Coach Knowles


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"Maraj! You're late.." Some woman busted in the gym but trailed off when she got closer. "Who's this?" "This... More



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back from my day long break


It was Monday and since it was also a B day, I could leave after my first class. I usually stay to do some work or grade but Mel wanted to hang out so I would just have to do it later.

I left the school and started driving to Mel's house. I've only been to her house one other time, we usually hand out at Robyn's house.

When I got there Mel was already outside doing something in her plants. I rolled my window down after I parked, "Melanie!"

She turned around and flicked me off. "You must want your ass beat."

"Hey smelly." I got out the car and walked toward her.

"You've been ignoring me." I tried to hug her but she dodged my arms.

"I wasn't responding to anyone, I needed time to myself." Mental health is just as important as physical health.

Nothing was wrong with me, I just wasn't feeling my best and I like being at my best always. I felt better than ever now.

"Well in that case, I guess accept your hug. Come inside first, I have nosy ass neighbors." She mugged the air and took my hand and walked me inside.

"You're really making me work for this huh, huh? Changing locations and everything."

She rolled her eyes and finally gave me a hug. "Beatrice you're so fucking weird."

"What did I do?" I love hugs, I wasn't going to pull away until she did.

"Be a nigga and grab my ass or something."

"I'm respectful and consent is key." I started swaying us side to side kinda like we were slow dancing.

"I'm in heat right now." I know she's like Robyn and I know she has many people she can call to fix her problem.

"You're ovulating?"

She pulled away from me and walked away. "There's no way you just asked me if Im ovulating."

She walked to her couch and I followed her. "Is that not what it means for a woman to be in heat? You can easily get pregnant right now."

"Why do you know that? You're so weird."

"I'm college educated, and there's nothing wrong with knowing about a woman's body just because I don't have all the same stuff." I like reading.

"You definitely do know about the female body so I'll give you that one." She adjusted herself to lay her head in my lap.

"Shut up. Are we gonna sit here and do nothing all day or do you have something planned?"

"We can do something." She sat up and started lowly getting closer to me.

Just before our faces touched she laughed and laid her head back down in my lap.

"You think you're funny like you weren't just asking to have sex with me."

"Oh so you were gonna kiss me?" She was smirking like Robyn.

"Not anymore."

"Aw I hurt your feelings Beatrice? Come give Melly a kiss." She sat up again.

"Okay but we're just friends, okay?"

"I don't wanna be your girlfriend. You couldn't handle me. Well you could when-"

"Okay, I get it. Just one kiss just this once."

I didn't want to be with Mel and she doesn't want to be with me either. She's just "in heat" and I'm lonely.

That's why Robyn tried to set me up in the first place. I just moved here and I don't have any friends or any romantic interests.

Besides Onika but she doesn't even like me back.

"Shut up." She says up again with one of her hands on my leg but we got interrupted right before our lips touched, my phone started ringing.

"Jesus fucking Christ." Mel groaned and moved back.

I checked my phone and it was Onika. "I can ignore it if you want."

I haven't spoke to Onika since I left her house on Friday. I don't know why she was mad or if she even was mad at me, I didn't do anything.

I'm not going to beg for her friendship, I like being her friend but if she doesn't want to be mine then I respect that.

I just don't understand why we can't be friends just because I asked out, its not like I confessed my love for her and asked her to elope with me.

"Answer it." She was right, it was probably Imani calling, she should be out of school by now.

I picked my phone up and answered it. "Hello?"

"BeyBey?" It was Imani.

"Hey princess, what's wrong?" She only calls me when something wrong or when she wants cookies. She's like five, it's not like she's gonna call me to go and get drinks or something.

"My mommy. She fell and she wasn't answering me."

"Huh? When was this?" I knew there was something wrong with her.

"When we got home, she's awake now I think but I'm scared. I think it was because-"

"Imani?" That was Onika somewhere in the background.

"Bye BeyBey." She whispered and hung up right after.

"I have to go." I tapped Mel to get up since her head was in my lap.

"Go take care of what you have to take care of and text me later." She sat up so I could stand.

"Okay, bye musty." I got up and kissed the corner of her mouth.

"Musty? Hoe that isn't related to my name at all."

I just laughed and walked out. I got in my car and sped off to Onika's house.

I got there faster than I should've because I was speeding. I got out my car and rang the doorbell.

Onika rang the doorbell looking worse than when I saw her. "Bey?"

"I'm taking you to the hospital."

"Um, no you're not?"

"Imani called me and told me you passed out."

She rolled her eyes and let me in. "I didn't, I'm perfectly fine."

"The brain is really not something to play with. Put your shoes on and get Imani."

"I'm not-" I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder.

"Bey put me down!" She started to hit my back but I could barely feel it, she had hands the size of a baby.

"Imani! Where are you?"

She came running downstairs with the fitted hat I bought her on. "You're kidnapping my mommy?"

"A little bit. Can you go get shoes for you and your mommy?"

Imani nodded and ran back up the stairs.

"Put me down." She gave up on hitting me and accepted her fate.

"You sound like a child. I'm not putting you down until we get to my car, you're not about to run away."

"You just wanna touch on my thighs."

"I didn't even realize you owned thighs."

"That was a weird response. Put me down so I can go check on Imani." She must think I'm done.

"Let's go together, you're not slick." I started walking up the stairs to Imanis room.

She groaned and started scratching my back. I can admit that hurt a little bit. "That isn't gonna make me put you down. You need to go to the hospital."

"No I don't, it's just a headache."

"Didn't you say you hit your head?" I walked all the way up the stairs and Imani was putting her shoes on, on the wrong foot.

"Imani you don't have Crocs or something?"

"I do! Matching ones with my mommy."

"Okay can you get your Crocs and your moms? Quickly please."

She ran to get her Crocs then ran into Onika's room to get hers.

She handed me Onika's Crocs and put hers on herself.

I picked Imani up in the arm that wasn't holding Onika and started walking down the stairs.

"Onika can I drive your car? Imani needs a car seat."

She laughed against my back. "F-U-C-K no."

Imani was trying to put the letters together to figure out what Onika just spelled.

"So what am I supposed to do?"

"You better drive with her in your lap or something, you're not touching my baby. The hospitals just down the street."

"That's- okay." I let her down in the passenger seat and sat Imani down on my lap and put the seatbelt over both of us.

I can't believe she's making me do all this because she doesn't want me to drive her car.

"Onika how long has your head been hurting?" I started driving to the hospital.


Onika cut Imani off so fast. "Imani."

"Mommy." Imani said it in the same tone as Onika.

"Since when?"

"Imani you'll never see another cookie again."

Imani huffed and crossed her arms. I was confused but I left it alone because it wasn't any of my business.

We got to the hospital and since it was the middle of the day on a Monday it didn't take long for her to get checked out.

A doctor came and I entertained Imani while we waited. I met her play games on my phone and try out funny filters.

The made Onika wait in a hospital bed while they got test results back.

The doctor came back in the room and I started to get nervous for some reason.

"It appears you have a very mild concussion. The only thing you can do to treat it is rest and stay away from screens and sports to give your brain time to recover. Analgesics will help too."

After that I asked a couple more for her and took her back home. I had to lead practice and handle some more stuff but I told her I would come over and check on her before it got too late.

She's supposed to be off her phone so she told me where her she keeps a key hidden so I could just come in since I can't call.

After practice I took a shower and finished the Google Slides I needed for next week. After that I left to go to her house.

It was already dark when I got there but I found the key and opened the door. It was completely dark in here, they must go to sleep early.

I quietly walked up the stairs and knocked on Onika's door. After I heard her said I could come in I opened the door.

She was laying against her headboard and reading a book. "Hey, how are you feeling?"

"Bored without my phone."

"Yeah there's really not much you can do with a concussion, I've had like ten. You can't read for too long either."


"I played sports growing up. Do you need anything?"

"Company." She patted the spot next to her.

"I- I don't think that's a good idea."

She rolled her eyes and went back to reading. She said something under her breath but I didn't catch it.

She wasn't even acknowledging the fact that I was here. I took my shoes off and got in bed with her.

We talked and I described the stuff I was doing on my phone to entertain her until it got late and I started to get tired.

"Do you want me to stay the night?"

"I thought we were just friends?"

"You must be suffering from memory loss because of that concussion. Last time I checked, you rejected me so I don't know why you're saying it like it was the other way around."

"Yes I want you to stay."

She had an attitude for whatever reason but I laid all the way down and got comfortable.

"I'll stay over here." There was a lot of space between us, probably enough space to fit two more people in between us.

It didn't take long for me to go to sleep after that because it was later than when I would usually go to sleep.

I don't know how long I was sleeping before I was being very aggressively shaken awake.

I opened my eyes and Onika was standing over me looking crazy. "What?"

"You have to go. Like now."

I sat up. "Why? What time is it?"

It was still dark outside. I know she didn't mess up my sleep like I don't have work in the morning.

"I have to wake up Amir and Imani in an hour or two."

"I'm tireddd." I need sleep.

"You can go home and sleep."

I groaned and got out of bed, I didn't know why I had to leave but I didn't want to overstay my welcome more than I already have.

"Wh- why is your shirt off?" She was looking everywhere but me.

"Huh?" I looked down and my shirt was indeed off, I had on a sports bra but it was still weird. I don't know how or when it came off. "I... have no idea? Where is it?"

"How did that even happen?"

"Maybe I got hot in my sleep or something, I don't know." I started looking around for my shirt but I couldn't find it anywhere.

"Just leave it, I'll bring it it to you when I find it."

"This concussion is making you meaner." I still don't understand why I have to leave.

"Sorry. You still have to go though. Thank you for checking up on me and staying."

"That's what friends are for. Walk me out, I'm scared." It was dark and the middle of the night, I don't care how big or strong I am the dark is still scary.


I followed her out her room and towards the stairs. Her room was all the way at the end of the hall so we had a ways to walk before the stairs.

When we passed one of the doors it opened and Amir was standing there. Onika stopped in her tracks and I bumped into her but luckily I caught her before she fell.


"Hey." I smiled and waved, I don't even know if he could see me in the dark.

"I thought you were kidding about the running thing. You should be leaving Jordan's house right now not mine."

I laughed, "I forgot about that."

"My coach?" He was talking to Onika now. "Since when do you even like women? It's not a problem or any of my business but.. huh? How did this even happen?"

It's pretty easy to assume this is something that it's not. I'm leaving here shirtless in the middle of the night.


"Actually the less I know the better. I'm gonna pretend I never saw this, at least now you'll have a social life."

He has the wrong idea but she didn't correct him. She walked me out and I went home to get another hour of sleep.

Now... I'm not sure if y'all think I pull these chapters out of my ass or what but I update damn near every single day so when y'all ask me to update it's like ?? I have school and a life too. I was gonna double update since Nickis dropping tonight but that kinda irked me.

In other news,Coach Knowles is #1 in Nicki Minaj and Beynika now so thank you 😁❤️



Bey and Mel?

Bey forcing Onika to go to the hospital?

Onika not letting Imani tell Bey the real reason she got a concussion?

Bey spending the night with Onika?

Onika making her leave before Amir and Imani wake up?

Amir catching Bey leaving? His reaction?

Pay attention to how Beys not as nice as she is in Onikas pov.

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