(Glamrock Freddy x reader) A...

By luver1221

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Y/N is a 22 year old who just finally graduated college with a robotics engineering course and is now looking... More

Chapter 1 Finding a job
Chapter 2 the interview and first night
Chapter 3 what we are feeling
Chapter 4 The Party
Chapter 5 After Party/2 night
Chapter 6 Third Night
Chapter 7 The Incident
Chapter 8 Moving Procedure
Chapter 9 The Arrival
Chapter 10 Day 2
Chapter 11 The Park Part 1
Chapter 12 The Park Part 2
Chapter 13 The Park Final Part
Chapter 14 Time To Go
Chapter 15 Back to Work
Chapter 16 Meeting Moon
Valentine's Day Special
Chapter 17 Moon's Chip
Chapter 18 Meeting Eclipse
Chapter 19 You Good? Part 1
Chapter 20 You Good? Part 2
Chapter 21 Intruder Alert
Chapter 23 The Projects Approval
Chapter 24 Bonnie Day 1
Chapter 25 Hey Mom, hey Dad
Chapter 26 Hey Rockstar
Chapter 27 Foxy
Chapter 28 Where am I?
Chpater 29 The Raceway
Chapter 30 William Afton
Chapter 31 Recovery
Chapter 32 Fixing the animatronic's
Chapter 33 Their explanations
Chapter 34 Were Bored
Chapter 35 Our Party
Chapter 36 You What!?
Chapter 37 Foxy's Problem
Chapter 38 Time To Go
Chapter 39 Grand Re-Re-Opening

Chapter 22 White Rabbit Man?

142 9 6
By luver1221

(A/n just a small little warning there is some lime/fluff in this chapter I'll put '😏' when it starts and I'll put '😀' when done for those who dont like that stuff. :D)

Y/n's POV

Where am I? Where's Liam and the others? Why is it so dark? It's like an endless abyss of darkness. I dont like it. It's really cold too, why is this happening to me? A-am I d-dead? Is there really no such thing as a heaven or hell. Is it reall just pure pitch black. No, I have to wake up I cant die just yet. I have a brother to take care of, I have three amazing friends that love me I cant be dead they'll be devastated, a-and Freddy he'll hate himself if I die I-I promised him that I wont leave him... I cant speak why cant I talk? I can move I can walk but not talk, why is that. I see a light should I walk to it? B-but what if that's heaven, what if I did die and now I chose where to stay either in the dark or go to the light. That's it jm going I'm sorry to all if I leave without saying bye....

"Sugarplum wake up you've been sleeping for 12 hours already." Freddy said

Huh Freddy where? I hear him but where the light I hear him near the light I have to I cant be dead come on legs run faster.

"Hmmnn.." I groaned

"Oh thank goodness your awake already." Freddy said

"What huh i-im not dead?" I said looking around me

"No silly why would you be." Freddy said

"It was dark and cold, it was just an endless abyss of pitch black I thought I died." I said rubbing my eyes

"I think you were passed out sugarplum byt your here now your ok your safe with me." Freddy said hugging you

"Ha right I'm safe now I'm safe with you.... wait where's Liam is he awake is he ok did we find him." I said

"Woah woah sugarplum relax he's ok you were the one who found him remember well I mean you two were passed out on the third floor near the elevator." Freddy said

"What no I dont remember seeing him near me but I do remember one thing that's for sure." I said shuddering just by thinking about the white rabbit I saw

"Ok well stay here we can talk soon about it I'm gunna go check on Monty to see if Liam is awake." Freddy said and you nodded and he left

Who was that rabbit or bunny or whatever the fuck that was last night? He had a knife that's for sure but he didnt hurt me for some reason but at the same time he just dissapeared just like that no where to be seen but one thing is that he's still lurking in the plex.

"Hey sugarplum Liam's awake so he and Monty are coming here soon are you hungry?" Freddy said

"Huh oh yes I am also what time is it?" I said

"It is 6:35 in the afternoon you were asleep since 5 almost 6 am so that makes it 12 maybe 13 hours you've been sleeping for not just you also Liam." Freddy said

"Wait 12 to 13 hours whatt?!!" I said panicking and getting up

"Woah woah sugarplum relax sit down." Freddy said

"Yea that was a mistake my head hurts now, but Gregory school who took him and Samantha I need to call her and Vanessa they must be worried as fuck." I said

"Dont worry Roxy and Chica called Samantha last night and told them everything and Vanessa knows too so dont worry ok and also language please." Freddy said

"Right sorry and thank you for calling them." I said smiling at him

"Its ok but like I said are you hungry?" Freddy asked

"Oh yes yes very." I said

"Ha ok well I'll go get a box or two of pizza for both you and Liam." Freddy said and left

As I waited Monty and Liam had came in the room.

"Hey sweet thang how you feeling." Monty said as Liam sat next to me

"I feel good better I guess." I said

"You know you two gave us all a pretty good scare especially you Liam." Monty said

"Yea Liam you did now where did you go?" I said turning over to him

"I-I dont know one second I was home sleeping then theres like a huge blank space and then I'm at the plex but something was off it's like I wasnt me then another blank and here I am." Liam said

"Huh something like that happened to us well I'll explain that once Freddy comes back." Monty said and both me and Liam looked at each other then to him all confused

You guys waited a good couple minutes until Freddy came back with the pizza.

"Hey sorry I took long one Chica kept on trying to take the pizza and since were still open a couple of kids and adults wanted pictures." Freddy said placing the pizza's down

"Oh yea what time is it now?" I said

"6:50, we start telling people to leave at 7 7:30 maybe 8 and from there on they clean up the place and they leave the rest to you." Monty said

"Oh ok then." I said grabbing a slice of pizza for both me and Liam

"Ok well I know Monty and I have a lot of questions so eat up cause it's going to be a lot." Freddy said

You all ate and did small talk about things and after you guys finished eating the questions started coming from both Freddy and Monty quick.

"Ok first question is to Liam where in the actual hell were you all day yesterday." Monty said and we all stared at him

"Like I said I dont know it's all blank. The only things I remember is the plex you guys going back home and then I woke up at the plex again and then all blank and now here." Liam said

"Hey it's ok if you cant remember but, I have a question for you Liam." I said and he nodded so I can continue. "Ok so when you say that you were here again and then blank did you see a white rabbit or bunny with a knife." I said

"Huh no I havent seen that." Liam said

"Wait like in white rabbit man knife and run?" Freddy questioned

"Wait you saw it too so it's not just me." I said

"No no when you were asleep you kept on saying white, rabbit, man, knife and then run for a good couple times." Freddy said

"Wait so who's this white rabbit bunny man thing." Monty said

"When we got the alert on the third floor when we ran and got out of the elevator my vision went all blurry and like static I dont know why I even called out to you guys but you couldn't hear me for some reason and you guys continued running and then I saw the rabbit with a knife its voice was all distorted I couldn't really make out what he said other than he had to complete a task and that I'm interfering and when I asked what he meant he just said something about that's something for me to find out." I said and they all looked at me

"Wow that is a lot to take in." Monty said

"Well do you know what happened after?" Freddy said

"Um I dont know he just dissapeared and I went out cold after." I said

"Ok so that means that he is still here in the plex and we can all be in danger." Freddy said

"What if tries to kill one of us he did say something about me interfering with his task." I said

"Well that is true but we dont know what his task is." Monty said

"Hmm...well all we can do for the moment is keep our eyes peeled for this white rabbit bunny man and from there we see what happens." Freddy said

"Yea I guess so and also Monty what did you mean about blank while running?" I said

"Oh right while we were running to find the alert it's like a good amount of seconds were missing like if we were on autopilot until we hit a certain place I dont know how to explain but yea." Monty said

"I have a small feeling it might've have to do with the white rabbit thing. Like what if only y/n can see him but not us or wait Roxy she has special eyes maybe she saw something." Freddy said and ran out of his room to get Roxy and came back

"Ok Freddy why am I brought to this shit I was with Chica hanging out." Roxy said and looked at all three of you guys. "O...kay um why did you want me."

"Yesterday night did you see someone with a white rabbit costume." I said

"Uh I'm not sure but I've seen a white rabbit a couple times yesterday during the day but I didnt say anything cause I thought nothing of it why?" Roxy said

"That rabbit is dangerous he has a knife I saw him yesterday but he made my vision really blurry and all static like so if you see it again try to see where are the most places he appears at so that way we can tell Vanessa to be on a look out." I said

"Yea sure I'll keep a look out then...so I can go back now then right." Roxy said

"Yes Roxy you can leave now thank you for your time." Freddy said and she left

"So that's it right or do you guys have more questions." I said

"Well I do have one more but that's something I wanna know only." Freddy said

"Oh damn that is our time to leave then Liam let's go." Monty said picking him up and they left

"Uh am I in trouble orrr what." I said

"Haha no sugarplum your not in trouble but I want to know what you meant by 'I'm not dead yet'". Freddy said

I looked at him and I knew what he meant so I explained everything to him about how I felt in that dark abyss that felt like a never ending thing.

"Huh that's really crazy but you are ok right." Freddy said

"Yea I am now since well I'm not dead heh." I said nervously


"You want me to get that off your mind?" Freddy said

"Well depends on how you plan on doing that." I said

He got closer to me and sat next to and then propped me up on his laps.

"What are you doing papa bear?" I questioned him

"Oh nothing just that I miss this." He said and started kissing you

I pulled away and looked at him and laughed. "You know I missed that too and we've haven't really had our alone time." I said while snuggling up to him

"Yea we havent had our alone time in a long time." Freddy said and started kissing your neck

"Heh hey that tickles." I said

"So what if it does I know you enjoy it~." Freddy said and continued

I rolled my eyes and let him do his thing cause I mean who wouldn't.

"You know Freddy if you want we can try these new upgrades you got." I said whispering in his ear

"W-wait r-really?!" Freddy said looking at you

"Haha yes really, now you get to decide which one though." I said

"Can we try both then Superstar~." Freddy said

"Hmm... no, only one or the other but not both not just yet~." I said

"Hmm well let's start off easy then shall we." He said and licked my neck

"Eeek..." I yelped

"Heh dont squirm around to much Superstar." He said grabbing you tighter to him and started kissing your neck

Freddy would take small nibbles onto your neck leaving a trail of love marks and here and there he would lick you making you get surprised every time and then after he started attacking you with kisses on your lips. Then little by little he would try to stick his tounge inside your mouth but then you wouldn't let him until he grabbed at your ass making you gasp and he took that opportunity to shove his tounge in.

"Mngh~." Was all I could do for his tounge was a lot bigger than mine

Our tongues pretty much wrestled each other at this point which I kinda found hot really. When suddenly Freddy snapped me out of my thoughts by biting down on my shoulder lightly but hard enough to leave a mark.

"Ha~!" I let out

Did I just fucking find that hot what is wrong with me bro.

"Sugarplum d-did I hurt you I'm s-sorry I didnt mean to." Freddy said kissing where he bit me

I blushed and just said nothing and looked away but I think he noticed my light blush.

"Lemme guess you liked that didnt you." Freddy said

"Mhm." Was all I said

Freddy did a deep chuckle and started removing my shirt, but me on the other hand forgot about the wound on my stomach and the stitches that were still there so he just looked at them and with his finger he hoverd over the wound and I covered myself and reached for my shirt.

"And what do you think your doing?" Freddy said holding my hand

"Uh g-getting my shirt." I said nervously

"And why are you grabbing it?" He said

"S-so I can cover my stomach." I said

"Well I dont allow that Superstar I wanna see you all of you." Freddy said

"R-right you dont care how I look heh." I said nervously and let go of the shirt

"Good Superstar good." He said and started kissing you again while his hands traced up and down your back making you shiver on his touch

I want more of this. I want more action. I wanna feel more of his touch not just small things.

"F-freddy?" I said and he stopped what he was doing

"Yes Superstar~?" Freddy said

"C-can we do more please." I said

"Haha really Superstar you said only one not both." Freddy said using your own words against you

"Well I change my mind please." I said all doe eyed

"I'll see then." Freddy said


"Oooo~ see what." Monty said while leaning on the door

"MOTNY WHAT THE DUCK!" Freddy yelled covering you

"PPFFFTTT HAHAAHH YOU JUST SAID WHAT THE DUCK!! Monty said laughing his ass off on the floor

I looked a Freddy and he looked down at me like he was trying to say sorry and I laughed too and grabbed my shirt.

"Monty how long have you been there watching." I said while he tried catching his breath

"Not long I just opened the door slowly really and saw you on him and when I heard the rest I said what I said and yea here we are." Monty said

"Monty you really need to knock man." Freddy said almost in a growl

"Freddy it's ok." I said patting his shoulder and getting off him

"But sugarplummm it's TRUE he needs to learn how to knock." Freddy whined

"Oh whatever you big baby." I said

"Yea you big baby." Monty laughed

"Monty you got 3 seconds to run." Freddy said and Monty ran for it. "I'm sorry sugarplum I owe you next time ok." He said with a wink, kissed you and ran to catch up to Monty

*sigh* "What a bunch of grown ass kids." I laughed and grabbed my phone. "Wow 8:25 I should be able to go home shower and come back right?" I said and walked out of his room to go to Monty's to check on Liam

I knocked on the door and heard a faint come in.

"Hey Liam how you feeling." I said

"Oh hey buttercup I'm good I think." Liam said

"Hey what's wrong buddy you good." I said

"Y/n I-I think something's wrong with me." Liam said

"What do you mean by that Liam?" I said

"I dont know how to explain it but all I know is that something's wrong with me I can feel it but I'm not sure sometimes I feel wrong then sometimes I feel ok." Liam explained

"Its ok Liam everyone feels like that somedays." I said

"Y-yea I guess so." Liam said

I looked at Liam and he didnt seem to be alright I cant say anything really if he doesnt know how to explain it either so I'm just trying my best to make him feel better but something feels like he also isnt telling me everything but at the same time maybe he is, but I dont know if he is then he is and if he isnt then he wont so I can force it from him.

"Hey sweet thang and Liam." Month said bursting through the door

"Hello Monty wheres Freddy?" I asked

"Oh right behind me." Monty gulped while Freddy loomed over him

"I got you now you asshole." Freddy said

"Woah they Freddy language buddy." I said crossing my arms and Liam laughed

"Hey you says bad words too why cant I." Freddy huffed

"Ha how do you like the taste of your own medicine bitch." I laughed

"Sugarplum language." Freddy said

"You see what I mean." I said rolling my eyes. "Now leave the poor alligator alone."

"Poor alligator my ass." Freddy said whispering the last part thinking no one heard

"Freddy..." I said shaking my head

"Whattt..." Freddy said looking away

"Oh whatever ok its 8:50 almost 9 imma go home and shower. Liam you wanna work tonight or how you wanna do this." I said

"Um if I remember correctly the boss wanted to see me right." Liam said

"Oh shit yea ok lets go to his office, and I'll see you guys later ok bye." I said grabbing Liam and left the room

You both walked to the office and you boss only wanted to talk to him so you patiently waited outside until Liam came out.

"So how'd it go?" I said

"Oh just that he wants me back on day shift since night shift isnt really working with me." Liam said

"Oh ok then well let's go home but did he say you have to work tomorrow or no." I said

"Sadly yes heh I have to work but I get to work with Vanessa so that's good." Liam said

"Lucky you get someone to work with while i have to work alone." I pouted

"Ha it's ok you work better alone actually." Liam said

"I guess so ha ok well let's go home then." I said

The drive home was silent not awkward that's for sure both you and Liam would here and there sing a song if it was good.

"Alright we are home." I said while getting off the car

I opened the door getting greeted by all three little rascals Isa Gregeoy and Lucky.

"Hey guys sorry we didnt come home but we are here now." I said hugging them

"And liams with you!" Gregory said and hugged him

"Hey buddy sorry I've been acting weird." Liam said

"Its ok people get like that Liam if you need someone to cheer you up tell me and I'll get Lucky to cheer you up and we can all be happy." Gregory said

You smiled at the sight of Liam smiling and laughing while Gregory told him how his first and second day of school went and how many friends he made and how some of his friends fight for the dumbest things.

*sigh* "Hey Samantha where you at." I said

"Over here in the kitchen." Samantha said and I walked over there

"Did you tell the station that we found Liam." I said

"Yep I did and they said that there happy to know we found him safe and not in any danger." Samantha said smiling

"Yea I'm happy to know that he was found safe and sound." I said looking over to where they were at

"Well shouldnt you be showering." Samantha said

"Ughh dont remind me." I said fixing my shirt

*gasp* "Oh my godddd." Samantha squealed

"What!?" I said

"Eeeee you have a bit mark on your shoulder oh my god did you and Freddy wait did you." Samantha said all excited

"N-no...well almost until Mont interrupted us." I said

"Ppffttt that's funny." Samantha said

I rolled my eyes and left to shower. When I was undressing myself I saw all the love marks Freddy left and the bite mark he made making me blush remember that moment. Once I finished showering it was 9:30 so I took a small nap until it hit 11:30.

~time skip~

"Hey l/n how are you?" Mr. Williams said as he saw you getting out of your car

"Oh hey boss I'm good just been hectic the past few days that's all." I said

"Well dont worry about ti everything will be fine dont over due yourself ok kid." He said and left

"Yep I'll try my best." I said to myself and walked into the plex

Once your shift started you had to do a lot so you didnt really have time to spend with Freddy at all but only when he needed his check up along with the others. You had to check all bots from all three floors, clean the main stage, check the animatronic's including Sun and Moon, you had to clean the daycare's ball bit which was a bitch, then clean the west arcade too but sine DJMM was there he played music for you so you weren't cleaning in silence. After doing all that you had to watch the cameras from the office to make sure no intruders came in which of course nothing happened and also you didnt see the white rabbit man so that was good. Once your shift finished you had to go home and drop Gregory off at school with Isa and Samantha and once back at home you knocked out as soon as you hit your bed.

(A/n Hello damn bro I'm on a roll with chapters really I'm really proud of myself but I know well that it wont keep up like this lol. But other than that I hope you enjoy this chapter I hope you guys dont find it weird or boring but other than that see you on the next one goodnight/morning to all!!)

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