His Favorite Kitten

By cutesypiecat

164 17 4

bella arabella kentucky olivie rav'n faery walter is not like the other girls. She wishes she could be like a... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7

chapter 4

19 3 0
By cutesypiecat

I was so uwu upset after what happened with Charlotte. How could she say that? I was so sure that Axel wanted me. I mean, he purposely bumped into me!! If thats not a sign that hes in love - then i dont know what is.

I walked down the wowzie stairs on my way to class, trying not to cry because thats weak and im not weak. I am strong. Even though I don't feel like it right now, i have to be. Thats what daddy always told me growing up. Be strong, bella arabella kentucky olivie rav'n faery walter. You can be strong. So i will be. Kachow!

"Bella arabella kentucky walter!!!!!" called a deep voice behind me.

It was.......... AXEL!!!!

"O-o-o-o-o-o-oh, h-h-h-h-h-hi A-x-x-x-xel......" i s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-stuttered (i'm a snake sssssssssss ) adorably.

"So i heard what happened with you and Charbie chrosbabie."

Charbie?? So they have freaking nicknames for each other already?

I sigh depressly, "U-h-h-h-h y-y-yeah.... It was t-t-totally dope! Shes funny honestly" i tried to act all baddie so he wouldnt know how pathetic i actually am.

"Calm brada brad mate mankind. That was totally kachowy if u ask me' he said with an evil vampire rich badboy billionaire werewolf smirk.

I-i-i i can't believe my ears!!!!! Is he- is he- is he- IS HE.................

"R-r-r-r-r-r-really daddypoo ?" I stuttered out with my cute uwu eyes.

"HahAhJa hAha haHaaa iaAhaJa. YOU THOUGHT. CALM MANKIND. I WAS JUST FUCKING WITCHU. YOU PATHETIC LITTLE BITCH ASS SLUT" he roared at me evilly and richly. I can feel his richness radiating from within his blue and purple shiny and sparkling orbs.

I started tearing up. No- not tearing out. The niagra falls were escaping my sparkly dusty orbs.

He stood there. Laughing at me.

"Calm mankind. Is calm" he said. He opened his huge bulky muscly opioid steroid arms for a hug. I opened my arms back, to hug him back, but he grabbed me, picked me up and threw me aside like a bag of potatoes. He roared laughing, and strode off with his long strides.

I was so small. So helpless. On the floor. Like a bald chicken. And then.............

I saw them..............

Charbie and her posse coming right at me!

They were just talking at first. But then, they notice me, with smeared makeup and wet face, crumpled and bruised, tossed away by axel like some trash. They exploded in laughter. They heard about what happened.

"Youre so pathetic!" squealed one of the girls in charlotte's posse.

"This is such a miserable scene!" screeched the other. 

"See? Even axel thinks your small dumb and pathetic. Hope NOW you'll realize who u actually are and learnt to know your fucking place" said charlotte with a laugh.

Thats it i thought. I couldn't do this any longer. I lifted my head and looked her straight in the eyes. I wiped my face with my sleeves, and got up. I stared down into her soul.

And started singing.

"And all those things I didn't say...

Wrecking balls inside my brain...

I will scream them loud tonight...

Can you hear my voice this time?................."




I paused. Then i whipped around, and strode to the dorms.

A/N: hey kittens! i love this chapter soooooo muchie!! i think bella arabella is so badass, freak charlotte! stay tuned for the next chapter!! uwu

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