We're Running With It- Mr...

By YihYahwolf

325 7 1

A brutasha story that doesn't really take place in any particular time. The story centers around Bruce and Na... More

Character line up
Vol. 1 We're Back
Vol. 2 Our Life
Vol. 3 You Can't do This
Vol. 4 A Knocking At The Door
Vol. 5 Tea Time
Vol. 6 Our grand Finale?
Vol. 7 Well hello sir
Vol. 8 Bruce's Raft
Vol. 9 Hey, Don't be Mad
Vol. 10 I Left You Behind
Vol. 11 Hey Can I Come Over, Friend
Vol. 12 So ... We Both Have Kids
Vol. 13 What if I'm Not Really Ready
Vol. 15 What Just Happened?


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By YihYahwolf

(Nat was in the apartment for about 15ish minutes before getting a bit ansey about the baby sitter still not coming. When a small cry came from Dante's room)

Nat- (Jogs into his room with a bottle and a diaper) Hey buddy, what's going on. Come here (picks him up from his crib then moves him towards the changing table) let's see diaper check and... Nothing ok let's try hunger is it bottle time? (Picks up the bottle and starts to feed him) Ohh there it is someone was hungry.

(Dante coos while looking up at Natasha. Before smacking the bottle from her hand and grabbing it for himself. Leaving her astonished by his agressive form of independent behavior. Leading to her thinking of how her own baby may take to some of her manners and thus mirroring them. Taking note of this new thought, she then put her attention back on little Dante and how he may need to go play and distract himself soon. Because he's already squirming around. The play time could help him go down for a nap sooner.)

Dante- Ummhuh Tkktkk gulp. Hmmhmm Milk mmm

Nat- Ok, where were we oh right. We were going to get you up and ready to build with your blocks and not play with dangerous things. If you think you can handle drinking some milk while playing before your nap. (Looks around for the blocks as well as for some sign of the sitter. Now in the living room handing him soft 10 in blocks) Hopefully by then your babysitter comes around or something (pulls out her phone while carrying Dante. Dials up Alex but no answer) Ok so moms not picking up the phone so you and I are going to make you a snack to keep you properly feed. Because I don't think milk will cut it anymore these days. Let's see if you're allergic to anything. (Goes to look at the note on the fridge) Nope just penicillin and almonds but coincidentally not peanuts. With this out of the way we can give you some appleslices with peanut butter and crackers with ham plus some water to wash it all down

(While this was going on Bruce and Alex were waiting tables and serving beer and cocktails with the acasional straight liquor shot or glass depending on the customer. Eventually Alex told him to turn his phone back on and if Nat texted him to go over)

Bruce- What do I say when I get their and she asks why I haven't been in contact

Alex- Well you told her you were with Tony and Pepper this evening so just say they needed you or something like that. Just figure it out

(Bruce sighs and turns his attention back to his phone waiting for any text or phone call. Not just 5 minutes pass by and the ping of a text passes through)

Nat- "Hey, I know you're getting these messages so answer. Ok I'm starting to get annoyed".

Bruce- "Sorry I've been busy keeping Tony from getting me into a newer experiment. Also teaching them some cooking tips for making bread".
"But what's up".

Nat-"Alex's sitter cancelled on her without so much as a notice or anything, so I need you to come over and help me out while he's taking a nap".

(Bruce leaves the bar and heads over to Alex's apartment. From their he knocks on the door to be received by nat a toddler and a sippy cup)

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