π’Ÿπ“‡π‘’π’Άπ“‚π“ˆ 𝒢𝓃𝒹 𝒩𝒾𝑔𝒽�...

By __oriana_x

436K 13.4K 9.9K

Dream is locked in Pandora's Vault for his crimes, the most secure prison on the Smp. The guards torture him... More

Important Information
1. The New Guard
2. I Care
3. Trust Me
4. I Trust You
5. Changes
6. Quackity's Visit
7. Healing
8. Friends
9. I Haven't Seen the Light in Ages
10. Get Out
11. Taste of Normal
12. Back to the Routine
13. Seasons of Change
14. Snowfall
15. Christmas
16. Escape?
17. The Turn
18. Reign of Nightmare
19. Return
20. Planning
21. Figure in the Shadows
22. Escape
23. The Assassin and I
24. Not Safe
25. Freedom
26. Not Ready
27. Punz
28. Nightmares
29. I Agree
30. I Don't Trust You
31. Allegiance
32. I Trust You
33. Old Friends
34. Allies
35. Friends Again
36. Secret Base
37. The End
38. The Piglin King
39. Siblings
40. Return
41. Don't Leave Me
42. Origins
43. Old Times
44. I'm Back
45. Are You In?
46. First Meeting
47. I Can't Hurt You
48. Dying Again
49. Revival
50. Project Wake Up
51. Planning
52. The Festival
53. Hidden Allegiances
54. I Declare War
55. Roles Reversed
56. The First Attack
57. Plan B
58. Bombs Away
59. Realization
60. Help From the Shadows
61. Surprise
62. Drista
64. Nightmares That Never End
65. Final Attack
66. Make Your Choice
67. Mercy
68. Family
69. Feelings
70. Back to The End
71. Not Over
72. The Truth
73. Bad Memories
74. You're My Home
75. Information
76. No More Hiding
77. New Start
78. Invites
79. Preparations
80. Happy Birthday
81. Party On
82. A Crashed Birthday
83. You Have to Choose
84. Love Over Power
85. New Ruler
86. Power
Ending (Happy)
Ending (Sad)
New Book!

63. The Truth

2.5K 88 44
By __oriana_x

Art by @ayetypicalart on Twitter

3rd Person Omniscient POV

So Drista," Clay says."What did you do with Tommy in exile? What did he tell you about me?"

Drista sighs and looks down, fidgeting with her hands.


"Okay let me just tell you the whole story" She sits up and glances at Y/N before continuing.

"So after the village fire, I ran away. I didn't know how to find you and I wandered through the forest. Years later, I went traveling and found a small campsite on an island. That's when I found Tommy. He told me all about what happened and about you. I realized it was you but I didn't let him know that I was your sister. I visited him a couple times but I eventually stopped coming. I never knew what happened next. A few days ago, Nightmare came to my house" she points at Nightmare. "She told me that Tommy and your were at war and asked me to help. I was hesitant to join because I was scared of what you might do"

"What I might do?" Dream says. "You're my sister, what would I do?"

"I don't know! Tommy told me that you had become this manipulative, evil, controlling villain. You made Tubbo exile him and kept stealing his discs to gain control over him. He told me that you came to him everyday and manipulated him into thinking you were his friend"

"So you think I'm evil?!" Dream stands up angrily.

"No, no!" Drista stands up too. "You're my brother!"

"Then why we're you afraid to come back?! You thought that I was so evil that I lost feelings for my family?!"

"I— didn't think that!"

Dream clenches his fists angrily. His mind jumping to conclusions, he couldn't lose anyone else. He once lost everyone he cared about, then he got them back, and Drista was about to leave him again.

His fist came down out of pure anger and Drista closed her eyes to take the blow.

Y/N catches Dream's fist and pushes it away. Drista breathes in and out slowly, processing what just happened.

Dream stares down at his fist in shock. How could he try to hurt her? His own sister?

"Dream" Y/N says quietly. She takes his hand and massages it until it opens. "You didn't hear the rest of the story, don't you want to know why she came back?"

He nods and slowly sits back down. He opens his arms and Drista hugs him tightly. He hugs back.

"I'll sorry" he whispers. "I didn't mean to try and hurt you"

Drista rubs his back soothingly before pulling out.

"So, when I met Drista at her house, she was hesitant to join. We talked for a while. It appears Tommy painted you as the villain and she was uncertain whether to go back to you, her family, or stay hidden away, fearing your evil. I told her that Tommy doesn't know the full story. I told Drista everything about what happened after Tommy's exile, what you've been trying to do all along, and why you are even in this war. She understood and joined to help you achieve your goal, peace for the Smp"

"Is that true?" Dream asks.

Drista nods.

"I'll admit that Tommy was annoying but when he described you, things didn't add up. You wouldn't go and try to make his life miserable specially. I realized that it's similar was Dad did to you. When you kept stealing things, he made you stay in a secluded cabin until you learned your lesson. I asked Tommy what he did and he said "I just burned down some guy's house that was friends with Dream". I asked if he did this any other time and he said yes. That's when I knew that you were trying to teach him a lesson and prevent him from griefing other peoples house and to stop making the same mistakes"

"Yes, I was only trying to help him learn and grow. I never meant to make it seem evil. I guess revenge gets the better of me sometimes and makes me seem evil" Dream sighs.

"I want to help you" Drista says. "How can I help?"

"We need to end the war, we don't want to kill them" Y/N says. "We want them to surrender. Righty now, they're too proud. They need to learn how to accept defeat"

"What's the plan?" Drista's eyes shine with excitement.

"We have a plan to bomb their base while The Allies distract them, and you can lead them into battle" Dream smiles.

"Really?" Drista hops up and down with glee. "Do you really think I can do it?"

"Yes, but you will need to train and learn how to use armor, war is brutal" Dream warns.

"Okay, I will!" Drista gives her brother a big hug.

Dream beams at his younger sister and Y/N smiles.

If only I had a sibling that annoyed me but I still loved.

After Y/N showed Drista where she'd be sleeping, Dream climbs int bed.

"I missed her" he mumbles.

"I know you did" Y/N smiles patting his hand. "That's why I asked her, I wanted to make you happy"

"Well it worked" he smiles and gives her a quick kiss. "I'm tired" he yawns.

"Okay, go to sleep" she smiles and pretty soon, the sound of his heavy breathing can be heard.

Y/N doesn't go to sleep. She pulls out the star shaped emerald from the drawer.

How did this work again? Oh right, who would be asleep? George?

She pictures him in her head. His brunette hair, white goggles, friendly smile.

A minute later, she's standing in front of a mushroom house.

"Oh hey Y/N!" George turns around. "I just finished building my house, what do you think?"

"Pretty nice, but can I ask, what happened yesterday?"

"Well, yesterday we fought in the battle and Drista came to Dream" he says.

"So how are you back here rebuilding your house that Tommy burned down?"

"I—I don't know" he stares at the sky for a few seconds. "Wait, is this a dream?"

Y/N smiles.

"I'm not sure, when you see me next, tell me purple. If I say indigo back, then I was really in your dream"

"Okay" he smiles and waves. "Gotta go, bye

With that, the dream fades into darkness.

Y/N opens her eyes, she's lying on bed next to Dream. The emerald faintly glowing in her hands.

So I can disrupt people's dreams and makes them think they were prophetic warnings...
I can turn their dreams, into nightmares.


The Dreamvisitor will come in handy soon.

I'm not sure if I want to end the book soon or continue. I do have other plans for other Dsmp fanfics though.

Comment any mistakes you find so I can fix them!

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