Connection || p.h

Par randomstxries

23.3K 200 32

Aubrey Phillips comes to England with her 2 cousins, Zoe and Rosie, and her auntie Maggie, but she calls her... Plus

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f i f t h t e e n
s i x t e e n
s e v e n t e e n
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866 6 0
Par randomstxries

'And then it all went black. I remember hearing Rosie crying, Mom yelling something, the sound of an ambulance, then nothing. But I'm okay! Totally okay. A little shaken, but on the plus side....' I told Dad.

'Look, I got a bruise on my arm that's in the shape of a dinosaur.' Zoe showed him.

'And I have a cut on my arm that is a straight line. There was probably something sharp on them.' I added.

'Now, Zoe, Aubrey. As your father it's my duty to tell you that going after those thieves was dangerous, and reckless and--.' Dad started.

'We had no choice.' Zoe told him.

'And seriously... awesome.' Dad laughed. 'Do not tell your mother I said that.'

'Oh, I'll go get her. You can tell her yourself.' Rosie said, getting up and leaving the room for my mom.

'No, no, no. Rosie, I-- I didn't mean...' Dad spoke too slow.

'We miss you, Dad.' I said to the screen.

'I miss you, too, sweetheart.' Dad replied.

'Mom said she'll catch up with you later.' Rosie sounded disappointed.

'Later?' Dad asked.
'I gotta go to bed. I'm missing out on my beauty sleep.'

'I think it's a little too late for that.' I told him.

'Wise guy, huh?' Dad laughed.
'Hey, show me-- show me that bruise again.'

Zoe lifted her arm up. 'Can you see it?'

'Mmm. Brontosaurus. Uh... T. Rex.' Dad listed dinosaurs.

'Personally I think it looks more like a poop emoji.' Rosie told him.

'Wow. You're right. You have poop on your arm.' Dad said, making me and Rosie giggle.

'No!' Zoe disagreed.


I walked back upstairs and into my room whilst Zoe went into hers. Set on my bed was a round box that I do not own.

'Oh. Well, hello mystery box. What are your offers?' I joked around.

'I know you have a million questions.' Mom suddenly appeared at the doorway.

'Why were you riding last night, Mom? Is something going on with you and that Elliot guy?' I asked. 

'Elliot?' Mom laughed. 'No. No. We knee eachother when we were kids. I told him I wanted to try riding again. He was just helping me out.' Mom said.

'You used to ride?' I asked.

'A long time ago.'

'Why'd you stop?'

'Lost interest, I guess. I lost my nerve, maybe. It's been pretty hard seeing you fall in love with it the way I did.'

'It's just you and me, Mom. Tell me.'

'I used to have a horse. Emerald.' Mom started.

'Emerald?' Rosie's voice could be heard.
'E's a horse. Gramps, it's all okay. E is just a horse.'

'Okay.. Now it's just you and me.' I stated loudly.
'What happened to Emerald?'

'There was an accident. We were both badly hurt.' Mom finished.

'Is that why you don't want me and Zoe to ride?' I asked.

'Open it.' Mom nodded to the box. I hesitated but opened the wooden box and saw a black velvet helmet. I looked to the back of the helmet and saw Mom's named embroided on a piece of silk sewn to the back of the helmet.
'That's why I was riding. I thought if I could get over my own fears, it would help me accept that you're going to ride wether I like it or not. Zoe got the other set I had. A blue velvet one.'

I heard Zoe's footsteps nearer to my room.
'Just to be straight.' She started.
'I can literally go to the stables, get on a horse, no drama?'

'Yes, but listen--.' Mom was cut off by Zoe grabbing my wrists.

'Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. We can learn everything. We could canter without stirrups, We could jump, we could go on beach rides. Maybe they can give us a lesson this morning.'

'Promise me you'll be careful.' Mom asked.

'You got it.' Zoe replied. 'Let's go, Aubrey.'
She ran out of the room making me look at mom.

'She's like a kid in a candystore.' I muttered making Mom laugh as she stood up and left the room.


(Outfit uptop)

Me and Zoe walked across the field with riding helmets hanging on our arms. I saw Brightfields and smiled. Wow. I'm getting way too attached to this horsey stuff. A roaring noise overpowered my thoughts. Me and Zoe turned around and saw 2 Quad Bikes heading straight towards us with Ben trailing behind.

'Oh. Oh, oh, oh. Okay.' I stood there watching them circle us. Ben waved with a large grin on his face.
'Hey Ben.'

'Hey, Aubrey, Zoe. Check these out. Aren't they cool?' He shouted over the noise.

'They're.... something.' I replied before moving away from these machines. Jade and Becky were making their way up to us whilst we walked over to them.

'Horse thief Hero's return.' Becky said.

'Ugh. Don't call us that. We wanna have a cool superhero name.' Zoe told her.

'The Equestrian Avenger's?'


'Horse Thief Hero's it is.' I said, hoping they didn't start anything else.

'Wait till you see what Elliot's done. There's security cameras everywhere recording our every move.' Jade stated.

'Which would've been useful to know before I picked Bob's nose for him.' Becky added. I was disgusted by the thought of it making me pull a face.

'Looks like Ben's made some new friends.' Zoe changed the subject.

'Yeah, with quad bikes.' Jade added.

'Oh, my quad, it's the worst. He's lost all interest in horses, he's not helping with Bob, and I can't do it all.' Becky ranted.

'Awh, that sounds drastic.' I replied.

'Is that the time?' Becky asked.

'Oh. No, Becky. That's the date the time is right over there.' I pointed to a certain spot on the phone.

'Oh. Even worse. I'm late for my shift at the café.' Becky groaned.
'Right, Jade, you're looking after Bob. Two feeds, plenty of kisses, and whatever happens, don't let him get bored.'

'I think I can handle Bob, Becky.' Jade told her.
'Don't worry.'

'That's what he wants you to think.' Becky shouted.
'Watch it!'

'Out the way, sis.' Ben shouted, running after the 2 quad bikes.

'To the yard.' I pointed.

'To the yard.' Jade repeated.


Luna and Raven were out of their stable and were tied to a fence. Me and Zoe were stroking them whilst Jade was looking after Bob.

'We showed those horse thieves right boy?' I muttered.

'Have you two seen the cameras?' Jade asked.
'Infrared motion sensors, a brand-new backup generator which means it will never go down. This is State-of-the-art stuff.'

'It must have cost Elliot a fortune.' Zoe said. I nodded agreeing.

"Oh, no, nothing's too expensive for my little girl. My money keeps this yard going, and Sam quivers with fear at my--.' Jade continued and my eyes widened as Sam was approaching us.

'Hi, Sam.' I smiled but said it loudly so Jade would shut up. Jade gasped when she saw Sam behind us.

'Aubrey, Zoe. It is so great to have you back.' She hugged us both.

'Have they caught the thieves yet? Does Derek have any leads at all?' I asked.

'The police say they were just opportunists. They won't be back.' Sam told us.
'Not that they can get in now, even if they tried.'

'We have noticed.' I replied.

'So your mum called. You both have a lesson with Marcus. Aubrey at 10 and Zoe at 11. I would take it myself but I'm snowed under with all the paperwork for the big barn dance.' Sam got excited but I was still focused on the fact that I had a horse riding lesson that no one told me about.

'I'll help. I love paperwork.' Jade offered.

'It's true, she does.' Me and Zoe said unison.

'Thank you, Jade. That would be great. Then I can get on with tryouts for the horse show.' Sam thanked her.

'Oh, you guys have tryouts?' Zoe asked.

'Yeah, the county show's a pretty big deal.' Jade told Zoe.

'Yeah, this year the prize is £15,000. Which would be a reallg big help with the bills right now.' Sam added.

'But, Holloway Riding School always beats us.' Jade perked in.

'No, not this year.' Sam told Jade.

'Sam, do you think I could ride Luna and Aubrey ride Raven?' Zoe asked. Huh? I haven't even gotten on a calm horse yet. Raven is wild!
'I mean we do have this bind and I figured it'd be great--.'

'Nice try, Zoe. No.' Sam cut her off.
'My insurance doesn't cover "girl squished by troubled horse." Your not riding Luna and Aubrey, not Raven.'

'That was pretty final.' Zoe muttered.

'Atleast she didn't hear my Elliot impression.' Jade told us.

'And for the record.' Sam started making us turn.
'I never quiver in fear in front of anyone.'

I tride to hide my giggle as Zoe looked shocked and Jade was panicked that Sam had heard it.


I was panicked about my horse riding lesson with Marcus. Me being on a horse is not a good mix. I walked over to where Marcus was waiting and clicked my helmet on to my head.

'Oh, Aubrey.' Mia scoffed. 'Where did you find that old hat?'

'Loving the vintage look, Aubrey. I think we could probably find a corset around her somewhere.' Susie added.

'Well, coming from a girl who knows her fashion, this hat goes perfectly well with any outfit.' I told them.

'Hey. You can wear what you want.' Marcus perked in to the conversation.
'I mean you and Zoe chased off a gang of horse thieves. Who does that?'

'Well, it's just an average Wednesday night for us Americans.' I smiled.

'Yeah, well, now we've got a wonderful new security system. We don't need any more heroics.' Susie said.

'Yeah. Super Aubrey and Zoe can stand down.' Mia added.

'Oh, well, Mia. Next time your horse needs saving, feel free to use the Super Aubrey signal, yeah? Btw that coat doesn't go well with your outfit.' I replied.

'Susie. Come on, it's time for my tryouts.' Mia said. I smugly smiled at her with a wave before turning back to Marcus and Major.

'Sam wants to quickly watch you have your lesson before she does Mia's tryouts.' Marcus told me. I turned round and saw Sam walking up to us.

'I told Mia she could wait a bit. Come on then, get on the horse.' Sam insisted. I hesitantly stepped up and swung my leg round.

'Why am I doing this?' I muttered.
'I'm no expert, but don't I need the stirrups to keep me up?'

'I don't think you need anything.' Sam replied.
'This will improve your balance. Trust me. Walk on.'

We started to move and I gripped onto the reins tightly.

'Aubrey. Relax. Loosen your hands. You're fine.' Sam instructed.

'I'm still going.' I gasped.

'Of course you are.' Sam chuckled.
'Just loosen your hands. Relax the leg. Excellent there you go. Now I'm gonna try you in a trot.'

'Can't we just stay like this for a little bit?' I asked, panicked.

'I've got you. He can't go anywhere.' Sam reassured me.
'Trot on.'

Major started going a little faster. I was frightened but wanted to follow Sam's instructions.

'Just try and relax.' Sam said.

'That's easy for you to say.' I replied.

'Okay, I'm gonna try something. Now, close your eyes.' Sam instructed.

'What!? Noo. That's even more scary.' I told her.

'Just close them.' She insisted. I sighed and closed my eyes.
'What do you see?'

'The inside of my eyelids.' I replied.

'Just humor me.' Sam laughed.
'Try and think of a time when you felt really relaxed.'

'Okay. I'll try.' I told her.
'It was before. Dad took me and Zoe hiking in Yellowstone. They sky was so much bigger there. My dad says that the sky always gives you clues to the road ahead. The rise and fall, where there's water... where there's rocks.'

'You are doing so great, Aubrey.' Sam told me.
'Okay. Now, when you're ready... I want you to lift both of your hands out to the side.' My eyebrows raised at first. She wanted me to do what now. Although everything that Sam has been instructing me to do has worked so I lifted my hands out. After a while Sam instructed me to open my eyes. I laughed. I was horse riding.

'I'm doing it!' I shouted. We carried on for a couple more seconds until Major slowly came to a stop.

'You did amazing!' Sam hugged me once I got off. It was the most amazing feeling I've ever had. Zoe had been watching on the fence but now wad running over to me and engulfing me in a hug.

'You did it! You're a horse rider!' She yelled. I smiled at her. I was happy that I made her so excited.

'You two, could you tack up Raven and Luna for me whilst I do Marcus' tryout.' Sam asked.

'Wait. Are you serious?' Zoe asked.

'Not to ride. Just to get them used to the saddle. I want to keep working on that.' Sam told us. I nodded.

'Come on Major. I guess we're done for the day.' I guided Major to his stable.

Continuer la Lecture

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