By -cs982

158K 3.1K 297

Having barely recovered from mourning her dead best friend she now has to deal with a box of tapes and a toxi... More



3.4K 86 3
By -cs982

"You know I was battling with myself for so long whether this person deserved a tape or not but I guess if you're listening to this you know what I decided. Friendship is a fickle thing, sometimes your bond can stay strong through the biggest storms and other times.. your friendship can deteriorate right before your eyes because of a few seemingly meaningless words which had a bigger impact you can ever imagine. But we'll get to that. You know another fickle thing? Anger. And this girl knows about what anger can do to you first hand. Madison Campbell, welcome to your tape"

Clay's eyes widened hearing the name of who's tape this was. He had an inkling but actually hearing it made it all the more real. He knew the girls had a rocky relationship but now he'll find out why.

"You were one of the most compassionate and bubbly girls I ever had the opportunity of meeting. You were there for me through a lot, the picture Justin sent around, the hot or not list, the poem when it was spread. I really felt like I could count on you, until I got on your bad side. You're words could cut through skin like glass and I unfortunately had the pleasure of experiencing that. I understand I made you angry. I should've kept my mouth shut when bringing him up. That's right him, if you know who Maddy is then you know exactly who I'm talking about. The 'ride or die' couple. I tried to help you Maddy, you needed it but you wouldn't hear me out. I get it I shouldn't have brought it up the way I did and maybe if I was there for you when you called me crying, begging to come over to talk we could be in a different situation but I didn't and you stayed with him anyway"

Clay was walking through the hallway when he spotted Maddy standing with Justin and Zach" He gave her a long meaningful look before walking straight past.

"He's on my tape" the girl muttered, looking between the two boys beside her worriedly which they reciprocated.

"I admired you until I didn't. How you would show up to school covered in bruises usually on your neck and laugh off any questions, how you would flinch when he got angry near you as if expecting him to hurt you at any given moment, yet still stuck by his side. I didn't understand how no one could see you what was happening behind the closed doors of your relationship. I stepped up, I offered to help you and you got angry. Maybe it wasn't my place but at least I tried, I just wish you did too. I invited you to Monet's to talk to you, to apologise and to seek help and you didn't show up. I offended you it was fine I didn't hold it over you. You knew I wrote that note for communications class didn't you? You stuck up for me against your friends and showed you cared. I thought we could build up our friendship again and we did. No matter how much I wanted to bring them up I didn't. I ignored the marks and bruises you would sometimes be covered in so I wouldn't lose you again. I shouldn't have done that but you didn't want help so I couldn't force you"

Clay felt slightly nauseous hearing what was happening to Maddy right under everyone's noses but he still didn't understand why she had her own tape.

"We were friends again and it was great but your boyfriend was always first. I wasn't jealous I was frustrated. How could you stay by his side, laughing and smiling after everything he's done to you. If we had plans and Monty called you would be at his side instantly. Jessica's party was when I truly realised how much you needed to get away from him. You were drunk, everyone was drunk, even me. So drunk you didn't even realise what was going to happen to you if Jeff hadn't interrupted while your boyfriend watched. It was my fault too, I sat and almost witnessed another incident like the last tape. I was frozen in my seat watching your boyfriends best friend grabbing onto you and trying to drag you upstairs. And your boyfriend watched too. You always said your boyfriend loved you, he would take care of you and that's why you stayed with him but is that really true?"

"Jeff got to you before anything happened, he came to tell you he was going on a beer run. You changed once you lost your best friend of course you did. I felt horrible that night, I had so many regrets and I wanted to talk to you, to tell you everything. When you saw me crying at school a few days after Jeff died it was like a switch flipped. I should've been more sensitive I get that but I was filled with so much regret. You told me that I barely even knew him, that every drama had to be my drama or it doesn't count and how somehow I was making it all about me. The cherry on top of the cake? You told me you wished it was me instead of Jeff so I could leave you alone"

Clay was sitting in the cafeteria, staring at the back of Maddy's head whilst listening to her tape. He didn't know how to feel about it.

"Maybe it was in the heat of the moment, you were grieving I know but you were one of the only people I had left. I was all alone. Some of you may be wondering, 'that wasn't as bad as others' and maybe it wasn't, that's why I had such a big self debate but in the end you deserved to know why I did what I did and how your words affected my decision. I didn't tell anyone your secret so I wouldn't lose your friendship but that's already gone so why not tell everybody that Madison Campbell is getting abused by Montgomery De La Cruz. And she has been for a while. I thought it would be pretty ironic putting your tape before the next person. Will you forgive them like you didn't forgive me?"

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