a round, greeting those who were important and showing others that he really was present. Aek was their shadow, Gin and New were standing near the main entrance, while Aran, Lamon, and Lek were circling the room. Others were outside or inside the cars. There was no use for them yet and Porsche silently begged that they won’t need to come.

After an hour, several people left for another room. Kinn lazily finished his drink and stood as well from where both of them were sitting on a small sofa next to the bar. Bodyguards were standing on both sides of the door and just looked at them, then closed the door, cutting out the noise from the larger room.

Inside the meeting room, Porsche could see Flacia sitting at the head of the table, three women at her side, whispering to her with smiles on their faces. Five men were sitting on the left, seven on the right. Kinn slowly sat down at the other end, directly in front of Flacia, and showed Porsche to sit next to his right.

“As I understand Mr. Kinn, we won’t be having any pleasurable business tonight?” One of the women asked, her eyes jumping between Kinn and Porsche.

Kinn chuckled and looked at her.

“We would have. If you didn’t decide to suddenly sign an agreement with the minor family against the agreement you have with the major family.”

A heavy silence fell inside the room. The woman who spoke was looking at her companion with a question in her eyes. Porsche narrowed his eyes a little at that.

“Agreement with the major family is binding until its power passes. That,” Kinn took out his cigarettes and lit one. “Would happen in two and a half years. You broke the agreement. We do not enjoy dealing with the consequences of such action but we have to.”

One of the men on the left snickered and rolled his eyes.

“What exactly do you think you can do? Korn didn’t even bother to show up, instead sending you.” He pointed his chubby finger with a signet at Kinn. “You’re just a boy, let the adults handle what you shouldn’t.”

Kinn calmly exhaled the smoke and looked at Porsche. There was a glint in his eyes that Porsche once saw when they were taught about debt collecting. Kinn was always the one who dealt with those who didn’t want to pay or couldn’t pay on time. When they entered the basement room, all were hit with the stench of blood and mold. Kinn was in the middle of his usual routine, as New called it. Ripping bone from the hand. Porsche met his eyes then, the gleam in them was cold and frightening. The same look Porsche was seeing at the moment.

Your company would go bankrupt within seven hours. Two of your daughters will land in an orphanage since you will be long time dead and your wife will be shipped out to… Perhaps Singapore? I think one of the brothels there would appreciate her help.” Kinn said darkly, his posture relaxed.

The man paled and opened his mouth to say something but another one quickly punched his arm. Kinn moved his gaze to him, a smirk bloomed on his face.

“And you Mr. Vera, did I not tell you not a week ago that I would not forgive another betrayal? You have been plotting against us for how long now? Five months?”

There was a sudden noise at the end of the table. Flacia was playing with one of the bracelets on her wrist. Her eyes were observing Porsche, not Kinn. Noticing it, Kinn moved unintentionally towards the latter, eyes cold.

“Theerapanyakuns were generous enough to help you all. But you seem to forget which Theerapanyakuns those were,” Kinn wrapped his hand around Porsche’s wrist and dragged him up from his seat. “I give you twenty hours for rethinking your decision. If you won’t break the agreement you made with my uncle, I will meet with you again in a different setting. If you will,” he scanned everyone slowly. “We will be merciful in our reprimand.”

“Why don’t we get twenty-four hours?”

Kinn laughed.

“Because I had to come here and deal with you, listening to worthless conversations when I could have been doing more… how did you name it? Pleasurable business.”

All eyes landed on Porsche, who fought hard not to scream at Kinn or punch him or both. He just pretended to not feel their eyes and let Kinn lead him out. Doors opened and Aek looked at them both, his eyes questioning. Kinn just walked forward, his hand tightly holding Porsche’s wrist. When Aek looked at Porsche, he just nodded and saw Aek sigh with relief. Their boss not dying or being hurt was a success for sure.

They returned to the mansion with no problems. Kinn being immediately called to Boss Korn’s study left Porsche alone. He used that occasion and walked to the lockers to pick up his things. He changed and folded clothes back to the bag they arrived in, giving it to New, whom he passed in the entrance hall.

“Porsche,” New called after him.

He turned around and saw how two trainees were lurking in shadows near the bar. Then his eyes shifted to New, who was looking at him with concern.

“Are you fine? Tonight was something new and I need to know that you are able to continue.”

Porsche blinked at him surprised at his question. Didn’t he already agree to everything Theerapanyakuns demanded from him? That was what he told Boss Korn when he explained his job and responsibilities that came with it. Playing Kinn’s partner tonight was nothing, after all, he did thought he could die, but he could die in any other scenario after all.

“Yeah, all’s good. It was nothing P’New, really.” He added, seeing how the older frowned. New then sighed and rubbed his eyes. “Can I go? Porsché is probably waiting for me.”

“Go Nong. But tomorrow I want to see you at two earliest. You deserve a little break, Boss Korn agrees. As do Boss Kinn.”

Porsche opened his mouth but seeing as New turned around and left, he closed it and hissed. Damn Theerapanyakuns and their mind games.


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