Coach Knowles


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"Maraj! You're late.." Some woman busted in the gym but trailed off when she got closer. "Who's this?" "This... More



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some of y'all already read this but please comment again because wattpad really has me fucked up. i almost unpublished the whole thing but i didn't so be nice and comment please.


We were at Amir's game and I regret bringing Imani. She kept trying to run to Bey and I had to hold her so she couldn't.

It's not her fault, she doesn't know she can't be doing all this in front of Amir. We're not technically doing anything wrong by being friends but it would be weird for him.

She woke me up at 4:00am all dressed and told me she was ready to go see BeyBey. I had to lie and tell her it was still night.

I had to take her to Augusts house right after the game, he was texting my phone talking about some "bring me my daughter."

I hate him.

Sometimes Bey would yell and both Imani and I would jump. I just remembered why I was scared of her when I first met her.

After the game ended before I could stop her, Imani ran to Bey.

She picked her up the second she noticed her, luckily Amir and the rest of the team were already in the locker room.

I grabbed my purse and walked down the bleachers to where they were. She said something to Imani and she started laughing.

"Imani what did I tell you?"

"You're being mean." She crossed her arms and furrowed her eyebrows, she looked like Bey a little.

"I'm not being mean you just need to learn how to listen. I said to stay with me."

"BeyBey?" I don't know what she thought calling her name was going to do.

"Listen to your mom, I'm minding my business." She looked around like we weren't here.

"Where's Robyn?" I can't believe I'm actually looking for her.

"In the locker room talking to the boys, probably."

I let Imani stay with Bey while parents came up to her to talk but I felt my phone vibrate back to back, I didn't even have to check to know it was August.

"Imani it's time to go." I already know she's about to make this harder than it needs to be.


"You don't wanna go see daddy? He misses you."

"I wanna stay with BeyBey!" Imani was holding onto her for dear life and she didn't know what to do.

"Mani you can see me during the week, I promise. I'll get you a new hat."

"I want a basketball one. Or one for coloring."

There's no way she got Imani into her weird hat thing too.

"Okay princess. I'll see you in a couple days." She handed Imani to me and she actually let me take her.

"Bye BeyBey." Imani was wiping her eyes with her fist.

"See you soon, I promise."

I left after that. Amir was going out with his friends like he does after every basketball game.
Imani talked about Bey the whole ride to Augusts house. She wants a hat for eating dinner. I don't think she understands the whole hat thing completely.

When I pulled into his driveway I texted him, I wasn't going to get out. I was so mad at the way he was blowing my phone up.

He acts like the reason he barely sees her is because I'm keeping her away from him and not because he just doesn't want to see her.

I would never, no matter how much of a dickhead he is.

I saw him come out him house and around the car to get to Imanis side to get her out. I didn't say a word the entire time, I had nothing to say to him.

After he got Imani and her bag he came to the drivers side window and knocked on it. If Imani wasn't here I would've cussed him out for touching my car.

I looked straight forward like I couldn't see him. Maybe he'll get the hint and go away.

He didn't. He knocked on the window and Imani did too. She knows better, she's just doing this because her dads here.

I rolled the window down halfway and waited for him to talk.

"Hey Nic."

"She was sick earlier this week but she should be fine. If she doesn't feel good you can give her medicine but make sure it's for kids."

"Mommy he said hi."

"Hello." That was the best he was going to get. "Imani be good, okay?"

"Of course!" I can tell she's already plotting.

"Okay I love you and I'll see you Sunday." I had to basically put my body through the window to give her a kiss on the cheek.

"Can I have one too?" August pointed to his cheek. He tried it.

"It's not nice to leave people out." I really regret teaching her that.

"I'm already back in my seat, sorry. See you tomorrow." I put my car in reverse and drove off.

Amir was still out with his friends and he was getting dropped off by one of his friends so that was one thing I didn't need to worry about.

They always stay out for hours but it's one or two days out of the week and he deserves it. Compared to how I was at his age, he's a good kid.

He came home and to his room to do homework or play that basketball game. It makes no sense to me, he plays basketball in real life and he comes home to play it on his tv.

I laid in bed and read all day until I had to get up to make dinner.

Before I went to sleep I put a face mask on and took a bath. Thank God Robyn was too tired to bother me today.

The next morning, I woke up feeling better than ever. My body needed that day of relaxing.

Amir had another basketball game so I dropped him off there and went to get Imani.

I should've taken him to her on Friday but she wanted to see "BeyBey."

When I got to his house I texted him that I was outside but he told me to come inside because he wanted to talk to me about something. Imani probably threw up again.

I left the car running and jumped out the car. I took a deep breath and counted backwards from ten before I rang the doorbell.

He opened the door in a tank top and sweatpants. I don't know what he was trying to flex, he was built like Robyn.

"Imani!" I yelled for her, she's never ready when I'm here.

"Come in." He basically pulled me inside and closed the door.

"What do you want?" I was already annoyed from being in his presence for this long.

"You have your nigga around my daughter?"

"Excuse me?" He must have me confused with someone else. That's the only explanation I can think of for why he's talking to me like this.

"Who the fuck is BeyBey?" He had me cornered so I couldn't move if I wanted to.

"That's what this is about? Eat a dick August."

I can't believe I just told him to eat a dick. This is why I hate talking to him, he always brings out the old me before I had kids.

"You seem to be doing enough of that for the both of us. You want a new car? Is that it? Onika all you have to do is ask."

"She has nothing to do with me wanting a car or money or anything, you just say anything."

I wasn't going to tell him we were just friends because it was none of his business what her and I were, I'm single.

"She? You're dating a girl? You're a grown woman Onika."

"What does me being a grown woman have to do with anything? Move." I tried to slide past him but he stepped in front of me.

"I don't want that shit around my daughter."

"August move. I'm done talking about this with you." I tried to walk past him but he stepped in my way again.

"I want custody of Imani."

I pushed him back by his chest to move him but he pushed me back and my head hit the wall.

"Mommy?" Imani was at the top of the stairs with her backpack on.

This feels like a Tyler Perry movie.

That hurt like hell but I was trying to keep a poker face. I was seeing stars and black spots.

"Imani go wait in the car, me and your mom are talking."

"But I can't get in." If I have to jump to get in the car I don't know why he thought she would be able to.

"Go wait outside."


"Yeah, let's go." I tried to walk past him a third time and this time he grabbed my arm.

"She's not waiting outside by herself, do you know how old she is? Let me go." I gritted lowly so Imani couldn't hear me.

"Imani I'll help you in the car so me and you mom can finish talking." His grip on my arm got tighter, there was definitely going to be a bruise.

"I wanna stay with mommy." She came down the stairs and held my hand that wasn't on the arm he was grabbing.

"What did I just say?"

He's not usually like this, he's only doing all this because he thinks I'm with someone else.

Instead of listening to him she looked up at him. She barely listens to him and he wants custody of her.

"Baby just go wait in the car, I'll be there in less than two minutes."

After that she finally went him. He came back a couple minutes later without her.

"I was serious when I said I wanted custody."

"You must be out of your rabbit ass mind. You think because you watch her for a couple days out of the month you know how to be a father? You couldn't half the shit I do on a daily basis for these kids."

He has me fucked up.

"Stop acting like I don't do shit for them."

"What do you do?! Pay for Amir's school and buy Imani toys and watch her for a couple days and then not think about her?! Father of the fucking year."

"All I do is pay for his school? It's the least I can do for someone else's son. That's your mistake you made at 17, not mine."

I slapped him.

"If you EVER talk about my son like that, I swear to-" I had to stop and take a deep breath before I said something I would regret. "Jesus Christ himself as my witness, say some shit like that again and I'm fucking you up I don't care how big you think you are."

"Onika I'm not putting my hands on you so don't put your fucking hands on me."

"Fuck you." He has me fucked up more than he ever has all because he thinks I'm in a relationship with a woman.

"I'm going to win this custody battle. You have no source of income and nothing to your name. Everything you have is mine."

"Who's fault is that?! You did all that shit on purpose so you could control me! Who the fuck sees a pregnant high schooler as a grown ass man and says "Oh you can't go to college, I'll take care of you." You fucked my whole life up!"

I wanted to go to college but he wouldn't let me. I actually got into several but he would hide the letters or simply tell me I couldn't go.

"Oh I fucked your life up but having a baby at 17 didn't? You're so backwards Onika. I treated you better than any of those niggas that used to beat on you, you're the one that likes older men. Take some accountability."

"You don't see how fucked up you sound? You were in his life from the day he was born and after you get caught cheating and put out you just throw him to the side like he's nothing? Do you know how many fucking nights I had to comfort him because the man he thinks is his father loves his sister and not him? Fuck you."

I pushed past him and this time he let me leave.

"Bring that bitch or nigga or whoever around my daughter and I'm killing her. You know what I'm capable of Onika." I heard him say as I was leaving.

"Eat a fucking dick!" I yelled and slammed the door as hard as I could.

I was pissed off but I couldn't show it. The second I got in the car Imani burst into tears.

"Why are you crying baby?" I felt like shit because she had to see that and he made me leave her in the car for as long as I did.

"Daddy said I can't see BeyBey anymore." She was hiccuping every couple words.

"Yes you can, he was just kidding." Who does this to their daughter they claim to love? All because he wants to control every part of our lives.

"No he said it's bad!"

"Here, I'll call her right now. It's not bad at all." I was so mad I was sure I was driving above the speed limit. I was trying my best to stay calm for Imani.

I called her and handed Imani my phone after I put in on speaker.

I really can't believe he would do that to her. For him to say shit to me was one thing but for him to be in his own daughter ear spewing hate was a whole different thing.

"Hello?" She answered, it sounded like she was still at the game.

"BeyBey!" Imani burst into tears again.

"Why are you crying princess?"

She started blabbering but none of her words were making sense because she was still crying.

"Is your mom around? Can I talk to her?"

Imani looked up at me and I shook my head no, I really couldn't talk right now.

"Bathroom." Was the only word I understood, I taught her well.

"Okay I'm on my way. Do you want me to bring anything?"

"Brownies!" Oh but she could say that clearly.

"Okay I'll see you soon, bye."

"Bye bye." She hung up and she was smiling now. Thank God.

She sang along to the kids songs I played the whole way home, that phone call really made her feel better. Me too in a way.

I got her a happy meal and ice cream because I felt so bad.

We got home and Imani went straight to the table to eat. She ate the ice cream in the car but she wanted to be able to watch tv and eat so she didn't eat her food.

I turned a show on her her and went upstairs to my room. The second the door closed I broke down. I wasn't sad or anything I was just so fucking angry.

A couple minutes later I heard the door open. It was probably Bey.

When I heard Imani laugh downstairs I knew it was her.

A knock on my room door made me jump up. "Yes?"

"It's Bey, can I come in?"

"Um one moment." I looked a mess. I ran to my bathroom to wash my face and tried to make my hair look as normal as possible.

I opened the door only halfway, "Yes?"

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I was just... naked." That was the best excuse I could think of on my feet. I didn't want her to know I was crying.

"You've been crying." She took that as invitation into my bedroom.

"The game ended?"

"Yeah right before I left, we won. Why were you crying? Does that have anything to do with why Imani called my phone crying?"

I shook my head no, I know if I opened my mouth to talk I would end up crying.

"Can I hug you?" She always asks for permission before she touches me.

I nodded and wrapped my arms around her torso, I needed this hug more than I thought. She started rubbing my back and I felt like crying all over again, I don't know why.

"You don't have to tell me what happened but if you want to I won't judge."

"My ex husband is such a dickhead."

"Dickhead? That's a new one."

I looked up and her and squinted my eyes, she can't be serious right now.

"Sorry, go ahead."

I put my head back against her chest. "I guess Imani was asking for you when she was over there and he assumed you and I were together. When he found out you were a woman he said he wanted custody of her and he knows if we went to court he would get it. He just started throwing a bunch of stuff in my face and he told Imani she couldn't see you anymore and it was bad."

"That's so messed up, I'm really sorry." She was still rubbing my back and it was calming me down from having to talk about August again.

We definitely shouldn't be hugging like this.

"I need to make sure Imani didn't get in the cabinet with the cookies in it." I pulled away from her and quickly went down the stairs, I didn't even care that I left her in my room alone.

She was right behind me and when I went downstairs Imani wasn't at the table anymore. I found her in the living room speaking into the remote.

"Princess Tiana please!" She was over it.

"Sorry. No results for 'Princess Tiana please.'"

"Do you want me to do it for you baby?" We would be here all night if she did it. Kids always call movies the main characters name.

She sighed and handed me the remote. "We can watch Princess Tiana with BeyBey?"

"Of course, anything you want princess." She answered for me.

They got comfortable and I popped some popcorn for all three of us. I went back into the living room and the lights were off and Imani was comfortable in Beys lap.

I set the popcorn down and sat a respectful distance away.

"BeyBey you have to put your arm around my mommy like the family in the commercial."

"They were mommy and daddy we're not.." She trailed off when Imani started crying. Once again, she was fake crying.

She scooted closer to me and put her arm around me. "Is this good? Please stop crying."

Nobody asked me what I wanted but okay.

Imani nodded and immediately stopped crying. This can't be normal.

She fell asleep almost right after the movie started, she always does. I was ready to fall asleep right after her, we both had a long morning.

"Onika?" Bey was speaking quietly since Imani was sleeping.

"Hmm?" I was just about to go to sleep.

"I think maybe I- I was thinking maybe we could- um nevermind."

"Okay." I was too tired to care. That's the last thing I remembered before I fell asleep.

I was confused when I woke up in bed but I went back to sleep. This was different for me, I never take naps.

just know this was going to be way worse but the chapter was already long enough so i gave you guys a good ending. i'll save the rest of the bad stuff for next time :)




Amir not being Augusts son?

August wanting custody of Imani?

Bey coming over to comfort Onika and Imani?

What do you think Bey was going to say before she cut herself off?

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